
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


(AN: what could the raikage want not even I know)


My eye shooting open as I felt someone nuzzling into my side. Grabbing a kunai from my holster I looked to my right and saw 'kurotsuchi?' A passed out kurotsuchi nuzzling into my side for warmth. 'Hmm it did get colder.' I thought as I felt the chilly night breeze. Looking to my left I saw a similar sight of ringo's face planted in yugito's tits while cuddled up with matatabi. 'Well she is technically made of fire somehow.' I thought while seeing her fur which is made up of blue flames act like a normal animal pelt. 'I've lived in this world for ten years and I still think half of this shit is a huge middle finger to physics.' Looking up at the moon and seeing that it's about 3-4 o'clock I just wrapped an arm around the shivering woman and thought 'oh I can't wait for their reactions in the morning.' With an internal laugh.

*four hours later*

Feeling movement I faked being asleep while kurotsuchi slowly opened her eyes. After rubbing them I felt her freeze. Cracking my eye open enough to see her beat red and horrified face I couldn't help but comment in a low tone "have a good nights rest." As I finished I motioned her to look down. As she did she saw a line of drool coming down from her mouth to my chest. Opening her mouth wide to yell I quickly covered it while whispering "shhh you'll wake up the others. Look over there."

Following my eyes she held in a snort seeing ringo firmly planted into yugito's bust while yugito held ringo's ass. Than seeing how they both were cuddled up to the fire two tailed cat her eyes widened and she asked in a hushed tone "is that the?"

"Yup that's the two tails she formed a contract with her and now she can come out of the seal." I replied in the same tone.

Just staring at the two tails she didn't notice how one of her hands was in my shirt. Smirking I asked "i know I look good but I'm taken so you can look but no touching."

Hearing me she looked at me confused "huh what do you m…" befire trailing off as she followed my eyes and blushed while taking her hand out of my shirt. Coughing she regained her composure as she asked "so what now do I go back in the scroll?" She asked defectively

"Hmm depends how do you want to be presented to your grandpa?" I asked

Bitting her lip she looked conflicted before speaking "I uhh I don't know what would be better." She stated in a whisper.

"Well than do you want to go into the scroll or do you want to walk around with konoha nin?" I asked

"I uhh I don't want to go back into the scroll it's degrading." She finally answered as I head a yawn from the opposite side.

Grinning I whispered "fake being asleep but watch this it should be funny." As she nodded with a small smile. Weirdly instead of going to my side she planted her self back on my chest while getting comfortable and looking at the others. Raising an eyebrow behind my mask I thought 'am I really that comfortable.'

'Yes you are my chakra that I leave in your system to naturally buil your immunity to my chakra acts as a heater and very appealing warmth at night.' Answered kurami within my mind as she laughed at the scenes of the others. 'Your getting better at this my dear keep this up and I might let one of them into our bed for a night I am a very curious vixen after all.'

Hearing her a curtain part of myself decided to make itself known as I felt kurotsuchi stiffen and blush a little. Than deciding that wasn't enough kurami decided to send very detailed images of herself and each of the women surrounding us making me become more than just a little boy. Hearing kurami's laughter fade out I whispered to the fidgeting kurotsuchi "stop moving your making it worse." She stopped but of corse she did as her thigh was firmly against me. 'Damm woman.' I thought


Hearing another yawn I focused my attention away from the blushing kurotsuchi and to the slowly waking yugito and ringo. Seeing yugito open her eyes and stiffen she unconsciously squeezed her hands making ringo moan out into her bust. Her blush only increased as she frantically looked around but stopped upon seeing me and kurotsuchi. But due to how we were set up she couldn't see our eyes. Groaning ringo nuzzled deeper into yugito as she held in a moan.

Slowly raising her drooling dace from yugito's bust ringo let out a groan as she opened her eyes. Using her hands she rubbed her eyes while digging her elbows into yugito's mounds making her let out a strangled moan. Freezing ringo slowly looked down and saw a blushing yugito. "You make a good pillow?" Came her reply but it sounded like more of a question than a statement. Than feeling something on her ass she looked behind her and asked "so you like what you feel?" While gaining her usual predatory grin. Seeing yugito quickly move her hands away and move them to cover up her slightly exposed breasts ringo leaned in and next to her ear. "You know it wouldn't be the first time I woke up on top of a woman." Before licking her ear.

That's what broke the camels back as yugito shot up and jumped away while blushing mad. Letting out giggles kurotsuchi drew the attention of the others. Seeing this she slowly got up and stretched while I did the same. "You two seemed to of gotten close last night." Yugito spoke while forcing her embracement down.

"Not as close as you two though." Came kurotsuchi's reply

"I don't know about that it seems you excited fox well enough." Replied ringo as she pointed at my standing member

Following her finger yugito and kurotsuchi blushed and looked away. "What it's a natural reaction called morning wood. It didn't help that someone was rubbing up against it." I stated.

Smirking ringo looked up "it's about 7:00 ish we have to eat and be at the kage summit by 12:00 what's for breakfast."

"Hmm I got more food in my scrolls how does breakfast burritos sound. I also have milk for both of the cats." As I finished yugito threw a kunai at me. "What you don't like milk?" I asked seeing her look away and not answer me and ringo grinned.

