
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The Scheming Fan Boy that Loves Chaos

Vegeta knew very little about Majin Ozotto. He did know that the Majin was of the Devil species, just like Frost Demons, Demon Lords, and Buu-types. But this Majin was too different from what he was familiar with.

For one, his power for one was ridiculously strong. The other was that he looked far different from the Canon Version. Similar to a monster with curved horns horns.

His body was well proportioned, looking akin to Cell's Perfect form. His face and armor were the same Majin Ozotto-scheme, but he had, six arms, six eyes on his face.

To top it all off, he had one giant eye at the center of his chest.

"Who?" Vegeta said with a frown on his face.

Using Ki to sense the person before him, Vegeta's eyes widened as he discovered the identity of the purple man who had been scheming behind his back this entire time.

Seeing that the jig was up, the mystery man off his hooded cloak.

The Demon King, known as Fu, showed himself with a gleeful expression on his face.

"Hiya Geets!" Fu shouted with a grin on his face.

Vegeta frowned, "You're!!!"

"Aww... you don't need to look like that, surely you suspected something." Fu chuckled with a taunting tone.

Vegeta thought back to the difference in timelines, sure there were irregularities, but he thought every major alteration could be explained away because of the changes and choices he made.

Turles somehow ending up on Earth, Cooler finding the tree of might, were both something that he found strange. But he chalked it up to being in a different universe than the main cannon.

However, out of all of those incidents, the only one that didn't make sense to Vegeta had to do with Cell, "It was you who gave Gero the Gete A.I Chip?"

Fu clapped his hand before saying, "Yep! You figured it out! Though I got to say, the level of power you managed to reach impresses me, but, your easy-life-style is boring me a bit. So, I made this guy by traveling to every known multiverse and having him absorb himself."

Holding his hands out in a presenting manner, Fu then announced the name of being he brought with him, "Now there is only one Majin Ozotto in all of the multiverse. I call him Majin Ozotto Prime!"

As a fellow fan, Vegeta couldn't help but think, "Damn, that's actually a pretty cool name."

"Man, you have no idea how hard it was to find all these guys, but the power boost was worth it," Fu continued rambling.

Vegeta and the Z-Fighters started to sweat. He had never felt anything like Majin Ozotto's power before. The creature's Ki felt bottomless, devoid of positive emotions, pure, unadulterated, and concentrated evil.

Fu, on the other hand, his entire body bristled with energies of the chaotic nature. It was like staring directly into the star that couldn't decide whether or not it wanted to blow itself up.

The amount of energy he harvested from the distortions he has created in time was truly blinding.

Vegeta took a deep breath and thought about his life as Leon. His knowledge of Fu was pretty good.

Vegeta found him an interesting character, and the changes he made to the timeline were sure to draw Fu's attention. However, Vegeta never could have known that Fu would gain this much power.

"Anyways, I brought this fellow to play! He seems to like what you've done with this planet." Fu chuckled, his eyes gleamed like a fanboy watching a new episode of Dragon Ball Z.

Majin Ozotto breathed in and smiled, "This world is nice, I could absorb it for an eternity if I take my time."

Cero frowned, "I'm sorry, but this is my world, and I don't permit you to do such a thing."

Fu suddenly appeared in front of Cero, "Wow, so this what you look like after being augmented by the Gete A.I Chip."

Sweat formed at the top of Cero's brow, he stared down Fu who was inspecting him as if he were an action figure, "So, cool, but I'm a little sore about you turning into a good guy. Ozotto, kill them all."

Vegeta's eyes widened, "Wait!"

Majin Ozotto smiled and raised his hand, Vegeta and Goku dashed forward and punched out at him, Ozotto laughed and used his remaining hands to fend off the two's assault.

Shockwaves rocked the planet as Fu jumped back into the stratosphere and sat down to enjoy the fight. He then pulled out some popcorn from nowhere and started to relax.

Vegeta and Goku were throwing everything they had at Majin Ozotto, punches, kicks, Ki blast, and sneak attacks. However, it was all useless.

Majin Ozotto grabbed their hands with his middle set of arms and started to beat the crap out of both Goku and Vegeta.

Majin Ozotto continued to punch and kick them with his remaining appendages until he pushed the two Saiyans tumbling through the planet with a Devil-Qi powered finger blast.

The attack caused massive explosions that jettisoned large chunks of Mars into the atmosphere and scorched the land around it.

Vegeta and Goku pulled themselves out of the ground and floated back into the air.

Everyone instantly noticed their condition, the bodies of the two Saiyans, were torn just as badly as their outfits, blood dripped from their every, tear, abrasion, and cut.

Both, Vegeta and Goku's breathing was heavy, their bodies were worn down and broken.

Just surviving the Majin's assault took out most of their Ki.

Even in their Super Saiyan God Purple forms, they weren't strong enough to handle Majin Ozotto's power.

Vegeta used a full heal spell on both Goku and himself. They felt their strength rise from the Zenkai Boost and stared down Majin Ozotto with a fierce glare.

