
Reborn In Dragon Ball As Goten

Accidentally traveled to the world of Dragon Ball and became Son Goten, the second son of the Son family. And the Son Goku, Son Gohan and other fighters of this time and space all died in the Cell game, but Cell is still at large. Son Goten has become the only warrior who can save the earth in this time and space... Fortunately, the god-level golden finger activated. Now lets see what adventure awaits on Son Goten path.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 77 Travel to Universe 10.

Chapter 77 Travel to Universe 10.


"Okay, the time machine can transport up to four or five people at a time, so everyone must be picked up in batches."

"That's up to you, Trunks."

"But because we have other things to do, we must be sent there first." Goten looked at the dozens of people behind Trunks and then spoke.

If only Instant Transmission could be used for time travel. It's a pity that it doesn't work like that, so everyone can only be picked up in batches.

"Well, yes, Goten." Trunks nodded quickly.

It is a blessing in misfortune that everyone can survive.

As for returning to the past time and space a few days earlier or a few days later, no one will care.

The first ones to go back were, of course, Goten, Krillin, Trunks, and Wu.


Back to Capsule Corporation in the present time.

Bulma was very excited when she heard that Trunks could live in this time and space.

Because the Trunks of this timeline died eight years ago! and she only saw him for one day a month ago.

After seeing her son, she missed him even more.

It would be a great thing if the big special in front of her could be by her side.

Subsequently, Bulma also began to study time energy vigorously. Trunks also ran back and forth at both ends and began to pick up all the other survivors.

"Goten, are we going back to the Gods of Destruction now?" After Zamasu's matter was resolved, Krillin asked.

In fact, he still wants to return to the Gods of Destruction world because under the training of Angel Whis, his strength has indeed improved a little faster.

After all, that guy is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Moreover, he is a real god, so the training method he guides can naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

"Well, let's go back!"

"So many people traveling through time and space at the same time, this is actually a big deal."

"Lord Beerus must be told." Goten nodded and spoke.

There must be a minimum of respect between people!

And what Gods of Destruction Beerus hates most is people who don't show him the respect he deserves.

Now if Goten tells him this matter, Beerus may not be too angry.

But if he found out on his own initiative, then the situation may be bad from worst.

Before leaving, Goten went back to Fire Mountain.

He told Chichi and Videl that he was going to practice in the Gods of Destruction world.

After all, if they go for too long, they will inevitably worry.

Although very reluctant, Chichi still agreed because they all know that Goten is the hope of this earth.

Only when he becomes strong enough can he face any crisis.

The world of Gods of Destruction last time left them with lingering fears.

If the next enemy is stronger and more ferocious than Gods of Destruction.

The earth is in danger...


After leaving the mountain, Goten brought Krillin to the Gods of Destruction realm through Kai Kai.

Whis was not surprised that Goten was able to find the location of the God Realm and arrived there in an instant.

Because Goten used the Kai Kai ability when he was fighting Lord Beerus before.

As an Angel, it is naturally impossible for such things to escape his attention.

"Goten, what you're doing is too dangerous."

"To actually bring people from other time and space to this time!"

"Do you know that such an approach may bring a devastating blow to this time and space?"

Apparently, Whis already knew about Goten bringing Trunks and others over.

Then, he said with a serious face.

Although the possibility of such a thing happening is extremely low because the strength of Trunks is average, but it is not impossible.

And since the moment Trunks appeared in this time and space, to be precise, a parallel time and space has already been created.

"I know!"

"But the time and space of Future Trunks and them are now uninhabitable."

"If I had left them in that time and space, they would only die!"

"I'll explain this to Lord Beerus, and if matters become worse, I will take the responsibility." Goten also nodded seriously.


In fact, Future Trunks has always been a character he likes and admires very much.

So naturally, Goten doesn't want to watch Future Trunks wait for an eventual slow death in a desperate time and space!

And this time and space is too short of fighters.

"I hope Lord Beerus will listen to your explanation."

"Originally, I wanted to train you as the next Gods of Destruction of the Seventh Universe, but now it seems that you and your personality are not suitable for the position of Gods of Destruction," Whis said lightly.

