
REBORN AS MALFOY with a system

all the characters belong to lady j.k rowling only the si character belongs to me and the plot.its my second try towards a fan fiction. death . ROB . . SELF-INSERT AS MALFOY new to write synopsis so forgive my mistakes

GOD_OF_ENAS · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

heir of black and friends of goblin

Draco: house-elf of the ancient and noble house of black Kreacher come here.


Kreacher: who are you.

Draco: I am Draco Lucius Malfoy heir to the most ancient and noble house of Malfoy and also the heir to the house of black as you may be able to identify my magic.

Kreacher: yes, I can my lord, mistress will be so happy to know a pure-blood carrying the blood of house black exist.

Draco: I want you to send a message to lady Walburga of my being and tell her that I have the bloodline ability of house black and would like to discuss a few things regarding the future of her house, now go and tell her about it.

and he disapparated and came back after some time and told me that my presence is requested by Walburga so we left and soon appeared at Grimmauld place, as soon as we appeared Walburga noticed and called for me.

Walburga: who are you child and why do you have black blood flowing through your veins.

Draco: good afternoon lady black I am Draco Lucius Malfoy heir to the most ancient and the noblest house of Malfoy son of Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy ñee black.

Walburga: ahh heir Malfoy it's an honour to meet you so what is it you desire to speak of me heir Malfoy.

Draco: I desire to be accepted as the heir of house black.

Walburga: and do explain why you an heir of an ancient house need house black too.

Draco: you see my lady my father is the current lord of house Malfoy and he is prone to making mistakes again that will plunder the name and the wealth of the entire house Malfoy, and I can't let him do that and for that, I would need the assistance of house black as the heir will bring me more power.

Walburga: and what is the mistake that your father making child.

Draco: you might have heard of lord Voldemort perished in a previous war but the truth is he is still alive bidding his time to return and rule again.


Draco: ENOUGH!!! I am no blood traitor lady black and I shall have the respect of a pureblood shall be given. do you know why he is doing a mistake did you know the origin of your so-called lord now my lady no you don't just because he was a parseltongue with a silver tongue he became your lord.

Walburga: and what is it you know child that I don't.

I took out my wand and wrote in the air TOM MORVOLO RIDDLE.

Draco: do you know or you might have heard of him as the only muggle-born boy who became the head boy of Slytherin 50 years ago might have been your alumni in Hogwarts.

Walburga: oh I do remember him boy what does this have to do with your explanation.

Draco are you a pureblood lady black.

Walburga: I AM!!!.

I smirked while looking at her which seems to make her angrier and I waved my wand and the letters reshuffled while I looked at her face which from anger to fear to shock it turned.

Walburga: no no wh.... how's this possible he is Lord Voldemort.

Draco: let me introduce you to lord Voldemort originally known as tom morvolo riddle gaunt. the child born out of a squib and a mudblood the lord you all followed is nothing but a barely half-blood.

it took me a lot of time to find out about him as he was through to clean the evidence of his parentage but I got it still was able to get them. we thought he gave us a death mark as proof of our loyalty but he made us his slave if it was previous war then it would have just been easier to let people know and bring on his downfall but now most of the pureblood has become his fanatics through his tortures and fears and that's why I need to resurrect house black and Malfoy back from it shambles to the very top of the throne called wizarding Britain. she was silent for a long time and finally, she spoke

Walburga: do you promise to your oath heir Malfoy.

Draco: I do lady black.

Walburga: very well then from now on you will be the heir in line of the most ancient and the noblest house of black I will give you the vault keys but as Sirius is the current heir once he dies you shall take his place as the next in line as the lord of house black, Kreacher from now on you will serve Draco Lucius Malfoy black your new master serve him and the house of the black well and Draco you need to find the heir ring if you want to be the heir legally after Sirius and always remember Toujours Pur farewell heir black.

as she vanished from her portrait I brought a newly bought heir black ring out of the system space and wore it on my middle finger right next to heir ring of the Malfoy family, as I did I felt the blood wards around the place connected to me sort of well I instructed the system to make the bond strong enough even under Fidelis I shall know its place.

with that done I willed the black ring to remain invisible next thing I need to go to Gringotts and lay my claim I changed the way I looked like a guy with black hair and moustache and with Kreacher, I reached outside the broken cauldron and told Kreacher to follow me while staying hidden sol I reached outside the bank and entered while changing my looks back to me under notice me not the charm as I entered the head goblin at the centre in my real self I looted him first and my oh my he was a head for sure I ended up with a half a billion galleons and mastery over his language his skills his knowledge and laws that are there but not shown to always to get a bigger share in deals but now they can only cry I went to the head goblin he looked at me and I smiled and greeted him in his tongue well not just him the entire hall was silent and shocked nonetheless I told him I need a blood inheritance test and a bit of privacy to talk business if he will.

he got out of his stupor and we left for a private room that might be his office.

Ragnarok: I am Ragnarok head goblin of Gringotts of Britain what can I help you with strange wizard. and how did you learn our language?

Draco: which is the most powerful thing in the world Ragnarok?

Ragnarok: Gold.

Draco: there it is you have your answer.

Ragnarok: true.

Draco: now I would like a blood inheritance please if you may.

Ragnarok: very well then.

he left the room and after some time came back with a board which held a parchment he placed the board at the centre of the table and they sat down.

Ragnarok: please three drops of your blood in the central stone on the board.

I took out my wand made a small cut and let three drops fell and then a little episky on the wound and we are back as new after few seconds there were names on the parchment:

















Ragnarok: well it seems you already knew which house you belong to young wizard.

Draco: oh I do I just needed to know that I could claim the heirship of the black family by today positively.

Ragnarok: it might not be possible as you see you would need the heir ring as the previous holder threw it away and we were not able to... (i showed him the ring)..oh you already have it then let me call the black account manager he shall help you with the process and I shall take my leave heir Malfoy.

