
Reborn As The Administrator In My Fantasy World

Her name was Aileen Woods. She used to be a bright child, but she was not fortunate enough to have a normal life. Ill and bedridden, she slowly lost affect and cut herself off from outer reality, as her only joy was to construct a complex fantasy world. Eventually, she met her demise. Nevertheless, her story did not end there. Who is to say that death is our last path? For her, it was just the beginning. She had been given a second chance now as Lynett Maedis Whiteheart. Reborn as a goddess in the very world she created, it was now up to her to write her own story. "This time, let's try to live normally."

Ozen_Ice · Fantasy
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115 Chs

End Of Story

Harri's smile immediately disappeared as his eyes widened. Clearly, he did not expect me to blurt out something like that. Without saying anything, he just looked blankly at me, blinking. The awkward exchange of stares only lasted for a few seconds though, as sudden laughter broke the silence.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! A heart? HAHAHAHA! That's so lame! Suits you, Love-boy!"

Harri's face instantly reddened as he turned to Yoko.

"Silence, minx! Don't listen to her, that's not true!" He exclaimed.

"It is true…" I said with a dull voice. "Additionally, the reasons why you only have roses in your garden are because you're allergic to most flowers."

"HAHAHAHA! That's so ridiculous! I'm sooo telling everyone about this!"

Giving up denying anything, Harri placed his hand across his face and let out a loud sigh.

"Fine… That's my bad. I should have believed in it sooner…" He muttered.

"Heh? You're pretty fast in accepting this, aren't you? I can tell you a couple of other things, you know?" I said.

"No need, what you've said is enough. Unlike Yoko, I always believed that there was someone above us, so it's not that hard to accept… It's just that your appearance is unexpected. Besides, if Yoko says it herself, then I have even less reason to doubt it."

"Is that so…"

Harri grabbed his neck, trying to cope with the situation. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, and then he turned his attention back to me, displaying his most charming smile.

"Well, you can't exactly blame me, right?" He said. "No one would ever guess that such a lovely girl as you is the Creator! For a few seconds, I thought the heavens fell down! Turns out it was just because they lost their most beautiful angel!"

Oh no, here he goes again with his stupid love lines. Please stop… I can't… This is so cringeworthy…

Ignoring my silent wish, he continued. "Where do you hide your wings? Is it the sunset that I'm seeing, or is it just your eyes? Want to know what I'm wearing right now? The smile that you gave me!"

… Well, technically he's not wrong, but I wish he wouldn't put it that way.

"So you created me?" He asked with the same silly smile.

"N… No…" I muttered, as I could feel my body trembling in frustration.

"No?" Harri repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's wrong! I wasn't the one who created you! I refuse!!"

I snapped. It was just too much for me; I couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing my head, I strongly tried to convince myself that I wasn't the one who created all this. This place, this man… None of it was my doing. Absolutely none. If I could turn back time, the first thing I would do is to punch myself. Then, I would burn every sheet in my room, erasing all evidence of his existence.

"Congratulations, Love-boy. Your silliness managed to drive the Creator insane," Yoko said with a mocking tone.

"Eh? But… I was just complimenting her…?" Harri responded, confused. "What's wrong with that?"

I glared at him. "What's wrong, you said…? EVERYTHING! Everything is wrong! This place, your face, your character, your WHOLE EXISTENCE! None of it should exist! It was just a big mistake! Beginning with your name…!" I exclaimed as I pointed at him.

"M-My name? Is something wrong with my name?" He asked, even more confused.

"YES! There is a spelling mistake in it! You were named after my first crush; his name was Harry! HARRY! It's not written with an I but with a Y!!"

Taken aback by my sudden tantrum, Harri blinked at me several times while Yoko giggled, amused by the turn of events.

"W-Well, it's not that bad, right?" He tried to reason with me. "Everyone makes mistakes; it can't be helped! We can't erase the past, so we just have to accept it!"

Hearing him, I couldn't help but twitch a little. Accept this, he said? Haha… I clenched my fists, ready to take out my anger on him at any moment, but in the end, I didn't. I took a deep breath, regaining my composure, and let out a loud sigh.

"You're right… We can't erase our past mistakes… But at least we can fix them."

