
Reborn In Marvel With Space Manipulation

Title: Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation Synopsis: In *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation*, Axel, a disillusioned fan, is granted extraordinary space powers by the deity All For One. With newfound abilities, Axel embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe, seeking redemption and purpose. As Axel navigates the intricate web of super heroic alliances and cosmic threats, he is driven not only by his mission but also by a deep yearning for familial bonds. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Axel strives to build meaningful connections and establish a family of his own. Amidst epic battles and personal trials, Axel grapples with the moral implications of his powers and the complexities of relationships. Each encounter with familiar faces from the Marvel Universe presents Axel with unique challenges and opportunities, shaping his understanding of heroism and the true essence of belonging. *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation* invites readers on an exhilarating journey filled with action, emotion, and the enduring quest for connection. Through Axel's adventures, we explore the Marvel Universe in a new light, where the line between fan and protagonist blurs, and the power of love and companionship proves to be as potent as any cosmic force

The_Legit_Writer · Movies
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18 Chs

The Rise Of Spiderman

The next morning,

The Hunter Mansion,

The Study Room

--------3rd room--------

In a warmly lit room, the scent of old books fills the air, accentuating the rows of volumes neatly arranged on the shelves. Ray sits behind the desk, his expression a mix of concern and frustration, while Tony fidgets uncomfortably in front of him, avoiding eye contact.

"So, you're telling me the bartender you hired managed to sneak in and snatch the vial while you were busy partying?" Ray's voice carries a note of disbelief, his patience wearing thin.

"Yeah, but I caught him before he could make a run for it," Tony defends himself, though his tone lacks conviction.

"But the vial still ended up breaking and infecting someone else," Ray counters, his disappointment evident.

"With all due respect, even with your enhanced brainpower, you still act impulsively," Ray remarks, referring to Tony's decision to inject himself with the sixth vial, containing a mix of dolphin and octopus genes, boosting his cognitive abilities to 21% brain usage, surpassing renowned minds like Reed Richards and Dr. Bruce Banner.

The day after injecting himself, Tony set up a makeshift robot factory in his backyard, crafting tiny robots with magnetic joints controlled by a brainwave transmitter embedded in his glasses. They were primarily designed for mundane tasks like party cleanup, yet they proved handy in various situations.

"Any luck tracing the blood?" Ray's inquiry breaks the tense silence, knowing Tony's diligence in such matters.

"Nope, the blood had dried up by the time I got there, mixed with sand," Tony sighs, frustrated by the setback.

"Baymax, which vial was taken?" Ray turns to the robotic assistant, seeking confirmation of their worst fears.

"Sir, it was the Spider vial," Baymax responds promptly, sending a chill down their spines.

"Damn it!" both Ray and Tony curse in unison, realizing the severity of the situation. Of the six vials they created, Spider was the most perilous, with its genetic blend containing different kinds of Spider traits.

The strength of a California trapdoor spider that can hold 38 times its own weight, the speed of a Karaops spider which can do a full 360° turn of there bodies 8 times in a second,The organic spider web of a Darwin black spider, Camouflage from Thomisidae Spider, Spider senses that can perceive any incoming danger, Enhanced endurance was added to replace the sturdy shell, regeneration of a spider and Night vision from wolf spiders.

"Tony, if this falls into the wrong hands, we're looking at a serious problem," Ray says, his concern evident in his tone as he grasps the gravity of the situation.

"I agree, Ray. First things first, we need to beef up the security around the vault. Whoever sent that bartender knows about the vials, and we can't afford any more breaches," Tony replies, his mind already racing with ideas on how to enhance the vault's defenses.

"Exactly. We'll need to brainstorm some ideas on fortifying it, maybe bring in some experts if necessary," Ray suggests, his mind already turning towards practical solutions.

"And we can't forget about Jarvis and Baymax. They're our best bets at sniffing out any suspicious activity. Let's put them to work and see what they can uncover," Tony adds, already pulling up the necessary software on his laptop to task their AI assistants with the job.

As Tony and Ray immediately got to work, they focused their efforts on fortifying the vault. They implemented various layers of security measures, including individual passwords and complex tests, ensuring that it would be nearly impossible to unlock without their presence.

Despite their best efforts, the search for the man who got affected by the vial yielded no results. They speculated that he might be laying low or intimidated by the newfound powers, but they remained determined to track him down.

As a month passed, the intensity of their efforts only grew. In the gym of the Hunter mansion, Ray could be seen pushing himself to the limit, bench-pressing a 60 kg weight. Sweat poured down his exposed body, tracing the intricate snake tattoo that adorned both of his arms, from wrist to shoulder. 

As he sets down the weights, he glances over at Baymax, his faithful butler, who's been patiently holding a newspaper for the past five minutes, not wanting to interrupt his master's workout.

"What's up, Baymax?" Ray asks, dabbing his face with a towel to wipe off the sweat.

"Sir, I think we've found something," Baymax replies, handing over the newspaper.

Ray's eyes scan the front page, landing on a headline about Spiderman. "Hmm... Spiderman," he murmurs, noting the picture of a man in a makeshift blue and red suit swinging through the city. The headline reads, "Spiderman: Hero or Menace" by J. Jonah Jameson.

"Indeed, sir. He's displayed all abilities from the vial, except camouflage," Baymax reports, updating his master on their progress.

"Interesting. So he's using his powers to help people," Ray observes, slipping his white top back on.

