
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

My Bulma!

The old version of Perfect Cell appeared and swung his tail out to absorb the body of Ozotto before the Majin finished healing.

Cell began laughing, his body was morphing into a new form, spikes grew out from his elbows and his crown curved outward morphing into demonic horns while a demon orb similar to Frieza took the place of the top of his dome.

Although his exoskeleton still looked very bug-like, his spots faded away and his entire body turned golden and red.

Cell looked around in his new form and smiled, "So this is ultimate power!"

Goku frowned as he could only feel the endless depths of the Ki emanating from Cell.

Cero frowned as he noticed that the Golden-Red version of his evil counterpart didn't have the same stamina drain as his own did.

After absorbing Majin Ozotto, Cell turned to Fu and said, "Shall I finish them?"

Fu smiled and shook his head, "No, just leave one of your kids for them to play with."

Cell laughed, he then created a Cell Jr.

Using up around a tenth of his power to make him, Cell smirked before he said, "This one should do."

Fu nodded his head and said, "Good, let's return. When the right time arrives we will hold a tournament with them, only then can you go all out."

Cell stepped into a portal made by Fu and laughed as he said, "That's if they survive my kid."

Goku saw the Golden-Red Cell Jr and frowned, the powers of this copy were no joke.

Compared to the childish figures of the Kid-Cells from the Canon, this one looked like a teenager version of the current Cell's appearance.

The Cell Jr. was flexing his body and smiling as it stared down the remaining Z fighters.

Goku growled, he still didn't sense Vegeta's life force returning, "You killed my friend!! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RUNNING TO?!"

Memories of Vegeta and their rivalry swept through Goku's mind. The man that saved his life when they first met, the man returned his parents to his side, helped him reconnect with his heritage, became his best friend, and helped him grow stronger than he ever thought possible.

While Cell's image was disappearing in a closing portal, he took one look at Goku and laughed before saying, "He was weak, he deserved to die."

Like a bomb exploding in Goku's head, his rage caused his reasoning to haze and his power to spike to crazy levels.

Fu's eyes popped as the portal finished closing and said, "That form was..."

Goku's power continued to grow like crazy, his hair started to grow longer, reaching the length of a Super Saiyan 3 and gaining a tint of green.

The flux of energy caused Goku's muscles to inflate until he was 6 feet tall.

Looking like a massive titan, Goku roared out as his purple hair and fur turned Emerald Green.

A gargantuan aura ripped apart the skies as his body shined with a golden green power.

Goku's Ki continued to grow at a freakish rate as tears ran down his cheek.

This version of Goku had never lost anyone before, or at least he never experienced the death of a close friend in person. Even when Krillin died when they were kids, Goku wasn't there to witness it, so the impact wasn't as great.

Goku knew that the dragon balls could resurrect Vegeta, but, the shock of seeing such a close friend die right in front of him was too much to take.

Watching Vegeta die and hearing his friend taunted triggered something inside the Pure-Hearted Saiyan.

It shook him to the core and his response elevated him to the next form.

His body grew stronger and his emerald-colored God Ki was overflowing. The Azure Green Aura surged into the sky, knocking everyone back with a powerful gust of wind.

Goku's eyes were filled with rage as he stared down the confused Cell Jr.

The Saiyan's arm inflated a bit as he charged towards the miniature Android.

Before Cell Jr could react, Goku punched the upper half of his body into two pieces.

However, Cell Jr's body recovered almost instantly. Through a combination of its Namekian regeneration ability and Ozotto's world absorption ability, it healed without any stamina drain.

On top of it all, Cell Jr's Saiyan genes gave it an immense Zenkai Boost, making it stronger than before.

Goku didn't care about the Android's gains and only smashed its body into pulp again with another brutal punch. The entire area around them disappeared in a wave of destruction and reformed through the healing process of Mars.

Cell Jr. just laughed as his body grew back even stronger before.

In Goku's mindless and berserk state, he continued to beat the ever-living tar out of Cell Jr.