"Kakorot, don't hold back, not against this one." Vegeta powered up using his Kokoro-Ken Time's 100.

"I know Vegeta, he intends to kill us all, and I don't think he'll let us run to train and come back." Goku used his Kaio-Ken Times 100 and looked over at Cero and the rest of the fighters.

"We might need your help, we're going to hit him with everything we have. If it's not enough..." Vegeta looked over to Goku, "We'll have to fuse."

The Saiyan King shot out and punched the center of Majin Ozotto's face.

The force from the attack barely knocked Ozotto back a few feet while Goku appeared above him and stomp-kicked the Majins head.

Ozotto hardly budged.

Before Goku could continue, Ozotto grabbed Goku's foot and used his body like a hammer, slamming his head into Vegeta's face.

A loud explosion of gust blasted out from the impact, the terrain shattered as Goku and Vegeta crashed into nearby mountains.

Vegeta then flew out of the ground while vigorously rubbing his forehead as if he were in a lot of pain.

"ARGH! The hell is your head made of, Kakorot? Adamantium?!" Vegeta shouted as he hopped around trying to make the pain away.

Goku flew out as well and was rubbing the top of his scalp while he replied, "This again Vegeta? Your head is just as hard! Kami, I'm seeing stars!"

Goku then gave a smug look as he said, "Geeze, even an amateur would be able to tell our Skulls are roughly the same strength? Did that hit make you dumb?"

Vegeta's eyebrow twitched as a vein appeared on his forehead, "Did I just get called an Idiot by the Manga's biggest space cadet?"

"Whatever Kakorot, just get back in the fight!" Vegeta flew off towards Ozotto who was staring at them with a mocking expression.

Goku chased after his fellow Saiyan and once again the three began to fight it out.

Vegeta and Goku rained down a flurry of blows that sent out millions of shockwaves that rattled the universe.

Ozotto grinned in response and dodged every last one of their attacks with ease. His smug grin only made the two Saiyans lose their temper even more.

Vegeta went all-in, sending out a fierce punch that could shatter a star. The Saiyan King aimed for Ozotto's chin, while Goku went in low with a kick to his legs.

Ozotto let out a chuckle as he raised his hand and slammed the back of his fist into Vegeta's face. At the same time, Ozotto raised his leg, kicking Goku in the stomach so hard, his abdomen stretched out the other side.

Goku and Vegeta were then pummeled by Ozotto as if they were cannon fodder.

Hundreds of punches, after hundreds of kicks, turned into thousands of blows that were slammed against the two Saiyans like comets, turning them into a bag of broken bones.

Vegeta tried to cast his Full Heal. However, the moment he tried, the Eye on Ozotto's forehead shined and absorbed off all the Mana in Vegeta's body.

Before he could react, Ozotto pointed his finger at Vegeta's head and said, "Weaklings." before he fired off a powerful spinning beam.

Just as Vegeta was about to die, Goku inhaled the life force that Mars was constantly producing. Healing his wounds as soon as all the plant life died, with the dragon's wish, the plants resurrected allowing Goku to stay at peak condition.

Goku quickly kicked Vegeta away and barely avoided Ozotto's attack, Majin Beam.

Ozotto changed targets as he appeared in front of the pure-hearted Saiyan and punched Goku in the gut, sending the Saiyan flying through the air and crashing into a nearby mountain.

While Vegeta's weakened body started to fall to the ground, he pulled out a Senzu bean from his pocket space and sent it into his mouth.

After recovering and experiencing another Zenkai Boost, Vegeta flew back towards Ozotto only to get slapped away by his tail.

Vegeta shouted in pure rage. It was as if being slapped away by Ozotto's tail was the greatest insult in the world to the Saiyan.

"You dare slap this King's face with your tail!" Vegeta's rage was fueling his power as he placed his hands together and shouted, "Kakarot!"

Goku looked up and smiled as he pulled himself out of the rubble and powered up a Super Kamehameha.

"Super!" the both of them shout at the same time, their energies began to spike at crazy levels.

"Final!" Vegeta shouted.

"Kameha!" Goku Shouted.

"Flaaash!" Vegeta shouted.

"Mehaaa!" Goku shouted.


The two blasts slammed into Ozotto. The Majin remained calm and only showed panic at the last second.

Without blinking an eye, Ozotto raised his hands and tried to meet their attack.

Just before the beams hit, Goku twisted his arms causing his Kamehameha to spiral, copying his son's technique.

While Vegeta suddenly mixed his most powerful Lightning Spell Jigodein into his Final Flash, turning it into a pure beam of plasma.

The power of the Saiyans' attacks surprised Ozotto, forcing him to enhance his body as much as possible and prepare for the worst.

As the two blasts met, they merged as one forming into a giant sphere of destruction.

Vegeta and Goku continued to pour energy into their attacks when Goku suddenly shouted, "What are you guys waiting for!"

Vegeta then followed up, "He's not dead, join us already!"