He had indeed always had this idea before. Training Goten as the new Gods of Destruction of the Seventh Universe. But now it seems that Goten is still too kind. It is estimated that a kind-hearted person is very difficult to be qualified for the position of Gods of Destruction.

"Maybe!" Goten just smiled faintly.

In fact, he had no idea about the position of Gods of Destruction. It won't take long for his strength to completely surpass all the Gods of Destruction! At that time, it will be just a false title, and Goten doesn't care at all.

More importantly, Gods of Destruction are really strong at this stage. It can even be said to be the most striking-edge star existence. But Goten is very clear that there are many people stronger than Gods of Destruction in this world.

The Angel in front of him has strength far surpassing that of Gods of Destruction. And on top of Angel, there's the Grand Priest, Zeno's guards, and Zeno himself...

Those guys are real supers, possessing the strength to destroy a universe with a single snap. And above Zeno, Goten doesn't know if there is any more outrageous existence.

"Okay, let's continue training!"

Looking at Goten's determined expression, Whis didn't want to waste time on this matter either. Because the Angel is always in a neutral position. Although the Angel's status is higher than the Gods of Destruction, they can't do anything. All matters can only be decided by Gods of Destruction Beerus!


Then, Trio started training.


In this way, time goes by day by day.

Back on Earth, trunks went back and forth more than a dozen times and finally took all the survivors to this time and space.

After seeing the long-lost earth, everyone also burst into tears.

And on the eighth day, Gods of Destruction Beerus finally woke up.

Because in two days, it will be time to compete with the sixth universe...

"Aha!" Beerus stretched and walked out of his temple.

Then He saw Whis training Goten and Krillin in fighting techniques.

The three fought non-stop.

Either way, neither of them can hit Whis.

After all, this guy's normal state is the perfect Ultra Instinct form.

Even Goten now has the power to match some of Gods of Destruction but in front of Angel Whis, it was still not worth mentioning.

After training for a few minutes, the three stopped fighting because their sparring has lasted for a full six hours.

Goten was already sweating profusely.

However, Krillin, who is an artificial human with infinite energy core, did not have any decline in physical fitness at this time.

Perhaps this is the benefit of Artificial-made humans!

"Still can't comprehend the perfect Ultra Instinct!"

"But fortunately, after these days of training with Whis, my strength has also been greatly improved." After the fight stopped, Krillin also said to himself.

It seems that with his talent, he really can't comprehend Ultra Instinct.

That kind of divine technique is truly unfathomable.

In the battle with Whis, Goten seemed to grasp Ultra Instinct more and more intricately because he has already mastered the Ultra Instinct Sign!

Therefore, his understanding of Ultra Instinct is much deeper than that of ordinary people.

"Hey!!! Lord Beerus has woken up!"

"I thought he'd oversleep again this time." Whis looked up at Beerus, who was watching the battle, and said in surprise.

Lord Beerus woke up after only sleeping for 200 hours this time, which is really unexpected.

The time of 200 hours is equivalent to more or less eight days on Earth.

You know, Lord Beerus would sleep for 50 years for just a simple nap!

It seems that he attaches great importance to the upcoming match against the sixth universe this time.

This is related to his pride and whether he can mock Champa in the future.

Clearly, he cares.

"Hey Whis, how are these two guys training?"

"How have they progressed during this time?" Beerus jumped up and appeared in front of Goten and the others.

Then he asked casually.

"Lord Beerus, both of them have trained very well, and their perseverance is also very firm!"

"Krillin's strength has improved significantly."

"As for Goten, the improvement is even greater; he is now infinitely close to the perfect Ultra Instinct!" Whis replied with a smile.

Whis has to say that Goten's training speed is truly amazing.

In just a few days, he has gone from an imperfect Ultra Instinct to a perfect Ultra Instinct.

This kind of powerful comprehension ability, even for the 12 Gods of Destruction, he's afraid it is beyond their reach.


"That's really good." Although Beerus was very calm on the surface.

But he was still very surprised.

Goten's strength is formidable. More than a month ago, he had almost one-tenth of his power.

And now, he will master the perfect Ultra Instinct! If given time to grow, maybe his strength will surpass Beerus's own.

A mortal surpassing Gods of Destruction! This was something he had never thought of before.