Only, by doing so, he was constantly making his opponent stronger to the point that it could fight back against the enraged Goku.

Vegeta's body was picked up by Bulma who was bawling her eyes out. The tears streamed down her cheeks and onto Vegeta's face before she shouted, "Wake up, damn it! Nobody can wish us back if we all die! Wake up! Please...please wake up."

With a stream of tears falling from her eyes, Bulma began to perform CPR once again.

Gohan and Goten frowned, they knew that Goku was acting strangely and if he didn't come out of his madness, the Cell Jr really would be strong enough to kill all of them.

While Raunch helped support the less powerful members of the Z-Fighters, Trunks, Goten, and Gohan all suddenly decided to fuse.

The moment they started to perform the three-person fusion dance technique, Cell Jr. noticed them.

As if the Android were aware of what the kids were up to, he suddenly jumped over and dragged the rest of Z fighters in the middle of the chaotic battle.

Goku flew after Cell Jr. and started to lob blasts of potent God Ki around everyone.

Because of this, their first Fusion was a bust, and ab elderly weak Gotanks appeared.

"Dang kids!" The old Gotanks yelled as he was easily blown away.

Thankfully, they also learned the method to cancel the fusion that when used would shorter cool-down duration before the technique could be used again.

The trio fusion Warrior placed his hands together and made a gesture like two waves of water separating with them.

Seeing that the enraged True Super Saiyan Green was charging at them, the Z-Fighters moved in to buy the children time.

Cero lept in and kicked Goku in the face, sending him flying into the distance for a short while.

"Grahh?" The Android grumbled.

'"I an't your daddy," Cero said before he dodged Goku's attack and transformed into his Platnium-Blue Mode.

"Snap out of it, Goku!" Krillin shouted as used Kaio-Zenken Times 400.

Goku ignored him and tried to attack before Krillin took a deep breath and said, "Kukai!"

A second marking on Krillin's head lit up as his focus allowed him to narrowly dodge Goku's unrefined attacks.

"Wake up, Goku! We need you!" Chi-Chi cried as she transformed into a True Super Saiyan Purple and saved Krillin from nearly getting his head knocked off by tackling him to the ground.

Tien joined in and used Krillin's Super Solar Flare to blind Cell Jr while Raditz and Bardock transformed into True Super Saiyan God Purple and did their best to restrain the Android.

Gine transformed into a True Super Saiyan God Blue and joined them alongside Raunch as a True Super Saiyan God Purple.

Even Launch transformed into a True Super Saiyan God Red as she fought beside her husband.

They did their best to not damage but to push back Cell Jr. However, that is easier said than done.

Cell Jr's power was off the charts. He was slowly beating back all of the Z-Fighters with ease.

After shuffling through the hectic battlefield, the Z-Fighters managed to keep Goku and Cell Jr. from getting anywhere near the kids.

Once more, they tried to fuse. However, a beam suddenly came flying towards their Bulma and Vegeta's body.

Cell Jr. was wicked indeed, not having time to react, the boys once again screwed up their fusion to block the attack with a Ki blast.

Fat Gotanks appeared as a reprecussion and thankfully the other Z-Fighters teamed up to knock away the rest of the blasts.

Vegeta's eyes suddenly twitched in the mayhem of it all. However, Bulma didn't notice and continued to perform CPR on him.

Cell Jr was being to grow frustrated as the kids defused and stood by Bulma's side. He lobed over a massive ball of Ki while he attacked the Z-Fighters with powerful melee attacks.

A huge boom echoed out as the Z-Fighters looked over in horror.

Only, once the smoke cleared, it revealed Lapis and Lazuli performing the Aigis Barrier technique.

"We'll protect your guys!" Lapis said as he increased the energy output.

"Hurry up and finish that dance!" Lazuli shouted.

Just as the boys were about to complete the fusion dance, Cell Jr. sought to disrupt him again. He may not have been able to destroy the barrier, but he can move the ground beneath them.

