
Rematch Part 2

Beerus truly hadn't had a good fight in ages. Grinning at the foe in front of him, his old combat instincts started to come alive once more. Then, like a feral beast that was finally awakened, a powerful and overwhelming Aura raged out of Beerus's body.

Placing his hands down at his side Beerus looked at Gogeta and said, "I'm impressed, I haven't felt this kind of sensation in countless years,"

Beerus's hairs stood on end as he thought joyously, "Hahaha! I'm in danger, actual danger!"

The fused Saiyan held his hands out in a provocative manner, and with a mischievous grin, Gogeta wagged his finger toward himself while saying, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, let's have some fun."

Beerus's eye twitched as Whis covered his mouth and began to chuckle.

"Silence Whis, you're supposed to be on my side, remember?" Beerus shouted in annoyance.

Whis smiled as he stop laughing and said, "Oh, come on, you've been so lazy recently, you've started to rust. A little teasing should put some pep in your step. Oh, and if you're not careful Gogeta here may just win."

Powering up to Super Saiyan, Gogeta smiled as he said, "Even like this, I can smack down a low ranking god easily."

He then disappeared and landed beside Beerus, "Careful, and don't die on me. I want to test some things out."

Beerus grunted, "Are we really doing this? Just using your regular Super Saiyan form isn't going to be enough."

He turned to look Gogeta straight in his eyes and raised his hand readying a flick.

Gogeta smiled and disappeared in front of him before reappearing beside him with a fierce kicking motion.

Aiming at his head, Gogeta laughed as Beerus raised his hand and blocked his kick with an elbow guard.

The area around them shook as Beerus skidded back a few feet before saying, "Okay, maybe 0.5 percent would do the trick."

With another burst of speed far surpassing that of Gogeta, Beerus appeared beside him and tried to flick him once more.

Gogeta's eyes went wide as he quickly transformed into a Super Saiyan 2 and met Beerus's flick, with another flick of his own.

A loud concussive force started to knock everyone back, Whis tapped his staff on the ground and created a barrier to protect everyone.

Seeing that Beerus only shook his hand as if he had been stung by a bee, Gogeta knew he was in for the fight of his life.

Beerus then smiled at Gogeta before saying, "Interesting to think regular Ki can even be raised to such levels."

Gogeta rubbed his nose and with a goofy grin said, "We're just getting started."

Transforming into a Super Saiyan 3, Gogeta shot out like a bullet a magical glow surrounded his fist, "Dragon God's Great Fist!"

A giant flood dragon with a reddish hue of energy sprang forth from their punch and charged towards the God of Destruction.

Beerus grinned in excitement as he made a fist and punched back.

Their attacks collided causing another massive storm to rock the dimension. The people observing the fight huddled closer to Whis to stay safe.

Beerus then smiled with a wide grin before saying, "Not bad, I had to use ten percent of my power to stop that attack, show me what else you can do."

Gogeta grinned as he powered up to Super Saiyan 4 and dashed towards Beerus with intense speed.

Their hands turned into blots of light while they punched and blocked each others' thousands of attacks.

Gogeta raised his foot, aiming for Beerus' head but was met with a kick that blocked it. The force from their legs sent whirlwinds out so powerful that they rocked the ground and sky.

Transforming into a Primal Super Saiyan, Gogeta's energy soared into the heavens. Now that his body passed over into the godly realm, Gogeta's desire to fight soared.

The fused Saiyan stared down Beerus and said, "Get ready!"

Suddenly, a stream of vibrant purple energy erupted from Gogeta as he shouted, "Kaioshin-Ken Times 1000!"

As the purple light surrounded his body, Gogeta grinned at Beerus with a grand expression of confidence.

Vegeta then pointed to Beerus before saying, "This is a fusion of Kakarot and Vegeta's Kokoro-Ken, and Kaio-Ken techniques. It's far stronger than the two since it fuses magical energy into the Ki technique. Beware Beerus, this technique can even work in our True Super Saiyan God forms."

Beerus laughed loudly, "Excellent Gogeta, you are a worthy challenge."

Once again, Beerus entered his God of Destruction Mode and raised his hand, "Come, show me the might that can overcome a True Super Saiyan God."

