
REBORN AS MALFOY with a system

all the characters belong to lady j.k rowling only the si character belongs to me and the plot.its my second try towards a fan fiction. death . ROB . . SELF-INSERT AS MALFOY new to write synopsis so forgive my mistakes

GOD_OF_ENAS · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

order of Merlin first class & a house

Sirius is still the heir to the house black but I need to become one before he gets in Grimmauld place so I bought the metamorphmagus ability which cost me not much as I was already the heir black I only had to awaken it so that was done faster than I thought I don't need polyjuice potion to turn into someone.

it will be Christmas break when I will lay my plans into action I dropped out of the Quidditch team as it was of no use to me and started working on my plans to get myself a foothold.

a week before Christmas break i asked for a leave from Hogwarts which got approved thanks to my father as i reached home early I was questioned why i wanted a leave before the break and i said i needed time and told my father to accompany me tomorrow to patent office in the ministry he was shocked for a while but then inquired on what am i getting a patent for which i said a potion or a cure that i created (bought) then asked what is it a cure of i smirked and said it's a mage awakening potion which helps a squib to reawaken his magic well he was shocked really shocked he made sure to ask me again if i was joking or what but i was a serious as i could be i bought the potion directly from the system with its recipe which was half a bil.and told him we can experiment on a squib known to me that will filch the steward of hogwarts in front of the ministry that should be able to get me a order of Merlin first class and he was on seventh heaven and praised me with his being while still with a bitch face. he asked for the recipe I gave it to him and he checked and I warned him I perfected it works just fine if someone else finds it we will lose a lot more than our name he agreed and I went to sleep while he started pulling his contacts to get me as much as a highlight as possible.

next morning I woke up got dressed and left for the patents office in the ministry to get it under my name as we reached the ministry we were surrounded by my father's contacts the minister was here too which was a lot of attention no one knew what the potion i created but just the word it is revolutionary and people took my fathers word for it as we reached patents office i was given a form to write about my potions and so i did all the info and submitted it and people shocked would be an understatement they were bewildered but they still trusted my fathers word and it got pattend under my name as the process was done the ministries stamp was to be done yet but as he was with us he went ahead for his part and he was shocked too and instantly he sealed the deal and people soon found out about it now as a practical experiment was a must i told them to get me filch who i was sure would have been more than happy then anything and it was situated this evening in front of the wizengamot and all the press and many people from other embassy will come too. we wasted our time with the minister and my father talked about the order of Merlin which he was more than ready to give it to me as soon as my potion is proved to be real I waited and soon enough I was in front of the entire wizengamot the press and many potion masters.

so I started my performance

"good evening to all the wizengamot members the minister and all the lords and reagents of ancient and noble houses I Draco Lucius Malfoy am here to prove my potion to be as real as its name my potion 'Mage reawakening potion ' which will help all the squib born child anywhere in the world to be reborn as a mage again. now the potion is ready right here with me (i showed them the potion )and we have a squib with us too that will be Mr. filch from Hogwarts as he will be a perfect example for this procedure Mr filch parents both of them were wizards but he is a squib and he was certified by st. mungos head healer that he is indeed a squib well not for long now "

I took out my wand changed the seat he was sitting on into a tub and filled it with water to the brink that only his head was visible and then gave him the potion to drink as he drank the potion nothing happened for a few seconds until he started shivering I froze the water around him and only his head was out "I am freezing the water for obvious reason as he is a squib he will need someone's help to get out or he could do it on his own due to overbust of magic "after few minutes with a loud bank the tub broke and so did the ice with shivering filch who stood up shaking then fell back on his knees people looking at the magical outburst stood from their seats and looked at the results some of the people were already murmuring that it is true so I called out "wait not yet head healer please come and check Mr filch please if he still is a squib" the head healer came and checked filch and shakingly with wide eyes he shouted


and all hell broke loose with the thunderous applause of all the people present here and soon enough people came and congratulated me and my father I gave interviews many about how I did it in the end and I just said hard work and bleh bleh bleh. by tomorrow morning everyone in magical Britain will know of my deeds according to the minister the order of Merlin will be awarded to me at the ministry yule ball by next week and after 5 days of interviews and meeting with people I was finally free at home, my mother was so happy of my achievements the next day I went to my father in his study and knocked and entered.

Lucius: ah Draco come in some you have made the house of Malfoy way more famous than many of your ancestors in a long time son what is it you want.

Draco: yes the fame of our family is a high father but after my next question it may fall so low that way not be able to get it back here.

Lucius: what is it, son?

Draco: father if next year Voldemort comes back to life will you join him. yes or no.

Lucius: yes as I will have no other choice than my son at first I followed him willingly but later on, he became a demon and now I will have to follow him out of fear. why do you suddenly ask such a question son?

Draco: well I found out father that he is alive and will be coming back next year in the fall. but what if I tell you I have a way to get higher than we already are and become a family which even the ministry fears.

Lucius: are you sure son is he alive, and what is this plan you have.

Draco: he lost the first time and he will lose again this time and the Malfoy family will surf his downfall and reach the top.

Lucius: what do you have in mind son.

Draco: you may have to make sacrifices father you have to sacrifice something as a pureblood that is your blood prejudice.

Lucius: no don't forget your place boy you are a pureblood be like one now get out of my study room.

I knew he will always be an ass (system give the oblivation spell) as he went back to his work I slowly took out my wand and obliviated the previous 15min of our talk and back at present.

Lucius: so what do you need son

Draco: I want you to give me some privacy father as I would like to have my own living space for now and increase the amount in my trust fund as I would like to experiment more on my own and alone, please.

Lucius: very well then where do you need the house.

Draco: somewhere in the muggle London suburbs perhaps powerful wards and a fireplace and I will need a personal house-elf and that will be all.

Lucius: very well then son you can come tomorrow and get it from me as we do have a villa in the suburbs on the muggle side which I purchased during the previous war the wards should still be working and so as the fireplace we shall leave tomorrow for it.

The next day we left and it was still in good condition from outside it was a two-floor villa but from inside it was 4bhk one apothecary and potion lab a library and a backyard garden and a hall the wards were still in place and so as the fireplace my father got me a personal house elf he was named as hobbit as i named him myself and bonded my father left and the i commanded hobbit to clean the entire place and from the system i bought powerful wards and formation that kept it hidden safe anti-apparation all the necessary charms that will make it living here easier and while doing all of the stuff i needed for my room i gave hobbit the money and made it a perfect house the lab was full of all ingredients that i required and the apothecary was filled with brims of plants that was growing there due to spatial charms the place was huge i created a pool in the back yard and to my good luck the villa was situated in Hampstead suburbs of northern London that means i am few block nearby Hermione. that will give her the scare of the century due to continuous looting i have almost 5.7bil galleons and 400,000 mana i bought myself few more house-elves from the system as i needed 10000mana and 10mil for one house elf and i bought 3 so yeah now i have four elves unlike normal house elves they talk properly and a geniuses a gave them names as 123 and they were fine with it one is great a potions so he is making me potions like pepper up potions as a starting and then felix felixis as all time project for him no.2 teaches hobbit how to talk or basically brainwash to become perfect they both take care of the house while no.3 is a secretary he does everything for me i made him steal and be did without any problem afterwards.

as now my entire house is ready it's time to get that inheritance so I called for Kreacher with authority.