As he reach out with his telekinesis, Cell Jr tried to uplift the ground beneath their feet but was interrupted by a Hulked-out Goku.

The large True Super Saiyan God Green landed a solid punch on the Android, splattering his head across the ground and giving the three Saiyan children enough time to succeed.

A loud boom echoed out as the three-person fusion manifested. His Aura surged into the sky, and out from the light, Gotanks appeared.

The Ki he was emitting suddenly sent out intensely powerful shockwaves of intense Ki throughout the galaxy, shaking everything in the cosmos.

(A/N: Gotenks is just Goten and Trunks, the 'e' switches to an 'a' when Gohan gets involved, thus the name Gotanks.)

Even in his base form, the fused Saiyan's energy was absolutely insane.

Cell Jr halted slightly, the bug-like android knew it was in trouble but Goku in his rage couldn't even sense Gotank's birth.

Just as Goku was about to crush Cell Jr. again, Gotanks flew over and held his hand up, stopping the attack with one hand and powering up a blast in the other towards Cell Jr.

Before Gotanks could eradicate Cel Jr, Goku punched Gotanks, sending the fused Saiyans flying into the distance and crashing through a couple of mountainsides.

Seeing an opportunity, Cell Jr. suddenly teleported over to Vegeta and attempted to absorb him.

Bulma powered up as much as she could and tried to fight it off, showing that she had mastered her Masted SS2 form, but alas, it was too much for her to bear.

All the Z fighters tried to rush to her side, but they were too slow. They knew they wouldn't make it in time.

Throwing herself in front of the attack, Bulma was captured by Cell Jr.'s grasps instead. Unable to stop the process, the Android's needle-like tail spread open and started to suck Bulma up.

Gotanks flew out of the debris as fast as he could, even transforming into True Super Saiyan God Red in the process.

He was seconds away from slamming Cell Jr to the moon and saving Bulma, but Goku stood in his way.

He elbowed the triple fusion into the ground and threw him by the foot into a nearby mountainside.

Cero tried to help, but Titan Goku lifted him up by the head and gut-punched the Android outside the stratosphere.

The Z-Fighters tried to split their attention, but Goku roared, causing his Ki to swell up and send them all flying into the distance.

Bulma screamed out for help, while her body was pulled further into Cell Jr.'s body.

Lapis and Lazuli wanted to help, but Cell Jr was using Telekinesis on them to hold the Cyborgs in place.

When Bulma reached halfway up the Andriod's tail, she felt the familiar grasp of Vegeta's hand wrapping around her ankle.

"What..." Vegeta's voice echoed out with venom in his tone, "The hell...do you think...you're doing...to...my...BULMA?!"

Vegeta's power skyrocketed. The Zenkai boost he gained from momentarily dying pushed his power level completely off the charts.

The Saiyan King transformed on the spot. His hair grew longer until it took the shape of Super Saiyan3. His fur turned into a dark green while his hair and eyes turned emerald green.

Vegeta's body then suddenly bulked up, raising his height to about six feet as energy crackled all around his body.

With a vengeance-filled roar, Vegeta's Aura surged across the planet and caused massive quakes to rumble even in the afterlife.

The Azure Green aura spread out into the heavens, threatening to eclipse their own sun in brightness.

After transforming, small crackles of Azure Green energy rippled off of his body like lightning. Just like Goku, his hair looked like a shorter version of his Super Saiyan 3 form, only it didn't have the overly pronounced forehead and he still had his eyebrows.

Unlike Goku's massive gigantification that made him look like a tank, Vegeta grew about six foot one inch in height and was only slightly more bulky than usual; similar to his Super Saiyan Grade 2 form but smidgen less muscle mass.

With a quick pull of his arms, Vegeta pulled Bulma out of Cell Jr.'s tail and ripped his tail in half with his other hand.

Everyone was startled by Vegeta's sudden resurrection and transformation.

