
Reborn as Beerus

Wait, I was sure I died. I had to have, I fell down a flight of stairs hurrying for a class. Wait, then how am I alive and why is there a giant cockroach-like alien staring at me? Why is Whis here? A favor for Warsameking, who proposed the idea to me. Disclaimer: Dragon Ball/Z/Super/GT are owned by Toei Animation, Akira Toriyama, Shueisha, and Fuji TV. Support the official release.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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Reborn as Beerus

"Damn it, I'm late!" I shouted running hurriedly through the streets of what appeared to be a small city. Cars whizzed by on the streets and birds chirped overhead not that I paid any sort of attention to that.

Hurrying, I moved along the sidewalks pushing my way past other people; all wearing school uniforms, backpacks strapped over their shoulders. My now bloodshot eyes though were focused on one thing: the destination which loomed like a monolith just over a block away.

'Come on, how come he always lets out ten minutes late. Doesn't he know transition times?' I was forced to growl internally, while continuing to hurry along bumping into those fortunate enough to have time between their courses.

If only I could fly, like those guys from Dragon Ball. In a few seconds I could have been in my Biology class, but no life did not treat me so kindly. Though not that I wanted it too. Dragon Ball came with its risks, Saiyans, Cell, Frieza, an over-powered cat God of Destruction known as Beerus.

'Stop thinking about that,' I shout at myself upon pulling into the building. One flight of stairs to go, just one, straight to the basement of the Science and Technology Building.

That would have been easy until...

I missed the top step.

Everything was in slow motion, my backpack swung off my shoulder as my body did a full somersault off the missed step. My eyes started to roll as everything became a blur. Gravity, which felt nonexistent at the moment, was sure to pull me down eventually and when it did I was going to be in trouble.

Boy did it pull me down. Thud, thud, thud, I was rolling down the steps each tumble turning my body more and more, dangerously positioning my head to where it would hit a stare and probably end what had been a honor roll life.

'THWACK!' everything went black.

Then, my eyes slowly filtered open and I was sitting at a dinner table. Foods that looked far too strange to be from Earth were stretched out before me. some multicolored jellos rested in ornate cups and plates of meat were extending out in a feast for a king.

It looked so familiar, yet from where I could not remember.

Was this Heaven?

That question's answer came rather quickly from my right side, a charming smooth voice that I had only heard through headphones attached to my laptop.

"Humph, how unlike you Lord Beerus, you haven't touched any of this food."

Lord Beerus? Me? I wasn't Beerus, he only existed in Dragon Ball.

I turned my head to the side. There he was, a blue skinned Angel, wearing an ornate robe-like attire bearing ornamental shapes and diamond-like structures. His right hand held a staff, that was currently resting on the ground.

"Whis?" I asked, my voice the course and somewhat misleading grumble that often escape from the God of Destruction.

"Yes, why who else would it be Lord Beerus?" his brow raised, skeptical.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, my voice definitely that of the felid deity that had the power to destroy.

"You came here for a meal, do you not remember Beerus?" Whis corrected much as he would the actual Beerus.

'What are you doing you idiot? You can't just blurt out things like that,' I swallowed hoping that the ever observant Angel had not caught onto the fact that I was now apparently Beerus. My eyes narrowed as I realized exactly where I was. The glare I was getting from the cheg proved that much.

This was the planet that Beerus destroyed at the beginning of Dragon Ball Super's manga run.

'How do I react to this? I'm one of the strongest beings in the story, do I just follow through with everything?' I gulped completely unable to get my head on straight.

I had to act fast Whis had to be growing suspicious of my silence. I reached for the nearest plate or more specifically, glass.

It contained a jello-like inside with some sort of fruit-y chunks floating within it.' I have to drink this,' I gulped looking at it." Let's see here," I repeated the words that Beerus had uttered.

'Nom!' it dropped like the vicious jello it was into my mouth.

'Nom! Nom!' I had to chew it there were large chunks of fruit in it.

My ears twitched at the sound of something bubbling behind the strange cockroach-like alien's back. It was the poison he had planned to use on the Hakaishin, it failed of course.

