

"Huh!" Dorian exhaled sharply as he took another step forward, his Aura burst forth around him. He drew heavily upon his soul, Law Energy running through his veins.

In the confrontation, Dorian opted to not use any of the Seven Great Demonic Laws, instead using only the much more holy ones. The Aura that the Demonic Laws gave off was one that shifted and turned, hard for non-practitioners to detect, but there was no reason to risk detection.

Not when he was in the middle of a popular city that was located right outside a massive demonic ruin, likely full to the brim with Demon experts.

"Draw your weapon!" Bayran began, glaring at Dorian. The air around Bayran crackled sharply, deadly energy from his Law of Cutting rioting in the air.

Thanks to Bayran's actions, the street was now empty of civilian onlookers for more than 100 meters. The only people remaining were those with the strength to protect themselves from the aftershocks of any fight.