The Saiyan King then raised his hands and smacked the Android across the face so quickly, that the Cell Jr. didn't even have time to think of dodging much less notice hand moving.

With a loud crack of flesh against flesh, the impact of Vegeta's palm, sent the Cell Jr flying back into the air before slamming into the giant and enraged Goku's chest.

Unlike Vegeta, it appeared that Goku didn't fully access the true shape of this new form. The biggest difference being, that Vegeta was only slightly shorter, and his muscles were more compact, while Goku was a full-on titan that looked like six feet 7 inches of pure muscle.

Vegeta grinned at his rival and laughed before saying, "Hah! I beat you again, Kakarot! You are still losing out to that savage nature! Wake up!"

With a powerful punch to the face, Goku flew back in shock. Before he could react, Vegeta, thew Cell Junior into the ground and snapped his spine.

Vegeta then took off after Goku and put him in a chokehold.

"Everyone, use Telepathy to call out to this moron and wake him up!" Vegeta shouted as he tightened his hold.

The Z-Fighters all called out, Chi-Chi having the biggest effect as his eyes finally started to recover.

Goku's eyes then popped out a bit as Vegeta appeared in front of him and slapped him on the side of the head.

Goku's face flew straight down and slammed face-first into the ground. The whole planet quaked as Goku lost consciousness and reverted to his base form.

Vegeta then turned to where he left the Cell Jr. and appeared in front of him with a burst of speed that made the Android shiver.

Cell Jr. threw out a punch, only for Vegeta to grab his hand and crush it. Vegeta then threw the 4-foot bug-like Android, out of the atmosphere.

Vegeta could feel his power overflowing. The power of his new form was spiling out and being absorbed into base strength, constantly rising his power level for every second the Saiyan King held the form.

Vegeta lept back into battle with a smile on his face.

Cell Jr. just repaired the broken spine and was just about to stand up. But, before he could react, Vegeta appeared behind him and started to beat the crap out of him.

Far out of the Android's range to absorb the planet's life force, Cell Jr. was left without a way to heal wounds.

With the Android constantly regenerating through its Namekain Genes and having no life energy to recover his stamina, it was getting harder and harder for Cell Jr. to fight back.

After a crazed full-frontal assault, Vegeta turned Cell Jr. into a mangled mess of broken bones and missing limbs.

The Saiyan King showed no mercy as he continued to savagely rain down blows that could easily shatter entire planets.

"Hurt my Bulma!" Vegeta shouted as his foot slammed through Cell Jr.'s stomach.

"I'll fucking KILL YOU!!!" Vegeta performed a spinning kick to the side of Cell Jr.'s face and sent the Android flying.

"I'll eradicate your fucking soul!" Vegeta then raised his hands and created a massive sphere of lightning in one hand and fire in the other.

Throwing his hands together, Vegeta let out a fierce shout as he launched a powerful original attack, "Final Big Bang Crash!"

The space around Vegeta started to warp as the massive beam shot off into the endless void.

Cell Jr didn't stand a chance. Its skin boiled away and its muscles melted into goo before it was completely eradicated into space dust.

Vegeta let out a breath of fresh air and shouted, "Nobody EVER! Hurts my Bulma!"

He then teleported to the afterlife in time to see Cell Jr's soul being judged.

"Did you think I was joking!" Vegeta growled as he held out his hand.

King Yemma almost pissed his pants as he watched Vegeta say, "Hakai!"

The very soul of Cell Jr faded into dust before Vegeta teleported back to Mars' atmosphere.

While flying back down to the surface of Mars, Vegeta showed a displeased expression in the form of his famous, permanent scowl.

He was still completely pissed off about what happened after he quote, unquote, died.

Standing over Goku's defenseless and innocent sleeping face, Vegeta raised his open hand before slapping Goku awake and shouting, "Wake up, you damn clown!"

Goku jumped up with a confused expression on his face, and then with a painful shriek, he shouted, "OWIE!"

