
Reborn As The Administrator In My Fantasy World

Her name was Aileen Woods. She used to be a bright child, but she was not fortunate enough to have a normal life. Ill and bedridden, she slowly lost affect and cut herself off from outer reality, as her only joy was to construct a complex fantasy world. Eventually, she met her demise. Nevertheless, her story did not end there. Who is to say that death is our last path? For her, it was just the beginning. She had been given a second chance now as Lynett Maedis Whiteheart. Reborn as a goddess in the very world she created, it was now up to her to write her own story. "This time, let's try to live normally."

Ozen_Ice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
115 Chs


There was a time when I was stupid and naive.

Back then, I still believed in Prince Charming. I thought that one day, he would come to me, riding a white unicorn, and that he would bring me to a wonderful land. Together, we would be living in a garden filled with roses. Everything would be pink. The sky, the trees, the flowers... Instead of having clouds, there would be cotton candy, and the sun would have the shape of a heart. Because it's much cuter that way.

It was a foolish dream I had when I was a child. Of course, it didn't last long, and I tried to forget about it. I put it all behind me and never thought about it again. And yet...

Right now, I'm living a nightmare. Everything that I tried to forget, every single detail of that embarrassing childish fantasy I had, it's all here, right in front of me.

I want to kill myself… I want to dig a hole and hide myself in it forever...

"Welcome to my humble place, dear guests~!" Harri said, doing a reverence. "To what do I owe the honor of this illustrious visit?"

"Motherfucking asshole…" Yoko growled. "Your place?"

Ignoring her obvious bad mood, Harri turned to Yoko, a friendly smile appearing on his face – not sure if it was genuine or just to piss her off.

"Yoko, darling~, miss me already? It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other. I didn't expect to see your beautiful face again so soon! You even brought friends with you this time!"

He turned his gaze to Troy, who was still staring blankly at the unbelievable scenery in front of him, his mouth wide open.

"A new lover again?" Harri asked, shaking his head in disapproval. "Yoko, sweetheart, I already told you shouldn't do that. Love is something between only two people. It may take several billion people to complete the world, but it only takes one to complete your love."

Oh dear… Please, someone make him stop talking. Yoko didn't lie; he barely said anything, yet, I already want to punch him.

When Harri finally noticed me, he widened his eyes. He stared at me for a while, turned his gaze to Yoko, and then to me again. A small grin appeared on his face.

"He~! Yoko, darling, did you have a hidden daughter? With a mortal? The others are going to lose their minds once they learn about this! You know that I always support love, no matter its nature, but the rules are the rules, you know? So, how about we come into an arrangement? I don't mind sharing this territory, but clearly, you don't think the same. So you leave me alone, and I keep my mouth shut about your secret affairs. Deal?"

A forced smile appeared on Yoko's face. "I think you misunderstood something, asshole. I didn't come here to negotiate; I came here to kick your ass out of my territory. Besides, you have nothing to threaten me with. She's not my daughter."

"Is that so?" Harri sighed in disappointment.

He turned to me one more time, a huge smile stretching on his lips. Overdoing with his movements, he put one knee on the floor in front of me and grabbed my hand, before kissing its back. Oh gods…

"My deepest apologies for my rudeness, young lady," he said. "Since your divine aura is so faint, I automatically assumed that you wouldn't be one of us, or at least, not entirely."

He brought his hand to his forehead, simulating a headache. "Ah~! But your beauty is so blinding! If the Creator exists, then you must be his best creation! If beauty was a time, then you'd be Eternity! I don't think I ever need to see the sun again, since your eyes already light up my world!"

… I can't… I can't handle him… He is too much for me… Someone please make him shut up with his stupid love lines. I can't believe I once thought that it was romantic… It's just lame…

"Keep it in your pants, Love-boy. That's our Mother you're talking about." Yoko bluntly said, with a disgusted expression on her face.

Harri turned his gaze on her, raising an eyebrow. "Mother?" He repeated.

