
Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

Dave died and surprisingly reincarnated with all his memories. Unfortunately, it seems to be earth. Japan to be specific. Naruki City. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it was on the news or something. Oh well. Worse yet he has to learn Japanese from scratch, he has no special powers or system. What kind of lame reincarnation is this? No isekai, no powers, no system? Why even reincarnate. Also it seems to be the past, no smartphone and computers are backwards as all hell. Things just can't be worse. That is until he unfortunately dies again. However as he lay there bleeding out and slowly dying he finally realised he wasn't reincarnated on the real Earth. This was the world of Bleach and he was attacked by White and infected by his hollowfication poison. Can't he catch a break? He doesn't even get a chance to become a regular spirit and maybe a Shinigami. Just a mindless hollow. [...Initialising] [Status: Dying/Hollowfication] [Action: Preserving consciousness] [Success] [Action: Prevent Hollowfication] [...Error...Failure...] [Second Attempt] [Failure] [Third Attempt] [Failure] [Action abandoned] [Hollow System Initialised] ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- The general idea for this fanfic is to explore the hollow side of the story more than the original story does through the perspective of an protagonist that has Isekai'd into the world of Bleach with knowledge of the events. He just doesn't know he has been Isekai'd into Bleach at first. p a t r e o n/prognastat s u b s c r i b e s t a r/prognastat https://discord.gg/JKKPatT2ue

Prognastat · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Expected Results

Nelliel assumed a defensive stance, but didn't actually unleash her own Resurrección. She was still confident she could take him on without it.

Gantenbainne was actually smiling. It seemed his Resurrección had helped him regain some of his confidence. "You'll have to get serious now," he said confidently.

Orange balls of energy formed in front of his fists. He strafed around her using Sonido using any opening he saw he fired off one of the balls into a orange blast hurtling at Nelliel.

She parried the blasts with her zanpakuto and unlike before it actually seemed to have some effect as it forced her back, but to his dismay her stance remained unbroken.

She dashed towards him with Sonido catching him off guard. He managed to barely use his Resurrección's carapace to block the blade causing sparks to fly as it cut a gouge in it. He grunted and his arm shook against the blade as he struggled to resist the impact. The resistance only lasted for a moment before the force of the impact sent him flying back until he crashed into one of the pillars littering the interior space of Las Noches.

His body was embedded in the pillar. It took a few moments for him to extricate himself. and shake off the debris.

Nelliel sighed. "It will take more than that to get me serious," she said. She wasn't even trying to insult him, but that just made the whole thing more embarrassing.

Gantebainne looked at the damaged carapace and frowned. He dashed in closer and sent another blast at close range pushing back Nelliel with consecutive blasts preventing her from retaliating.

The relentless blasts tore up the surroundings and some of the spectators even had to dodge to avoid the collateral damage caused by the fight.

Hisashi looked over at Nnoitra who was still spectating and noticed he looked less than pleased. Although he was much stronger than Gantenbainne would he be able to handle him so easily without even using Resurrección? He wasn't sure, but a part of him deep down doubted it.

Hisashi simply shook his head. He would make sure Nnoitra would get his soon enough. He wasn't sure if he was strong enough quite yet, but Nelliel definitely was more powerful than him once again and had hopefully learned her lesson from last time and would be harder to trick a second time. Meanwhile Hisashi was still growing much faster than any other Hollow even at their level.

Nelliel deftly blocked and parried the attacks until Gantenbainne finally paused for a moment providing her with an opening. She immediately took advantage of it jumping up and sending her knee into his chin with a resounding crack sending his head up his body following after it as he was sent flying back.

His mind blanked for a moment from the impact giving Nelliel the opportunity to hit him with a bicycle kick to the head that sent him careening back to the ground uncontrollably. He hit the ground at high speed leaving a crater around him.

Nelliel remained standing mid-air forcing him to look up at her. "It is better if you give up now," she advised him.

She had been going easy on him already using kicks rather than her sword most of the time to reduce the amount of damage she could inflict on him. With his Hierro though the kicks hurt, it was much better than using her zanpakuto that could easily slice through it.

Gantenbainne smirked. "I don't think so. I haven't shown everything I have yet," he said confidently.

Nelliel shook her head in disappointment. "Is there a need to be so stubborn?" she asked.

Gantenbainne struggled back to his feet. "You wouldn't understand," he retorted.

Gantenbainne connected his fists together, the red claws surrounding them forming something akin to a beast's maw. "Rugir del Dragón!" he yelled out.

Energy started collecting in front of it forming a large ball of energy before bursting forth into a giant beam of energy with the shape of a dragon's head at the front barreling towards Nelliel.

The girls around Hisashi held their breath watching closely. None of them were used seeing fights on this level. Even less so from Nelliel who wasn't all that interested in fighting in general, often sitting out when they battled other Hollow.

Against his expectation Nelliel inhaled the attack again though it took longer to consume the entire blast this time. At first it seemed everything was fine, but upon closer inspection they could see small cracks forming around Nelliel's mouth.

Unable to contain it she fired it back again at twice the size. Unfortunately unlike her intentions she wasn't able to avoid hitting him since she didn't have the time to aim and escaping the giant beam she sent back was near impossible.

Unfortunately it seemed the attack had exceeded the limits of her Cero Doble as the cracks around her mouth grew even worse as she exhaled the overpowered attack.

Right before the blast reached Gantenbainne a figure appeared between him and the blast.

It turned out to be Aizen, he hadn't even unsheathed his zanpakuto. "Bakudō #81. Dankū," he said casually.

A thin translucent white square barrier appeared in front of him. The beam crashed into the barrier right as it formed, but despite the barrier's weak appearance it held strong blocking the beam and forcing it to split around it splashing beams of energy all around. None of them managed to hit Aizen nor Gantenbainne though.

Aizen looked completely unaffected the only thing giving away the chaos going on around him being his coat ruffling in the winds caused by the violent clash before him.

He smiled softly. "I think we can all agree we have a winner for today's match," he said with finality.

Gantenbainne lowered his head looking at the ground in defeat. His Resurrección form slowly dissipated leaving him in his regular form. He sighed. "Yes... Aizen-sama..." he eventually managed to say.


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