
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The Awakening of Fenrir

(A/N: So I can't still use the app if it still doesn't get fix In a week I think I'll just stop writing all together sorry for the delay webnovel is still kinda broken)

In a world where curses and spirits walked among humans, a fearsome battle was unfolding. Geto and his summons found themselves facing a dire threat - Fenrir Lokison, the colossal wolf prophesied to bring about the end of the world, Ragnarok. The wolf's massive form loomed over them, growling with an otherworldly fury as it charged with a broken chain that rattled ominously.

"Achilles, don't let him open his mouth!" Geto shouted, his voice filled with urgency. In a daring move, he launched himself into the sky, his eyes fixed on the wolf charging towards Achilles. Fenrir's jaws were poised to snap shut, aiming to rend through Achilles, but in the nick of time, Achilles caught the wolf's jaw with his powerful hands. With unwavering determination, he used his other hand to clamp down on Fenrir's jaw, preventing it from sinking its teeth into him.

Geto watched from above, slowly descending, as he witnessed Achilles holding off the wolf's charge. The force of the impact caused the earth to quake and tremble behind Achilles, a testament to the incredible power of Fenrir's assault.

"Such power befitting that of the wolf who will kill Odin in Ragnarok, Fenrir Lokison, the Wolf of the End," Geto muttered to himself. "At first, I didn't believe that he would be free so soon, but I guess my battle with Ganesha threw off the world's balance."


Geto had pondered the mysterious appearance of a paw print, one that could only be caused by a cursed spirit of immense power. "But how did it get free so easily from my predictions?" he had mused to himself.

"Well, you're forgetting something," Ian's telepathic voice replied to Geto's thoughts.

"What is it?" Geto questioned.

"You actually consumed Ganesh, the son of the god Shiva. But not only that, you also consumed his servant Ravana and added them both to your army of cursed spirits," Ian explained.

"And what was its connection to Fenrir?"

"You're really slow, aren't you, Geto? Obviously, it's connected because of Shiva's curse energy leaking and you throwing the balance of the world by being too strong, so the world itself weakens the binds of Fenrir."

(Flash forward to the present)

"Hehehe, oh well, I caused this, so I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity," Geto roared as he continued to fall towards the ground.

Gabimaru, ever the fearless warrior, followed Geto's command without hesitation. He leaped into action, his form becoming a whirlwind of motion as he rotated and slashed at Fenrir's back. His strikes left only minor wounds, not enough to bring down the colossal wolf.

"Tch, it's too tough for any of our attacks to work. I'm gonna need to weaken him first," Gabimaru muttered under his breath. "Ravana, keep attacking him. Don't let him get away!"

Both Gabimaru and Ravana focused their cursed energy into their blades, creating a torrent of wind and blood-like curse energy. With a synchronized battle cry, they slashed their blades towards Fenrir. Ravana's attack, known as "Blood Edge," manifested as a red slash, while Gabimaru's "Wind Slicer" became a swirling vortex of destructive force.

Geto observed from a distance, his eyes locked on the billowing smoke and dust that enveloped Fenrir. He knew that the true test was yet to come, and their combined efforts had to weaken the colossal wolf further. As the smoke cleared, A palpitating tension hung's in the air, and the battle against Fenrir continued, with no end in sight.

So I can't still use the app if it still doesn't get fix In a week I think I'll just stop writing all together sorry for the delay webnovel is still kinda broken

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