
Rematch Part 3

Gogeta's power raged. His body had grown several times stronger after the thrashing that was given to him by Lord Beerus, and he was looking to unleash it all for some payback.

Gogeta then raised his hands and shouted, "Stardust Spirit Bomb Ex!"

"To all the Saiyans in here, please grant me your strength, to all the life that walks these training grounds, I ask to borrow just a bit of your power," Gogeta sent out a mental message that spanned across the entire created dimension.

Everyone raised their hands, and the multitude of life that existed inside the training grounds gave Gogeta their energy, the Saiyans and their family especially.

After a few minutes, the energy gathered causing a massive sphere of multicolored Ki around the size of a small moon, to appear above Gogeta's head.

The entire realm glowed with a beautiful, and prismatic light while the Stardust Genki-Dama continued to grow.

Gogeta began imbuing the attack with his most powerful Explosion Spell, taking the power of the technique to a whole new level.

Gogeta turned to Beerus, and with a burst of confidence, said, "This is my most powerful attack yet, but it won't be my last. My head is just bursting with ideas. So I hope you can survive. Wait, can you even kill a god of destruction with his guardian around?"

Beerus looked at the attack with some trepidation in his heart. He then took a deep breath and began to ease the tension in his body, dropping his posture and lowering his stance to a more relaxed look.

Beerus cracked his neck and stretched out his arms before saying, "You've done well to entertain me Gogeta, I think that this is where I'll end the fight."

Gogeta threw his arms down causing the attack to charge towards Beerus with a speed completely different from the spirit bomb's usual slow pacing.

The blast collided with Beerus's open hands as he pushed out and was swallowed up by the attack.

Whis showed a slight change in expression only for a second as he watched Beerus struggled to contain the might of the attack.

Suddenly a large supernova of an explosion rocked the entire space for billions of lightyears around them.

Gogeta's eyes stared at the massive crater caused by the attack and then he smiled before saying, "Well, you're still alive!"

Beerus was covered in wounds, his arm still reaching out with his hand in a defensive manner, smoke was slowly rising from his palm. However, his face showed a pleased expression, almost as if he had experienced true bliss.

Beerus let out a breath of fresh air and closed his eyes, the wounds on his body began to heal, no it was more like he was using Destruction Ki to destroy the damage.

"Can you do that!? Healing with Destruction Ki!?" Gogeta shouted in incredulity.

Beerus cricked his neck as he chuckled and said, "You can, only if you know what to destroy, and as a God of Destruction, there is nothing that I can not destroy."

Leaning forward with his arms relaxed, Beerus showed an extremely carefree pose, his body slunk down slightly and all the destructive aura around him disappeared without a trace.

Beerus then closed his eyes let out a slight and calm breath.

Suddenly, a light-colored aura started to rise from Beerus. The edges of his fur began to turn white while his entire body glowed with intense and radiant heat.

Beerus then opened his eyelids to reveal pitch-black eyes that looked as if there were stars being born inside them.

Gogeta stared on in wide-eyed and awed as he realized just what this form was.

"Ultra-Instinct!" Gogeta shouted feeling tense all over.

Beerus lick his paws and rubbed his ears before yawning, "You know, this is only going to last a second."

Gogeta didn't even have time to refute the God of Destruction before the cat-like being disappeared completely from his sight.

Unable to sense or even see Beerus's move, Goku suddenly gagged as he felt a stinging sensation in his gut.

Looking at his stomach, Gogeta saw Beerus's finger poking through his skin and sending out a massive surge of God Ki that crippled Gogeta's insides.

Gogeta yelled out in pain as he lost consciousness and defused while plummeting towards the ground.

Whis used his scepter to collect their bodies before he restored them from their battle damage.

Beerus then licked his paws and spoke in a chipper tone, "This is the best fight I've had in forever!"

Vegeta and Goku woke up and took one look around before sighing in defeat.

"We lost, huh?" Vegeta shook his head with a bit of disappointment.

Goku, on the other hand, couldn't contain his smile, "That was awesome, let's try again, but this time, with 3 people fused!"

Beerus froze and shouted with wide eyes, "You can fuse with even more people!?"

He then shook his head while thinking, "Maybe I should start training again."

