
Reborn as Gods: A Family Odyssey

When a mother and her two sons are given the chance to reincarnate with special powers, they think it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But when they find themselves caught up in a cosmic conundrum, they realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. With their unique abilities, can they navigate the challenges of the multiverse and come out unscathed?

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: Cosmic roses

Chapter 4: Cosmic Roses

A fiery red blur darted through the chaos with unrivaled speed. It was none other than Ruby Rose, the young huntress-in-training from Beacon Academy. Sporting her signature black and red outfit, she gracefully weaved through the crowd, her silver eyes focused and determined.

A group of henchmen, donning black suits and carrying weapons of various kinds, surrounded Ruby, their malicious grins showcasing their ill intentions. But Ruby remained undeterred. With a flick of her wrist, her trusty Crescent Rose unfolded into its massive scythe form, its wicked blade glinting in the moonlight.

"Alright, let's dance!" Ruby declared with an infectious enthusiasm that matched her swift movements. Her semblance, the power of speed, coursed through her veins, granting her incredible agility and reflexes.

With a burst of energy, Ruby leaped into the air, her petite frame defying expectations. She soared above her adversaries, her cloak billowing in the wind, before descending upon them like a tempest. Her scythe spun in a mesmerizing display of deadly elegance, slicing through the air with a haunting whistle.

The henchmen lunged at Ruby, but she sidestepped their attacks effortlessly, her smaller size and nimble footwork granting her the advantage. With each swing of her weapon, she dispatched her foes with precision, the metallic ring of her scythe meeting flesh and steel. Her crimson petal emblem adorned her outfit, an emblem of grace and power combined.

Ayumi watched the exhilarating spectacle unfold, her heart pounding with both worry and admiration. She couldn't help but silently cheer for Ruby, her motherly instinct urging the young huntress to emerge victorious. "You've got this, Ruby!" Ayumi whispered under her breath, her eyes shining with maternal pride.

Meanwhile, Ryota and Daichi sat back, enjoying the fight as they indulged in their respective meals. Ryota took a big bite of his hamburger, his mouth muffled as he commented, "Man, everything feels so slow compared to us, huh?"

Daichi chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, bro, it's just your supercharged brain processing things faster. But hey, it's always fun to watch Ruby kick butt!"

Ruby continued to maneuver with grace and precision, her semblance enhancing her already impressive combat skills. Her silver eyes gleamed with determination as she whirled, ducked, and spun, each move a testament to her training and natural talent. Her opponents were left bewildered and overwhelmed by her relentless assault.

The fight raged on, with each swing of Crescent Rose sending shockwaves through the air. The henchmen struggled to keep up with Ruby's lightning-fast strikes; their feeble attempts to retaliate met with swift counters. The clang of metal against metal and the occasional yelp of pain filled the air, drawing the attention of passersby.

As Ruby weaved through the chaos, her weapon became an extension of herself. It was a lethal dance, a symphony of swift slashes and powerful strikes. Her small stature only made her more agile, allowing her to exploit the openings in her opponents' defenses. She was a whirlwind of red and silver, her determination unyielding.

With a final flourish, Ruby dispatched the last of Roman Torchwick's henchmen, sending them sprawling to the ground. She stood triumphantly amidst the defeated adversaries, her chest heaving with exertion. Beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, a testament to the intensity of the battle.

Ruby cast a glance in Ayumi's direction, a wide grin spreading across her face. Ayumi returned the smile, her eyes shining with pride and relief.

"That's my girl," Ayumi whispered, her voice brimming with affection.

Ruby Rose, the indomitable huntress, had proven once again that she was a force to be reckoned with.

Roman Torchwick emerged from the wreckage of the dust shop, a smug grin playing on his lips as he surveyed the defeated henchmen strewn about. His sharp, sarcastic voice pierced the air, cutting through the aftermath of the battle.

"Well, well, well, it seems my henchmen were more disposable than I thought," Roman snickered, his eyes locking onto Ruby Rose with a mischievous glint. "And you, Red, you just had to ruin my little robbery, didn't you?"

Ruby bristled at his taunt, her silver eyes narrowing with determination. Before she could respond, however, Roman raised his cane, aiming it straight at her. The weapon fired, and an explosive round hurtled toward Ruby with deadly intent.

But in an instant, Daichi materialized in front of Ruby, his reflexes surpassing human limitations. With uncanny speed, he caught the explosive round with his teeth, his jaw clamping down on it with a resounding click.

Roman's smirk faltered, his eyes widening in shock as he witnessed Daichi's incredible feat. Ruby, too, stood frozen, disbelief etched across her features.

"What the...?" Roman stammered his voice a mixture of surprise and irritation. "Who the hell are you, and what in Remnant just happened?"

Daichi couldn't help but revel in the moment, his confidence swelling. He grinned, his tone dripping with cockiness. "Ah, just a little warm-up, Torchwick. You know, stretching my muscles before the real fun begins."

