
Reborn In Dragon Ball As Goten

Accidentally traveled to the world of Dragon Ball and became Son Goten, the second son of the Son family. And the Son Goku, Son Gohan and other fighters of this time and space all died in the Cell game, but Cell is still at large. Son Goten has become the only warrior who can save the earth in this time and space... Fortunately, the god-level golden finger activated. Now lets see what adventure awaits on Son Goten path.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 20 Wild Pegasus Oh!! Paragus Arrived!!!

Chapter 20 Wild Pegasus Oh!! Paragus Arrived!!!

"This... is impossible."

"How could my father be such a person?" Videl muttered in disbelief.

Clearly, her heart wanted to believe what Goten said. However, the belief she had held onto for more than ten years suddenly crumbled, making it difficult for her to accept this fact.

"Look closely," Goten said lightly, noticing Videl's continued disbelief. He instantly condensed an energy ball in the palm of his hand and launched it towards a mountain opposite them.

Rumble! Accompanied by a violent roar, the mountain peak immediately turned to dust.

"Do you think your father has this kind of power?" Gohan asked.

This time, Videl's face displayed an expression of utter incredulity. She hadn't clearly seen how the mountain exploded just now, and there was no direct contact between Goten and the mountain. According to her father's viewpoint, this had to be some kind of illusion.

"Did you use an illusion just now?" Videl asked innocently. In her father's eyes, anything unexplainable by science was deemed an illusion.

Goten shook his head helplessly. Then, with a light leap, he vanished in a beam of light. Introducing this kind of phenomenon to Videl was like playing the piano to a cow!

"Ah!" Videl was completely taken aback. That guy, Goten, could he really fly? He disappeared right before her eyes. Could this also be an illusion? No, it couldn't be. This couldn't be an illusion.

"You... I must find you and see what abilities you possess and how you use it!" Videl clenched her fist tightly and gritted her teeth.

Goten had certainly sparked her curiosity, compelling her to thoroughly study him. But for now, Goten had flown off to an unknown location, so she could only board her own helicopter and leave Fire Mountain.

However, one day, she would find Goten again. She would uncover and understand everything.


Ten days passed by in a flash once again. During this period, Goten remained unusually quiet. Videl didn't come after him anymore, and even Krillin hadn't returned.

At this point, Goten's strength had become quite stable, reaching the level of a Super Saiyan in the second stage. If he were to encounter Super Perfect Cell now, he was confident that he could easily defeat Cell without resorting to Ultra Instinct.

As Goten continued his training, he suddenly sensed some unfamiliar energy approaching Earth. These energies had never been felt on Earth before, but they were much stronger than those of ordinary humans, and they were rapidly closing in.

"Who could it be?" Goten wondered aloud, feeling a sense of familiarity with these strange energies. He paused his training and awaited their arrival, sensing that they were specifically targeting him.

After ten minutes, a massive black shadow appeared in the sky, accompanied by a deafening roar that sounded nothing like Videl's helicopter. Within a matter of seconds, the enormous shadow descended right in front of Goten. Upon surveying the scene, Goten recognized the all-too-familiar spaceship—it was a Universe ship.

"A Universe ship from the Frieza Legion??" Goten muttered to himself. "But the Ki energy of these guys is very weak. It can't possibly be Frieza."

Though the Universe ship bore a striking resemblance to those of the Frieza Corp, it was evident that Frieza himself couldn't be behind it. In this timeline, Trunks had already killed Frieza in the future. Moreover, Frieza possessed a power level of at least 100 million. Clearly, these individuals aboard the spaceship didn't possess such formidable power. Goten pondered the situation.

Just as Goten was contemplating, the hatch of the Universe ship opened, and a group of people emerged, standing in two orderly rows. It was apparent that they hailed from Universe. Then, a gray-haired old man stepped out of the spaceship, wearing the battle uniform of the Frieza Legion. This one-eyed man was none other than Paragas.

"Paragas??" He immediately recognized him. Paragas was Broly's father, though he appeared older than the last time he had seen him on TV.

"How did you find me?" Goten questioned, still puzzled. To be honest, very few people on Earth knew of his existence just two months ago. It was only after the battle with Cell that he became known to everyone.

If Goten remembered correctly, Paragas and Broly resided in the Southern Galaxy. The North and South Milky Ways were vastly different, so it was surprising that Paragas managed to locate him within just two months, traveling from the Northern Galaxy to Earth.

By now, Paragas had approached Goten, placing his right hand over his chest in a respectful gesture—a Saiyan's display of reverence towards the strong.

"Hello, Mr. Goten," Paragas greeted politely. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paragas."

Paragas's tone was courteous, yet his eyes betrayed a sinister and ruthless gleam, perhaps a reflection of the ferocity innate to pure-blooded Saiyans.

"I don't care who you are," Goten responded nonchalantly. "What I care about is why you are here on Earth and what business you have with me. If you don't provide a suitable reason, I'll dispose of all of you instantly."

Goten's interest in Paragas was minimal, but his curiosity regarding Paragas's son, Broly, was piqued. After all, Broly was a legendary Super Saiyan of pure blood.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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