"Ahh, whatever. Even if you fused with every Saiyan on this planet, you still wouldn't be able to beat me now that I've accessed this form!" Beerus said confidently.

Whis smiled and said, "I'm very proud of you for accessing the Ultra Instinct State, Lord Beerus. However, you are still far from mastering it, your eyes have yet to change completely, and much of your fur remains purple. Not to mention the goal is to control both Destruction and Ultra Instinct at the same time."

Beerus rolled his eyes as he powered down and turned to Whis, "Come, I'm hungry after that workout."

Goku and Vegeta let out a breath of fresh air as they fell back onto their asses, "Man he's tough, what did Gogeta call that? Ultra Instinct?"

Vegeta sat up and watched Whis and Beerus being supplied with food, "It's the art of self-movement, something unique happens to you when you tap into that state, you have to be both tense and relaxed at the same time."

"That sounds impossible!" Goku shouted, "How am I supposed to be both tense and relaxed? That's a contrdaction."

"The word your thinking of is 'contradiction' and no, it is possible. After all, Beerus just showed us the proof." Vegeta cured their wounds and stood up.

As they walked back over to their awe-struck family, Goku held his hands behind his head and said, "S~o Trunks, still think we can't take this Cell guy?"

Trunks shook his head, "I'm sorry for doubting you guys. It's just, I didn't want you all to experience the same loss I had to deal with."

Vegeta placed his hand on his shoulder, "We won't, as long as we're prepared for future challenges, our worlds won't fall."

Vegeta suddenly had an idea, "I figured out what I want my next wish to be."

Vegeta told Trunks to train while he gathered the dragon balls, after summoning Ryujinn again, Vegeta wished to make the star that they orbited would have its age locked where it was today. Now, this universe really would be eternal.

Taking planet Salada's dragon balls into the training grounds, Vegeta saw Gohan training with Future Trunks, Beerus was back in the living area and feasting on several good meals with Goku, and Bardock was watching over the trainees.

He smiled and placed them down before he joined them, after eating he turned to Gohan who had managed to almost perfect Primal Super Saiyan.

"Bardock, have you perfected your Primal Super Saiyan Form yet?" Vegeta asked.

Bardock nodded his head, "I have, Sire."

Vegeta shook his head, "Stop calling me that. Vegeta is fine. Anyways, come, it's time to teach you and Gohan how to achieve the True Super Saiyan God form."

Vegeta also thought it was time for his father to catch up as well. He needed a strong stand in King while he was off training, so he pulled Vegeta Senior into his training regiment, and shook his head in disappointment as he discovered that his father had only just reached Super Saiyan 3.

Vegeta then spent a full year inside the Training Grounds after bribing Whis with new foods in order to train him and Goku.

Three months into their training, Gohan learned the method to create God Ki. He and Bardock trained harshly until they both managed to transform into True Super Saiyan Gods.

Vegeta's father foolishly skipped mastering his Primal form and accessed the lower class of Saiyan God.

Future Trunk's finally managed to reach Super Saiyan 4, but because he still hadn't mastered the Primordial transformation, he couldn't reach the True Super Saiyan God level yet. But at least, he was on the right path.

Goku and Vegeta were also close to discovering the next form.

Vegeta had a strange idea; if triggering Super Saiyan in the god form caused the blue transformation, then what would happen if he tried to add the Super Saiyan 2 power to the transformation.

However, they realized it wasn't as simple as using Super Saiyan 2. Every time they tried, it felt like something was blocking them.

"It's not as simple as using Super Saiyan. It feels like there is more to it than simply triggering the form as a God," Vegeta commented.

"I know what you mean. It feels more like something inside us was unlocked after achieving True Super Saiyan God Blue," Goku replied, scratching his head with a confused expression.

Whis was listening in on their conversation when he offered his advice, "I think you're on the right track, after all, not once since you two have started training, have you transformed."

Vegeta nodded his head, "If we are right, then this new transformation will require our base forms to have much more durability than what we have now."

"Yeah, I felt that too! Like our body's just can't handle the new power yet!" Goku shouted.

Other than standard training, Whis had also drilled the basics of Ultra Instinct into the two Saiyans. He was very impressed with their progress.

