
Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic

Waking up as Sam Witwicky was not part of whatever plan I had for my life. Though admittedly meeting the Autobots and Decepticons were cool. Almost getting killed because of their was not so great. But here I am, in Sam's place running for my life. At least Bumblebee is as adorable to look at as the movies show him to be. Why hello Allspark... I have a love and hate thing with Bayverse movies. Love it because first time the Transformers became live action and hate it because the story line is weird. Picture is an abstract design that I printed and coloured. I stuck with black and white cause it is easier IMO. I know,it's not imaginative but I am not an artist, spare me.

Ellora25 · Movies
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16 Chs

Memories from the Past

The first few months after the Mission City incident were filled with meetings between the Autobots and many different leaders from around the world. At one point, Jazz had created a meeting chart to have scheduled meetings with the government as a whole. Jazz had been reading up and even observing the news about the previous years world summits and that looked much more practical than one on one meetings with different countries. Both Ironhide and Ratchet acted as Optimus's advisor and personal medic considering their past back on Cybertron. They were both known for being the young Prime's shadow and oldest followers, the only ones Sentinel had truly accepted.

Jazz looked up hearing chirping come from the sparklings, "Hello Chatter, Quickshot."

Chatter, "Dad, have you seen dad?"

Jazz, "Sam? Last I checked he was out in the farm."

Quickshot, "We could not find him."

Jazz, "Bumblebee is with Raphael's family currently, so he is out of the question. Okay, I will go look. Stay here okay?"

Jazz went outside looking over the green fields not seeing the brunette teen anywhere close by, perhaps he went further. Sam had a habit of wandering around the fields especially closer to the wild areas where the spring flowed. It was a place that even Ratchet of all people adored as it gave a sense of peace among all the ruckus they could get up to. Jazz found Sam but he knew something was wrong, Sam looked heart broken and depressed. Feeling very alarmed Jazz quickly called Ratchet who was surprised by the sudden call and wondered if the sparklings got tangled with ribbons and sequins again.

Optimus, "Who is it Ratchet?"

Ratchet, "Jazz, the sparklings no doubt did something silly again."

Ironhide chuckled from beside him, "Well answer him. What are they up to?"

Ratchet, "Jazz."

Jazz, -Ratchet, something is wrong with Sam.-

Ratchet, "What happened?"

Jazz, -I found him looking very depressed and desolate by the river.-

Ratchet, "Okay, Jazz, approach him slowly but make yourself known."

Jazz, -Alright, then what?-

Ratchet, "Tell him the kids are waiting for him back home. Take him home and get something warm for him. We are on our way back. The meeting is over."

Jazz, -Okay.-

Jazz approached Sam, "Hey, little man, the little sparks are waiting for you."

Sam startled looking up, "Oh Jazz, hi. What did you say? Sorry, I did not hear you."

Jazz, "The little ones are waiting for you, they just finished their homework and wants to spend time with you."

Sam nodded, "Yeah, let's go back."

Jazz observed him as they returned to the farm house where they were staying together for the summer vacation. Jazz had read how humans could and would react to death and destruction, a lot of what he read worried him. Sam was a child even by human standards though he never acted like one sometimes, curse those fools who forced him to grow up so soon. All Jazz and the others could do was be there for Sam when he needed them to listen to what he had to say. That is if Sam even approached them about it, Bumblebee reported that Sam had asked him to stay with Raphael because he was younger and needed him more.

Jazz, "You can always talk to us, you know that, right?"

Sam blinked, "I know I just do not know how to put it in words yet."

Jazz paused and turned to look at Sam, "I am a saboteur."

Sam, "That's a spy, right?"

Jazz nodded, "If you need to say something, anything that you cannot tell others. You can tell me. I know many secrets and I never divulge them. Well, not unless safety is involved."

Sam smiled, "Thank you Jazz. Can I tell you something now?"

Jazz, "Sure, what is it?"

Sam, "The Allspark left me some of it's memories."

Jazz, "Memories? Of what?"

Sam looked away, "I am not sure. I don't know who it is but the emotions are so sad and depressing. I dare say, whoever these memories belonged to was suicidal."

Jazz, "There is more than one person's memories?"

