
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

isrslyhavenoidea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

learning new things

A/N: I'm sorry I have no updated this in a while. But I kinda got demoted but now I'm coming back with hopefully better writing, let's go guys!


James brought the boar back to the cave. Jester had no words to express what he was just seeing. Such a young child just went and caught a boar. Not only that it was cooked also.

"How did you cook the meat little cub?" "I used a spell to do so" "spell?!" Jester was truly astonished. He had not taught James how any existing spells which means he created his own. And from the looks of it, it was a powerful spell as well.

Jester truly was amazed at this young cub. He know this child was his, but now this proved it. This little cub was truly his child. And he will be the next protector of the siraj forest. Possibly even all the magically domains.

But that was a thought for the later dates, for now he had to train the child and keep him safe from others. He needs to raise this child well and strong so he can take up the mantle.

"Good job oh young one. From now I will be the one teaching you, if you listen to me and do as I say, you will gain more strength than you can imagine." Listening to this made James happier than ever. Truly what a wonderful day.

He had l created a new spell and also gained a master. Now his true learning began. He would now truly turn free as he would now become strong.

Jester walked to the side of the cave where he taught the little cubs the basics of magic and James followed. James had never been so excited, it was finally time for some one on one training.

"So, I believe you know that magic is intertwined with nature, without one another they cannot exist." "yes, I do." "Now I'm going to tell you about energy arts. Enegry arts is different from magic arts, it is bound to the universe and it's creation. Enegry arts borrows power from the Universe and from its creation as well.

Enegry arts can be used to control time to an extent. Enegry arts can also be used to not only chemically/fundamentally change an object but create an object from thin air if you have enough power. But there is also a cost of using enegry arts. Enegry arts destroys your physically body little by little. And in the end only your spiritual body can be preserved.

So you must use spiritual arts very carefully and sparingly, leave it as a last resort only to be used when there is a calamity oh child. For if not your life will be that of a ghost with no body just the soul and nothing to do till the end of time."

James soaked in all the information he just heard. As exciting as it was to find out about enegry arts, it was also terrifying because of its' side effects. He would have to see if he could find a way to possibly nullify or even get rid of the side effects all together. But that was for later. For now he had other things to worry about.

"Now, I will show you how enegry arts work, how it looks and how it will effect your body. So you know the true nature and horror of it." As jester finishes saying this he starts walking outside as James follows him out as well. Elsiha followed them both outside as she had seen him use this art once before.

And he wasn't good at the end of it. But she knew once he had told someone something he wouldn't go back on his word. So he would show this art to his now human cub.

He told James to go stand far away a little. The attack he was about to do was the Lowest amount of damage he could do, so it wasn't even close to the spells true capabilities, but it'd give an idea to James.

He got ready to start his spell. He at first closed his eyes and started ranting some mantra under his breathe, practically non hearable by the human ear, fortunately he got some parts of it and that went like (the highlighted parts are the language James cannot understand) "Oh the supreme one grant me... So I can protect the heavens... May the skies and Earth,wind..." after the recitation was complete jester opened his eyes and they were pure white with lightning spilling out in small bursts.

He looked like a god who descended upon earth, a god of destruction and rage. He said one more mantra and this one was said aloud "FOR THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH!" Once he said that a huge blast occured seemingly instantly the way he was looking, and it destroyed at least a 10 km by 10 km area, fortunately that area was already burnt by forest fires so it didn't do much damage to the eco system.

What animals did live there were just wreched beats of darkness. As soon as the blinding explosion of the bomb stopped jester dropped to the ground unconscious. Elisha hurriedly picked her beloved husband up and took him back to the cave. She gestured James to follow her back inside and follow her back inside he did.

But now he had one hell of a thing to do. To figure out how to stop the side effects of the enegry arts.

[3 days later]

Jester finally woke up, after 3 days of being unconscious. He was still resting so James was practicing his breathing techniques and fighting styles.

While he was just at the end of his practice session Elisha called for him. He ran into the cave to see what he had been called for, there jester layed on a bed made of a big rectangular rock, smooth on top.

"I showed you but a little power of the enegry arts, it was for a reason as well. It was so that you don't use it irrationally. You must learn it and keep it in your aresenal, but use it as a last resort. So, you must promise me you will do that."

James looked at jester, not as the big tiger he was. But as a father, a concerned father showing his son the most powerful yet sacrificing thing in the world so he wouldn't use it irrationally. James could not but cry a little at his concern.

He went and hugged jester and said "I promise jester. I will use it responsibly I promise..." Jester hugged him back and said, "I know you will. My cub..."

Heyyy dudess so I have not updated this in a while I know, now I have become irrelevant:( but I'm backkkk so now please show some support on this book and save this in your library for updatesss:)) btw next chapters gonna be after a time skip because I know you don't want the boring training and what not parts. anyways see ya reading the next chapter

yours truly

-soft breeze

isrslyhavenoideacreators' thoughts