Roman scoffed, recovering some of his composure. "You're one creepy and crazy kid, aren't you? Well, I've got better things to do than deal with you right now." With a dismissive wave of his hand, he turned on his heel, preparing to make his escape.

Daichi's eyes narrowed, a playful glint shining in them. "Hey, I'm just getting started."

Roman shot him a final smug remark, his voice laced with mockery. "You may have caught that round, but you won't catch me, kid. Not today."

And with that, Roman Torchwick disappeared into the streets of Vale. Ruby's determination flared as she sprinted after Roman Torchwick, her red cloak billowing behind her. The chase led them to the rooftops, where Ruby's nimble footwork propelled her with agility and grace. Meanwhile, Daichi turned his attention back to Ayumi, Ryota, and the aftermath of his daring feat.

Ayumi's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the hole in the ground where Daichi had punched through to catch the explosive round. Her annoyance and lividity bubbled to the surface, her voice carrying a mix of worry and scolding.

"Daichi Nakamura! What in the world possessed you to catch an explosive round with your teeth? Do you have any idea how dangerous and reckless that was? You could've been seriously hurt or worse!" Ayumi's words rang with exasperation, her arms crossed tightly over her chest.

Daichi scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Well, Mom, I just wanted to show off a bit, you know? It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Ryota couldn't help but chuckle, finding amusement in his younger brother's predicament. "Oh man, Daichi, you really did it this time."

Daichi's grin wavered slightly, his eyes darting between Ayumi's stern gaze and Ryota's entertained expression. He sheepishly muttered, "Yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away. Won't happen again, I promise."

Just as Ayumi was about to unleash another wave of scolding, a familiar voice echoed through the air, drawing their attention. It was Glynda Goodwitch, the stern yet respected huntress and member of Beacon Academy's faculty. Her authoritative presence demanded attention as she engaged in a heated conversation with the arriving authorities.

The trio exchanged glances, seizing the opportunity presented by the distraction. Without a moment's hesitation, they moved swiftly, blending into the bustling crowd.

Daichi's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and relief. "Guess we've got a lucky break, huh? Let's get out of here before they notice us!"

Ryota nodded, and the family then vanished into the streets of Vale, leaving Glynda and the authorities to be distracted by the remnants of their encounter with Roman and Ruby.

Little did they know that their paths would intertwine once more, as fate had a way of bringing them face-to-face with the challenges that awaited them in this new and extraordinary world.


In a sterile police interrogation room, the air is heavy with tension. Glynda Goodwitch, her expression stern and authoritative, stood across from Ruby Rose, who sat on the other side of the table. The room felt suffocating as if every wall held a stern lecture waiting to be unleashed.

"Ruby Rose," Glynda began, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Your actions today were reckless and put yourself and others in unnecessary danger."

Ruby, her silver eyes shimmering with a mixture of defiance and guilt, crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. "But they started it! I couldn't just stand by and watch!"

Glynda's stern expression softened slightly as she recognized Ruby's bravery. "I understand your intentions, Ruby, but your impulsiveness often gets the better of you. If it were up to me, you would receive nothing more than a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist."

Just as the atmosphere in the room grew heavier, the door creaked open, and a figure stepped inside, holding a mug of coffee and a plate of cookies. It was Ozpin, the enigmatic headmaster of Beacon Academy, whose presence exuded a sense of wisdom and calm.

"Good evening, Ms. Rose, Ms. Goodwitch." Ozpin greeted them with a warm smile, his voice smooth and reassuring. "I hope you're both doing well."

Ruby eyed the plate of cookies, her skepticism momentarily forgotten as her addiction to sweets took over. "Um, I'm okay. Thanks."

Ozpin placed the mug and plate on the table in front of Ruby, offering her a cookie. "I believe you have a fondness for cookies; am I correct?"

Ruby's eyes widened, unable to resist the temptation. She hesitated for a moment, her distrust of strangers conflicting with her love for cookies. Finally, her craving won, and she reached out to take a cookie, nibbling on it cautiously.

Ozpin chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I thought as much. Now, Ms. Rose, do you recognize me?"

Ruby's cookie momentarily forgotten, she stared at Ozpin, studying his face. It was a familiar face, one she had seen before, but she couldn't quite place it. Her brows furrowed as she struggled to recall where she had encountered this man.

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Ruby's eyes widened in realization. "You're Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy."

Ozpin nodded, a sense of satisfaction evident in his gaze. "That is correct, Ms. Rose. I'm pleased to see that my reputation precedes me. I believe we have much to discuss."

As Ruby munched on her cookie, her curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't help but wonder what Ozpin had in store for her. Ozpin's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he observed Ruby, taking note of her distinctive silver eyes. "Ah, I see you possess silver eyes," he remarked, his tone tinged with intrigue.

Ruby blinked in confusion, finding Ozpin's comment both creepy and perplexing. However, she chose to keep her thoughts to herself, maintaining a polite smile as she continued to nibble on her cookie. The mention of her silver eyes had always been a topic of mystery and speculation, something she hadn't fully understood herself.