Goku was a natural who had a problem with staying too loose, Vegeta however, was far different than he was in the original timeline. He wasn't as tense as he used to be, and even accepted the training to relax his body without raising much of a fuss.

Many months into their training, Whis had a brilliant idea and suggested that Vegeta train in Goku's style while Goku is to train in Vegeta's style.

Bulma used her resourceful mind and parent to fix up Yamcha and Android 16. During the process, she had learned a lot from the Android and Cyborg inner workings,

One of the biggest discoveries allowed her to understand and create her own infinite energy reactor.

Vegeta just smiled and celebrated with his wife the old-fashioned way; a date at a nice restaurant, a night out on the town, little alcohol, and several hours of making love.

Six months into their training, Vegeta's father finally managed to master Super Saiyan 3 and achieved Super Saiyan 4. In fact, most of his family had managed to reach Super Saiyan 4, including Kid Trunks, Raunch, and Goten.

What came after was the manifestation of their primordial bodies.

The rule was, if you don't master all the previous forms, you are not allowed to transform into a Primal Super Saiyan.

Of course, Vegeta explained why and wasn't completely strict about the law. He had exceptions for that very rule. Should your life be in danger, or a threat in a mission is too tough to handle, one may attempt to use the Primordial Super Saiyan form.

Bulla was still rather young and doing basic training with Gardnia. She insisted on starting their training early, saying, "That as the princess of all Saiyans, it was her duty to be stronger than her papa."

However, her mother refused to let her train, often saying, "You haven't grown enough."

However, with enough begging and pleading, Bulma eventually settled for letting her daughter perform basic Ki training and light workouts.

After the full year had passed, and with Whis constantly training them, Vegeta and Goku grew in power by a great deal.

Their new Base Power Level was 80 Trillion, and most of their family benefited from observing or taking part in the training as well. Even Krillin managed to train until his power level reached 10 Trillion, impressing everyone.

To celebrate the growth in his Saiyan Race and mastering True Super Saiyan God Blue, Vegeta invited Beerus and Whis to the opening of the first bottle of Heavenly Wine.

When Whis smelled the aroma, he smiled and cheerfully asked, "Oh, my, Is this fermented from the fruit grown by the Sacred World Tree?"

"We call it the Tree of Might, and to answer your question, yes. It has also been aged here for a little over 250 years inside the Training Grounds, of course, that's only three months outside." Vegeta poured everyone a cup.

Beerus licked his lips before saying, "It's been a long time since I've tasted wine from the heavenly tree."

Vegeta swallowed the cup as did everyone else, even the children were allowed to drink a single sip.

Everyone's power started to surge, Vegeta's eyes widened as he felt his base power skyrocket, normally, when eating the fruit, one would only get a Times 15 bonus to their base power.

However, when he fermented a whole jar of them, the effects grew concentrated and were significantly enhanced.

A single cup of the wine multiplied his power by 30 times, and the humans who drank it received even greater bonuses for some reason.

Vegeta and Goku's new power level was 2.4 Quadrillion, and Krillin had an astonishing 1.4 Quadrillion, with Tein only a little weaker than him.

Gohan and Bardock were the next strongest by having a power level in the 2 Quadrillion zone, followed by the rest of the Z-Fighters multi-hundred trillion power level range.

Only the children still remained in the hundreds of Billions but were still downright frightening.

After the sudden surge of power, Vegeta and Goku knew that they had finally grown strong enough to attempt the next form of Super Saiyan God.

Once the two celestial beings enjoyingly devoured their feast, Beerus demanded Whis make him a castle inside the training room.

"I like this place," Beerus said scratching his chin.

"It is rather nice in here," Whis chuckled.

"Whis, make me a castle here! If the time difference really is a thousand times greater than the outside, then this place would be a great vacation spot, not to mention the good food!" Beerus ordered while rubbing his full stomach.

Whis smiled his head as he raised and created a copy of Beerus's planet above the Training grounds clouds. Now, floating alongside one of their moons, was a copy of the God of Destruction's Castle, complete with withered tree and all.

Vegeta then walked over to Goku and said, "Ready to take this to the next level?!"

"You bet, Vegeta!" Goku grinned as he walked beside his rival.

Next chapter