
Reborn in Harry Potter with system

Hello everyone, this is my first fanfic, my mother tongue is not English so I hope you understand if there are some or many mistakes, I hope throughout this story to improve, now the important thing, this story may sound like a dejavu like many others and I hope that with your comments plus my own ideas to make this story something different, something I want to say is that the hp and marvel universes will be together, as for the dates I am going to vary them to adapt some scenes, finally in this story the mc will have a system, I'm still deciding what to base myself on for that system. enjoy.

jose1992 · Movies
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5 Chs

The Beginning

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Hello, my name is Alex White and for those who are wondering why I am talking to you, well, my life has just ended, it was all so unexpected but the good thing is that a single shot to my forehead was quick and everything went dark.

When I open my eyes again all I see is darkness.

What seems like years later I see a light coming closer and closer, before it hits me it stops and a blue screen appears.

[ Hello Mortal, I am what you know as ROB, Now I am going to grant you 3 wishes and I am going to send you to different worlds that I control starting with Harry potter ]

"ok, give me some time to think"

[Ok, you can take as long as you want]

After reviewing my options, I decide what my wishes are.

"First I want a gamer system with a store like the abyss but without the abyss"

"Second, a body that adapts to everything"

"And finally perfect memory"

'Well with the gamer mind I don't need occlumency and legitimacy I can develop later'


Suddenly everything turns black and our Mc disappears.

[This is going to be interesting, hahahaha]

—-----MC POV

After turning all black I open my eyes and discover that I am in a fairly large but simple room

i get up and go directly to the mirror that is near my bed, he looked at me for a while and finds that i am about 10 years old, short black hair, brown eyes, white skin, about 148 cm tall, i finish seeing myself and try to call my system.

"System", and suddenly a blue screen appears in front of me with several options.




Just those three options, I say 'status' in my mind and it opens.


Name: Alex White

Age: 10 years

Level:0 (0%)

Hp:100/100 (50 every minute)

Mp:100/100 (50 every minute)









Str Represents the value of our strength

Vit Represents Hp (Vit x 10 =Hp)

Def Represents the damage we can receive physical or magical

End Represents our resistance (End x 5 = Hp recovery)

Agi Represents our speed and reflexes

Int Represents our Mp (Int x 10 =Mp)

Wis Represents our Mp recovery speed (wis x 5 = Mp recovery)


Gamer Mind (MAX)

Player Body(MAX)

Observation (MAX)

After checking my status I see that I have the same name as in my previous life, that the store option is as I requested but only Harry Potter items and the inventory is infinite with time stopped and I cannot place living beings except by plants.

I wonder what time in history I'll be in, I didn't ask rob that but well nothing can be done now, suddenly all the memories of the 10 years of this body come to me

'I discover that it is 1967, I remember that the marauders began their education in 1971, I would enter Hogwarts earlier that's fine I don't want to get involved in the fight if it can be avoided, my parents are also there, they are neutral pure bloods, that's excellent already that there will be no discrimination on the part of the magicians, my parents are very kind to me, the White Family is in fact one of the oldest in the entire magical world, it is said that my ancestors were friends of the same merlin and helped each other in the development of dark and light magic, our family specializes in healing magic we are considered born doctors, my father is the head of the white house, and I the next heir, what nobody knows is that we also have great potential in black magic which has allowed us to stay safe on many occasions '