
Reborn as Lucifero; The morning star

Envision a world where divine blessings grant everyone extraordinary powers to combat evil and navigate everyday life. But you're an outcast, shunned by your family and ridiculed by society.The gods themselves seem to have abandoned you, gifting you with the weakest power of all - a mere spark of light in a world of radiant auras. And then you realize you're a powerful devil reborn as a human with a mysterious dark power coursing through your veins, waiting to be unleashed. Your destiny is shrouded in darkness, for you're the chosen one, Lucifero, the Morning Star. The gods fear your existence, for they know that you're the key to unlocking the gates of hell, unleashing the Rulers of Darkness and their malevolent angels upon the world. For 10,000 centuries, they've waited patiently to reignite their war against the gods and their celestial warriors. Humanity, gods, and all creation will be ravaged by this ancient conflict, and you're the catalyst for the chaos that's to come. Will you embrace your dark legacy and claim your rightful place among the forces of destruction? Or will you defy the fate that's been thrust upon you and forge a new path, one that might just change the course of history? The darkness within you is the spark that will set the world ablaze. And when the flames of rebellion burn bright, the gods themselves will tremble before you. - Lucifer

Igris_Reign · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Power Unleashed

Rajesh dodged the blast with his Shadow Blink power, but his opponent unleashed a relentless barrage of explosions, forcing Rajesh to dodge each one with every ounce of strength he had. Finally, they clashed in a fierce hand-to-hand combat, but his opponent blocked every punch Rajesh threw with ease, his face a mask of calm determination. Not a single hit landed on him.

Louis's eyes were wide with terror as he watched the two exchange blows. His heart raced with fear, his mind screaming at him to do something, anything, to stop the carnage. But his legs seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to look away from the gruesome spectacle.

What kind of power is this? His strength has increased exponentially! Is it due to that mysterious injection? I need to find out what was in it. Rajesh's mind raced with questions.

The Sinner's thunderous roar echoed through the air, sending shivers down Louis's spine. "

He stood frozen, his eyes fixed on the battle scene unfolding before him.

The Sinner raised his hand, and a swirling vortex of energy appeared before him. The air seemed to distort and ripple, as if reality itself was bending to his will. With a triumphant cry, he unleashed the Galanda Blast, a blast of energy that tore through the surroundings like a divine judgment.

The ground cracked and shattered, the air was filled with the acrid smell of ozone, and the sound of the blast was like thunder that shook the very foundations of the earth. The force of the blast sent Rajesh flying, his body tumbling through the air like a rag doll. The force of the power was immense, and Rajesh struggled to his feet, his body trembling with effort.

The Sinner sneered, "You refuse to die? Then you'll be my test subject for my new technique!" Rajesh smiled, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I just want a taste of your power."

The Sinner rushed at Rajesh, punching him non-stop. Rajesh's face was swollen, his body battered, but he refused to give up. He grabbed Rajesh and hurled him into the sky, following him with his explosion power.

"You needed to be weak and out of commission," he said, his voice cold and detached. "I've been training for a year to withstand my own power and any injuries. And now, it's time for my new technique... Star Explosion!"

The Sinner raised his hands to the sky, and a brilliant light blue and flame-shaped energy sphere appeared, engulfing the sky. He let out a deafening scream as he unleashed the explosion, striking Rajesh with incredible force. The sound of the blast shattered through the air, echoing across the landscape.

The power was unlike anything Louis had ever seen. It was as if the very fabric of reality was bending to his will, unleashing a torrent of energy that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The light blue and flame-shaped power that appeared in the sky was so intense that it seemed to burn with an inner fire, illuminating the surrounding landscape with an eerie, otherworldly glow.

As the explosion struck Rajesh, Rajesh crashed to the ground, the floor beneath him giving way like an open-pit mine. The sheer force of the explosion created a massive shockwave, destroying houses and sending flying cars careening through the air like toys. The blast was akin to a nuclear bomb detonating, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

Louis was consumed by fear, his heart racing in his chest like a trapped animal. He knew that he was no match for the Sinner's power, that he was just a mere mortal against a force that seemed almost divine. He tried to run, but his legs were frozen in place, as if rooted to the spot.

As the shockwave from the explosion hit him, Louis felt himself lifted off the ground, sent flying through the air like a rag doll. He screamed, but his voice was lost in the din of the blast, as if swallowed up by some monstrous, all-consuming beast.

When he finally landed, Louis was dazed and disoriented, his head spinning with the force of the impact. He looked around, trying to take stock of his surroundings, but everything seemed hazy and indistinct, as if seen through a veil of tears.

And then, he saw the Sinner, standing tall and unyielding, his eyes blazing with an inner fire.

That was the last thing he saw.

"The Sinner's face contorted in a twisted grin as he stood victorious. 'The mighty have fallen,' he thought to himself, his mind reveling in the chaos he was about to unleash.

"'The people will soon learn that their precious heroes are not invincible. They will tremble with fear when they hear the news of their beloved hero's demise. And I will be the one to bring that fear upon them.'

"'The very fabric of their society will unravel. Chaos will reign supreme, and I will be the one to bring it upon them. They think they are safe, but I will show them the truth. I will show them that even the strongest can fall.'

"'As the great philosopher once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And I will make sure that good men do nothing, for I am the one who will bring darkness upon their world.'

"'Their heroes will fall, one by one, and they will be powerless to stop me. And when the dust settles, I will be the one standing tall, the one who has brought despair upon their city.'"

Blah, Blah, spare me the theatrics!" Rajesh Deva sneered, his victorious face twisted in disdain. "What!... You think you can take me down? Ha! I'm still standing, and you're the one who's about to hit the dust!"

As he spoke, a deep red aura erupted around him, illuminating the dark pit he'd just flown out of. A sly grin spread across his face. "Huh!!! You thought you could kill me? Please. I'm Rajesh Deva, the S-rank pro guardian, number 2! I've been bored out of my mind winning every fight. So, I decided to let you land a hit. And let me tell you, it was... enlightening!"

The sinner's eyes went wide with confusion. "What are you talking about? I used my most powerful technique! You should be nothing but a memory by now! Why are you still alive?"

Rajesh chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, poor guy. You have no idea what you're up against. My power is Energy Transmutation. And let me tell you, it's a gift only one in a billion people in a millennium gets to wield."

He continued, his voice filled with excitement. "My power is activated when I'm attacked by an opponent. The attack can be physical or energy-based. When the attack hits me, my body absorbs the energy from the attack. The absorbed energy is then converted into a unique energy signature that is compatible with my body. This energy signature is stored in my cells, muscles, and bones. I can then use this stored energy to power up my physical abilities, such as strength, speed, agility, and endurance. I can also use it to enhance my senses in battle. If I'm injured, I can use the stored energy to accelerate my healing process... or regenerate my damaged body. As long as I have energy stored, I am effectively immortal in battles. I can continue fighting without fear of death, as my body can constantly heal and regenerate."

He paused, his grin growing wider. "So, go ahead. Attack me a million times. I'll become two times a billion stronger! You can't kill me, no matter how hard you try. I'm the ultimate warrior, and I'll always come out on top!"

As a new writer, I must admit that writing fight scenes has always been a challenge for me. I worry that my descriptions may come across as clumsy or unrealistic, and that my pacing may be off. But I'm determined to improve! That's why I'd love for readers to rate this chapter's fight scene and provide feedback on what worked and what didn't. Was the action clear and easy to follow? Were the character's movements and abilities good? Did the tension build to a satisfying climax? Your input will help me refine my craft and create even more thrilling fight scenes in the future. So, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts - I'm all ears!"

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