
Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

(DROPPED - unlikely to continue writing this series) Dorian was out celebrating his college graduation when a car slammed into him, and darkness took hold. He awoke to find himself in a strange new body, in a strange new world. One world among 30,000 fantastical worlds, where the mighty rule, where mystic beasts walk the earth, and magic spells warp reality. For Dorian to survive in these worlds, unfettered and free, living by his strong moral code, he will need great strength. He must make use of his strange new body and Evolve. But there's one catch... Dorian wasn't the only one sent into the 30,000 Worlds with the power to Evolve. He is the only one from Earth. He is the only one that managed to keep his memories. He is the Firstborn. But he is only one among many. Come read as the realm descends into chaos at the arrival of the 88 Anomalies. ---------------- Author's Patreon - lmkerr.com Discord: https://discord.gg/CEhpTMD

AuthorWiz · Fantasy
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243 Chs


Dorian shook his head ruefully as he looked around the quaint bedroom, relaxing his tired body. The aches that pained him seemed to fade away as he was once more back in the civilized world.

As he expected, at this point, the all-female group of warrior and Wizards weren't attacked in their final brave charge towards the city of Excelsior.

That wasn't to say that nothing strange occurred. On the contrary, just as they reached about four thousand meters from the city, the earth had seemed to shake.

A huge spike of stone had jutted up from the World Bridge, piercing into the air near them.

In an almost comical fashion, all the women in the group had spun around, glaring at the spike tentatively.

Dorian didn't even bother to hear what they said as he shut his ears off, ignoring it completely.