
Reborn as blackbeard and asking for dark fruit

i woke up as blackbeard but instead of killing thatch i ask for the fruit and choose no longer to hide in whitebeard shadow. i will carry the future of whitebeard pirates and take down the WG

Beelze1 · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

dark fruit obained

January 11, 1518, night.

New World, aboard Moby Dick.


Blackbeard made a retching sound from his mouth, and even though his face turned green, he covered his mouth tightly with both hands.

What he just ate was the dark fruit with purple drop-shaped skin and spiral pattern that he remembered from his previous life!

Although he didn't know if the Devil Fruit's awakening had something to do with eating the whole fruit, he didn't want to take the risk.

After all, as an old Pirates fan in his previous life, he had read a lot of Pirates fan fiction.

Many online article authors and post bar owners have firmly stated that only by eating the entire Devil Fruit can one be qualified for awakening!

Regardless of whether it is true or false.

Anyway, he has a big mouth, so he can swallow a Devil Fruit in one gulp without any problem.

So this is the current situation.

Seeing his expression, the surrounding crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were watching the fun burst into laughter and cheers.

"Ha ha ha ha----"

"Teach, can't I just let you swallow one mouthful?"

"Hahaha, you are so cruel. That thing tastes as bad as shit, yet you threw the whole thing in your mouth! You are such a cruel person!"

"Eh? How do you know it tastes like shit? You've eaten shit!"

"Hahaha, Teach, take a look, what kind of fruit is it and what ability does it have?"



Ignoring the teasing and teasing of the people around him, Teach let out a long breath after finally swallowing, then grinned with a big mouth missing a few teeth and laughed excitedly.

"Thief hahahaha————"

Because just after he swallowed the pulp, a stream of information instantly poured into his mind.

He immediately had a firm grasp on Dark Fruit's abilities, characteristics, and skills!

Seeing Teach so excited, all the Whitebeard crew members looked curious.

Even Whitebeard was very surprised at this time and said:

"Gu la la la la, Teach, with your performance, it seems that this Devil Fruit has pretty good abilities? Is it the one you value?"

"Hahahaha, Dad, I feel really good. This Devil Fruit is indeed the fruit I value. I'm making a lot of money!"

As Blackbeard spoke, countless black energy surged up around him, making his three-meter-four height appear even more majestic and evil.


The black gas surged like black flames, slowly spreading five or six meters under Teach's feet before stopping under his control.

"Hey, Teach, what kind of abilities have you gained? Show it to me!"

Thatch, who was behind, couldn't wait any longer and shouted excitedly at Blackbeard.

"Ability display?"

Blackbeard grinned, stretched out his right palm, pointed it in Ace's direction, grinned and said:

"Thief hahahaha————

Let my beloved captain Ace feel it!

Dark water! "


As Blackbeard finished speaking, a black rotating airflow like a windmill appeared on the palm of his right hand aimed at Ace.

Seeing this scene, Ace instantly became alert:

"Hey, Teach, with this energy-like ability of yours, could it be...Nani!!!"

Before Ace could finish speaking, he who was leaning against the side of the ship suddenly lifted off the ground and flew directly towards Blackbeard.



Immediately, under the stunned eyes of everyone, Blackbeard directly grabbed Ace's shoulder with one hand and lifted him into the air.

Seeing this scene, all the Whitebeard crew members suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

"This kind of ability! Is it some kind of Paramecia? I've never heard of it!"

"Tsk! It seems like a good ability!"

"Can you easily attract people to you? It looks like Paramecia, but if this fruit's ability is just like this, it seems to have a lot of disadvantages!"

"It's hard to say, let's take a look first!"

Whitebeard, who was sitting in the middle of the Moby-Dick, saw the ability displayed by Blackbeard. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't say anything.

"what's the situation!"

At this moment, Ace, who was caught by Blackbeard, suddenly exclaimed, his face full of disbelief:

"My Mera-mera Fruit ability...has failed!?"

Nani! ! ?

As soon as Ace said this, he once again caused a burst of exclamation.

