
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Meeting anko

(AN: I'll have anko teach him about some poisons before the mission.)


After breakfast I sent clones to train with everyone while I followed yugao and the old man to the hokages office for a better description on the mission and anko. Body flickering into the hokages office the old man put down a silencing seal as he went to take a seat after popping his clone that was doing his paperwork starting the anbu who were drawing on the walls. Sighing he asked

"Really your my anbu guard and we're drawing doodles on the wall."

A deer deer masked anbu spoke "well it's just a clone and not the real you."

Letting out a eye twitch he asked "and if a would be assassin see you all doodling while my clone was focusing on paperwork what would he think."

This time a panda masked anbu spoke "that were inept."

Groaning the old man replied "or that this isn't the real me. Than search for the real me." After a second all the anbu did there best ti cover up their drawings "your all children I swear." Than focusing back on me and yugao he spoke "now I kinda sorta lied about the mission in order to get your overprotective mother to agree with me sending you on missions."

Gaining a light chuckle as yugao palmed her face I asked "so even the great third hokage is scared of my mom?" I asked in fake astonishment.

"Your mother is scary she's the only one in the village who can sneak up on me." He replied before continuing "anyways the truth is that I sent a genin team after the bandits already but they went missing so either the bandits are great in number and the genins thinking that they were hot shit attacked anyways without back up or that there's at least one good chunin or more and maybe even a jonin. That's why I'm sending anko with you if it's a jonin shell deal with them while you deal with the others." He explained getting both me and yugao's attention.

Nodding at him I asked "ok I see and since yugao is here while not in uniform I'm guessing she plays a role in all of this."

Grinning the old man praised "your sharp mind never ceases to amaze me. But yes she will introduce you to anko while following you and her as a safety net as well as a watcher to see how you do on your first mission." He spoke with all seriousness.

"I see we'll also she knows anko so I'm guessing she's also here to help introduce me to her." I guessed letting one of my

theories out.

"Yup I'm here as a mutual friend so after this I'll take you to her and explain the details of the mission and her job of teaching you." Yugao spoke.

"Ok and I'm guessing none of the real mission details will ever be written down due to me being an unregistered shinobi." I asked

"Yup no one will ever know other than those who are told of your involvement in missions." The old man replied

"I see we'll I hope the right person hears about me and takes an interest." I spoke my hopes.

Grinning the old man didn't say anything but had a knowing look in his eyes. After all it's no secret that my goal is to break itachi's record of youngest anbu recruit ever. Looking at Yugao I spoke "ok I'm ready to meet anko whenever."

Smiling down at me she spoke "Well than as long as the hokage has no more secrets about your mission than we'll leave right now."

Pausing to think the old man made a dismissive gesture while stating "all the other info is in that folder just be careful not all missions go to plan and we have a lack of information on this mission due to having no anbu to spare I'm sending the rest of team RO to the iwa front tonight with a temporary substitute for Yugao."

Me and Yugao nodded as she put a hand on my shoulder and body flickered us away towards a dango stand. As we left we missed the sight of a dragon masked anbu walking out of the corner and speaking "he's a good one I'm taking him when he gets a little better." As the old man gained a look of grandfatherly pride.

Arriving on the roof we looked down and scanned the populace as a wolf pup popped up on my shoulder "oh hi yonaka how you doing." I asked the cub

"Good just bired so what are you doing big bro." She asked

"I'm going on my first mission in 2 days and I'm meeting my partner." I replied

"Really can I come along I've gotten stronger." She asked hopefully

"Sorry yonaka but your almost there ok I'll start taking you on missions once you reach genin strength so work hard with your papa and sensei's." I said while pampering her.

Pouting up to me and govibg me the puppy dog eyes I was about to give in when "what are you doing here Yugao and who's the runt." A voice said from my side.

Looking to my right I saw another purple haired kunoichi wearing a trench coat and chain mail shirt leaving people with a good view. As I looked at her chest another poof was heard as on my other shoulder kurami appeared and slapped the back of my herd with a narrow eyed stare. Looking at Yugao for help I saw her enjoying the byplay before speaking "I'm here to introduce you to your new student."

"What I ain't taking in no student thats not in my job description and he's nothing but a kid." She exclaimed out loud getting some of the civilians to look up but we were out of there sight

"Shhh come on we're going somewhere with less ears for this." Yugao spoke while shooting a look in another direction. Focusing on it with my senses I barely felt a genjutsu it was well hidden and masterfully done.

Biting her tongue anko nodded as Yugao put a hand on her and body flickered out of there. As we did a raven haired woman with red eyes appeared and grinned "hmm interesting well I don't mind if I do plus that looked like Kushina sensei's kid." Before disappearing in a body flicker and following us.

Arriving at a training field the three of us took seats up in the trees while I felt as the fourth chakra signature appeared behind us. Looking at Yugao she just gave it a dismissive look, shrugging I payed attention to the conversation.

"This is naruto as you probably already guessed he needs some one to teach him poisons. Also he's been given a mission by the hokage and your his partner for it." Yugao explained why we were there and I took out the folder while Yugao explained the secret details.

"So let me get this straight he's actually a prodigy and not the orange wearing failure that he has been rumored to be. Also he is going to be going on low level missions that fresh genin can't go on to relieve some of the stress that has been put on the fire nation while I take all the credit and will finally be able to become a full jonin and not just a special jonin." She summarized up what we told her.

Nodding I spoke "yes you will also be teaching me poisons."

Anko looked at me with disbelief and spoke "well If I'm going to do this I'm going to have to test him." She looked at me with a sadistic look.

while Yugao got a arrogant look a and replied "good a spar than him versus you and kuranai. The rules are he gets ten minutes of prep time." She said while looking at a tree that our stalker was behind and than gave a pointed look at me and kurami "no army of exploding clones this is a nice training ground and you are not using that technique it's not ready." She saw the gleam in my eyes as I thought about the genjutsu that the wolves were teaching me it was a lot like the nidaime's infinite darkness technique but with a few changes.

Clicking my tongue I spoke "fine but going to use those bandits as live practice with it." I told her before dissipating into the forest activating the anbu camouflage technique

Widening there eyes anko and the recently appearing kuranai asked "is that the anbu technique you taught him that."

With a twitching smile she replied "nope that was another anbu that's teaching him the kid was hard enough to catch before he learned that technique I heard but became pretty much unstoppable to any normal shinobi now only jonin and sensors can catch him. Well at least when he's hiding and running away when he attacks he's slow enough as to where any experienced chunin could react in time to beat him but that's if he's the one who attacks and not one of his damm explosive clones damm itachi and his gullibleness when it comes to his little brothers." As Yugao went on a rant anko and kuranai decided ti take this a bit more serious and started coming up with strategies.

After ten minutes they went on fired and stool close together as they went through the forest at jonin speeds making me grin as them almost disappeared from my sight. 'There fast but not as fast as Yugao. Based on kuranai's body built she's meant for jutsus while anko is meant for taijutsu and assassination. This will be fun.' I thought as I watched them head into my hornets nest of traps.