
Reborn as blackbeard and asking for dark fruit

i woke up as blackbeard but instead of killing thatch i ask for the fruit and choose no longer to hide in whitebeard shadow. i will carry the future of whitebeard pirates and take down the WG

Beelze1 · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Just Gravel, Not Even Half As Good As Me

After being led by Siruluk, Blackbeard and his group quickly followed the cable car to the ice and snow castle, one of the original peaks on Drum Island.

However, their whereabouts have long been exposed.

Of course, this is also the reason why Blackbeard and his party did not hide.

As soon as they arrived in front of the castle, they saw a thousand soldiers with live ammunition pointing muskets at them.

It looks so dark, but it does feel quite oppressive!

Standing among these thousand soldiers was clearly the Wapol in Blackbeard's memory, and to his left was an expert archery cadre named Jace.

Among them, the one on Wapol's right is his brother Musulu, who is also the person with the ability of the Germ Fruit and the culprit who once poisoned the entire Drum Island.


Seeing Blackbeard and his group, Wapol moved his fat body and took a step forward to look at Blackbeard and laughed:

"You are the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard-Marshall · D · Teach?

I heard that you have good abilities and are a capable person.

How about it?

Do you want to submit to me? Become my subordinate!

I can make you the Admiral Army of our Drum Kingdom and take charge of all the armies in the Kingdom!

That way, you will have countless wealth and beauties, and you will be able to get rid of the days of wandering on the sea!

Not bad right! "


Hearing Wapol's words, Vivi and others on the side immediately turned their heads to look at Blackbeard, among whom Siruluk was the most nervous one.

However, Blackbeard didn't even hesitate and said:

"It sounds quite tempting.

However, these things you mentioned, if I kill you, don't they belong to me?

Confused! "

"Weihahahaha————, it's you as expected, Captain Teach!"

Badgers on the side also laughed when he heard this and said:

"A mere little king is worthy of recruiting our Captain Teach?

He is the captain of the Zero Division of the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates!

Who are you looking down on, idiot king! "

Fan Oka raised his eyes and said disdainfully:

"Our captain is not the kind of person who would succumb to others casually!"

After hearing what Blackbeard and the others said, Walpole was so angry that his face turned red.

"Presumptuous! Bold! You pirate scum!"

Wapol beat his chest and shouted angrily:




Kill them for me! "

Bang bang bang————


Seeing the frantic Wapol, Siruluk immediately exclaimed nervously.

"Swallow everything, Darkness!"

Blackbeard had anticipated this scene, but with just a thought, the black mist around him instantly rose from the ground like a heavy rain, turning into a kilometer-long black curtain that stretched in front of them in the blink of an eye, and then destroyed the area with bullets. Thousands of soldiers packed in.


In a few breaths, just like the previous scene on the dock, a thousand soldiers dozens of meters away in front disappeared directly after being wrapped in black mist.

Wapol, Musulu and Jess, who had hid under the gate of the rear castle in advance, were stunned when they saw this scene, with a look of horror on their faces!


It wasn't until a gust of cold wind blew that the three of Wapol woke up from their shock.

After they woke up, they all let out bursts of exclamations.

"Nani!!! Where are my soldiers? Where are my thousand living soldiers!"

"What kind of ability is this? It's too scary!"

"Lord Wapol, what should we do now? This guy is simply a monster!"

In fact, it was not just Wapol and the three who were shocked. Vivi and the others standing behind Blackbeard were also shocked and their eyes widened again.

"Weihahaha————, even if I see this ability again, I still feel shocked! He is indeed our captain!"

Badgers sighed and spoke.

Vivi, Fan Oka, Ikarem and Siruluk also nodded in approval.

Blackbeard looked at Wapol and the others who were exclaiming in front and grinned:

"Okay, Oka, Badjis, now it's your turn to take action.

Leave that sickness fruit power to me.

Wapol handed over to Badgers.

Oka, you deal with that archer and resolve the battle quickly.

is that OK? "

"Of course, no problem, Captain!" Badgers raised his arms excitedly.

"Yes, Captain!" Fan Oka adjusted the sniper rifle in his hand and spoke calmly.

When the three of Wapol saw Blackbeard's actions, the three of them suddenly became nervous.

By this time, they were no longer confident that they could defeat the pirates in front of them, and were even a little scared.

But now they were in front of the castle at the top of the mountain, and there was no place for them to run.

They have no way out now!

"Since you must do such a great job, let's take a look! Laozi is not someone to be trifled with! Super cannon!"

Wapol roared, and his whole body swelled up.

Immediately afterwards, a huge muzzle three to four meters long grew out of his chest and was pointed at Blackbeard.

"Your opponent is me!

