
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


That same night I received a notification from the Great Sage.

> The analysis of the Hyuuga clan's chakra point sealing technique has ended. Countermeasures were developed. Want to transfer knowledge? <

>Yes< >No<

- Yea. - I replied waking up.

A lot of data flowed into my brain. The sealing technique consists of exactly how I analyzed it in the fight, injecting your own chakra into the target's chakra point, using it to block the enemy's chakra paths. There were two countermeasures developed by the Great Sage. The first, simplest and crudest was to force a large amount of chakra through the sealed point and force it open, this would release the chakra point at the cost of possible injury. The Great Sage suggested reinforcing the areas around chakra pathways to make them more resistant to a large amount of chakra flow. The second option was to create dual pathways of chakra pathways in the body, thus being able to use the secondary pathway when the first one is sealed. I decided to tackle the first option.

I slept without realizing it.

Early in the morning I went straight to the ANBU Headquarters which is at the base of the Hokages mountain, I know that there is also the emergency shelter for the civilians of Konoha there, I wonder what else is hidden in these mountains.

As I started to approach a masked ninja with a raccoon mask appeared in front of me.

- Tsurui Uzumaki, follow me. - he said.

I focused my emotional awareness on him and didn't identify any malicious emotions, he wasn't a Root. He took me through a series of corridors, it looked like a maze, we climbed a lot of stairs. He stopped in front of a door and entered.

Inside I noticed that there were three more people, one sitting behind a table writing on some papers, and the other two were lying on the couch.

- Wolf, this is the new recruit, I'm retiring. - Said the raccoon.

The raccoon didn't wait for a confirmation or anything, he withdrew.

- Okay, it's a good time, we have a mission.

- Tsk, another brat who just got out of the gym? Cannon fodder. - said one of the boys lying on the couch.

-He must not be normal, he is too young, too young. - said a female voice from the other person on the other couch.

The first voice warning about the mission came from the Wolf, an ANBU who looked noticeably older with his white hair, and also looked like the leader. The second voice came from a younger brown-haired ninja, he was lying on one of the sofas, he had the mask of a monkey. The other ninja on the other couch had a rabbit mask and black hair.

Deciding to ignore them both, I turned my gaze to the Wolf.

- Here, go change, from today you will be the Fox. - said the Wolf handing me a box and pointing to the door on the left.

I took the box and walked through the door. Opening the box, I saw a fox mask with some red designs, a sleeveless shirt with a high collar, a gray vest and a black cloak. I changed quickly and when I took the mask I noticed some words drawn on the inside, when I put the mask on my face a small amount of chakra seemed to have stuck it on my face.

I went out the door and waited for instructions, the two on the couch were already standing.

- We will. - said the wolf.

We left the ANBU Headquarters and headed towards the Konoha exit. I was surprised, when I was invited to the ANBU I believed the Hokage wanted to keep me around, sending a Jinchuuriki out of the village seemed like a bad move.

We started to increase the speed gradually, Lobo seemed to want to test my speed and endurance, I followed him without problems, we ran for approximately two hours.

- Okay, I'll tell you the mission. A group of merchants was attacked here a week ago by bandits, a team of one Jounin and three genin were sent to repel the bandits but only the Jounin returned, he claimed that in the bandit village there was a strong ninja and that the three ninjas had died. We are here to locate, identify and if necessary kill the Ninja, if possible capture. Understood? - said the Wolf.

- Yea! - we replied in unison.

- This was the location of the attack on the merchants, according to the Jounin they found the village 3km from here to the north. From here we will go in silence. - He said starting to walk towards the north.

I sharpened my senses and struggled to locate the village. From my allies I could feel skepticism, reluctance, envy and fear. The Wolf was skeptical of my abilities and reluctant to accept me on the team. The monkey was jealous, and the rabbit was afraid. A good distance away from us I could feel a cluster of bad intentions, a den of bandits, reeking of hate, fear and other disgusting emotions.

Everyone was very alert and attentive, we went slowly, it was a village of bandits but we knew there was a ninja there. As we got close enough to observe the village we saw three watchtowers, each with a bandit on them, they didn't look like ninjas.

- Monkey goes to south tower, rabbit north tower, fox east tower. Kill and assume their identities, when the change of shift comes we'll meet. - said the Wolf, heading towards one of the patrollers.

