
reborn in DXD as red dragon (domineering dragon)

Hello friends, so this is the story started by my friend but scene he is not going to continue it because his exams and all I am going to make some minor changes in story and continue it. so please read it if you want some new things than comment so I can know that you are liking this story. if I get good response to the story then I am going to continue this story so please vote it and comment. thanks

reader_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

4. Raynare

______________________________________________Name- Issei Hyoudou

race- Human

Level- 137 (280/29000)

HP- 98510

MP- 90500

str- 110350

dru- 159300


Shop point - 1200000 (use in system Shop)

State point - 124500

Special aspect- Boosted Gear(balance breaker)


Gaming mind (MAX) - Gaming mind given by system it protect you from any kind of mental health or any kind of mantal attack.

Gaming healing (MAX) - Gaming healing given by system it can heal you at very much faster speed when you are not in a fight.

Lust wave (MAX)- an ability to create a lust wave that can work on girls and they start to feel horny


Sword Techniques (High class)

Author's note - I have edited all the new abilities and techniques in chapter summary.


I am currently walking on the street while waiting for Raynare and I feels someone behind me and feeling that I smiled and than.

"Here, take a flyer." A female voice said calmly before handing him a brown piece of paper. Looking towards the source of the voice, Issei saw an odd girl even by his standards. She had brown hair that framed her face almost like a curved fang with what he could only describe as a cosplay outfit. A red shirt that showed off a healthy cleavage with black on the side that reminded him of shortened wings a white skirt and a red bag.

'Well this isn't suspicious at all.' Issei replied before taking the flyer. When he saw the flyer, he noticed the symbols along with the phrase 'Your wish will be granted' and his eyes lit up in amusement.

"So that's the plan." Ddraig growled.

'Yep and somebody is going to pay for this later and I'm not talking about Yuuma.' Issei smiled aware of the significance of the circle. Placing it in his pocket he waited for Yuuma to arrive.

Yuuma arrived a few minutes after the odd girl left and she had a tired look on her face. Her outfit consisted of a short light purple top with a black dress underneath and a pink bag. "Sorry I'm late"

"It's okay Yuuma let's go" Issei smiled.

"…Okay" Yuuma replied hesitantly and the date began.

(Scene Skip)

'What the hell is going on.' The fallen angel that was disguised as Yuuma Amano said in disbelief. The whole day Issei couldn't keep his hands off her teasing her ass like it was his toy. They had a nice lunch and they even went shopping and to the arcade, but instead of acting like a total perv, Issei was acting like a gentleman. On one hand it meant that she didn't have to deal with his hands all over her for once, but she was planning to use his groping as further motivation for when she killed him. As they approached the fountain where she intended to end Issei's life she couldn't help but wonder. "Issei are you okay" Yuuma said nervously.

"I'm fine Yuuma. I just realised that I was being a creep and as your boyfriend you didn't deserve me treating you like that." Issei smiled. "Hell you will gonna become my slave and I am gonna to mess you up bitch" I thought to myself.

"yeh that's right the bitch deserves some kind of hard punishment and I can't wait for when you break her" Ddraig spoke in my mind.

Well Ddraig doesn't like that when I first spoke to him but over the time he began to spoke with me and by the time my thoughts and his became the one and the main reason for that is because dragons like conquering things while it's doesn't matter if it's territory, ruins or girls.

"I see" Yuuma replied even more confused.

"Well I guess this is goodnight" Issei smiled as he walked away.

"Wait!" Yuuma shouted realising that this was her moment and it was slipping her way.

"What's up" Issei said with a smile. He was certain she was going to make her move soon. It wasn't lost on him that Yuuma meant sunset and the sun was slowly setting behind him.

"it wouldn't feel right if we didn't end our first date with a kiss." Yuuma smiled. Something felt wrong but she had to lure him in or risk the whole plan going up in flames.

"Okay" Issei smiled as he walked over and pulled Yuuma in as usual. Just as he leaned into kiss her, he felt something stab him in the stomach.

"Goodbye Issei." Yuuma said with a darker smile as she slowly backed away. Before Issei's eyes cute Yuuma Amano transformed into a girl with more mature features including her breasts which went from a solid B- cup to a high C-Cup while her new outfit consisted of black, strap-like leather objects around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots.

