
Reborn as puss in boots [DROPPED]

Guy reincarnates into puss n boots (warning i have horrible grammar and high chance of the story getting dropped)

Sheriff_Doge · Movies
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3 Chs

I am a....... Cat?


complete and utter darkness

for minutes... hours.... days..... months..... Years..... and then i heard a voice

[ Make a wish for your next life, little one ]

I then remembered my past, i- i- was de- dead

then i remembered a certain Japanese entertainment that resembles this.... anime isekai.... and a certain relegion saying reincarnation is real

it did say next life so i can only assume reincarnation

i dont want to risk it so....

so with whatever will power i had left i shouted

"I wish to be reborn Into A warrior of LEGENDS"

[ Interesting..... your wish shall be granted ]

Then... a bright light took over my eyes and then....

I was on a bed?

As i try to feel my face to see if this is real or not

I felt.... different

My hands..... MY HANDS WERE FURRY!?

.... upon further investigation


then memories hit me like a truck

San Lorenzo

i was inside San Lorenzo, aka the orphanage of.... PUSS IN BOOTS!?


i dont know if i should be happy or depressed

on one hand my wish was granted, i was now a WARRIOR OF LEGENDS!

on the other..... it gray spotted me

(gray spotted means not being specific in a wish and therefore granted it in a way that the maker of the wish did not expect)

And.... i had his accent

ehh honestly i like it

then i hear a noise

a talking and walking egg suddenly appeared and said:

"Hey Puss? You alright? you were pretty sick back there?"

then i remembered who he was

Humpty dumpty that.... Traitor

Original puss might have forgave him

but i will.... Not

I reply to him:

" im fine "

humpty seemed a little bit suprised:

"anyways Wanna hang out?"

i reply:

"not really, i want to rest for the day"

he replies:

" well... okay! get well soon!"

and then he walked away.

Since im in a new world

Here is my bucket list:

1. Learn magic

2. collect Fairy tail artifacts

( priorities Wish granting artifacts )

3. set up a spy network (using cats)

4. Learn time travel

5. leave San Lorenzo

( i want to start my journey early, magic might take a long time to master and I dont want to grow too attached)

and i will try to not attack humpty as he has not done anything yet

as i grab a nearby sack, i grab all the essentials food, water, money and... boot's

and... ran

i will now go by the name Boots

The memories i got with the body is trying to make me stay and see reason but.... we must have power, power to go to land to land unchallenged

(as saying puss is getting auto corrected to you know what and im getting annoyed by it

so boots it is)

i arrived at a nearby town and went to the saloon

I ordered milk and went on my way

as Puss in boots, i MUST Live up to the legacy of the original somehow and train

for 5 months i trained

fought the occasional thief or two

I discovered that boots had a talent in theft and stealth

so i used to my advantage i managed to get enough coins for.... this

A mysterious robed man asks:

"will that be all? my good sir?"

i reply:

" Ye- Yes"

The guy creeped me out

i gave him gold coins and he gave me the cheapest magic learning scroll he had

it was called

a stealth spell

(real original, i know)

Anyways it could hide me better and allow me to walk in plain sight like I'm invisible, i can pickpocket with the person being confused due to not being able to see me

And i can blend in with the shadows more

its disadvantage though, i can be seen by an enemy, if the is looking for specifically me

and it doesnt last long

at most 5 seconds

and wizards above the age of 10 can see through it

full adult regular people cant thoe

Soooo..... back to pickpocketing

but... wizards this time

a little birdie told me about a certain wizard convention

honestly im suprised that wizards group and socialise

anyways the journey is 5 days away by horse due to me not knowing any good routes

and roads are not ideal because of bandits

and im currently weak now

so caravan it is!

[5 days later]

this.... this is not what i expected

kind of?

it was like a modern convention except medieval style

anyways i pay the caravan and i go on my merry way

wanna know a fact about wizards?

they can be easily tricked

i sold the stealth spell scroll because i told a wizard that it was secretly a map that can only be truly revealed when the spell is perfected

i ofcourse copied it on my noteb- i mean grimoire apparently magic is alive and you can't copy spells on other paper unless its from a grimoire or being put into a grimoire

.... dumb magic rules

needless to say i got several bag of gold coins

nearly 10x the amount i purchased it for

dang wizards are loaded

i bought a second scroll that can help me increase the power of my spells and magical power

and bought a swordsman ship book

for cheap and good quality too

(apparently this book is near worthless to wizards because they dont need swords and they just got it from a bandit trying to steal from them on the way here and dont know the value of it and didnt care)

Soo..... you bet i practiced it for 10 days straight

aswell as some of my spells

and it worked nicely

I managed to bump it up to 1 minute with hellish training ( and alot of potions )

and now i am ready.... ready for my first adventure

aka setting up a spy network

[ The end ]

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and give me your reviews on it

i will be posting weekly or whenever i feel like it

im still unsure if i should i keep this or not