

The wind beat against Dorian's chest like an ominous drum, setting the air around him aflutter. He took several deep breaths as he looked out past the edge of the Flying Ship, gazing down upon the ground beneath him.

'Time seems to flow by so quickly…' He muttered, feeling a little sad. His life had been full of non-stop action the past few weeks, all chaos and rush. He longed for the days back on Earth where he had lived life slowly, taking it easy.

He blinked, swiveling slightly as he went on alert. He spread his senses out, trying to detect any approaching Anomalies.

He sighed.

'I can't think of any other ways to feel Fifteen's presence.'

His mind went back to the conversation he had had with Helena, just a few hours prior.

Originally, Dorian had planned on keeping the fact that he had fought with Fifteen a secret from Helena. He wanted her to fully focus on healing and rest, without having anything to distract her.