
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Niomi and kurotsuchi

(AN/: he still has to feed and give water to his prisoners.)


After sitting with kurami on my chest for a few hours while making small talk with the others I suddenly remembered something. "Shit I have to feed those two before they die." I spoke as I reached into my shirt and pulled out two scrolls.

"Who will die?" Asked ringo while yugito and matatabi also looked curious

"Well I made prisoner scrolls that slow down time while in the sealing dimension." I stated while bringing out niomi's scroll i added "this is a iwa shinobi that was part of an ambush while we were coming here." As I finished I released the seal. Revealing a frantic ten year old girl.

"Demon let me go please. No no no no no mama." She cried out

Sighing I looked at kurami who just groaned and nodded. "Hey little girl don't worry the mean man won't attack you, your special."

Hearing kurami's soft and gentle tone the girl stopped shaking but still looked tense and had fear in her eyes when she looked at me. "I'm special?" She questioned

"Hmm yup here let me help you." Kurami spoke while I dispelled the chakra suppressing seals. "See send chakra to your skin."

Doing as she was told her skin tuned into obsidian as she looked like she was going to start freaking out again. "Huh am I sick what's happening." Came her frantic voice and whimpers.

"Shhh it's ok baby it's a bloodline. A whole new bloodline which means your not just special but very special." Kurami replied as the girl nodded.

Than widening her eyes she asked as tears gathered at her eyes "is this why big brother abandoned me to the demon?"

Wincing me and kurami shared a look nbefore she spoke "maybe," seeing the girl about to start to sob kurami quickly continued "but it also has to do with the stuff iwa gave him."

Blinking the tears out of her eyes the girl asked "what stuff?"

"Your brother used a substance to strength himself but it also twisted his mind. It made him bad." Kurami stated

Seeing some hope return to the girls eyes she asked "Dan we save him?"

"Maybe but it requires you helping us. Also you have to join konoha." Kurami said in a warm and inviting tone

"But he works with konoha the demon killed mama and papa." She spoke while shooting me a hateful but terrified look.

At her words ringo, yugito, and matatabi looked at me. Wincing I spoke "look I don't want to kill your parents there's only one man I really want to kill but I can't yet. Killing and death is part of being a shinobi., We've all lost someone." As I spoke the girl looked at kurami for help

"He's not wrong niomi the demon is my husband to be. I know him he hates killing but your parents threatened the life of his family so he fought to protect his own." Kurami spoke in a soothing tone while rubbing the girls head.

"But why did it have to be mama and papa. You could of just knocked them out." She rebuked

Looking at her I replied after a few seconds "your right I could of." Hearing me her glare became more pronounced. Seeing this I continued "but I was given orders to kill you all except for one of you."

"All of us except for me so you knew?" She growled out

"No you were a surprise but you'll see the other in a minute but first I need you to eat and drink you must be hungry." I replied while having a clone bring her food.

Taking the plate from my clone kurami held the girl in her lap as she fed her. Seeing that the girl was more comfortable I released a sigh. Just than I heard a groan. Looking over I saw samurai boy was waking up now. 'What was his name again.' I thought while looking at him. Seeing him get up I walked over to him and chopped his neck knocking him out again. "Don't have time for annoyances right now sorry." I spoke before taking out another scroll. This one was tied with a bow. Looking at the others I spoke while unsealing the person trapped within. "This is the one and only kurotsuchi of iwa the granddaughter of onoki." As I finished the smoke disappeared revealing a hit tied kurotsuchi with paralysis and chakra suppression seals covering her.

Spitting out her drink ringo looked at the tied up woman and laughed out threw coughs "she's the one who tried to ambush you and brought a ten year old girl along what did she expect." Whole yugito and matatabi looked at the hog tied girl with amusement.

Niomi on the other hand "kurotsuchi-sama your alive. The demon didn't kill you."

Blinking away her drowsy Bess the waking kurotsuchi groaned and looked at me with hateful yet fearful eyes. 'Great this gait again. Well all I have to do is feed and water her. Like a plant.' I thought to myself.

"Why am I alive demon." She spat out

"Because of your grandpa now eat up and drink up. If you make this difficult we can just force water down your throat before cutting open your stomach putting food in there than using medical jutsu to heal you back up. My fiancé over there is a student of lady tsunade." I stated bluntly while lying threw my teeth.

Gritting her own while looking fearfully at the grinning kurami she spoke "fine but untie me."

"Deal it isn't like you could do shit anyways with the amount of chakra suppressing seals I have on you. Also if you run the tracking seal the hokage shoved up your ass will tell me where your at." I lied again making her look at me with horrified eyes. Mentally chuckling I thought 'like I'd ever do that it's just on the back of her neck.'

