
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


We moved to a secluded area, but within sight of the others, Naruto was as noisy as ever, cheering and screaming. But beyond our audience in sight, I noticed that several hidden shinobi approached to observe, still hidden of course, but nothing beyond my chakra radar. There must have been about 20 ninjas, that wasn't the normal number of guards that watched us, usually there were five, I think the Hokage reinforced the escort for fear that Danzo would act more shamelessly.

- Let's go with it, I'll show you the abyss that exists between our skills. - Neji said arrogantly.

I decided not to argue, I stayed in combat stance, the standard stance of Strong Fist is a closed fist pointed at the enemy and the other close to the waist, but this martial art is very simple and comprehensive, there are no users who use the standard stance, Rock Lee for example, puts one hand behind his back and the other in an opposite palm facing the opponent, is simply based on his own inflated ego due to his training, he is not arrogant but proud of his effort and hard work, and this pride was reflected in his adopted stance.

Putting your hand back is simply delaying any movement you have to make when the enemy approaches, even more so in the world of Naruto, where there are several speed and approach techniques. So I decided not to do the same posture as Lee. Guy on the other hand trained his whole life, and due to his father's sacrifice, he had a glimpse of the pinnacle of his ultimate technique, the Eight Gates, and by chance, his pride was bigger and more inflated, several times he called himself Konoha's strongest ninja.

Guy's posture was never shown in the anime, he always put himself in a relaxed way before the enemy, with his hand on his waist or making some joke, he knew how strong he was, and he knew that if he took himself seriously, no posture would influence his victory, he knew and always claimed, to be the strongest, only no one believed it.

So I had two options, the default stance, or forming my own. I knew I wasn't experienced enough to form a stance, so I pointed my fist at Neji and bent my knees.

- Humph! Do you have any idea who I am? - Neji asked advancing.

I knew what the Hyuuga clan's martial arts was based on, defense and attack chakra points. I couldn't be hit. He took the first blows and it seemed to be at the same speed as Lee, I was surprised, but it wasn't the same speed as those Root ninjas. I dodged it easily, taking short steps back and dodging I walked halfway across the clearing.

- Coward! Are you just going to run away? - growled Neji - Byakugan!

Neji's eye veins bulged and his eyes looked a little more frightening, to be honest it was a little disconcerting. He looked like an angry blind man. I suppressed the urge to smile and focused all my senses on Neji. What I wanted from Neji was his martial arts, I couldn't imitate his Kekkei Genkai or his ability to hit chakra points, but the footwork and fluidity of his movements could be implemented in my own martial art.

His movements became slightly faster, but the real change was in the accuracy of his punches, I noticed that he was targeting my chakra points without the use of the Byakugan, and with it active, each hit felt like a kunai towards me. Soon the sequence of attacks accelerated and he closed the distance, I saw an opening here and there but I decided not to attack, I wanted to learn as much as possible. Neji jumped back.

- You don't want to fight?! - Said Neji.

- Yeah, I was just picking up your pace. - he said calmly.

- There is! Do you think you can keep up with me? - Said Neji.

He didn't wait for my answer, he rushed forward and started a series of attacks. He didn't look like he was going to start using the most advanced techniques of his clan, it looked like he didn't know it yet, so there was no point in delaying the conclusion any longer, the blows were already repeating themselves. He threw a high kick and my eyes gleamed at the opportunity, I quickly crouched and kicked his supporting foot, he lost his balance for a second but quickly directed his hand to the floor for support. I didn't allow it, while he was in the air without support I kicked him in the abdomen and sent him flying away.

Neji hit the ground once and already spun around to his feet, hunched over to me in shock. I didn't wait for him to absorb the reality, I stepped forward and gave a high kick that was deflected, I started a series of attacks and I must say, Neji avoided them splendidly, it's not for nothing that the Hyuuga clan's martial arts are geared towards defense, it was as if he were a ghost, every punch I threw he knew in advance the trajectory of my fist and dodged.

>Through the visual and chakra analysis of the host, it was possible to perceive a high chakra activity that is connecting your eyes to your brain, the chakra seems to be faster than the nerve waves themselves, your body moves based on what your eyes see, without needing the target's reasoning. Based on the analysis obtained I was able to create a pseudo-activation of the same function in lower quality. By connecting eye and brain chakra, accelerating chakra flow, it may be possible to improve reflexes and perception. Do you want to start the test? <

> Yes < > No <

- No. - I thought.

Testing something in the middle of a fight might not be the best of ideas, even if it's not a fight for life, I wanted to teach Neji a lesson today.

When attacking Neji, of course I was maintaining a certain level of speed, more or less the same level as himself, so I decided to step up. My punches became faster and stronger, it got to the point where blocking my punches became dangerous, if he tried to block my punch with one arm he would have an injury. He realized this and focused all his ability on deflection.

- Don't you want to fight? - I provoked.