Draco: wait a minute I still need to talk about a few business deals with the Gringotts.

Ragnarok: oh very well then what is it you would like to talk about.

Draco: a question if you may which is more rare mithril or ithildrin of gold essence.

Ragnarok: I don't even care how do you know this stuff, so the least rare is the gold essence but still is important then mithril rare but still found in deposit and then ithildrin said to be a myth think of it as gold essence but the essence is of mithril no one would believe it if I haven't seen it myself we have a strand of it made as to the centrepiece of the crown of the goblin king Gerarth.

Draco: hmm that is rare so the business I was talking about I have 100ml of gold essence, 98gm of mithril and a ring made out of ithildrin which is almost 6300yrs old belonged to a goblin King I suppose his highness name was glammdring.


Draco : I was hoping for the king to see but sure why not.

I took the ring that I just bought from the system and added the words glammdring on it and placed it in a gold box in front of him. he shakingly reached for it and opened it there was a gasp. he closed it and placed it in the middle of the table and then looked at me not as a teller but as a warrior of goblin nation.

Ragnarok: what do you need for the ring.no amount of gold will be up to its original price so what do you desire.

Draco: nothing, oh don't be shocked it is my ring true but it belonged to your ancestor and I would like to gift it to your king as a token of friendship cooperation and alliance and respect can that be done.

he looked as if he was thinking about something and soon enough he left the room and came back after 15minutes and ushered me to follow him and so I did we went through many gates and soon we entered a throne room at the centre sat a goblin he was bigger than normal goblins say around 5ft in height in gold armour and a crown. Ragnarok went ahead of me and kneeled while I just bowed I am no goblin why should I Ragnarok took the ring to him and whispered which seems to be my conditions. the king opened the box and gasped and kept on looking at it for some time and finally looked up to me gratefully I think.

king: thankyou wizard and I accept your token of friendship and contribution to the betterment of the goblin nation. and I have hereby given you the name draconian the friend of goblin I said it so more it be Ramos (and with a Lumos lighting on his finger).

Draco: it's my pleasure Goblin King that through my token you will be able to solidify your position more on the throne of the entire European goblin empire.

king:hahahahaha I was told you get even insider information of what happens in the goblin nation draconian and yes it will help but only slightly but will be helpful.

Draco: I know goblin King and I would like to offer something else as help as your friend I heard that the high king is chosen based on the wealth strength and intelligence of the candidate.

king: and how to do this benefits you.

Draco: Ragnarok must have told you about my conditions but let me just repeat them for both of our conveniences I would like to be a known friend of goblin nation you keep the ministry of magic above the wizards I would like you to keep the Malfoy family above them the service charges that are made for the wizards should be negligible to the house of Malfoy or nothing if you may and this should be true for as long as you and your descendants rule your throne in the future and also all the information of any wizards under you.

king: all the above conditions can be met and even the last one but it depends on the extra help you talk of draconian.

Draco: as I said you have wealth but just galleons and gold won't prove your wealth your ancestors ring will and so shall other things. I will sell something to you king as I can't take too much of a loss in my pockets too (i took out the gold essence and mithril and placed it in front of him) this magical wondere are something I acquired through lots of problems and blunders. for the gold essence, I would like a goblin made wand holder with an eastern dragon head with your silver in it and made it as a strongest you can and can conduct magic through it and my title on it "DRACONIAN" I would say king you have a talent to give names because I am loving this name of mine more and more.

to which he laughed and I joined him after a while I took the essence and mithril and gave it to him he held them both and looked at them and me

('system loot')

*looting in process*

*looting completed*

*you got 5billion galleons, ithildrin ring, mithril and gold essence and crown of the goblin, the sword of the king, and 31000mana*

wow no, I have over 7.8 billion and over half a million on mana now I can get that bird.

('system buy me a phoniex and animagus form of an American eagle and store them in the system')

and I lost almost all of my money have around now like 800 million and 20000on mana well the bird is op anyway.

after the entire thing was done the king and I took a picture as a memorandum signed all my conditions on legal documents and by evening I was walking out of the Gringotts as I walked from the main hall the tellers who were sitting on the tables looked at me and bowed which seems to shock the people who were here to get money as soon as I was out I summoned Kreacher and went back to Grimmauld Place and then summoned no. 3 and told him to gather all the books from dark arts to all the artefacts and store them in my house far from anyone reach for that I got his another spatial ring to get all the stuff I got myself another one too but this one was a normal one with2*2 space and called Kreacher.

Draco: Kreacher your master artucus black must have left you a locket as your new master I order you to get me the locket and I will destroy it.

without much of a drama, he brought me the locket and I placed it in the normal ring and told Kreacher to not let anyone know about what happened here today and about me to anyone until I show up again here through that chimney until then Sirius is your master magically that is true too.

and I left for my home and started working on my plans and hatching my new phoniex it was in a beautiful egg I needed to cover it with my blood for the bonding to work and so I bled and felt light-headed assigning the task to watch over the egg to no.2 I left for bed drank a blood replenishing potion and slept days went by more and more and finally it was the date of the ministry ball I got tonnes of letters from all around the world, people called me the next Merlin in some of them I got a letter from Hermione too she was so happy of my achievement and was sad that I left early on and couldn't meet her before going for which I sent her an apology letter with chocolates and assigned all my house elf except hobbit to send back to thank you letters to all my well-wishers and to end it with a quote that I will excel more for wizardkind and send chocolates to all the ladies in the group come on I need a fan following too and I made sure they keep it formal after that I flooed to the manor and I was surprised for a second the entire place was filled with gifts and I wasn't sure if it was my birthday or Christmas now as I entered I was hugged and it seems it was mum.