"She what get it out now." She demanded

"Hmm ok so you want me to reach up there and take it out." I asked teasingly

"Huh no I uhh just untie me and take off whatever's preventing me from moving." She spoke again threw gritted teeth.

Having a clone do that while others were spread out making sure she didn't run or any bees got close I sat back down at my seat at the table while having another clone collect two more logs. While others returned with fresh food. 'All the stores may be closed but my inventory isn't.' I thought while giving everyone a plate of home cooked steak.

Looking at everyone kurotsuchi spoke

"What are two konoha nin doing with a kumo and kiri nin?"

"Hmm oh those two assholes soaked me with a water jutsu and kept messing with me so I chased them here." Replied yugito as she took a bite while giving matatabi a bite from a separate plate. Matatabi's tails swayed excitedly as she ate. While yugito gave a groan of approval.

"We got bored and hungry while our kages set up an alliance so we left for sushi and came upon a cat." Replied ringo as she took a bite of food. "By the log this is delicious who made this."

"My mom shes an excellent cook. She keeps the entire family in line including kurami in line with her cooking." I replied

Looking at kurami only to see her and niomi studding their faces she gave a nod and spoke "I can tell why."

Taking a hesitant bite kurotsuchi froze while licking her lips. Seeing this I chuckled. Hearing my chuckle she looked away while speaking "it's ok."

Smirking I thought 'bullshit you couldn't get that second bite in your mouth any faster.' While just shrugging on the outside.

That's when I heard "I hate you for killin mama and papa but I'll help you if you save big bro and turn him good again."

Blinking I swallowed what was in my mouth before speaking "deal if I ever find your brother and he's not beyond saving than I'll do what it takes."

She nodded than looked at me again and asked "why do you fight, just to follow orders like you said."

Taking a moment to form a reply that she would understand kurami beat me to it "he fights for his family. The world will call him a demon like you do but to us he's just our little fox doing whatever he can to keep the smiles on our faces."

Smiling behind my mask I thought 'thanks honey.'

'No problem dear just be gentle with this one she fragile she puts up a tough front. It I can feel her negative emotions.' Kurami replied

"You got that strong by fighting for your family?" She asked

"Yes there's only three ways someone becomes truly strong. Either by hate or revenge, threw love and the will to protect, or the third and most powerful option." I gave a dramatic pause while getting everyone's attention "I went with the final option I let the rage and hatred I have for the man who caused the death of my parents fuel my desire to protect those that I love. The more my love for my family grows the stronger the flames of hatred burn in my heart. You must harness those flames into a steely resolve that can never break. The desire to become the darkest demon and most hated man to your enemies while being like a shining beacon of hope for those within your heart." As I finished the only thing you could hear was the crackling of the wood in the fire.

After a minute niomi looked up at me with a fire burning in her eyes "than I will harness my hatred for you into a resolve to become strong enough to save my brother." She spoke with determination.

Seeing the fire in the little girls eyes I stated "you know for an iwa nin the will of fire burns brightly in you. Keep that determination during the darkest nights and the hottest days and you'll save him." As I created some more clones while getting up. Looking at kurotsuchi I spoke "your as weak as a civilian and I can track you at all times my clones will hog tie you French you with water and leave you out in the cold away from the fire if you try anything. Now I'm tired and I don't really want to go back to the hotel so ima stay out here. I'm feeling like a night under the stars is in order" as I finished I pulled out a sleeping bag and laid it on the ground next to the fire.

"Count me in I agree with you about this just feeling right." Added ringo as she walked over while I pulled out another sleeping bag.

Looking at the others I saw matatatbi growing in size before pulling yugito along with her tails. Smiling kurami spoke "although spending the night out here with you would be lovely I'm going back home with niomi and joining our daughter she gets nightmares of you not returning sometimes." As she finished she sent a smirk my way seeing the others shoot me surprised looks.

"Yes I have a daughter now no more questions." I spoke while throwing a sleeping bag at kurotsuchi.

Catching the sleeping bag she set it up a little further away from the rest of us. 'Dumb woman she's ganna catch a cold all the way out there.' I thought while seeing her shiver. "Stop being a stubborn idiot and join us at the fire." I spoke

"You slaughtered 500 of my soldiers how am I supposed to just sleep next to you like itching happend." She hissed out at me

"Suck it up and realize that this will be your last night of a good nights rest before we give you to your grandpa tomorrow while telling him about how you took 500 of his shinobi and led them to their deaths because you have a hate boner for konoha." I spoke

Wincing she slowly shimmied over "konoha took my mother away from me."

"And iwa took away plenty of konoha fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters away. There's no difference it was war and war is hell." I replied making her look at me with a complicated look before looking away.

'Tell mito I said goodnight also goodnight kurami.' I thought

'Ok dear and goodnight my love.' She replied

Smiling softly I created another clone to watch and stoke the fire as I fell asleep.