"Lord Beerus, Goten seems to have something to tell you!" After Whis said to Beerus, he glanced at Goten again.

Apparently, he was referring to the Trunks situation.

Although Goten said before that he would explain it to Lord Beerus but as an Angel, it is still his duty to remind Lord Beerus after this kind of thing happens.

"Oh? What's the matter, tell me!"

Beerus looked at Goten and asked.


"All right!"

"Lord Beerus, it's like this..."

For a minute, Goten told Beerus roughly what happened in the future.

From going to the future to fight to Trunks and they come back all the same.

Telling the whole truth.



"Boy, do you know that traveling through time and space at will is a felony?"

"And you brought so many people here at this time; it seems that you don't take my Gods of Destruction title seriously at all!" Beerus was taken aback for a moment; then, an angry expression appeared on his face.

Although he usually doesn't like to pay attention to what happens in the universe.

But traveling through time and space at will is expressly forbidden.

"Lord Beerus, the source of this incident is a deity's fault."

"This wouldn't have happened if a candidate for Supreme Kai, Zamasu from the 10th Universe, hadn't randomly destroyed the planet where humans live."

"Besides, if I remember correctly, Kai's doesn't have any right to destroy planets," Goten added with a serious face. In this matter, God was indeed at fault first.

"You're right, even Supreme Kai doesn't have the right to destroy planets. It's just a trainee Supreme Kai; how dare he do such a thing! And in the future time and space, they actually killed all the Supreme Kai and Gods of Destruction..."

Beerus clenched his fists tightly, obviously very angry. According to what Goten said just now, the candidate Kai from the tenth universe, Zamasu, not only destroyed a large number of planets but also slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans.

And actually killed all the Supreme Kai, and in a chain of events, Gods of Destruction also die! More importantly, even he, the god of destruction, couldn't stop or avoid it.

This is absolutely unforgivable.


"Lord Beerus, for our match against the sixth universe this time, apart from me and Krillin, the number of the other three players has not yet been determined. It is estimated that it will be difficult to find stronger fighters for a while. Trunks is very strong and can just replace another warrior from our seventh universe in the battle," Goten continued to speak.

He did not name Majin Buu. This is to create pressure on Beerus. Because there are not many people with fighting blood in the seventh universe. And now there are only two days left before the game against the sixth universe.

There are still three players who have not been finalized, and Beerus must be anxious.

"Is that so? Whis," Beerus froze for a moment, then asked quickly. Although traveling through time and space is a felony, in his opinion, it's not as important as playing against that guy Champa! But this time the game lost to the sixth Universe; that fat pig Champa will definitely use this matter to mock him for a long time.

"Yes, Lord Beerus," Whis could only nod his head.

There are indeed not many fighters in the seventh universe. Otherwise, a few decades ago, such a small Frieza could not have been called the emperor of the universe.

"Tsk!" Beerus frowned slightly. Since there are still three players short, and at this moment, he didn't know where to look for them. Looking around, Beerus seemed to have a very good idea.

Then he said to Goten with a serious face: "Goten, traveling through time and space is indeed a felony. It stands to reason that your actions like this should be punished by me. But now I give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. As long as you find all five contestants in the next two days and then successfully win the match against the sixth Universe, I can handle the matter of your traveling through time and space. No blame."

" Oh! And of course, besides that, you have to prepare me the best foods on earth."

After finishing speaking, he was still a little nervous and glanced at Goten. He is a little afraid this guy will refuse.

Will he really want to destroy Goten by then? This guy is a rare genius in the Seventh Universe in a million years. And a very good opponent? If you destroy him, you will have no opponent if you want to fight in the future.

"Okay! I promise you," Goten nodded without hesitation. He knew it was Beerus who had spared him. So he didn't know what to do. Moreover, it was relatively easy for the Seventh Universe to select five fighters. Besides, as long as he is there, he will not lose the game against the sixth universe.

"Good… Then, follow me to the 10th universe. That mere trainee Supreme Kai dared to do such a thing; We will need to have a little talk with him now."


To be continued....


Next Time on Dragon Ball Z : Chapter 78: One Punch Legendary Saiyan.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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