
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?(This story is abandoned and I will not be working on it anymore).

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Universe 32

It had been five years since the last major threat had arisen, one that required the intervention of Kai, the Saiyan Omni King. I had always been a powerful warrior, driven by my insatiable desires and cocky confidence. But after that battle, I knew I needed to train and get even stronger. With the help and guidance of my angel servants, I had become even more powerful and could now take down any enemy I faced with just one shot, most of the time.

But today was different. I was called upon by the God of Destruction of Universe 32, a green alien named Cherian. As I arrived, I couldn't help but notice her short white hair, purple eyes, and perfect curves. She had huge boobs that were barely contained by her God of Destruction garment, along with blue pants, a yellow belt, and yellow boots. And to top it all off, she wore purple pottara earrings.

But as much as I was drawn to her, I knew there was a more pressing matter at hand. Cherian wasted no time in getting to the point, 'There's a massive divine threat to this universe and we need you to stop it.'

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, 'What is it?'

'It's an evil clone of Goku,' she replied, her voice filled with concern. 'He was too strong for my angel attendant to defeat at full power. He's unstoppable.'

I couldn't help but smirk at her words. 'Don't worry, I'll take care of him for you. But you should come with me. It'll be more fun that way.'

Cherian's eyes widened in surprise and a blush crept onto her cheeks. It was clear that she was immediately attracted to me. And I couldn't blame her, for I was the most powerful and desirable being in the universe.

I had to change this chapter from something else completely, sorry for the inconsistency.

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