Gogeta teleported beside Beerus's blind spot and punched out, Beerus smiled as he quickly maneuvered with a spin and met Gogeta's fist with his own.

Their punch rocked the air and caused everyone who was training in this place to come and join Whis under the barrier.

They huddle next to the Z-Fighters in fear of being swept away or hurt by a stray attack.






The two fighters blinked around the training grounds going blow for blow, neither landing a proper punch.

When Beerus kicked, Gogeta blocked with a kick, when Gogeta punched, Beerus blocked with a punch.

Waves of energy peeled off of their attacks and washed over the training grounds with fierce winds.

Unlike before, Gogeta wasn't being crushed by Beerus's Destruction Ki.

A magical glow around Gogeta's fist seemed to counteract the Destruction Ki before it could invade or attack Gogeta's body.

Gogeta smiled as raised his arm up to punch. However, once Beerus moved to defend, Gogeta switched his punch to a kick and caught him off guard.

Gogeta's kick landed on the God of Destruction's hip, sending him flying through the air.

Beerus grinned as he saw Gogeta appear in front of him and kicked him in the stomach before he could follow up.

Gogeta leaned forward before rocketing his head into Beerus' stomach and following up with a back handspring kick to the purple cat's chin.

Beerus leaned back from the blow before rushing forward with a flying uppercut to the bottom of Gogeta's chin. While he was in the air, Beerus followed up with a spinning back kick that slammed into the fused Saiyan's stomach, forcing Gogeta to tumble back against the ground.

The two turned into blurs again as they met in the center of the crater formed by their fight.

With a powerful series of punches and kicks, the two powerful beings caused countless seismic waves of concussive force to bounce around the whole training ground like chaotic explosions.

Gogeta continued to push himself to the limit as he traded blows with Beerus. Shockwaves of pain rippled throughout him every time Beerus landed an attack, but Gogeta kept on moving.

It was clear through this series of exchanges, Beerus still had the lead.

"Okay, next stage!" Gogeta roared as his power surged again.

Once again, True Super Saiyan God Red made its appearance, and because he was still under the effects of the Kaioshin-Ken Times One Thousand, Gogeta's God-Ki exploded with far more power than the battle on Beerus's planet.

In response, Beerus really started to cut loose.

"Okay, let's see how strong you are in this form!" Beerus shot forward with a punch so powerful that it could destroy entire galaxies.

Gogeta countered with a punch of his own, sliding past each other's defenses, the two mighty warriors successfully hit one another directly in the face.

Beerus chuckled as they both leaned back from the attack, and like crazed men, they swung back with full force.

They traded blows once again. Shot for shot, the two started to connect making each other cry out in pain as they cut loose.

Beerus hit Gogeta in the stomach with a flying jump kick.

Reacting almost instantly to the attack, Gogeta gripped his leg with a single hand and quickly powered up a one-handed Big Bang Kamehameha.

The massive blast of snow-blue Ki blasted Beerus directly in his face and sent the God of Destruction flying back into the distance.

While Beerus flew through the air, he waved his hands creating dozens of floating orbs of destruction, and flipped back several dozen times before landing safely on the ground.

With blinding speed, Beerus kicked the orbs of Destruction Ki just like they were soccer balls and sent out a massive barrage that forced Gogeta to put his guard up.

Crossing his arms, Gogeta felt the small spheres slam into him and force his feet to the ground. The spheres hit him dead on and shot back into the air where Beerus appeared with a backflip kick to the fusion warrior's neck.

Beerus teleported around and continued to kick back his attacks that bounced off of Gogeta's bruised arms. However, Gogeta managed to bring the fight back to the ground.

Everyone began to notice Gogeta's feet sliding backward against the grass, burning them while creating smoke trails as Beerus attacks picked up speed.

The barrage of Beerus kicking the spheres of destruction Ki was so fast that it looked like one continuous beam hitting Gogeta from every angle.

Grunting in pain, the attack finally broke through as Gogeta's arms flung out and took a few hundred hits to his body.

Falling flat onto his back, Gogeta grunted and quickly twisted his body while hopping onto his feet.

He stumbled around to regain his stance, showing that Beerus managed to do some decent damage.