"… Eh?" Harri blinked a few times, trying to process what I just said. "You don't mean to…"

I stepped forward, placed my hands on his shoulders, and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Sorry, Harri, but I need you to disappear. My bad, your existence was a mistake."

His eyes widened. "Hum… Creator? Y-You… You want to erase me…?"

"Oooooh? Well, that is terrible~!" Yoko suddenly spoke with an evil grin on her face, clearly enjoying the situation.

"No wait! You should think about this carefully! You are clearly confused right now! Erasing a Mid God is not exactly the wisest idea! It will disrupt the balance of the world!" He exclaimed.

"Don't kid yourself, Love-boy," Yoko said. "You don't have that much influence."

Harri glared at her. "What in the world have you done to her? She clearly has something against me! Did you turn the Creator against me just because of a territory issue?"

She shrugged. "I didn't do anything. I intended to, but obviously, it wasn't necessary~! It seems that your existence is the problem!"

Disoriented, Harri squinted his eyes and slightly tilted his head to the side. He was probably trying to figure out what the problem was, as he nervously glanced at me. Ah, this puppy face…He really has no idea, does he? Well, thinking about it, it's not really his fault. He didn't ask to be silly like this; I made him this way. I'm the culprit, and he is innocent. Worse, he is a victim. Having calmed down – somehow - I let out a loud sigh.

"Well, maybe I won't erase you…" I muttered.

A sudden expression of relief appeared on Harri's face, while Yoko clicked her tongue, disappointed.

"Is that so? Too bad…" She mumbled, loud enough for us to hear.

Harri glared at her, but she ignored it. "So, returning to the territory issue, what do we do?" She asked.

Both of them turned their gaze on me, their eyes full of expectations. Without uttering a word, they were clearly waiting for my final decision.

"She wins." I simply said, pointing at Yoko with my finger, as a huge grin appeared on her face.

"… What an obviously biased judgment… Oh, well… There is no point in arguing with the Creator, especially after that." Harri said, with a defeated voice.

"Fine, I'll leave your forest, Yoko. Still, visit me sometimes! I hope we'll become good neighbors!" He added, turning to the Goddess.

"… Neighbors?" Yoko and I repeated at the same time.

"Yes, neighbors. I'll just settle to the other side of the city. That will make us neighbors, right?" Harri explained with a bright smile.

This man… He never intended to leave, did he?

"… Are you fucking kidding me?" Yoko grunted, as the veins in her temples started to pop out.

"Well, it's not like I can't, right? You never leave your forest, so it's not like it can be considered part of your territory."

"Of course it is, you idiot."

"You know, I have trouble understanding you, Yoko." Harri sighed, shaking his head. "You've avoided humans' territories for so long and suddenly, you decide to settle down next to a human city. Here, humans worship Naia. If anyone's, then this city should be considered part of her territory, but since she's not here, it's a neutral land."

"It stopped being a neutral land once I moved here eleven years ago." She responded with a firm voice.

Harri shrugged. "Just because you lived here for a few years, it doesn't mean that you have enough influence to make this city yours. Except for your forest, this land is still a neutral territory. So you can't really stop me if I want to stay."

"Even so, you can't stay. Are you stupid? You know we can't have two deities staying in the same place."

"If it's the miasma you're worried about, I'll just suppress my aura; there shouldn't be any problem then, right?"

As Yoko heard this, even if she seemed cool-headed, her ears kept twitching. She was clearly irritated. Harri had absolutely no intention of leaving; she understood that, and now, she didn't have any good reasons to drive him out either.

"You are one annoying bastard, you know that?" Yoko muttered, as a forced smile played on her lips.

"I know, I return you the compliment, sweetie!" Harri responded, with a provoking grin.

So, in the end, we're back to square one. I came here for nothing. They still intend to fight over this land. I don't get it. It's just one place, isn't it? The world is wide enough for them to find another territory, so why are they being so stubborn to stay here? Is there something special here? Oh well, whatever. I'm definitely not going to let them do whatever they want.

"Guys, you know what? I have an idea," I exclaimed, and they both turned to me, raising an eyebrow. "This place is my territory now. End of the story."

Their eyes and their mouths widened, they blankly stared at me.

Ah…! Silence again, finally!

me: has little money in real life

also me after checking power stones: Am rich ᕙ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )ᕗ

mass release 4/10

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