
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Family Heirlooms

(AN: I'm going to make the mc a shinobi that specializes in kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, and stealth. I already have a good idea on what the swords ability will be.)


After taking the first step down to the basement the whole staircase leading down lit up with seals and one appeared on my left with the shape of a hand. Doing the obvious I put my hand on the seal and let my chakra out and I felt a small prick on my palm. Pulling my hand away to look at it I found that there was a small cut on my palm that was already healing. "Oh uzumaki healing ability what would I do without you." I said out loud.

After a second the seals disappeared hopefully meaning I'm aloud to go down the stairs. Deciding to just go with it I stared down the stairs only for nothing ti happen.

"Guess I was right." Anyways after 20 seconds of going down I saw a door with the family crests of the uzumaki swirl and namikaze lightning bolt. They were combined with the lightning bolt over the swirl. 'Hmm that looks nice once I'm strong enough I'll use it instead of the normal uzumaki swirl.' I thought happily. Seeing a familiar seal on the door I did the same as before and put my hand on the door. After feeling the familiar prick on my palm I couldn't help but say out loud "is it just me or were my parents really paranoid and cautious when it came to their shinobi stuff I mean there weren't any seals on my moms closet just a sign."

"Oh they were paranoid and cautious alright but you can't really blame them look at what your fathers famed jutsu can do. He slaughtered an entire army within seconds. Also your mother was the last loyal member of her entire clan I bet there is your clan secrets in there as well. Just imagine not just normal fuinjutsu books but uzumaki fuinjutsu books. Also hopefully the uzumaki kenjutsu scrolls they were feared for their mastery over fuinjutsu and kenjutsu after all. That's why they were destroyed just remembering your damm clan sends shivers down my spine I mean a hole clan of kushinas *shivers* one was more than enough for me." Kurami supplied helpfully before getting lost in her own mind.

Tuning her out I couldn't help but agree with her statement of the reason behind their paranoia and caution. Having one of the most powerful jutsu in existence and all of your clan secrets in one spot is kinda bad. I was knocked out of my musings by the door opening up and a huge library was my first thoughts of this place.

"Holy shit this place is big." I exclaimed unable to keep my thought within. The place was as big as the entire house itself. I could see the sections as well they were named

*fire jutsu*

*wind jutsu*

*water jutsu*

*lightning jutsu*

*earth jutsu*

*forbidden jutsu scrolls*

*kenjutsu scrolls*

*genjutsu scrolls*

*fuinjutsu scrolls*

*taijutsu scrolls*

*summoning scrolls*

In the middle of the library there were 2 small pillars with one having the namikaze symbol and the other having the uzumaki swirl. On the namikaze pillar there are 2 scrolls one marked *hiraishin* and the other marked hummingbird taijutsu*.

On the other pillar there are 2 scrolls one marked *uzumaki fuinjutsu* another marked as *uzumaki kenjutsu* in the middle there was a katana with a name plate that says *Benihime* and a scroll under it that said *Benihime abilities* looking at the katana it's handle is dark red with a blood red body and a crimson edge on it. Also when I focused on it I felt a connection like it belonged to me. Deciding to act on my instincts I walked up to it and went to grab it as the connection amplified as I got closer and as I grabbed the handle the katana started shaking and out of my control I spoke it's name unconsciously

"BENIHIME!" The katana shone with both killing intent so thick the air grew stale and tangible. But that isn't what scared me no it was the blood filled eyes of a woman staring at me with curiosity and bloodlust. A smile came onto her face as I felt as if someone just read everything about me like an open book and she mouthed the word 'interesting' but just as soon as it started it ended as the killing intent disappeared and so did the woman I saw the world going dark before passing out.

*mind scape kurami's pov*

"What the fuck is that and who the fuck does that woman think she is to look at my kit like that!" Kurami now in her kyuubi form half growled half yelled. Deciding that i am superior she got a smug look as i stared at the sword before my kit lost consciousness. 'Hmm interesting I wonder who that woman is she kinda looked like an uzumaki maybe an old hag that was sealed within the sword. Eh whatever as long as she's in there I don't really care.'

*real world mc's pov*

Waking up I found the katana still held within my right hand but it was smaller 'Just the right length for my size.' I noted. 'Hmm a sentient sword huh I can't possible see how this will possibly go wrong' I thought sarcastically. 'Also that bloodlust' *shivers* that's almost as much as kurami's bloodlust'.

"Well I have other shit to look at so…..I'll deal with you later" deciding to deal with the sword later I walked back over to the pillar somehow i guess I was also pushed back some when the sword awakened. Getting close to the pillar I picked up the summoning scroll I saw the drawing of a wolf on the front. 'Hmm I wonder'

"Kurami can I sign multiple summoning contracts."

"Hmm oh yes as long as both parties agree to have you." Came her reply.

"Nice do you mind if I sign this one to?" I asked hopefully. 'Signing this will get me closer to my mom and clan.' I thought giddily.

"Mmm sure why not the more help the better also wolves are better hunters than foxes we hold more firepower but the wolves will help you more with being a shinobi with their stealth and tracking techniques." Came the informative reply from kurami.

"Ok thanks kurami I'll be sure to pet your tails later as thanks." I said teasingly.

"No problem kit just not to far up I ain't having you touch my ass yet you made be 22 in your mental age but your still in your 4 and a half year old body." She replied jokingly.

Rolling my eyes I put the summoning scroll back after signing it. A little dazed after seeing my mothers and a few other uzumakis names. I looked at the uzumaki fuinjutsu scroll to see it locked with complicated seals more than the blood and chakra seal I've been seeing around the house. Looking over to the namikaze pillar I saw similar seals on the hiraishin scroll so i went for the hummingbird taijutsu scroll. Opening it up I saw a short description of the taijutsu style

*the hummingbird taijutsu style is a style that depends on high speed attacks with either kunai or fists. This style is meant to put an opponent down as fast as possible aiming for either vital organs and arteries or pressure points to disable or kill opponents.*

Deciding that the style was out of my reach for now I decided to check out the rest of the library later but as I was leaving I noticed a door in the corner of the room. Going over to it I found a sign to my right that said *training hall* grinning like a mad man I opened it up to find a seal on the wall to my right with signs above it saying *gravity seal multiplier* opening my eyes wide I thought about how much that will speed up my training that and resistance seals will make my spread and strength training go bye twice or three times faster. Panning my eyes toward the middle of the room I saw a few training dummies as well as a weapons rack to my left with all sorts of weapons. Looking back at the room that was as big as a football field I grinned as I left the room to go back up stairs. Reaching the main floor I went back to the dinner table to find the note with my name on it.

Picking it up still getting the feeling it will ruin my mood I decided to get it iver like ripping a bandaid off.