Blackbeard said:

"Brother Ace, you are right, this is one of my fruit abilities.

Ability to suck Demon fruit power into my hands and neutralize their abilities! "

"Hey, hey, are you kidding? Does this kind of ability still exist?"

Ace's face was still full of disbelief.

"Teach, your luck is so enviable!" Sa Qi behind heard this, with a smile on his face.

Having said that, Saatchi is obviously more happy that his brother has such ability.

When I saw that Sachi and the others were only happy for him, as an old sea fan, I couldn't help but criticize Blackbeard's behavior in his previous life.

Blackbeard, you deserve to die!


After being put down, Ace punched Blackbeard in the stomach and laughed and cursed:

"Teach, you bastard, you make fun of your captain every day, right? But your ability is really good."

"It seems like I'm really lucky."

"Teach, you just said that your ability can invalidate the ability of Demon fruit power. Can any ability be used? Hey? Give me a try."

At this time, Marco on the side showed curiosity.

"Well, it should be okay."

Blackbeard thought for a moment, then raised his hand and pointed it at Marco.

"Dark Water!"


In fact, he was secretly prepared when he saw the black air spinning like a black electric fan in Blackbeard's palm, but he was still sucked off the ground in an instant, and was sucked into Blackbeard's hand in the blink of an eye.


Just like Ace before, Marco was easily caught in mid-air by Blackbeard.

"Marco, how are your abilities? Can you still use them?"

Diamond Jozi, who was behind, saw this scene and immediately asked.

"Hey! Are you kidding me? My phoenix ability is completely disabled!"

Marco looked stunned:

"It feels like being locked by a seastone!"


The Whitebeard Pirates, who were originally a little confused because of Ace's situation, were completely shocked when they saw that even Marco's abilities were disabled!

This ability is simply the nemesis of Demon fruit power!

But what really shocked them was just the beginning.

Blackbeard suddenly turned his head and looked at Whitebeard behind him, grinning:

"Dad, have you ever been defeated?"


As soon as Blackbeard said this, there was an uproar on the entire Moby Dick.

Before anyone could say anything, Whitebeard laughed heartily and said:

"Gula la la la————

Teach kid, what do you want to do?

Is it possible that I just bloated after eating Devil Fruit?

If you want to defeat me, you are still far away! "

Blackbeard also grinned.

It's just a laugh.

I thought to myself, damn, this idea was too smooth, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking "Old Master, have you ever been defeated?".

It almost didn't end well.

He immediately smiled and said:

"Of course I don't mean that, Dad, I just want to see if my ability has any effect on your Shock Fruit."


After hearing Blackbeard's words, Whitebeard also became interested.

The other Whitebeard crew members also looked curious.

"Then let's try it!"

As he spoke, Whitebeard directly raised his hand and clenched his right fist. Then with a "buzz" sound, a white circle of light appeared above his right fist and he punched Blackbeard without hesitation and said with a grin:

"Teach, daddy, I won't hold back. If you can't catch it, you're going to suffer!"

Feeling Whitebeard's fierce punch, the smile on Blackbeard's face immediately turned serious.


The next moment, black mist rose into the sky around him, his right hand formed into a palm, and with the deep and dark windmill attached to the palm, he met Whitebeard's punch.

Bang! ! ! !

The next second, the crisp sound of fists clashing sounded.

But what made everyone feel shocked and unbelievable was that Whitebeard's punch that used to be able to smash the space now completely lost the power of Shock Fruit and spilled out!

Moreover, the white halo surrounding Whitebeard's fist disappeared without a trace in a breath.


Seeing this scene, everyone fell into a stunned state of shock!

Even Whitebeard's face was full of surprise and shock.

This is the first time his powers have failed since he got the Shock Fruit.

He also didn't expect that Teach would get such an incredible fruit.

Then he burst into hearty laughter:

"Gula la la la————

Teach, you kid is really lucky to get such a rare fruit.

When it is developed in the future, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it will be the nemesis of Devil Fruit! "

Blackbeard also laughed happily. It seemed that the path he chose was indeed the right one.

But soon he was surrounded by a group of white group members.