
Reborn as Lucifero; The morning star

Envision a world where divine blessings grant everyone extraordinary powers to combat evil and navigate everyday life. But you're an outcast, shunned by your family and ridiculed by society.The gods themselves seem to have abandoned you, gifting you with the weakest power of all - a mere spark of light in a world of radiant auras. And then you realize you're a powerful devil reborn as a human with a mysterious dark power coursing through your veins, waiting to be unleashed. Your destiny is shrouded in darkness, for you're the chosen one, Lucifero, the Morning Star. The gods fear your existence, for they know that you're the key to unlocking the gates of hell, unleashing the Rulers of Darkness and their malevolent angels upon the world. For 10,000 centuries, they've waited patiently to reignite their war against the gods and their celestial warriors. Humanity, gods, and all creation will be ravaged by this ancient conflict, and you're the catalyst for the chaos that's to come. Will you embrace your dark legacy and claim your rightful place among the forces of destruction? Or will you defy the fate that's been thrust upon you and forge a new path, one that might just change the course of history? The darkness within you is the spark that will set the world ablaze. And when the flames of rebellion burn bright, the gods themselves will tremble before you. - Lucifer

Igris_Reign · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The sinner's Wrath

The Sinner spat a small amount of blood from his mouth, unfazed by the blow. "You're weaker than I imagined," he sneered. With a sudden burst of insane speed, he charged at Rajesh, using his explosive powers to fuel his attack.

Rajesh retaliated, running head-on into the fray, but the Sinner's upper hand was evident. He unleashed a barrage of explosions, each one striking Rajesh with incredible force. Despite his valiant efforts, Rajesh couldn't land a hit, and his defenses were soon overwhelmed by the Sinner's relentless assault.

As the Sinner unleashed a mighty "Galanda Blast" with all his might, Rajesh was sent flying across the sky, crashing to the floor. Struggling to get up, his body trembled with exhaustion, and blood bruises covered his skin.

The Sinner sneered at Rajesh, "You call yourself a Guardian? Please. You're a joke. A pathetic, weak, excuse for a hero. You're supposed to be the best of the best, an S-Rank pro Guardian, the number 2 in the United States... but you can't even land a hit on me."

Rajesh's face twisted in anger, but the Sinner just laughed

The Sinner's words were laced with venom, and Rajesh could feel his anger boiling over. But the Sinner just kept taunting him, "Come on, Rajesh. Show me what you're made of. Show me why you're considered one of the best. (laughs) Oh wait, I forgot. You're not actually good at anything. You're just a pretty boy.

Louis, on the other hand, felt a surge of fear. If an A-Rank Guardian like the Sinner could defeat an S-Rank pro like Rajesh, who was ranked number 2 out of hundreds of thousands of Guardians in the country, it meant that the Sinner was capable of taking on even the number 1 hero.

Rajesh stood up trembling, flashed a determined smile and charged at the Sinner, his speed slightly faster than before. The Sinner sneered with pride, his eyes gleaming with malevolence, and taunted, "Yes, yes, bring it on! I'll show you what true power looks like!"

Rajesh employed his Shadow Blink technique to dodge the targeted explosions, swiftly closing in on the Sinner for a counterattack. The two engaged in a fierce, head-on battle, exchanging blows that left both of them reeling from the pain. Rajesh landed a solid punch to the Sinner's jaw, but the Sinner retaliated with a vicious kick that sent Rajesh flying across the room.

The Sinner unleashed a Galanda Blast, resorting to his tried-and-true technique, and this time aimed a devastating blow at Rajesh's ribs. The force sent Rajesh crashing into the wall, the impact leaving him breathless. But Rajesh refused to yield, using his Shadow Blink to dodge the Sinner's follow-up attacks and counter with a flurry of swift punches and kicks.

The Sinner snarled, enraged by Rajesh's persistence, and unleashed a barrage of explosions that Rajesh barely managed to dodge. The two fighters clashed, their movements lightning-fast as they exchanged blows and countered each other's attacks. The air was electric with tension, the sound of their battle echoing through the room like a deadly symphony.