Sam nodded, "Yes, one thing is certain though, they, all of them lost someone important to them. Then they most likely committed suicide."

Jazz felt dread on hearing the description, "I only know of one incident like that."

Sam, "I am actually a little terrified to ask but could you tell me, please?"

Jazz sighed as he sat down next to Sam, "I guess I could since you are having these memories. The history of Cybertron is no different from Earth only difference is our natures."

Jazz then proceeded to tell Sam about an incident which caused the War to take a very dark turn. A few mega vorns after the Civil Wars started someone, they do not know who it is till date caused the Youth Centre's destruction. Many Cybertronians could not handle the loss of their sparklings and younglings and went mad destroying themselves. The Council ordered the creation of suicide camps where they could commit suicide and their body parts used by others. While Jazz was speaking Sam's knowledge of the IDW comics suicide camp and the Allspark's knowledge combined giving him a clear picture.

Sam, "War is cruel. There is no victory only survivors."

Jazz, "Yes, war is cruel. Did the Allspark leave anything else?"

Sam shook his head, "I do not know but I do know I need something to write this down on, maybe once it is written I will stop feeling depressed."

Jazz, "Do not worry I will not tell the others."

Sam, "You can tell Optimus if you want. I do not know if I can speak about this a second time, not without breaking down. The memories are just too.... "

Jazz, "I understand. Only Prime then?"

Sam, "He can decide if he wants to share it with others or not. He would probably be more discreet about this then I would and I don't want to make anyone recall bad memories."

Jazz, "You worry too much about us. We should be the ones worrying over you."

Sam, "I have my parents and Doctors to do it."

Jazz chuckled and transformed opening his door, "I promised Miles and Cliffjumper, I would watch over you till they returned."

Sam, "How are they?"

Jazz rumbled heading out again, "Enjoying their time with Miles' little cousins at his extended family's place. I never knew human families could be so large."

Sam, "We can be, I guess. Don't you have large families in Cybertron?"

Jazz, "Well, we Cybertronians live long so a lot of times we hold back making connections with others to become a family."

Sam, "Oh? Really?"

Jazz, "I was lucky to meet Prowl when I did, then Bumblebee, Windblade, Blavkracer and her twin Blacklight."

Sam, "Tell me about them."

Jazz smiled though Sam could not see it and he told the young teen about his adopted family, how he met them and how they connected with each other. Sam had quietly listened smiling at some of the activities the younglings got up to and Jazz counted that smile as a win. After reaching the house the two sparklings pulled Sam away with them to spend time together and the brunette looked happy. Jazz looked through some ideas and ordered for some blank books and stationary deciding to talk with Ratchet about his idea. When the others returned Ratchet called Sam and the sparklings for a check up making up an excuse about them being close and affect each other's health.

Sam, "Is everything alright?"

Ratchet, "I am not detecting any problems so far. Your bruises are almost gone which is very surprising. Will and the others are still under medical supervision."

Sam, "Most teens heal quickly compared to adults."

Ratchet, "Hmm, perhaps you do. But I would still prefer it if you stayed with us till you heal completely. At the rate you are going you will be back to hundred percent before your high school starts."

Sam, "Cool! I am glad to hear that. High school is stressful enough."

Ratchet muttered under his breath about high school drama and stress then turned to the sparklings and checked on them. The young ones were fine compared to the teen and while the check up was being done Jazz was talking quietly with Optimus about what Sam had confessed. To say that Prime was shocked by the revelation was putting it lightly and called Sam to talk about those memories. Sam joined Optimus inside his private quarters for the first time after the room had been given to Optimus for his own personal use.

Sam, "Oh! I love what you did to your room."

Optimus, "I enjoy using the camera with my holoform. Your Uncle Jameson showed me how to create frames and place photos."

Sam, "Is this Cybertron?"

Optimus pointed at them one by one, "This is Nova Cronum, it is located between Iacon and Polyhex."

Sam, "It looks fantastic. One day, you have to take me there."

Optimus smiled sadly, "One day, maybe, I will. This one is Iacon City, where I was raised during my sparkling days."

Sam, "Sounds like you have wonderful memories. You will have to tell me stories about it one day."

Optimus smiled and pointed at the third picture, "Tyger Pax the City I lived in as an adult Mech. The place I without a doubt doomed my people."