Breaking the momentary silence, Ozpin leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands together. "Now, Ms. Rose, I'm curious to know where you acquired such remarkable skill in using your weapon."

Ruby swallowed her bite of cookie, contemplating Ozpin's question. She straightened up in her chair, mustering her confidence. "I learned to wield my weapon at Signal, the school I currently attend. They have an amazing combat training program."

A faint smile played on Ozpin's lips, and he raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Signal, you say? I remember one individual who possessed such a unique weapon—a dusty old crow, if memory serves me right."

Ruby's eyes widened in surprise, and she nearly choked on her cookie. "Wait, you know Uncle Qrow? He's the one who taught me everything I know! How did you—"

Ozpin gently raised a hand, cutting her off. "Ah, I've crossed paths with your uncle in the past. A remarkable huntsman, indeed. It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Ruby's mind raced with a mix of emotions—shock, awe, and a tinge of pride at being compared to her formidable uncle.

Ozpin leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Ruby. "Ms. Rose, have you ever considered continuing your training at Beacon Academy? Your skills and potential are truly remarkable."

Ruby's eyes widened further, her heart pounding in her chest. Beacon Academy was her dream—a place where she believed she could hone her abilities and make a difference in the world. She had planned to apply after graduating from Signal, but the opportunity to join Beacon earlier than expected caught her off guard.

Glynda, who had been silently observing the interaction, couldn't hide her astonishment. "Headmaster, are you suggesting..."

Ozpin nodded, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. "Indeed, Ms. Goodwitch, I am extending an invitation to Ms. Rose to join Beacon Academy. With her potential, she would be a valuable addition to our student body."

Ruby's heart soared with a mixture of disbelief and elation. The thought of attending Beacon Academy earlier than planned was a dream come true. She glanced at Glynda, who wore a stunned expression, before turning back to Ozpin.

"I would love to join Beacon Academy," Ruby stammered, her voice filled with genuine excitement and gratitude. "Thank you so much for this opportunity!"

As the airship soared through the sky, Glynda sat across from Ozpin in a small compartment, her expression filled with concern. She crossed her arms, leaning forward slightly as she voiced her reservations.

"Ozpin, I understand that Ruby is exceptionally skilled and shows great potential, but inviting her to Beacon Academy earlier than planned? Are we sure it's the right decision? She's still so young."

Ozpin regarded Glynda calmly, his eyes reflecting a depth of knowledge and understanding. "I have carefully considered the implications, Glynda. Ruby possesses a unique spirit and determination that I believe will be nurtured at Beacon. Besides, we can provide her with the support and guidance she needs to flourish."

Glynda sighed, not fully convinced, but she respected Ozpin's judgment. However, before she could voice further concerns, Ozpin shifted the conversation to a more pressing matter. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small scroll, activating it to display video footage.

"What I'm about to show you is more concerning," Ozpin stated his tone grave.

The scroll displayed the scene of Daichi swiftly appearing in front of Ruby, catching the explosive round with his teeth. Glynda's eyes widened as she watched the incredible feat unfold before her.

"Who is this young man?" Glynda asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Ozpin's gaze remained fixed on the footage as he replied, "That's precisely what I'm trying to determine. We've searched our records, but he doesn't match any known individuals. It's as if he appeared out of thin air."

Glynda's brow furrowed, concern etched across her features. "If he's capable of such extraordinary abilities, we need to identify him and assess the potential threat he may pose."

Ozpin nodded in agreement. "Indeed. While he acted in defense of Ruby, we can't overlook the fact that he possesses powers beyond our understanding. However, I have a theory. Based on his appearance and demeanor, I believe he may hail from the outskirts of Vale."

Glynda's eyes narrowed, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "The outskirts? If your theory is correct, then we must proceed with caution."

Ozpin's gaze shifted to Glynda, and his voice was laced with determination. "Indeed, Glynda. We will gather all available resources and investigate further. It is our duty to protect the people of Vale and ensure the safety of our students."

Glynda nodded, a sense of responsibility settling within her. She knew the importance of their task and the potential consequences if they underestimated the situation. As the airship carried them toward their destination, Glynda's mind buzzed with thoughts of the mysterious young man, eager to uncover the truth behind his extraordinary abilities and the enigma that surrounded him.


Hey there, wonderful readers!

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for taking the time to read my stories. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I'm so grateful to have you on this incredible journey.

If you want to contact me directly or chat, you can DM me on Twitter. I'd love to connect with you and hear your thoughts and ideas. You can find me there at [https://twitter.com/forcespeed4].

And hey, if you want to support me differently, you can also find me on Buy Me a Coffee. It's another platform where you can contribute and help my writing journey. Just copy this link: [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/forcespeed4/commissions].

I want to be honest with you all - I'm currently going through a financial crisis after being released by the company, and your support would mean the world to me. Your generosity will not only help me in my personal life but also enable me to keep bringing you more amazing stories to enjoy.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such incredible readers. Your presence and support make all the difference, and I'm grateful to have you by my side.

Wishing you all the best, and here's to many more exciting adventures together!