How is it possible for you to attack the captain?


shave! "


After Badgers finished speaking, the next moment, his height of three and a half meters disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the next moment he appeared in front of Wapol.


Wapol was also startled by Badjis who jumped nearly 100 meters in front of him in an instant.

But Badgers wouldn't give him time to react.

He flexed his body and hit Wapol's stomach with a punch from bottom to top.




As Badgers punched out, the surrounding air buzzed, as if it was fluctuating.

Wapol's body bent into a crotch, and immediately his fat body flew backwards and smashed the huge wooden door of the castle. He plowed a snow ditch of dozens of meters on the ground before he stopped.

Badgers rushed over again without giving him time to react.

Bang bang bang————

Fan Oka also took action without hesitation, firing several shots in succession, easily hitting Jace's hands and feet, causing him to lose his combat effectiveness instantly.

"So strong!"

Vivi from the back couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the actions of Fanoka and Badjis.

Usually the three of them didn't feel this way when they were training together, but they didn't expect that this move would widen the gap between them and her.

"Damn it!"

Musulu did not expect that the battle situation would change so quickly. His expression changed and he shouted:

"Germs and umbrellas dance wildly!"

Immediately, Musulu jumped up and flicked his head. Countless lavender beams shot out from his hair and headed towards Blackbeard and the others, covering the sky and the sky.

Puff puff----

Those lavender beams falling on the snow directly dyed the white snow purple, and it was clear at a glance that it was full of poison!

However, facing this scene, Blackbeard didn't even move, he just crossed his arms, and with a thought, endless black mist rose into the sky, directly wrapping the purple light beam in the sky, and then swallowed it up in an instant!


How can this be!

Then try my trick! "

Seeing this, Musulu's pupils shrank in mid-air and he screamed in surprise, but he quickly calmed down, gritted his teeth and looked at Blackbeard and the others and growled:

"Germs-massive proliferation!"

Buzz buzz————

The next second, a dozen figures who looked exactly like Musulu walked out of him with purple light, and then rushed directly towards Badjis and Fanoka.

At the same time, these dozen people shouted in unison:

"Now let me see who you want to save first!"

I have to say that this Shadow Clone looks quite impressive.

Blackbeard glanced at Badgers who was about to take action and shouted:

"Bajis, this clone must be poisonous. Don't let Oka come."

"Yes, Captain!"

Badgers was still very obedient and immediately stepped back.

Fan Oka remained calm and collected. He quickly hung the sniper rifle on his back, took out two pistols from his waist, pointed at the Musulu clone rushing towards him, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang————

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In just a breath, each of Musulu's clones turned into purple liquid and exploded after being hit.

The sputtered snow was instantly dyed purple, and there was a strong and pungent corrosive smell!

Seeing this, Blackbeard smiled and nodded with satisfaction:

"Hahaha————, Oka, good job!"

Musulu on the side saw that his move was useless, and he roared angrily:

"Damn damn damn!!!

In this case, you all just go to hell!

Spore bomb! "

Puff puff----

The next moment, countless small purple balls the size of fists poured out of Musulu's body, dyeing the snow within a dozen meters around him purple.

Even a few dozen meters away will give people a feeling of hair standing on end.

That's a human instinct!

After seeing this scene, Siruluk immediately held his head in fear and shouted:

"not good!

Mr. Teach, the spores in Musulu are not only explosive, but the toxin is terrible!

Back then, Musulu used this trick to wipe out almost half of the people in the Drum Kingdom! "

Nani! ! ?

Vivi, Ikarem, Van Oka and Badgers all had their pupils contracted at the same time, their faces full of horror.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Musulu laughed crazily when he heard this, and poisonous purple spores were still surging all over his body. At the same time, he said ferociously:

"Hiruluk, you have experienced how scary I am.

But it's too late to regret now!

I will torture you all to death in the most cruel way!

Regret it!

Be afraid!


You forced me to do this!

Ha ha ha ha----"

Siruluk's face turned pale when he heard this, and Nami and Fan Oka also looked solemn.

In contrast, Blackbeard opened his arms and laughed indifferently. With the black mist surging around him, he looked like an ancient demon god!

"Thief hahahaha————

No bells and whistles, no worries.

Just gravel, not half as good as me! "

At this time, Blackbeard's state made Musulu, who looked extremely scary before, seem to have become much docile.

The next moment, Blackbeard grinned a big White Fang, raised the palm of his right hand full of black energy and pointed it at the distant Musulu in the void.

"Universal Pull!"



In just one breath, Musulu felt his body fly towards Blackbeard uncontrollably.


But before Musulu could react, Blackbeard had already pinched his neck, and he was lifted in the air like a rag doll.

However, what really shocked him was more than that!