He watched Beerus juggle the spheres around with his foot like they were soccer balls and took the time to heal the damage to his body with a Full Cure.

"Oh, recovered already," Beerus said as he kicked off the attack again.

Feeling his power swell under the Zenkai Boost, Gogeta started to dodge the remaining spheres of Destruction Ki that was hurtling towards him.

Smacking them back at the pink furred feline with a fierce kick, the two began to play a game of kick the orb of destruction.

Beerus started to laugh, as he picked up the speed, he shouted, "We're really having fun now!"

Gogeta quickly powered up to True Super Saiyan God Blue and shot through the waves of attacks before landing a punch on Beerus's gut.

Beerus's eyes bulged as he went tumbling backward several times over. Gogeta then flew after and punched at him again while he was close to the ground.

Beerus rolled out of the way and kicked Gogeta upside his head, sending Gogeta's face crashed into the ground.

When Gogeta's face hit the surface of the Timeless Training Grounds, the kinetic energy gathered by the attack alone caused a supermassive explosion.

However, before Beerus could continue, Gogeta flew out of the blast and slid across the ground before he swiped Beerus's legs like they were a pair of scissors with his legs.

Beerus fell face fist and hit the ground with a resounding whap.

Slapping his hands on the ground, Gogeta Ki shot up from underneath Beerus's stomach and exploded, shooting the God of Destruction into the air.

Before Beerus could respond, Gogeta flew up and knee-kicked him in the chin.

Then, with a spinning front flip heel kick to the God of Destruction's stomach, Gogeta sent Beerus flying back towards the ground.

Seconds away before Beerus's face touched the ground, Gogeta appeared and did a forward leaping kick into Beerus's back.

Beerus flew back and bounced across the Timeless Training Ground's surface like a stone skipping on water.

Every time he bounced, it caused a massive explosion to go off from the speed and friction generated by the attack.

However, as he bounced up again, Gogeta appeared in front of him and hit Beerus with an uppercut to the chin.

Gogeta started to lay into him with hundreds of blows. Punch after punch, kick after kick, Gogeta was landing all of his attacks, unknowingly pushing Beerus to the edge of his tolerance.

For the first time in hundreds of thousands of years, Beerus acted without reserve. The notion he was fighting a mortal disappeared completely as he powered up to max.

A thin layer of Destruction Ki surrounded Beerus's body like a shield and at that same time, a circle with three diamonds beneath it appeared on his chest.

As they once again connected with an attack, they both shot back from the force and landed a good twenty feet away from each other.

"Not bad, it's been a while since I've used 100% of my God of Destruction Form. Now I will return that earlier statement to you, Saiyan. Please don't die, this has been so much fun." Beerus disappeared, he moved so fast, Gogeta almost couldn't follow him.

Once again, their fist rained across each other's bodies without reserve, punches that could destroy a small cosmos continued to shake the very fabric of reality.

Gogeta laughed as he took massive damage and healed from it a second later. Every time Beerus damaged him, it only caused him to grow stronger and stronger.

Gogeta suddenly hit Beerus with a gut punch and a spinning side-kick. As Beerus was flung off into the distance, Gogeta powered up and held his hands back at his side.

His feet took the stance of the Galick Gun while his hand performed the Kamehameha maneuver.

"Mega Flare Kamehameha!" A bright blast of energy shot out from Gogeta's hands. It was surrounded by radiant blue bolts of lightning and the blast itself was made of a white-colored high-temperature flame.

Gogeta had merged Vegeta's Galick Gun and most powerful Fire Based Spell, Flare, into Goku's most powerful Ki attack, causing even the God of Destruction not to hold back as he countered with a powerful blast of his most potent Destruction Ki.

"End of All!" Beerus shouted as the black and purple beam shot out of his hands and clashed against Gogeta's attack.

Whis smiled, "Mixing Mana with Ki, it's no wonder it can resist Beerus's Destruction-Ki. This Gogeta is very impressive. It's almost like it's opposite, it's not Creation Ki, only Kaio-Shins are permitted to wield such forces...hmm could Gogeta have the makings of a God of Creation?!"

The blast continued to shake everything in sight when Beerus suddenly noticed he was losing ground slightly.

The thought of him losing triggered something inside him. Beerus suddenly shouted as his power started to grow. "Whis was right, I am getting rusty."