Sam, "No, you did not. I was the one who did that. Though I am not sure anymore if I am getting memories. I am not a Cybertronian so I don't know how or why this is happening or maybe this is punishment."

Optimus vented, "I wish I could answer your questions but the Allspark has always been a very mysterious item."

Sam, "Well, so far I have been plagued by memories of death of people who I would never meet or know. I was thinking that maybe if I wrote the dreams down the dreams will not be so intense."

Optimus, "Ratchet commed me with this idea and Jazz is placing an order for the materials required."

Sam, "You know I could just get those materials myself. You do not have to do it for me."

Optimus hummed, "Perhaps but the Allspark is involved so I would prefer to do what we can to help."

Sam smiled, "I appreciate it, thank you."

Optimus nodded and proceeded to tell Sam about the rest of the Cities, even the ones under Decepticon control. Sam wanted to see those Cities too one day but highly doubted he would ever get a chance. At least not without a means of getting off Earth and heading to Cybertron, that would be a pipe dream. Jazz knocked on Optimus's door and mentioned the sparklings were looking for him and Sam thanked Optimus before heading out. Optimus watched the young human go with a complicated gaze in his optics that Jazz noticed.

Jazz, "Everything alright?"

Optimus, "I think I understand what Bee meant when he said Sam had secrets."

Jazz, "What's up?"

Optimus, "Of course it could be an effect of the Allspark."

Jazz, "It could be but what happened?"

Optimus looked at the pictures, "When I showed him the cities of Cybertron there was a look of recognition in Sam's eyes."

Jazz, "Curious reaction but hard to judge especially after knowing what is happening."

Optimus, "Indeed, let's keep this information to just us, Autobots. I do not want to risk humans treating that child like an object."

Jazz nodded and sent the latest orders to the rest of the team who pinged their answers in affirmative. A few days later Jazz gave Sam the items and Sam started to write what he saw in dreams, sometimes he would even draw out memories and scenes which were not his. In the beginning, Sam was a bit troubled by the details of those memories but after a few weeks he got used to it and did not bat an eye. His quick adjustment had been noticed by Jazz who had the job to watch him when Bumblebee could not. A few days after Sam realized his dreams were not intense anymore offered to personally wash, wax and buff Jazz in his alt form.

Jazz, "I appreciate the offer kiddo, but you don't have to."

Sam, "You helped me out with the memories so, I help you stay clean. I think that's a fair exchange."

Jazz grinned, "Alright then if you say so."

Sam laughed getting the items while Jazz transformed into his alt mode and headed to the wash area. Sam watered Jazz down then took out the car wash, foaming up the sponge and starting to clean Jazz. Jazz hummed softly as he was getting cleaned by the young teen. Cybertronians normally had self cleaning systems that cleaned them, they did not have water on Cybertron. So, the first time Bumblebee and Cliffjumper had been washed they had been shocked but had enjoyed it. The wash was relaxing and Jazz almost purred, and Sam was already drying him off while getting the wax and the buffer.

Sam, "There we go, looking shiny and new."

Jazz transformed looking at his armor seeing his reflection, "I have not been this clean since I was a youngling. Thank you Sam."

Sam, "You are welcome. Do you think I could clean Optimus and Ratchet too? I know Will and his team makes sure Ironhide stays clean after the joint missions."

Jazz, "They offered Optimus too but he had to go for a meeting first. So, they have not come around to it yet."

Sam, "The last two months have been peaceful in a way. Well, aside from all the shenanigans and missions everyone gets up to."

Jazz chuckled, "Yes, not to forget Ratchet has to move between Earth and the Moon a lot to make sure everyone is okay."

Sam nodded, a week after Mission City, Ratchet had announced that he would be heading to the moon to make sure everyone there was doing well. Sector Seven who was now part of NEST had been surprised but then started to focus on a new project to make it possible for humans to go to the moon and work from there. Simmons had taken charge of that project while Banachek had offered his services to Optimus directly to help him deal with the Earth politicians. Ratchet had been very relieved when Banachek had stepped up, it gave him a sense of relief and some freedom. Sam did not have time to ponder on it however as his high school started and he became swamped with studies.

Bumblebee, "Sam!"

