
Reborn in MCU as Doctor Stephen Strange

Reincarnated in a world of full of superheros, Super villains and gods, watch how a transmigrated person affects the MCU universe. ____________________________________________ This universe timeline is a bit different form MUC. The MC starts learning magic after Iron man 1. And Iron man 1 takes place in 2010. ____________________________________________ You can support the story by giving power stones

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Chapter 3 Why? and Knowledge

<Current Time>

(Then I saw his face changing in real time. It was like the previous appearance was made out of illusion, and now his true self is in front of me.)

Stephen: Fuck. Stan Lee.

One Above All: Hello, Stephen. I know it is a lot for you to understand, but I was the one who brought you here. If it was possible, I wouldn't have brought you.

Stephen: But why me?

OAA: There was no specific reason for choosing you, but I came across you while looking for a suitable candidate for this body.

Stephen: There where other to. You could have taken any on of them.

OAA: Your soul and body weren't in harmony. Your body wasn't able to adapt to your soul. Your soul had a large capacity for magic power, but the rules of your world didn't let your body evolve.

(I was stunned listening to what he said. I was just picked up randomly from billions of people living on earth just because my soul and body were not in harmony, and he just said it so casually like it was nothing.)

Stephen: What right do you have to take me out of my world?

OAA: Yes, I don't have the right to take you out of your world. But your life, Stephen, was going to get messy. If I hadn't taken you out, you would have eventually died after 1 or 2 years. Your body and soul were in too much dissonance.

Stephen: Then what about my family and friends who lived on earth, and what about my memories? Most of them are gone. I can't remember anything about my life.

OAA: Yes, there were some family members, but they were all distant relatives, and you were a restrained and inhibited introvert, so you didn't have much contact with them. As for your memories, it was due to a lack of magic. Earth and the universe from where you are is a unique place. It doesn't have magic. Even in a backwater universe, there is at least some amount of magic power. In this vast omniverse, there are many versions of your Earth, and each of them has magic. When someone with high magical capacity dies, they tend to retain their memories, and some of them are given the option of being reincarnated. Of course, without memories, that is. They can only choose which world they want to go to and some small benefits. And sometimes one or two of those 1000 are exempt from memory wiping.

Stephen: Why?

OAA: Because they are being sent there for the rectification of their world.

See, there was a pact made between us administrators. The pact said that we would not interfere in our universe's matters directly.

Stephen: But you can interfere in the universe of another administrator.

OAA: Yes, we can interfere in other multiverse. But to do so, we would be met with that multiverse administrator. And since your universe didn't have an administrator, I was able to bring you here.

Stephen: Then they can also bring someone from my previous world to theirs.

OAA: Yes, they can, but finding someone like you is nearly impossible.

Stephen: Can't they just give them power ups

OAA: No they can't. It was mentioned in the pact, so no power ups.

Stephen: So that's the reason you didn't give me anything.

OAA: Yes, sorry about that.

Stephen: Why didn't my universe have an administrator?

OAA: How much do you know about the Omniverse?

Stephen: It is a collection of different types of universes.

OAA: Yes, you are right. See, every different type of universe has its own copy. It may have some variations, but the basic principles are the same. And here is where your universe comes in. It's quite unique. It doesn't have its own multiverse. There are similar universes like it, but their principles are different.

Stephen: It's like not having any magic.

OAA: Yes, such as no magic, but there are other things, such as no parallel universes, no major control over space and time, and no administrator.

Stephen: What do you mean by "administrator" and "control over space and time"?

OAA: Administrators are people like me who watch over a multiverse. And major control over space and time means no one would be able to create a time machine in your universe. You may be able to control a little bit of it, but not too much.

Stephen: You mean in all other universes, time travel is possible?

OAA: Yes and no. Most of the universe does not have the right technology for it. And some don't even have the right materials for their construction.

Stephen: Can't you use magic for time travel?

OAA: Yes, you can, but the amount of magic required is too much, and the correct way is not known at all. Let's get back to the main point. Where was I? Ah, yes, your universe is unique. It doesn't have its own multiverse, but it is somehow connected to every other multiverse. When someone dies in your universe, their soul is automatically transferred to another multiverse and they get reincarnated. From what we administrators have seen so far, we think your universe is the prime universe from which every other multiverse is formed. Every soul that dies here goes to another universe for its next life. We administrators are one of the most powerful entities in the Omniverse, but we can not influence anything in that universe. After exhausting most of my powers, I was able to pull your soul out of it. And as for your memories, I gave you a constant supply of a large amount of magic power to let you retain your memories, but it was still not enough, so I decided to retain your experience over your life memories. And since I was using my magic, which has a natural perception ability, you also gained a little bit of it. You must have felt her. She was watching you closely.

Stephen: Why was she watching me? Did she catch me?

(I asked him being a little bit afraid. He chuckled and said)

Stan Lee: No, she didn't catch you. She is just observing you, thinking, Why are you special?