
Reborn as blackbeard and asking for dark fruit

i woke up as blackbeard but instead of killing thatch i ask for the fruit and choose no longer to hide in whitebeard shadow. i will carry the future of whitebeard pirates and take down the WG

Beelze1 · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Vivis request


The first half of the Grand Line, in the center of the village of Aska Island.

The originally hunched old priestess was holding a wine glass, standing on a high stone platform, looking at the people sitting around the bonfire and shouting:

"Thanks to Mr. Blackbeard for escaping from death today, let's raise a glass together with the old man and thank Mr. Blackbeard for his life-saving grace! Respect - Blackbeard————"

"Here's to Blackbeard!!!"

Everyone around the campfire laughed happily and raised their glasses when they heard this.

Blackbeard, who was sitting aside, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and also raised his glass and drank.

On the contrary, when the Marines who had just arrived at the village entrance saw this scene, they couldn't help but look at each other, and then they each sighed and turned around to leave.

The fun is other people's and has nothing to do with them.

No, it should be said that they are not worthy!

Only the three Marine lieutenants, Duma, Bismarck and Bukong Gu, looked at the people laughing with the pirates in the central square of the village and remained silent for a long time.

It was really Blackbeard's previous words that shocked these Marines so much.

If it is true as the pirate named Blackbeard said, the Celestial Dragons will not only destroy a country every three years, but also conduct a killing competition game... What scares them the most is Marine. It is their protective umbrella!

Now think about the Celestial Dragons, who have ruled the world for eight hundred years, how many countries they have destroyed and how many people they have killed...

Duma, Bismarck and Bukonggu didn't dare to think too much, and they felt cold all over when they thought about it!

Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!

"Bismarck, Bukonggu, I will definitely figure out the whole story!"

Duma raised his hand and grasped the long sword at his waist tightly, and said solemnly on his young face:


"I will never allow Marine's justice to be tarnished!"

"Duma, we believe in you!"

Bismarck and Bukonggu both trembled when they heard this, and then they roared in unison.

"Let's go! Go back to base!"

Duma took one last look at the joyful Askar Village, and then left with a group of Marines.

In Aska Village.

At this time, the people who survived the incident began to toast Blackbeard and express their gratitude.

After the villagers and businessmen who had gathered around Blackbeard to thank him retreated, Fanoka and Gizas-Bajis, who had been sitting in the corner drinking silently, looked at each other and then stood up at the same time and walked towards Blackbeard.

Seeing the arrival of the two men, Blackbeard couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Before they could say anything, the two of them bowed towards him and said:

"Thank you, Master Teach, for your life-saving grace!"

After hearing this, Blackbeard took a sip of wine and smiled:

"You two are not just here to thank me, right?"

The two looked at each other after hearing this, and then Badgers grinned and said:

"Weihahahaha————, yes, you are indeed Master Teach. Oka and I want to become your subordinates. I wonder if Master Teach agrees with our following?"

Although Fan Oka didn't speak, his eyes behind his glasses also showed nervousness.

Blackbeard raised his hand and pointed at the two of them and said:

"You should know that I am the captain of Four Emperors Whitebeard's men. If you follow me, the battles you will encounter in the future will be far more dangerous than today. Are you prepared to die in battle?"

When the two of them heard this, they were so excited that they shook their bodies and shouted:

"Of course, Captain Teach!"

Blackbeard waved his hand and said:

"Okay, let's have a night's rest and go to sea tomorrow!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Fanoka and Badjis were both very excited. They didn't expect that the other party actually agreed to follow them.

Although they have never heard of such a big man before, they believe that such a powerful captain will one day become famous all over the world!

Then the three of them chatted until the end of the banquet.

Van Oka and Badgers also learned about the current situation in New World from Blackbeard, as well as their future adventure plans.

Only then did they realize that they were the first two crew members that their captain took in after he went to sea, and their ship was still lying in the Capital of Seven Waters.

This made Van Oka and Badgers even more excited.

Especially when they heard that their captain would teach them Haki and enhance their strength after they boarded the ship, this made them have the urge to die for him.

On impulse, both of them got drunk, lay down on one side and began to fall asleep.

Just as Blackbeard was about to lie down and rest, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and revealed a smile:

"Now that you're here, come directly.

After all, it's been a long wait.

Do you have anything to say to me, Princess Vivi from Alabasta? "

After Blackbeard said this, the two people who had been hiding behind the nearby stone pillars and observing secretly were suddenly shocked.

Although they didn't understand how their identities were exposed, they also knew that facing such a strong man, there was no point in escaping.

In addition, they had their own ideas, so after looking at each other, the two walked out of the darkness behind the stone pillar.

The person coming was none other than Princess Vivi with long aqua hair.

She is currently wearing a ponytail, wearing a light green coat and blue and white suspenders on her upper body, a pair of white tight shorts and white high-heeled short boots on her lower body.

This outfit made her, who should have been childish, a bit more mature. Coupled with her slim and sexy figure, she didn't look like a teenage girl at all.

Behind her was her escort, Ikarem.

Vivi looked at the tall and majestic man in the distance, sighed and said:

"Mr. Teach, I think I've hidden myself very well. I don't seem to have exposed my identity when I came to this island.

I'm curious, how do you know my identity?

Could it be the power of Devil Fruit? "

Ikarim from behind also looked at Blackbeard with a wary expression.

Blackbeard grinned and said:

"How can I tell you?

As someone who is in the first half of the park, you probably don't know that in this world besides Devil Fruit, there is also a power called Haki!

And I used Observation Haki to cover nearly half of the island when I went to the island before, and then I heard the conversation between you and your guard Ikarem.

It's that simple. "


Vivi and Ikarem were shocked and exclaimed when they heard this.

They didn't expect that this man was not only powerful, but also had such power!

They had no doubts about Blackbeard's words. After all, in their opinion, there was no need for this powerful man to lie to them.


After taking a deep breath, Vivi's eyes gradually became firm. She knelt on her knees, put her hands on her knees, bent her slender waist and said solemnly:

"Mr. Teach, I want to ask you to save Alabasta, and for this, I am willing to pay any price!"