Raph, "Over here!"

Sam grinned, "How was your day?"

Raph, "Meh! It was something."

Bumblebee, "Same old! Same old! Will you be returning to the farm during next summer vacation?"

Sam, "That is the plan, yes."

Bumblebee, "What about this winter? You went there during winter too."

Sam, "I can't we got semester exams."

Bumblebee, "Oh! You have way too many exams and tests."

Sam, "It's to make sure the students are studying that's all. Do not worry too much."

Bumblebee, "You are my charge, it is my job to worry as a Guardian."

Raphael, "You are really sweet Bumblebee."

Sam, "It is what it is. I did get a few days off after the winter exams but I have to head out to England. I promised Uncle Edmund we will be there for the party."

Bumblebee, "Oh yeah, we were invited too."

Sam, "So, we will see everyone at the party anyway."

Bumblebee mumbled, "I do not like stuffy parties though. I overheard Jazz say there will be other big shot humans at the party. It will be so boring."

Sam pat Bee's hood as he complained about the boring parties he had to attend back on Cybertron after joining Optimus's team. Sam chuckled at some of the stories of Bumblebee getting drunk off high grade Energon with his friends during one such party. Cybertronians did not sound that much different from humans in his opinion and Bumblebee had to agree after giving it a little thought. On another note Elita One and Prowl would be joining them on Earth while Ratchet would be heading to the Moon base with Drift to check on others a third time. Sam would most probably meet them all again during the party at the start of the year after his semester was over.

The semester went by with Sam and Miles dividing their time between hanging out with his friends, family and studying. During that time Ironhide had approached Sam with an offer to train him in self defense combat, since Sam had the final essence of the Allspark inside him. Sam thought about it and agreed as long as he had a spotter to keep an eye on him, they were still not sure what triggered the memory dump by the Allspark. Bumblebee had not been happy with Ironhide when he found out about the offer to train Sam, he was still a child even by human standards. But Sam had already agreed to the training, if he had a spotter to watch out for him, something Bumblebee had agreed to do .

Before anyone knew it, the semester had come to an end and they were focused on their semester exams again. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee spent those days patrolling around the area while making sure both their charges were taken care of. Being a spotter was not hard for Bumblebee though he really worried about Sam whenever the memories interfered. Ultra Magnus when he noticed the erratic behavior had commented on it to Optimus who informed him of what was happening. To say Ultra Magnus was baffled was an understatement and had offered his help as well to keep an eye out for the teen. During the time magnus visited them, Sam noticed Optimus was happy to have his brother beside him.

Soon enough it was time for the party and Sam would be meeting Elita One, Prowl, Sideswipe and Que who were returning to Earth with Ratchet and Drift. They were already at the Witwicky farm settling in while Sam and Miles were tackling their exams and dealing with protective bots. Sam was curious about them and looked forward to meeting them as they traveled to his great Uncle's home. The cargo ship they were using was pretty busy moving the products from the Witwicky farm. Since, it was being used by people who knew about the bots Bumblebee and Cliffjumper were free to move around till they departed at the docks.

Jazz greeted them, "Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and kids."

Que, "It has been a while."

Bumblebee, "Hello Jazz, Que, and yes, it has."

Cliffjumper, "Happy to see you again."

Sam, "So, you are Que. I heard a lot about you."

Raphael, "Yeah, Bee told us you make awesome gadgets."

Miles, "Will you show us?"

Chatter, "Us too?"

Que cooed inside his alt form, "Sure little sparks, I don't mind."

Bumblebee, "I will supervise."

Que, "Of course. Far be it from me to challenge a Guardian."

Bumblebee sighed and followed the group to what looked like a large European castle with other Cybertronians around. The kids got out and they were introduced to the new arrivals starting with Elita One who was a dark magneta colour. She was the same height as Ultra Magnus and had very kind and warm optics which made the kids and sparklings feel very comfortable. She then introduced her current team which was Prowl who was being glomped by a very enthusiastic Jazz much to everyone's amusement. Elita then turned to Sideswipe, a silver and black coloured Mech, who waved at them while watching them curiously.

Elita looked at Sam kindly, "Optimus told me about what is happening."

Sam, "Ah, that, it's fine. It's just memories so I can handle it."