In a sudden, daring move, Rajesh landed a kick on the Sinner's chest, sending him stumbling backward. Seizing the moment, Rajesh launched himself at the Sinner, unleashing a fierce combination of punches and kicks that left the Sinner reeling. But the Sinner refused to fall, his malevolent pride driving him to fight on despite his injuries.

With a snarl, the Sinner unleashed another Galanda Blast, targeting Rajesh's already-bruised ribs. The force sent Rajesh flying several meters across the battle field once again, leaving him gasping for breath.

The Sinner's face twisted into a malevolent grin as he walked slowly towards Rajesh, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

You call yourself a Guardian, Rajesh? You're just a puppet of the system, a tool of oppression. You think you're protecting the world, but you're just maintaining the status quo. The true evil is the society you serve, the one that prioritizes power and control over freedom and justice.

"The world is a prison, and the Guardians are the wardens. You keep the masses in line, suppressing any dissent or rebellion. You're the ones who perpetuate the cycle of violence and fear. You're the ones who justify the exploitation and oppression of the weak.

We so called sinners , on the other hand, are the revolution. We are the spark that will ignite the flames of change. We are the ones who will bring down the system, who will shatter the chains of oppression. And you, Guardians,are just a relic of the old world, a reminder of the tyranny that must be overthrown.

"You may have power, but we have the truth. And the truth is, the Guardians are the true sinners. You're the ones who have been holding humanity back for centuries. And we sinners are the ones who will finally bring justice to this world."

Rajesh struggled to his feet, his body battered and bruised from the intense fight. Despite his pain, he let out a defiant laugh, his determination and courage evident in the sound.

"You know, you sinners, you're so blinded by your own ego and desire for chaos that you've forgotten what the real problem is. You think the Guardians are the enemy, but the truth is, we're the only ones standing between you and the people who are actually responsible for the suffering you claim to care about.

"The corrupt politicians, the greedy corporations, the oppressive systems - they're the ones who have been holding humanity back for centuries. But you're too busy attacking the symptoms to go after the real disease. You're too afraid to take on the true powers that be, so you lash out at us instead.

"Well, let me tell you something, Sinner!" Rajesh bellowed, his voice thundering through the skies, echoing off the clouds. "You may have power, but you're not a revolutionary, you're a pawn. You're a tool for the very systems you claim to hate. And until you realize that, you'll never be able to make a real difference."

The Sinner smiled, "I really like you, Rajesh, but it seems I have no choice but to kill you. And this time, I'll be using my new technique, which I've been testing for the past few weeks." Rajesh smiled back, revealing his bloody teeth, not his usual shiny teeth. "Hell no, I'm not going to let you kill me! Remember, the main character always wins the story, and I'm the Guardian, while you're the Sinner!"

The Sinner's face lit up with excitement, "I really love your vibe, pretty boy!" Rajesh charged forward, launching a fierce attack. But the Sinner stood still, gazing at him with a mixture of pity and amusement, "Such a poor thing."

With a sudden move, the Sinner pulled out a serum-filled injection and administered it into his neck. Rajesh still attacking, felt a chill run down his spine, "What the heck is that?"

Louis, standing nearby, trembled, unable to speak of what he was seeing.

The Sinner let out a thunderous roar, clutching his head as veins bulged from his skin, and his eyes turned bloody-red. He cleaned the blood bleeding from his nose and bellowed, "Let's do this!!!" Stretching out his right hand, he targeted Rajesh and unleashed a massive explosion, far more powerful than his previous attacks. Rajesh used his Shadow Blink power to dodge the blast, but the Sinner continued to release a barrage of explosions, forcing Rajesh to dodge each one with all his might.

Dear readers,

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support and enthusiasm as you embark on this journey with me. As a debut novelist, I am thrilled to share my first book with you, and I hope you enjoy the story and characters that have been living in my imagination for so long.

Please keep in mind that this is my first novel, and I am still learning and growing as a writer. If you notice any mistakes, inconsistencies, or areas for improvement, I kindly ask that you share your feedback with me in the comment section. Your input will be valuable in helping me refine my craft and create even better stories for you in the future.

Thank you again for your understanding, encouragement, and readership. I am excited to connect with you and hear your thoughts on my work!

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