Gogeta struggled against the blast with everything he could. The two gods struggled back and forth for several minutes before the God of Destruction finally started to give way.

He, the one and only God of Destruction for Universe 7, was actually being pushed back by an unanointed god.

Beerus suddenly began to laugh maniacally as his power started to grow rapidly. For the first time in eons, Beerus was getting stronger, no it was more accurate to say he was recovering his lost strength.

The blast had shifted entirely to Beerus' control.

Gogeta put everything into the blast, their powers matched up for a split second and suddenly exploded.

Whis raised his staff to contain the explosion and watched as the two gods started to fight with incredible ferocity.

Gogeta hit Beerus ten times with devastating punches that ran straight down the center of his body.

First the nose, neck chest, stomach, and then his groin. Next, Gogeta raised his feet and kicked it out. Going from the bottom up, Gogeta landed a feet sweeping kick then followed up a powerful front kick to Beerus's back.

The God of Destruction's body flew into the air while Gogeta gave chase and performed a flying knee kick to the back of Beerus's neck.

As Beerus's body flipped forward from the blow, Gogeta performed a front flip kick, sending his heel straight between the center of Beerus's eyes.

The blow sent Beerus flying into the ground. However, Gogeta wasn't about to stop just yet.

Raising his hand, a shroud of Ice Magic appeared in the center of his palm before Gogeta pointed his hand towards the fallen God of Destruction and shouted, "Ice Storm Big Bang Attack!"

A massive ball of energy infused with ice magic descended upon Beerus in full force. As soon as it landed the entire landscape shifted to white as an explosion of frost covered up the terrain for hundreds of miles.

Gogeta hovered in the air as he sensed Beerus beneath the surface of the snowy plain, growing stronger for every second that passed.

"AHHH!" Beerus' shout started to shake the entire realm.

The surface of the snow around them began to produce steam. As the ice melted, revealing a wounded God of Destruction, blood poured from the Beerus's lips and out from several dozen bruises and cuts on his body.

A large portion of his chest was missing a chunk of skin, and he even was sporting a fairly large black eye that swelled up a bit.

Beerus, pleased with the Super Saiyan God's strength, raised his arm creating a massive star in the palm of his hand.

"Perish!" Beerus shouted as he flicked the sphere of plasma at Gogeta.

Gogeta punched out and shattered the attack when Beerus appeared beside him and said, "My turn."

Raising his foot, Gogeta felt the air leave his lungs as Beerus's kick landed against his sternum. Then, without warning or being able to sense it properly, Beerus's knee was raised right above the center of Gogeta's lip.

Blood spurted out of Gogeta's mouth as the kick sent his head reeling back. He gritted his teeth and held on long enough to feel the devastation of Beerus's attacks.

Three punches to the side of his head, a spinning kick that nearly cut through his neck, and before Gogeta could raise his arms to defend, a fierce blast ran through his chest.

Gogeta's body went limp.

The entire time Gogeta fell to the surface, Beerus continued to punch and kick most of his Vital areas.

Just before Gogeta's face hit the ground, Beerus grabbed his ankle and started slamming him back and forth against the training ground's all but indestructible floors.

The spectators watched on in horror while Whis never broke character, remaining chipper and happy throughout the entire duration of the match.

Beerus continued to swing Gogeta back and forth until the fused Saiyan was covered in bloody wounds.

Spinning Gogeta around a few times before Beerus threw him into the air, the God of Destruction started to shoot at him with dozens of finger beams.

The blast shot through Gogeta's chest and caused him to fall onto the ground in a pool of blood. However, he never screamed in pain.

Gogeta laughed as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, "F.f.u.ll...H..e.al!"

A bright glow surrounded his body and his power shot up even more than before, the wounds on his body closed and Gogeta's power was fully restored.

Beerus smiled as he saw him getting even stronger.

"Come Lord Beerus, I haven't had my fill of this fun!" Gogeta shouted as he pulled himself from the ground.

Everyone looked at him wide-eyed and the Saiyans cheered at the top of their lungs for getting to witness such a fight.

The two stared down at each other and got into their stances again.

"Prepare to lose Saiyan!" Beerus shouted.

Next chapter