Elita hummed as she watched the young human chatter with the others and introduce the sparklings to them. She was very happy to greet new sparklings, it had been too long since there were any sparklings. Also the fact that the Allspark left some memories or rather information in Sam actually gave most of them hope. They as the leaders made a vow to not tell anyone else about that tidbit and those that already knew were under strict orders to stay quiet. She had noticed Prowl was watching the young human and the sparklings intently, she could understand why.

Jazz, "Come on! I will introduce you to them."

Prowl, "I would like that."

Jazz, "Kiddos, come here."

Sam, "Yes Jazz?"

Jazz, "This is my darling husband, Prowl."

Sam smiled, "Nice to meet you."

Quickshot, "Hello, I am Quickshot."

Chatter, "I am Chatter. How long have you known each other? When did you meet? Do you date like humans do?"

Prowl cooed internally as he made himself comfortable telling them about the first time he met Jazz. It was for a mission, nothing more nothing less, but then his superior Ultra Magnus had noticed how well they worked together and had given Prowl more missions which teamed him up with Jazz a lot. Both Jazz and Prowl noticed Sam listened to the story with bright eyes, he had been down lately the memories taking a toll on him. It was good to see the youngling perk up and act like a youngling should instead of having to worry about things adults should be dealing with.

Cogman found them sitting comfortably, "I see you are enjoying yourselves."

Sam beamed, "Hi Cogman."

Cogman, "Hello Sam, your parents are searching for you. They wanted to tell you to get ready. I will help you."

Sam made a face, "Fine! For the record, I hate those uncomfortable dress shirts though."

Jazz, "Go on! We will watch over these two if you do not mind."

Sam, "I don't mind at all. I trust you both to behave okay."

Chatter, "Yes pa."

Quickshot, "We will be good."

Prowl watched the young human go, -I can see why Optimus is so fond of those human younglings. Miles and Raph are patient and always looking at the bright side. Sam has obviously gone through hardships but still stays strong.-

Elita, -Life can be cruel. We can only do our best to live.-

Jazz, "So, kids want to hear about the time we met and adopted your Sire Bumblebee?"

Quickshot, "He is my Sire, Chatter chose Optimus."

Elita was surprised, "Optimus agreed?"

Chatter, "Yes, pa reckons he has been wishing for a sparkling for a long time. But since he is a Prime, his duties never allowed it."

Prowl nodded, "True that. I recall Optimus once or twice wishing to visit the Well of Sparks but could not due to his duties."

Jazz, "You know you made him really happy by picking him. He has been brighter and happier than before."

Elita, "So, does this mean Sam is the Carrier?"

Jazz, "Sam disagrees, according to him as long as the Allspark is involved, it will be considered the Carrier and the rest of us Sires. It is only when we carry the sparklings to term we will be called Carrier, since we are carrying. Of course we can adopt too but I don't see any orphaned sparklings, do you?"

Elita, "That makes sense."

Prowl, "Do you think it is possible for the Allspark to return to it's original form? It is pure energy according to Prime."

Elita, "I hope it does. I feel guilty for having a child shoulder that sort of responsibility."

Jazz, "Time will tell. Humans do not live that long not unless the Allspark does something to increase Sam's lifespan."

Prowl, "You think once Sam has lived his life and passed the Allspark will return?"

Jazz, "It is the most logical conclusion and no one truly knows what it is completely capable of. I am not ignoring any of the possibilities, no matter how ridiculous it is."

Sideswipe meanwhile found Optimus, "A word in private big boss?"

Optimus, "Of course Sideswipe. What is the matter?"

Sideswipe, "Has there been any word on Sentinel's whereabouts?"

Optimus sighed, "Unfortunately no."

Ironhide, "Why the sudden interest youngling?"

Sideswipe, "It's just Sentinel is nothing like you Prime. He scares most of us a lot."

Optimus was alarmed, "What do you mean?"

Sideswipe, "I mean many of us are wary of the Mech after what happened to Shockwave."

Cartoon Shockwave: Lord Megatron I will do my best to make you proud.

IDW Shockwave: Listen to me Megatron, the only reason I have not turned you into a test subject is because you are needed to change Cybertron. Fail and I will deal with you myself.

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