
reborn in DXD as red dragon (domineering dragon)

Hello friends, so this is the story started by my friend but scene he is not going to continue it because his exams and all I am going to make some minor changes in story and continue it. so please read it if you want some new things than comment so I can know that you are liking this story. if I get good response to the story then I am going to continue this story so please vote it and comment. thanks

reader_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

3. starting of original storyline

It's been a month since I reborn in dxd world and I am ready for what comes next because it's almost time to main storyline to begin but these time everything is going to change and it's gonna start with Rayner when I break her.

Well currently I am having my dinner with my future slave or say my current mother. I had no sex with her yet and she knows nothing about me I am really enjoying breaking her slowly and currently I am doing it with my lust wave. I am really surprised that she didn't jumped on me for my dick. Well she is controlling herself but she is still lusting after me even she is controlling herself but she mestribute before fall in sleep and many times I heard her moaning my name.

Coming out of my thoughts I said "mom from tomorrow I am gonna back to school so I have to go to sleep."

"O..oh yeh you should go and have some rest" she replied while breathing heavily. she is trying hard not to come in front of me. she is sweating all over her body and her face is bright red.

yep! With that I went to my room.


#Miki's P.O.V.#

Miki is currently in her bed completely naked and her left hand rubbing her right breast while two fingers inside her pussy she is moaning like a whore while thinking about his own son and she is imagining her son fucking her hard this thought triggered her and she released her fluid on bad.

She is telling herself " this is wrong thinking about my own son like this but I can't control it. whenever I am in front of him it made me so hot and aurosed and when he touch me it feels so good if these things continue like this than... no no no what am I thinking I have to control myself these is wrong." _______________________________________________

While she is doing all this and talking to herself Issei is standing right outside of her room listening all this he smirked and went back to his room he said in his mind "she think this is wrong but she will gonna beg for my dick she is gonna be my slave a whore." After that he fall asleep.

Next morning Issei is heading towards his school and thinking of things to do before he meets Rayner. He is currently thinking about Rias and Sona and their peerege. Thinking of that I surpass Rias in terms of power and may be both Sona and Rias together. let's check status

______________________________________________Name- Issei Hyoudou

race- Human

Level- 135 (280/25000)

HP- 96420

MP- 86500

str- 101350

dru- 150300


Shop point - 1200000 (use in system Shop)

State point - 124500

Special aspect- Boosted Gear


Gaming mind (MAX) - Gaming mind given by system it protect you from any kind of mental health or any kind of mantal attack.

Gaming healing (MAX) - Gaming healing given by system it can heal you at very much faster speed when you are not in a fight.

Lust wave (MAX)- an ability to create a lust wave that can work on girls and they start to feel horny


Sword Techniques (High class)

Author's note - I will soon informe you all the new abilities and techniques in summary.


Well Now I am in front of my school main get and I can say that the school look more awesome than in anime. I entered inside my school get while many of girls glaring at me and that's obvious because I am in the body of a pervert who is known around the school for peeping on girls. "stop glaring at me you bitches." I thought to myself. I am irritating by their glare. Well I passed them and started walking towards my classroom. I didn't had any trouble finding my classroom thanks to the memories of Issei. I opened the door and it started again all the class staring at me I ignored them and went to my desk.

"Yo Issei" I look up to the owner of the voice and it's my friend or to be exact Issei's friends the perverts. I look up to them and said "hi how your time during vacation.

"well it's great we were on the beach but you didn't come. do you know there were so many amazing girls in swimming suit and they were running around the beach and their brea...."

we were interpreted by teacher and I am glad for that because talking to them is really boring because if I want a naked girls I can get any girl from these class before school end. Teacher started his lecture and the remaining time goes like that until lunch. In lunch motohama invited me for their regular peeping during lunch time but I refused there are so many students staring at me with shocked faces and both perverts were more shocked than others. both of tham tried to convince me and it's getting more and more irritating by the time so I said no one more time but this time my voice is heavy and more serious tone and than they didn't try to push me again and they left. after that I also went to a perticular spot.

well currently I am sitting under a tree which is right in front of ORC and I am reading a novel yea that's I do in free time. I choose these place so Rias can pay attention to me like in canon. Rias is standing on window and looking at me while I acting like I don't know. After sometime I look up and saw her " damm those breasts they are awesome I want Rias as my slave as soon as possible" that was the first thought that came to mind. well I pass a smile to her while leaking my lust wave on her. her face show up a small blush while she responded with a sweet smile and than she walked away from window.

While some days passed like that and I am controlling my desire to fuck Miki because she is gonna completely break once Rayner comes in story. I am continuously using my lust wave on both Miki and Rias and I also use lust wave on Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno. Akeno's reaction is the strongest one she just started Cumming under a tree obviously I was hidden little far from her seeing that I smiled and thought "soon you will become my whore and than I am gonna to break your ass." While Tsubaki had a great blush and she moaned a little but Sona doesn't have much of a reaction other than a small blush.

Currently I am heading to my home while I can sanse a presence watching over me for quite a while and I know who is he or she to be exact. she is Koneko a 1st year student in kuho Academy and the rook of Rias peerage. well ignoring her I walked up to the bridge and this is the time "ah .. hello. are you Issei Hyoudou." I heard a voice and I smile and turn to her.

"yes I am" do you want something.

"My name is Yumma Amono. ah..I.. I wanna ask a question ar..are youu.. single by chance. I am watching over you for a while and I find you attractive."

" yeah I am single" I said while laughing in my mind.

"Ahh.. that's great so will you please be my boyfriend I r.." before she say an another word I replied.

"yeah I will I mean such a cute girl asking me out how can I refuse we can go on a date.

She smiled at me with joy and said " thank you so how about this Saturday.

"ok than" with that we exchange our number and she left and I went back to my home.

Just as I entered in my home I heard noise of shower when I get closer to bathroom I heard moaning of my mom she muffling my name I smiled and went straight to my room and I fall on my bed. "What do you think about that fallen." I said.

{"Well she was a fool to trying to mess with you she soon gonna realise it."} Replied a heavy voice. It was ddraig the heavenly dragon or the Red Dragon Emperor. I Awaken my Boosted Gear during completing my dungeon and from there when I get bored or I want to talk he will be the one who listens to me obviously I can't talk to anyone else about the things.

"Yep you are right about that and soon she will gonna in between my legs and my dick in her throat." I said

{Well don't forget about your fight with white one. you have win} ddraig said to me

"yeah I will not forget about that" I said

well most of the time ddraig is calm but when it comes to his fight with the white dragon he became like a bettle hungry lizard. well I am waiting for Saturday. with that I fell asleep.

______________CHAPTER 3 END_________________