"Well this is a twist" Issei chuckled. He of course knew that she was really a fallen but seeing her outfit was another matter entirely.

"Well well it's not my cute girl with I come on a date what's wrong calm down sweetie. We didn't even have sax yet or you want me to fuck you in your fallen form. well I am fine with that if you want that" I said while smiling at her.

"Wait yo..you a...already knew that I a...m a fallen angel" Raynare said in utter disbelief. she think of him just a normal pervert with a sacred gear but she never think that he knew about her from the beginning.

"Oh dear sorry I forgot to tell you that I know you were sent to observe me but I can feel your keeling intent" Issei replied with sarcasm.

Raynare's feared face now turned into anger and she spoke " well that doesn't matter because you are gonna to die here" with that she summoned two light spears in each hand and dashed towards Issei.

"Oh dear" Issei lift his fingers and dispersed both light spears in her hands and grabbed her nack and slammed her into the fountain. While Rayner was in shock and anger she understood that she can't win against him so she tried to run but as she was about to fly Issei grab her hand and pulled her down. Looking at him with fear in her eyes she said "please don't kill me please let me go" tears falling down her eyes and regretting her decesion she begged.

"Ah wanna to go so soon we didn't even do anything yet. don't worry I am not gonna to kill you but look what you have done to me you have to fix this first if you want to leave." Issei said while pointing to his half erected dick in his pants.

"Whhh..at doo...you mean. Leave me now or you'll regret this" she tried to stand up but Issei grab her shoulder and push her down on her ass while using his lust wave. As soon as Issei use his lust wave a moan escape from her mouth and she get aurosed.

"Oh seems like you need a dick down their" said Issei with a lust full smile and then he grab her top and pulled that down realising her marvelous pairs of breasts. " nooo...ooo please don't please leave me" while she is begging he started to fondling her breasts and grabbing her ass. She wanted to free herself but she couldn't because of his tight grip and soon she gets more and more aurosed and starts moaning and penting.

"Haa ha seems like you are really enjoying my molestation over you. don't worry soon I am gonna fuck you and break your mind and you will become my pet slave" Issei said with a dark voice.

Listening what he said Raynare eyes filled with complete fear and nothing else. she thinking that she is the one who is playing with her but it was just opposite and now she is in his hands while molested by him. Raynare starts screaming and struggling she doesn't want to be a sax toy. " please please I am sorry please forgive me please leave me I begg please" while crying and moaning

she begged.

While listening her begging Issei started to fondling her breasts more harder and faster. the sudden increase in speed took out louder moans from her mouth. As she is moaning and tears falling from her eyes Issei extended his left hand while his right hand fondling her breasts he slipped his left hand into her pants and pushed her two fingers inside her pussy and started moving inside her.

after that Raynare doesn't left any strength to struggle she started moaning and begging. After some time Raynare passed her limit and she can't control her orgasam and Issei knew that so he pulled off her pants and started moving her fingers even faster inside her. "no...ooo aaaahhhh" she screams and started Cumming all over the place. "please no more llet..m..e go." she muffling with no energy.

"Well no we just had our foreplay and now it's time for the real deal. But not here because that bitch Rias can get here any time." said Issei.

With that he opened a megic circle and disappeared from the place before leaving Issei repair everything and leaved no traces of them.

After sometime a red megic circle appear in the park and from that came out a really beautiful girl with crimson hair and deep blue eyes she is wearing kuho Academy girls uniform. Yep she is Rias Gremory.

She looked around the park and found no one and no traces of magic, blood, or anything else. "did she killed him no it can't be he can't be dead because of me I gave him a summon card why didn't he wish for help" Rias thought to herself while she had tears in her eyes. She checked once more but found nothing and than she leaves by another magic circle.

meanwhile Issei came out of a megic circle in a forest far from kuho. He toss Raynare on the ground while she is still penting from her orgasam seconds ago.

"Now Now let's begin bitch" said Issei while looking into the teary eyes of Raynare.

_______________CHAPTER 4 END________________