He didn't have time to respond, his movements blurred along with mine, I had to say, Neji was really a genius, during combat he started to evolve, I saw his ability, I knew the limits of his speed. As Lee once said in the anime to Sasuke: "His eyes see, but his body can't keep up with me." That's what was happening to Neji, and he knew it. As a Doujutsu user, he knew the importance of a strong and fast body, to go along with his superhuman perception.

He knew I was stronger, faster and immediately he made a decision, he couldn't keep up with me so he decided to let my punch hit him. I knew what he was doing, but I decided to fall for his trick, I wanted to test on my skin what it's like to have your chakra point sealed, it could be useful.

I punched his shoulder and he grabbed my hand quickly, with the other hand he attacked like a cobra, his fingers touched my skin and I felt an intruding chakra, at the same time the chakra point was sealed, he injected a small portion of his chakra at the sealing point, to keep it closed, repeated the same movement in two more points on my left arm and one on my shoulder. Soon my arm was dead, I jumped back.

- Hah! Admit! You are strong! But you underestimated my Byakugan. - he said panting and holding his shoulder.

Strong Fist is a martial art aimed at breaking and destroying, it's not delicate, it's brute. I didn't hit too hard to destroy his shoulder, but I'm sure he couldn't attack with that arm.

I looked down at my limp arm at my side.

- Great Sage, analyze the current state of my left arm and create a countermeasure for this situation. - I commanded the Great Sage through thought.

> Understood <

- Alright guys, you were able to get to know each other, the fight went a little too far and let's stop here, it's getting late. Tsurui, let's train here from tomorrow, come whenever you want. - said Guy

- I'm Neji Hyuga. Is that you? - Neji said, recognizing my strength.

- Tsurui Uzumaki. - I replied.

- You are strong Tsurui, but our duel is not over yet. - He said turning and walking away.

He left without even talking to Guy, Lee and Tenten, he was really rude.

- I knew! - Lee said approaching. - I will train twice as hard from today Sensei!

- That Lee! What Tsurui demonstrated today was the power of YOUTH! shouted Guy.

I saw Tenten approaching.

- Hi, I'm Tenten Mitsashi! - she said.

- Hi, Tsurui Uzumaki. - I answered my name again.

- Okay, that's all for today, tomorrow you'll find your team and it's better to rest. - Guy said dispersing his team.

I went home with Naruto who couldn't stop talking about the fight and how he couldn't see anything straight. Naruto's training consisted entirely of physical training, not combat training, I wanted to increase his stamina, strength and speed. Things like perception and reflex you pick up in training fights with someone. He was still at the gym and didn't want to spoil his development. I was still hesitating to make a major plot change.

Of course, having an amazing body, a genetic heritage from the Uzumaki clan and the Great Sage is an absurd advantage over the others, but my biggest advantage was still knowing the plot, knowing the future, knowing the plans of my enemies. I was afraid of the butterfly effect, in this world there was a psychotic bastard who lived a thousand years architecting a supreme plan in order to free his mother, for example. Assuming Naruto is classified as 'very strong', Chunin or Jounin level ahead of time, that day that Itachi and Kisami came to get him, Obito could order one more team to come along, just to be sure.

That was just one of the changes, me being in the ANBU wouldn't change much, the ANBU wears masks for a reason, everything is done in secret, only the Hokage and the advisors knew their identities, besides of course, themselves. I didn't doubt Obito's ability to gather information, not with Zetsu on his tail, but my being in the ANBU got me out of his way for Naruto. That didn't mean I would let them target my brother at will, I would be there when they came.

Changing the plot was a concern, but I actually decided not to train Naruto yet, otherwise he might get strong enough not to feel the need to look for a teacher after the first phase of the chunnin exams, and not ask Jiraya to train him. Jiraya training Naruto was something I needed, I wanted the Rasengan, and if possible the summoning technique. I don't want to make a contract with the frogs unless it's the last option. They are strong but not my style, I want to look for something more suitable for me.

- Naruto, tomorrow I'll meet with my team, so I don't know what time I'll be back, but I want you to pack and pack everything, this week we're moving. - Said to Naruto.

- Yay!!! That's right! Finally!!! - Naruto celebrated.

We haven't moved all these years due to bureaucracy, two academy students couldn't live alone in an unsupervised house, but now that I graduated as a Genin, I have the same status as an adult, 11 years old, adult, this world was kind of really bizarre. But I guess you're right, Genin can already participate in wars, kill and die fighting, this world was different in many ways and I was still adapting.

Tomorrow I would go to ANBU Headquarters, my life as a ninja has finally begun.

Guys, I noticed a lot of complaints about grammar and the translator, I'm looking for someone who can edit and fix mistakes. I try to take a look but unfortunately I don't understand, putting the translated text back in the translator doesn't work, it's all wrong. Unfortunately until I find someone to help me with this it will stay like this. I apologize.

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