"Oh don't worry if the cat doesn't want it I'll drink the milk." Ringo stated

"I never said I wouldn't drink it." Rebuked yugito as matatabi shrank and hopped over to one of the stumps.

While the others started back to the logs and table I looked to the side and saw samurai boy. Creating a clone I spoke "take him to a cafe and leave him some money for breakfast. Also go give money to mifune for the damages from yesterday." The clone nodded and boldly flickered away with the cash and samurai.

Walking up to the stump I pulled out a food scroll and placed five plates down each with there own food than brought out some glasses of milk for the cats. Than looking at ringo I asked "whiskey, sake, or orange juice."

Smirking she pulled out one of her wolf whiskey bottles I gave her in reply. "Isn't it early to be drinking?" Asked kurotsuchi

"Hmm every shinobi needs a Vice. Jiraya of the sannin became a pervert and writer, lady tsunade drinks and gambles, kakashi of the sharingan reads itcha-itcha books and acts lazy, itachi or the god of genjutsu is a bro-con, shisui of the body flicker also drinks, while hiruzen saratobi one of the three gods of shinobi smokes. My Vice is drinking and spending time with my family to distress." I spoke

"Hmm I see I also know what your talking about my father likes to read whenever he gets the chance. While my grandpa imagines himself destroying konoha." Kurotsuchi replied.

"You need a Vice or you'll snap that's the main cause for shinobi snapping and going insane or missing nin." Replied ringo. "Plus I think we all know the cats Vice is acting like one." As she finished another kunai flew at her.

"No it is not I just like fish, milk, cats." Yugito replied only making ringo's and my smiles widen. "Assholes." She grumbled out as matatabi used her tails to comfort yugito.

"You have any idea why the raikage called this meeting?" I asked yugito

"Hmm he's been going on and on a bout missing people and destroyed villages. Also about how merchants are going missing as they cross into the land of frost and the land of hot water." Yugito replied

"The same thing has been happening to us but they have been going missing around the land of waterfalls grandpa thinks it's konoha." Kurotsuchi stated as she looked at me.

As the pieces finally fit together I growled out while my eye turned red with bloodlust "damm that snake even now he's still causing problems." Getting everyone's attention. Seeing this I forced my emotions back and took a calming breath. "It's orichimaru and his hidden village in the land of rice. They call themselves otogakure, they're made up of missing nin, psychos, rapists, and just straight up fucked up and evil people." As I finished the others narrowed their eyes.

"I see we'll that's good to know anything else you got for us?" Kurotsuchi asked

"Oto is mostly made up of small i underground bases. Most of it is if for orichimarus sick and twisted experiments. While others are just prison camps for captured civilians and shinobi." I replied before adding "his goal is to become immortal."

"Like that Hidan fucker." Asked ringo

"No true immortality without any restrictions. Hidan was bound to the will of jashin and was basically a slave." I replied

After a few seconds of silence yugito asked "well shit you know how close he is."

"I have my guesses but I would think it's only a matter of time till we have a truly immortal snake that will use humanity as his play things till he gets bored." I replied

"That's bad no worse than bad." Replied ringo

"Yup." Confirmed kurotsuchi as I just nodded

"Eh don't be to worried about it there are plenty of ways to take care of an immortal being. The bijuu are immortal they respawn after being killed so we sealed them. The demons of old did the same but they just went back to hell instead of being reborn in the elemental nations. So the uzumaki clan sealed the strongest away like Benihime here. While they sent the rest back to hell and sealed the entrance." I added helpfully.

"I see we'll that's good I guess. So if he goes immortal your ganna seal him right." Asked ringo

"Yup I already have plenty of ways to seal his soul away than probably store him in a waterproof box with a lot of barrier and protection seals. Than add some weight seals turn them ti the max and throw it in the deepest part of the ocean. That's what my ancestors did and I don't see any demons other than the nice ones walking around anymore. So if it ain't broke don't fix it right." As I finished it took a second but eventually

"Wait you mean there are still real demons among us." Asked kurotsuchi

"Hmm oh ya plenty that's how most bloodlines came into existence they were the love child between a demon and a human. The only exceptions are the senju, uchiha, and hyuga they came from a different family tree that didn't include demons." I replied

"I see." She said quietly while looking at her hands

Rolling my eye I stated "don't worry by now unless your mother or grandma was secretly a demon the demon blood would of thinned to be non existent only leaving the power of the demon. Like your lava release"

Letting out a breath kurotsuchi nodded.

"Anyways I think it's about time we go back to our kages they must be curious about where we've been at." Yugito added

"Hmm your right I feel killer bee coming this way. Also for some reason the hokage and mizukage are still together but they're at a bar now." I spoke while focusing on the final kage "the kazakage seems to be heading for the kage summit area already though I guess he wants the smug satisfaction of being the first to arrive."

"Alright I wanna meet the eight tails and see his look when he sees matatabi out of her seal." Replied an energetic ringo

Snorting I nodded "that will be entertaining." While kurotsuchi who was sitting next to me a little close me than I thought she would be nodded with me. 'Hmm why is she so close I would of thought she would hate me.' I thought

'I don't know but don't get any ideas. Well at least not yet.' Replied kurami

While yugito smirked as she sipped her milk "oh yes finally someone else will be the but of your jokes." She spoke