Goku rubbed his reddened cheek while questioning his fellow Saiyan, "What the hell Vegeta, couldn't you use a Wake Spell on me or something?!"

"I could...but slapping you sounded more fun, and I must admit, a bit therapeutic. Now explain, you buffoon! What happened here?!" Vegeta let out some steam.

Although Goku was in an enraged state, he still kept his memories of the events that transpired after Vegeta's pseudo death.

It didn't take long for Vegeta to lose his temper, "A tournament? A Trail of Life and Death no less?! Good, good, if he wants to challenge me like in that manner, it already guaranteed that he's going to lose."

Just as Vegeta finished checking on everyone, he turned to Bulma. He didn't get the chance to ask if she was okay before Bulma suddenly jumped into his arms and started crying.

"I thought I lost you, damn it! Never do that to me again!" Bulma shouted while pounding her fists on his chest.

Vegeta cradled her in his arms before replying, "I'm sorry I scared you."

Wiping the tears away from her cheeks, Bulma looked him in the eye and said, "Promise."

Vegeta nodded his head and gave her a kiss that earned a 'Bletch!' from the children watching.

"I promise," Vegeta announced as cast his Zoom spell and teleported everyone but the new Android Race back home.

The emotions Bulma was holding back came out all at once they returned to the safety of their homes.

She bawled like a baby and made Vegeta sigh as he patted her head and comforted her. He knew that Goku and himself had to get stronger. Fu was no ordinary opponent.

Even Gogeta and Vegeto can't handle him completely. The Saiyan warrior had to step up the level of training somehow.

Vegeta took Bulma to their room on Earth, and the two spent the entire night there just holding one another.

The next morning, Bulma seemed to be in a much better mood, Vegeta woke up seeing her nuzzle her nose against his bare chest.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around her and smiled, "Good morning."

Bulma looked at him and basked in the feelings of safe and at ease only living on Earth could bring.

Deciding to make the most of their time, Bulma pounced on Vegeta and enjoyed the feeling of their bodies intertwining.

After fooling around for a few hours, they started to talk about miscellaneous things all day.

Vegeta was doing his best to comfort his wife after her near-death experience, by avoiding the topic as much as possible.

Bulma very much enjoyed their quiet time together. With the Earthling grandparents on Earth watching the kids, and the Saiyan grandparents handling the throne back on Salada, the two spouses spent the whole day acting like the hopelessly in love couple that they were.

After rolling around in bed with Bulma that night, Vegeta went to sleep completely content.

However, just before the Saiyan King woke up, both his body and soul were transported to another reality. It was in a time chamber like the one on Kami's lookout, but much different.

There he met with another reincarnator like himself, someone from his Earth, or an Earth just like it.

The person he met went by the name Kibo Hoshi, and the universe he chose to reincarnate to, was the Naruto Universe.

Vegeta listened to his explanation and learned that he had apparently been summoned here through the use of something called a Challenge Token.

If he wanted to return, they would have to fight, if he won, he would be rewarded by the mysterious god of Karma that granted Kibo his powers.

The two exchanged words before fists and got to know one another, after swapping info about their worlds and fighting styles, the two sat down to eat and Vegeta was even given some gifts before the fight.

Thinking he was trying to buy favor with the Saiyan King, Vegeta accepted the items and was surprised to hear the human ask him not to hold back.

After a fierce fight, Vegeta ended up doing exactly what Kibo asked him not to do. He held back, too much apparently, and because of that, the fight ended with his defeat.

(To see everything that happened to Vegeta, please read Reborn in the Narutoverse from the end of Chapter 123 through the middle of Chapter 126.)

Vegeta grabbed his neck and said, "That little shit played me, and to think I was nice enough to go easy on him and fight on his level. Even if I didn't go all out, True Super Saiyan God Red should have been enough to beat him."

Vegeta was fuming as he saw that the damage to his neck had healed. However, there was still a small trace of blood on it.