"That's right. Her name is Aileen, she's the Creator, the Goddess of All Creation, and our Parent." She explained with a dull voice.

Clearly not believing what he just heard, Harri started to inspect me from head to toe with his squinted eyes. After a while, a weak smile played on his lips as he moved to Yoko's side. He rested his arm on her shoulder and whispered something into her ear.

"Have you finally gone insane, Yoko? That's a child, no matter how you see it. Even if she is not a mortal, her aura is weaker than a Low God's. Besides, weren't you the one who said that such a thing as the 'Creator' didn't exist?"

Yoko immediately responded by hitting him in the stomach with her elbow, forcing him to step back.

"Don't touch me, you bastard." She coldly grunted.

"Ha… Ha… Such a violent woman…" Harri said, grabbing his sides. "Mean girls are lonely girls, you know? At this rate, you'll never find love, sweetie! No man in this world will accept a woman like you, with such a bad character…"

Yoko clicked her tongue, clearly annoyed by his remark. "Does it look like I'm looking for love, asshole? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the Goddess of Lust, I make all men crawl at my feet. Why would I want one of your shitty romances?"

"All men, huh? I don't remember ever crawling at your feet, minx." Harri said, a forced smile appearing on his face.

"And since when do you count as a man, pussy? Have you seen the place you're living in? There is nothing more girly than this." She responded, with a wicked grin.

W-Wow… The clash is strong. Those two really can't stand each other. Thinking about it, it actually makes sense. He is the God of Love while she is the Goddess of Lust. They kind of are natural enemies. I should have made them a couple; it would have been quite hilarious…

"So, you're here because of the territory issue again?" Harri asked, returning to the main topic. "What are you planning to do? Do you want to fight again? You should know it's useless, there will be no winner. The only thing you'll do is destroy your forest even more."

"If that can make you leave, I don't care. Actually, I'd rather burn the whole place instead of letting you transform my forest into… this…" Yoko answered, clenching her teeth.

"Do you not like it? Lovely, isn't it?" He responded with a proud smile, clearly provoking her.

"Horrible. It looks like hell."

I couldn't agree more. If she goes on a rampage and wants to destroy everything, I won't stop her. Actually, I'd be grateful if she did. This place should never have existed in the first place.

Harri sighed. "So you really came here to fight…"

"Actually, I didn't." She contradicted.

He furrowed his forehead. "You didn't? Then how are you planning to settle this? That's not like you to be diplomatic…"

Yoko pointed at me with her finger. "She decides."

Following the direction of her finger, Harri's eyes widened for a few seconds as he saw me. Then, he returned his gaze to Yoko, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his forehead.

"You want to let the child decide the final outcome of our conflict? Why would we… Wait. Were you being serious when you said that she was the Creator?"

"Of course I was, you should know that I don't lie."

"I do know that but…" He marked a pause, turning his gaze on me. "But a child… I can accept the fact that there is someone above us all, it's not like I've never thought about it before. It's just that I imagined the Creator to be a little… different. You know? Someone older, with maybe a white beard and a couple of wrinkles on their face…"

So, he thought I was an old sage. Well, that makes sense. If someone were to create a whole world by himself, most people would think of him as a wise elder instead of a teenage girl, I guess.

Harri shook his head. "Sorry, Yoko, I can't accept this. We can't let a random child decide the outcome of this conflict. At least, give me some substantial proof about her identity. You can't really expect me to believe that this lovely little girl is the Creator just like that, right?"

Yoko sighed heavily before turning to me. "He's all yours…"

The God of Love returned his attention to me, understanding that I will be the one to prove my own identity. An appealing smile appeared on his handsome face. I don't know why, but I really can't stand his Prince Charming aura. I want to punch him… As he was about to say something, I spoke first.

"You have a birthmark in the shape of a heart on your butt…" I simply said.


Note from Ozen_Ice: Dammmm, why she fina do bro like thatಥ‿ಥ

me waiting for Uber eats (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

mass release 3/10

Ozen_Icecreators' thoughts