
Reborn in Dragon Ball with a System

In the Heavens as the Gods and Goddess' where enjoying a refreshing banquet, when suddenly something disturbed them, and that was the near destruction of one of the lesser worlds under their control and Truck-kun's blunder. Join Magno in his quest to restore the Dragon Ball World to its former prime. Note from the author "I will be uploading this when ever I decide I can write or if I have nothing better to do."

VioletRouge · Anime & Comics
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Episode 3: New skill & Planet

After being in space for a couple more months was quite boring. My Ki hit a natural wall that being getting past 1000 Ki. According to the system my body can't handle anymore Ki, without me losing some strength in return. So I decided to ask the system what the training function does.

The answer I got was that the training function sends my body to an empty plane where I could train. I decided to use it and truly found an empty space with nothing but the ground. I got out of that space and found that I was still in the pod, apparently the system saves my last location and adjusted it accordingly to the pods movement. With higher levels of the training function the time displacement could become something like 1:1,000,000, where ever second outside is a million inside the training space.

So for the next few months I spent all my time in the Training space getting use to this body. I developed a new skill, it is a beam attack in which I gather the Ki in the air, gather it into two seperate balls of concentrated Ki. Then fire it and as they run along they then combine into one. It didn't have a name in the system, so that means no one came up with this kind of skill until I showed up. I call it Double Fusion Wave, because when I use it one wave started out Crimson and the other gold.

Well anyways after a full year I arrived at the planet that needs to be conquered. I landed in what appears to be the ocean, only it is green instead of the blue that I'm used to. I got out of the pod and used my Ki to blast away the water, then I flew out. I tried to use Ki Sense and found that it only spans a 15 km radius. I don't have a scouter either so from the beings that I sense, their Ki values seem to be around 500 to 865.

I tell the system to use the observation function on the planet, and it said it will take 4 hours to get the readings of all the beings on this planet. So this begins my killing spree, I wouldn't do this normally, but all the beings around me are just wild animals. And the only way to gain SP is either ,upgrade the system's SP per day option, or to kill beings that have a Ki higher than the average human. I fire off random Ki Blasts to my unsuspecting foes and kill more than twenty in the first strike. Gaining around 13,650 SP, I then fire on giant Ki Blast down and wipe out the entire ocean and mountain range around it.

I then proceeded to fly around trying to find shelter and food. I found shelter pretty easily and food is in abundance, after I found a tree that grows fruits that tastes like different kinds of meats. I arrived around midday and after what had happened it's now noon. I browse through the system shop now that I have SP to spend and find a technique that I like the sound of.


Black Flame Will

The user summons a stream of black flames.

These flames can burn anything they touch, and don't stop burning until there is nothing left to burn.

Cost: 10,000 SP


The skill was a bit on the expensive side but seemed to be useful, as I don't have anyway to make a fire anyways. After I bought it I decided to look for some clothing as I don't like staying in my Birth Day suit. I found some Saiyan battle armour, that don't just look like upper armour only plus some underwear. Buying it I immediately put it on, and I could instantly feel a change. I don't feel the wind on my family jewels!!

Setting that aside this armour is amazing, even if I had to spend 2,550 SP for it. I was growth type armour, so I wouldn't need to change it after I became stronger. It could wash itself if I provided Ki to it, and it would grow to match my height as I got older. It was your typical saiyan battle armour for the upper body part, only the shoulder pads weren't their looking like Bardock's or Vegeta's battle armour, after the Saiyan arc. It had actual leg armour and not just boots, and like Vegeta's armour it had a skin tight outfit underneath. The colour scheme for it was black, red, and gold. With the main armour being black, the under outfit being red and the trims being a dull gold.

I searched around the planet some more and killed around 80 more beings. Getting around 54,600 SP. While doing that I found out that the intelligent life on this planet are nomadic warrior tribes, that look like frog people. The strongest one I faced of them only had a Ki value of 163, so they really weren't worth the effort. After doing that the system finally had its observation done, and I found that the strongest being on the planet was an ocean dwelling creature. It's Ki value being 1,587 having about 1.5 times as much Ki as I do, but it can only survive underwater.

The more that I thought about it the more I realized how weak this planet is. Even Earth has beings that are stronger than the beings on this planet, the only difference being is that the common people are stronger. I thought that it might take me a few months to completely wipe out all sentient beings on this planet. So here I go into a life I thought would be fun and interesting, only for it to be just like my old life were the strong dominate the weak, just not were the difference in strength is not money but actual strength.

So yeah that's Episode 3. I had some fun writing this.

Magno has Black Flame Will once more and has a beam attack to call his own.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed!!!

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