The plan was simple and we had already arranged everything, we would kill the guards, assume their identities, and infiltrate slowly, until we find the ninja.

I climbed the East tower with almost imperceptible speed, as soon as I was behind the bandit I took a kunai from my ninja pocket and pulled his hair back, I cut his throat quickly and cleanly. I opened a scroll and sealed his body inside it, the process was quick and noiseless, not even a drop of blood fell to the ground, I turned into the bandit and turned towards the village.

It was still morning and a big ash bonfire lay unlit in the center of the village, I turned to the north tower and found one of the bandits staring at me, he waved and I waved back, we both turned to the south tower and waved to the bandit there, he replied back, the plan was going according to plan.

We would stay there until these bandits' shift ended and then we would meet, I spent the time observing the village and memorizing its map, through my senses I could count a large number of bandits still sleeping in the big tents, I counted 117 bandits. One of them in particular emanated a bad feeling, I believe it is the ninja.

- Hey, come on. - said a bandit appearing from the stairs yawning.

He was still sleepy and was barely holding his machete, when he turned his back to me, I grabbed his head and turned it quickly, I broke his neck and put him back in place, I sat him on the bench facing out of the village, I used a jutsu transformation to make it look like he was alert and wide-eyed.

I went down the stairs and went to the center of the village, there, I saw a bandit drawing with a machete on the ground, it was a sign that it was the Wolf.

He turned around and gestured with his hand that we returned it.

- Okay, let's start from the cabin on the left. - said Wolf.

- The ninja is in the biggest hut to the south. -he said.

- How do you know? asked the Wolf, turning to me.

- The bandit spoke before he died, I know how to be convincing. - said.

The three looked at me.

- Okay, so let's clean the other huts first.

The process was quick and without problems, everyone was sleeping, the bonfire in the center of the village signaled that there had been some kind of celebration the night before, a strong smell of alcohol and piss throughout the village confirmed this. Soon the smell of alcohol and piss was replaced by a stench of blood and death. A few muffled screams here and there, a grunt. But no one was able to scream. We cleaned out all the cabins and headed to the cabin to the south.

Entering there we saw what can be said to be the most disturbing sight I have had since I was reincarnated. A large man was lying on the bed naked next to a bottle of alcohol spilled across the bed. The disturbing part was two naked dead children in the bed next to him. We didn't wait long, he was unable and couldn't fight, when tying him up I noticed that the monkey squeezed his hands very hard to the point of hurting the bandit, making him wake up.

- Which? What the hell is that?! he shouted, writhing.

We undid the transformation and he looked at us pale.

- A-ANBU!! - he said before receiving a strong blow to the back of the head and passing out again.

"May it not happen again," said the Wolf to the Monkey.

We gathered all the bodies in the center of the village and Lobo started some hand signals.

- Fire Technique: Great Fireball Jutsu! - he said spitting a big fireball at the mountain of corpses.

We took some pieces of wood and lit the flames, we passed the flames throughout the village, in addition to leaving no traces, we could not leave the entire village so that the next bandits would feel comfortable. All that was left of that village was a plume of ash smoke.

The task of dragging the bandit was given to me, I realized that I was constantly being monitored by the three, this whole mission was either a test, or an opportunity to test myself. His feelings have changed. The Wolf seemed relieved by my abilities, the rabbit was still a little apprehensive but I also saw relief. The Monkey looked embarrassed and still jealous. But nobody said anything.

I carried the bandit on my shoulders all the way, without being left behind. My physique was my main weapon and I was proud of it. When we arrived on the outskirts of Konoha we headed towards one of the walls, Wolf took a whistle from his pocket and blew it.


With the sound, four ANBUS appeared.

- This is the mission ninja, he is alive, take him to Ibiki, he will like this one. - said the Wolf.

After that we put on our black robes and jumped directly over the wall.

- You are excused. I will report to the Hokage and take another mission. Keep an eye out for eagles.

- Yea. - We whispered and walked away.

I would have the rest of the day free, it was already noon and I was hungry so I went to eat at the steakhouse, stopped by the house, changed my clothes and left. The food was delicious but I couldn't really enjoy it, those two kids in that pig's bed really took my appetite.

After that I spent the rest of the day training.

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