

"Lets go. Sirius should be here at 6 in the morning. Amelia called and said she had her personal team sent out to extract Sirius. There should be no mishaps." Remus pulled Harry out of the apartment and towards the ministry.

"Stop pulling me you brute. I can walk, I still didn't get to eat breakfast you know." Harry grumbled but rushed towards the ministry as well.

"I'm just excited and worried about him, you know? What must he be feeling after spending 11 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit?" Remus spoke with a sad face as they arrived at the ministry.

"Wands, Please." As they were attempting to enter the elevators, a guard stopped the duo and asked for a wizards identification.

"Sure, here." Remus handed him his wand, so did harry.

Soon, after getting checked and registered, the duo made their way to the trial room.

But when they got there, only a single person was standing guard to the locked doors behind him.

"Excuse me, but isn't this the trial room for Sirius Black." Remus went forward and asked.

"Ah, about that, the time and location has shifted, the trial's in 5 minutes at room 356. Didn't you guys get the memo?" The guard replied in a confused manner. He was just stationed here a while ago for another case, so he didn't realise the problem.

"What, that's on the opposite side of the ministry. What the hell?" Remus raged before Harry held his hand and ripped a piece of paper.


The space cracked and the two were pulled into a space ridge.


With another crack in front of the room 356, the duo appeared.

"Those sons of bitches. If I find the one who made me waste an expensive teleportation tag, I swear I will kill them." Harry cursed as he pulled a dumbfounded and dizzy Remus behind him.

Entering the room, one could see numerous wizards and witches in red and blue robes sitting in a coliseum like court room.

"Where were you guys. Didn't you guys get the memo that the time changed. Come in, quick." A platinum blonde haired witch approached the duo and pulled them inside the court room.

This was Amelia Bones, one of the people that had initially requested for a trial of Sirius Black when she was still an auror in DMLE.

"Remus, go ahead and sit down. I'll be back in a minute." Harry nudged Remus inside as he went into a secluded corner outside the room.

Pulling out a paper tag from his pockets, he stuck it to his chest and initiated a transformation Jutsu.

"Henge" he called out softly.


Soon, in place of the young harry, stood a dashing young man with slicked back hair and a rugged face.

He had indeed copied the face of a character from his past life. Tommy Shelby.

Wearing a black coat, a grey vest and a black tie, accentuated with a golden chain watch in his inner pockets, harry adjusted his hat and entered the court room.

Soon the court was filled to the brim and discussion of the upcoming case was spreading in the room.

"Order. Order.

This case will be presided over by Cornelius Oswald Fudge.

We are gathered here today for the retrial of Sirius Black on the account of murder of 12 muggles, 1 Peter Pettigrew and for exposing magic to muggles and breaking the statute of secrecy." A pudgy man with a bowl hat sat on the highchair and started the session.

"Minister Fudge, it seems you have misunderstood the case. This is not the retrial of Sirius Black." Harry interrupted Fudge as he was about to continue from the centre of the court room.

"And who might you be. I don't recall you to be Sirius Black. So why are you standing in the place of the accused?" Fudge questioned.

"That's pretty simple. I am Sirius Black's representative. Seeing as he will not be perfectly sane after spending 11 years in Azkaban, he had decided to let me, Thomas Shelby to be his representative. And I will again correct you, minister, this is not the retrial of Sirius Black."

"The why are you here. This is the retrial of Sirius Black." Fudge countered once again.

"This is the trial of Sirius black. He never got his first trial after his arrest all those years back." Harry replied back with a look that said, 'are you a moron'.

"What, that's preposterous. Sirius Black is a heir of the Black Family, how can he not get a trial."

"Why was a pure blooded heir sent to Azkaban without trial. Fudge, explain!!!"

As soon as harry's sentence dropped, the crowd erupted in chaos. Especially the dark faction.

"Order, order." Fudge banged his gavel multiple times, to get the crowd to quiet down.

"Ahem. And what proof do you have that Mister Black didn't receive his trial, mister Shelby." A sickly-sweet voice interrupted Fudge as he was about to speak.

"Who the fuck are you??" Harry asked back.

"How dare you. I will have you know that I am the Senior undersecretary to the minister of Magic." The toad like woman snapped.

"Oh alright. I'll ask again. Who the fuck are you to talk now?" Harry asked.

"You stinking mud…" "Enough. Dolores, stand down. I am the minister here." Fudge stopped Umbridge from continuing before she said something that would implicate him.

"As Madam Umbridge asked, what proof do you have that says there was never a trial for Sirius Black." Fudge continued.

"Glad you asked.

Members of the court, here are the documents from the archives that state the timeline of Sirius Black's arrest.

You will see that he was arrested on 1 November 1981. His wand was snapped on sight, before anyone could verify the spell that was cast with it. Then, he was brought into the ministry but then directly sent to Azkaban.

Some members tried to ask for a trial for him, but the reply they got said that he already got his trial and was found guilty.

However, when looking through the records of the month, no mention of a trial for Sirius Black was found.

That begs the question, why would someone say they had his trial but didn't conduct one.

Here are the copies of those documents."

Harry lifted a stack of papers and with a wave of his hand, the stack divided into equal thickness and went into the hands of everyone present.

"How did you get these. I didn't authorise anyone to access the archives. Guards, arrest this man." Fudge screamed after he looked at the stack in front of him.

"Quiet down, you oaf- cough, minister, look at the paper under that stack, it is the permission slip that you yourself signed. Don't you recognise the signature." Harry stopped the guards from closing in.

"…Stand down." Reluctantly, Fudge ordered his guards.

Murmur. Murmur

The member in the court muttered and whispered with those beside them after reading the stack of papers.

"Those papers show that Sirius Black didn't get the trial he, an heir to the Black Family, deserved.

Imagine if this travesty can happen to someone of such high status, what about those people who don't even have families that can compare to those of the Black's. Anyone of you could be next, thrown into Azkaban without trial." Harry spoke to the crowd.

"Enough rambling. Let me correct myself. This is the FIRST trial of Sirius Black. Bring him in." Fudge gave in.