"Yes, sir. He's saved over a hundred people, reducing the crime rate by 5%," Baymax informs, trailing behind Ray as they leave the gym.

"Ah, good to know. Any leads on his identity?" Ray inquires, pouring himself a glass of scotch from the bar.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. just sent me his information. His name is Peter Parker, a 16-year-old student at Midtown High School, residing at 20 Ingram St. in Queens," Baymax responds, providing Ray with the latest intel.

"Huh, so Peter is Spiderman. Who would've guessed, considering how nervous he seemed,make sure you remove any traces of him being Spiderman so that S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra don't get to him" Ray comments, returning the second glass to the cabinet.

"Sir, are you planning to meet him at a hotel or here at home?" Baymax asks, noting his master's intention to meet the boy.

"Just a quick visit. Let Alicia know I'll be back soon," Ray instructs, opening a circular portal that reveals what appears to be a typical teenage bedroom.

"First try's the charm," Ray remarks as he steps through the portal, finding himself in Peter's room.

"Seems like he's not home yet," Ray observes, surveying the room before shutting the door.

"Guess I'll wait for him," he decides, settling into a chair, pouring another glass of scotch, and taking a sip.

------------Peter P.O.V.--------------

"Another successful day," I remark softly as I swing through the bustling streets of New York City, taking in the sights of the illuminated skyline against the night sky.

Ever since that fateful night at the party, my life has taken a dramatic turn. I've discovered extraordinary abilities within me – the ability to scale buildings effortlessly, shoot webs from my wrists, and heightened senses that alert me to danger.

Initially, I was both amazed and bewildered by these newfound powers. It wasn't until a moment of crisis, reminiscent of the one that changed everything for Uncle Ben, that I realized the true purpose behind my abilities – to help others.

The gratitude in people's eyes when I rescue them from peril warms my heart and fuels my determination to continue my newfound mission. Soon, I'm known throughout the city as Spider-Man, the friendly neighborhood hero.

Yet, amidst the super heroics, I manage to find moments of normalcy. I've let go of past crushes and found the courage to pursue a relationship with Gwen Stacy, who surprisingly reciprocates my feelings. And in a twist of fate, I land a job at Oscorp Industries, where I cross paths with Dr. Curtis Connors, who invites me to work on a project involving my parents' research.

Reflecting on it all, I can't help but wonder about the stranger who inadvertently granted me these powers. His clumsy act of thievery set in motion a chain of events that reshaped my destiny, leaving me with a sense of gratitude and curiosity about the mysteries of fate.

I shake off my thoughts as I reach the window of my room.

Opening it cautiously, I step inside, feeling a sense of relief as I remove my mask and switch on the lights.

But what I see next shocks me to my core. There, in the dimly lit room, sits Mr. Ray. The man whose accomplishments rival legends, casually sips from a glass, his piercing gaze fixed on me.

"That took you long enough," he comments casually, dropping the glass onto my desk with a clink that snaps me out of my daze.

"How did you get in here?" I blurt out, my mind racing with the implications of his presence.

"I teleported here," he states matter-of-factly, pointing towards the bed. "Now, Mr. Parker, take a seat."

Teleported? The word echoes in my mind, disbelief mingling with fear.

"Do you have powers?" I manage to ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," he replies, his tone grave. "And we don't have much time. Sit down."

Feeling a sense of urgency, I lower myself onto the bed, unsure of what awaits me and what other secrets Mr. Ray holds.

"Now we are going to start an interview, I'm going to ask you questions and you answer" He says looking deep into my eyes like he was staring into my soul

"Why?"He asks before allowing me to process what he said before

"Why what?" I ask back knowing there is no getting out of this situation

"why be a hero with all that power" he asks as he stretches forward probably to hear my answer better

"I became a hero because I realized I had this incredible power. And with that power, I knew I had a responsibility to do what's right, to help people, to protect them from the bad stuff out there. Almost Losing Uncle Ben made me see that, made me understand that I couldn't just sit back and do nothing, if my uncle Ben didn't carry his Baymax box with him i would have lost him. So, yeah, I put on the suit, swung into action, and became Spider-Man. It's not always easy, but it's worth it, knowing I'm making a difference, even if it's just one person at a time." I say feeling proud of my descision

"I could sense that my words had an impact on him, as a fleeting glimmer appeared in his eyes before fading away."

"I understand," he says calmly, rising from his seat to retrieve the alcohol bottle and a cup.

"In the name of Hunter Enterprises, I'll provide support for your family. In two days' time, come to my mansion. I'll personally train you," he declares, gesturing towards a swirling portal that materializes before him, offering a glimpse of the opulent Hunter Mansion.

With a determined stride, he steps into the portal, which promptly dissipates behind him, leaving me alone in the room, questioning the reality of what just transpired.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room dominated by a solitary desk, a figure sits at the far end – a man of imposing stature with a commanding presence. Bald and rugged, his sharp features convey authority and wealth. This was Kingpin.

Facing him stands another man, robust and untamed, with a mane of black hair and a wild beard reminiscent of a lion's. Clad in rugged attire adorned with tribal markings, he exudes a primal energy. This is Kraven the Hunter.

"Kraven, I require your services. There's a nuisance in the city, a spider meddling in my affairs," Kingpin states, displaying a photograph capturing Spider-Man in action.

"Leave it to me. I'll handle him swiftly," Kraven responds with a predatory grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation at the prospect of the hunt.