
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Passing anko’s test

(AN: Yugao added in kuranai to test his genjutsu prowess)


Watching as the jonin disappeared into the forest I waited in my tree for a bit. 'My clones and traps will wear them down enough for me to do some damage. I'll attack kuranai with kenjutsu and taijutsu while using mainly ambushes and traps on anko.' I thought out my own plan.

After a few minutes I went in and used my senses to find them standing back to back in a clearing. Narrowing my eyes I thought

'I need to separate them. hmm oh I know." Crating a few clones I sent most to set out a some wires while I had one stay next to me and let the others harass anko and kuranai. After a minute my clonesnall popped and I sent the one next to me on his job.

Using my shorter status the clone crouched and body flickered beneath the 2 kunoichi and paused before moving up to attack as they separated and I pulled on the wires that the other clones set up as a few wires slingshotted them in different directions. My clone popped it's self sending me images of 'wow black lace and going commando sexy.' I thought as I thought about using this info to send the kunoichi into a rage and lessen their awareness.

*with Yugao and kurami*

All the sudden kurami giggled darkly and spoke "remind me to punish that little perv later."

"Oh what did he do know?" Yugao asked curiously.

"He used a clone to catch a peak at their panties or lack of in anko's case." She said with a twisted smile.

Letting out a laugh Yugao spoke knowingly "hahah I bet he's already thinking about the tactical advantage though."

With a twitching eye kurami answered with a "Yup wants to use it to enrage them and lessen their awareness for better outcomes with his traps and ambushes."

"Hmm it would work on kuranai but anko could care less and is more likely to turn it on Naruto." Yugao said her thoughts on my strategy.

"Hmm yes I noticed flashing everyone she walked past and her natural seductiveness add to that fact." Than growling she spoke "She better not molest my ruto only I can do that."

Rolling her eyes Yugao just went back to practiceing her sword stances.

*back to mc's pov*

Sending some clones to distract and disorientate anko I went to deal with kuranai. After a few seconds I came across the sight of her injured on a tree. 'Something's off.' I thought as I pulsed my chakra and she disappeared while another her appeared on a tree brach that was a few feet above her genjutsu. She seemed alarmed that I broke her genjutsu as I sent a clone to sneak up on her as I hid in the tree tops overlooking the whole area.

Watching as my clone snuck up on her and charged I watched as the clone fazed through her and was popped from behind by the real kuranai. 'Now' I thought as I launched myself with kurami's chakra flowing through my body and benihime in my hands I clashed with her kunai as I kept close range fighting and put her on the back foot.

After 30 seconds I decided to test out my own genjutsus. 'I've never tested out my genjutsus on other people who don't have a sharingan let's see how someone who isn't practically immune to them seals with mine. But I'll need a distraction first.' I thought as I jumped away and spoke "you know I didn't expect a refined lady such as yourself to wear see through black lace." And as her eyes widened in horror and than narrowed in fury as she lounged at me as I weaved a multi layered genjutsu and seeing the jonin stop and freez I sent a clone to attack her and she busted out of them last second but it was to late as my clone put benihime on her stomach ready to impale her.

She widened her eyes as she looked at me and said "I underestimated you severely you have at least basic knowledge in all shinobi including being able to distract your opponent with words." She praised with gritted teeth. "I admit you ability in genjutsu is good not on par with me but good." Than looking down she spoke "i yield."

I nodded and spoke "thanks for the praise but I'm nowhere near my sensei's in skill especially my genjutsu sensei. Also you can go wait this Yugao and kurami." I said before taking off in the direction of anko. As I did kuranai headed to Yugao and kurami.

*with kurami and Yugao*

After a few minutes we heard some tree branches shaking as kuranai jumped it out of a tree and landed next to us.

"So how's he get you" was the first thing out of kurami's mouth

"Kurami I presume?" She asked and her nod she spoke "he used underhanded tactics." She said not wanting to explain how a six year old beat her because she lost control and didn't fight at jonin speed.

"He used the knowledge of your panties didn't he." Kurami spoke with a smirk.

Widening her eyes she asked "how did you?"

"Simple we share a mental connection." She answered

Chuckling Yugao asked "so how did he do?"

Begrudgingly kuranai praised me "he's amazing for a child on par or a bit better than kakashi at that age I'd say."

Grinning Yugao agreed with a nod.

*back with the mc*

Looking down at the kunoichi who was fighting my clones down below I thought she's good at close range so I'll use long range. Doing some hand signs I thought 'lightning style lightning net' as a net of lightning fell down on top of her.

Feeling the chakra spike she looked up and used a body substitution to replace herself with a log. Looking my way as I was revealed she tried to get close but I kept her speed at bay with clone ambushes as I fired the basic elemental jutsus I knew at her while keeping my distance. I noticed that she was quickly tiring out and that the seal on her neck started glowing malevolently.

Deciding to end this like I did with kuranai I exclaimed "you know I'm flattered at the sight but going commando and flashing a child isn't that admirable." As she stopped seeing my opportunity I sent a clone from behind to grapple her and put a kunai to her throat. But instead of the reaction of admitting defeat she let out a sexy moan and grinded her ass into my clones crotch making it loosen its hold as she quickly popped the clone and body flickered to my position before putting me in a grapple and bringing me to the ground.

"You know it's not nice to peak under the skirt of a woman but did you enjoy the sight." She spoke as she nibbled on my ear.

Shivering I thought 'kurami's going to punish me for this I can already tell.' I whimpered at the thought of all her teasing and setting me up only to leave me high and dry she's going to put me through.

"Your good kid but you tried to distract a seduction kunoichi with sexual harassment it won't work and will only work against you." She reprimanded me. "Now let's go." She said as she tied me up and threw me over her shoulder.

A minute later we arrived at the clearing with everyone else and kurami who saw me had a gleam in her eye. While kuranai seemed happy that I lost. Yugao on the other hand looked as if she saw this coming. "So good enough for you anko." Yugao asked.

"Ya I'll teach the beat and get him mission ready." She replied before looking at the ruffed up kuranai who looked like she wanted to beat me up.

"He got you with the panty thing huh." Anko said teasingly yo kuranai. Looking away she didn't give a reply. Laughing anko spoke "well I've worked up an appetite sorts get some food and last one to raise a hand has to pay." Anko said as everyone rose a hand but me who was still tied up. "Well than looks like your paying perv consider it compensation.