Everyone jumped into action, Goku's family, Vegeta's family, Cero and his mate, Neuro, all the Z-Fighters, everyone used their strongest attacks.

The combined blast radius quickly engulfed half of Mars, as it looked like a star was being born in its place. Everyone made sure not to hold back because they knew the damage would be fixed by Mars' particular ability.

The Ki Orb at the center exploded abruptly, causing massive shockwaves to shake the whole Milkyway.

Beerus and Whis who were observing from a distance laughed as Whis said, "Well, it is a Demon King Class being. Should we get involved Lord Beerus?"

Beerus shook his head, "No, let them handle this. I don't think I need to do any work this time. Besides, the show is just getting good. Goku and Vegeta can always fuse if it gets too dangerous."

Beerus reached to discover there was nothing left in the pizza box.

"Hey!" Beerus shouted when he saw Whis chowing down on the last piece, "I was going to eat that!"

Whis chuckled, "Odd, I didn't see your name on it."

"You!" Beerus started to grind his teeth.

"Ooh! That Majin managed to survive?" Whis quickly changed the subject.

"Hmm, well I have to give him credit. Majins aren't known as the primordial devils for no reason. But, he's barely hanging on," Beerus commented.

After around half an hour, the explosion from the attack finally dimmed down.

Mars repaired itself almost instantly, and at the epicenter of the explosion, was a burned up, crusty, Ozotto.

Ozotto's skin was blackened to the point of charcoal, his body was broken and twisted several places. Pools of the Majin's blood fell to the ground like rain as he coughed up what looked like an organ.

Ozotto growled as he suddenly breathed in. He was absorbing the life energy from the planet and quickly healing himself.

Everyone was shocked to see the rate he was regenerating his wounds. Vegeta and the rest of the Z fighters charged up another attack, but it was too late.

Ozotto was fully healed and had formed a massive and dense sphere of Devil Ki around his body.

"Giga Slayer!" Flinging his hands out spikes formed out of the sphere's surface and exploded outward into millions of spiraling lasers.

Vegeta growled as he knew he was too close to the attack to avoid. If they were further away they would have had more wiggle room.

The shape of the attack looked like lines shooting out of a ball. The closer to Ozotto, the larger the radius it covered.

At their current position, the most he could do was mitigate the damage. Vegeta was about to move when he suddenly sensed the dangerous Ki beams advancing towards his family's position.

Both Vegeta and Goku realized Ozotto's plan and paused.

"Dirty fucker!" Vegeta cursed as he flicked his hands at the Z fighters, choosing to cast a zoom spell instead of dodging. Unable to move quick enough, the beam shot through the Saiyan King's chest and pierced his heart.

At the same time, Goku lifted his body up and let the beam pass through his stomach. With the life force that Goku was constantly absorbing from Mars, the Saiyan managed to avoid death.

When Vegeta was about to crash onto the ground, Goku flew in and caught him.

Quickly throwing a Senzu Bean into Vegeta's mouth, Goku continued to absorb the life force from the planet to fully heal himself and his try to heal his friend while setting down on the ground a good distance away.

The large hole in Goku's gut healed after eating a Senzu bean, but when he looked to Vegeta, he saw that the hole through Vegeta's heart was still there.

Goku's face paled as he held Vegeta's lifeless and cold corpse in his hands, he sensed the return of the Z-Fighters and looked up to see everyone reappearing nearby.

Vegeta barely managed to use his spatial technique to teleport their bodies a few feet past the blast radius.

Everyone saw Vegeta's condition and turned pale.

Bulma ran to his side as Piccolo let out a rage-filled roar and charged up a powerful Special Beam Cannon in his Namekian God form.

With rage boiling through Trunk's eyes, a burst of Blue God Ki erupted around his body as he joined Piccolo's attack.

Seeing their longtime friend as a lifeless husk, the powers of the Z-Fighter ignited and broke through their previous limits.

Everyone Vegeta helped, became friends with, mentored, aided, or saved, all aimed their most powerful attacks towards the head of Majin Ozotto.

The beam shot through the shell around the Majin and pierced his entire upper half, leaving only his hips and everything below.

Vegeta appeared in the Afterlife and stood in front of a familiar desk. As he saw King Yemma again, Vegeta shouted, "I died?!"

King Yemma shook his head and said, "Not yet, apparently."

Goku placed his hand over Vegeta's heart and gave him a burst of Life Energy from the planet, once the hole in Vegeta's heart healed up, Bulma began performing CPR.

Everyone noticed that Majin Ozotto began to recover as well. Bit by bit, the lower half of his body began absorbing the Life Force from Mars and started to regenerate the damage to his body.

While everyone powered up another attack to finish off the Majin, Goku also crushed another Senzu Bean with his Ki and forced Vegeta to swallow it.

Before the Z-Fighters could continue their attacks, Fu laughed and said, "You guys think this is over? Do you all think I'm just going to let it end like that? No, it's not big enough. Hey...Cell! there's a new snack for you!"