'Slurp!' I lick my lips, Beerus was quite fond of the gesture after all.

"That was pretty good," I say, my voice unbelievably still that of the God.' I really should stay in the lines,' luckily I had read Super's manga thanks to scanlations on websites and I knew close enough to what Beerus would say." The seasonings you added was purely exquisite. I would say that it is my kind of flavor," I grinned while the roach-like being stared forward stunned.

"Eh?" he looks confused." Is that so? I'm glad to hear it."

I would hate to do that part that comes next, but if I didn't Whis would grow quite suspicious." Oh by the way," I pause, a sudden urge to scratch my cheek emerging." Did you really think that you could kill me with a poison like that?" I speak nailing ninety percent of what Beerus had actually said in the scans.

"Guh," everyone aside from Whis began to stir, their faces nervous and shaking.

"D-don't be absurb Lord Beerus," the roach comes forward, he was the king of the race that I would have to destroy at the end of this." Perhaps it was not to your tastes. Here have our vegetable vincotto soup," he smiled bringing a bowl with him.

'There is my excuse to spare them,' I smile to myself, until I catch Whis in my periphery, he is frowning and sighing. Beerus would not let an assassination attempt go unpunished, he didn't on those manga cans that I read.

'Damn it,' I frown as the king humbly bows before me.' I have to destroy this guy and this planet. Whis'll get suspicious if I don't. Not to mention the entire timeline for all I know could get botched up more than it does when Zamasu shows up,' I howl at myself while Whis and the others in the room stare at me tensely. They all expect something to occur.

I put on my most sly Beerus-like grin and scoffed." Too bad for you," I raised my index finger as they arm themselves with useless bows and swords.

It was just a tap of the finger, but it was the hardest tap of a finger I have ever had to do. Power exploded through my veins the likes of which no one had ever scene. My dilemma of destruction was over before I could even hope to contain the destructive nature of Lord Beerus.

Everything turned white before exploding in a fiery explosion of epic proportions. I stood perfectly fine among a devastating blast that was amounting to countless kilotons of explosive, including that of my Earth's most potent bombs.

Whis looked over with a raised brow." Hum, so you destroyed it after all Lord Beerus. Just like we planned," Whis said as he stared down at me, eyes scanning,.

'Shit, I don't remember the line,' it had been weeks or even months since I last looked at the first chapter of Super's manga.

I was forced to ad lib." Well, people like that weren't going to slip by forever, they did try to poison me after all," I said in a less elegant manner. Sweat rolled down the back of my head as I looked at Whis.

"Besides I just remembered that I had a dream, a dream about fighting him," I smile as Whis raised a brow.

"A dream? What type of dream?" Whis asked.

"A prophetic one of course Whis," I continued to BS my way through Beerus' vernacular." There will be a warrior who can even entertain me."

"Entertain you Lord Beerus?"

"Yes, the Super Saiyan God."

"Super Saiyan..God?" the Angel asked partially confused.

"Yes," I reply.' Wait, Beerus wouldn't know about Earth yet. I can't just say Goku's on the Earth.'

"Or something like that."

"Well, if you are not sure we can return to your planet. There you could possibly think better."

"Yes, that sounds fine with me," I respond with respect.

"Well, then let's go."

As we vanished I could practically hear the Old Kai gasp as the planet was destroyed. Kibito Kai's own worry afflicting the old God.

Upon arriving on Beerus' Planet, my planet, Whis and I stared at one another. Luckily, I knew where this scene went next something that even the Angel seemed prepared to see as well.

"I've got it Whis, if this dream was prophetic the Oracle Fish should be able to corroborate it without question," I smile sly, Beerus seemed to have confidence in the little orange fish, though as a fan I thought the Oracle Fish spoke only vague and worthless points.

"Very well, Lord Beerus though I am not too sure the Oracle Fish is the most reliable source," the Angel spoke to me with respect something that I felt almost too humbled to believe.

"I'm sure it will be fine."

With Beerus' speed and the relatively small size of the planet Whis and I arrived rather swiftly at the pond that held the prophet fish.

'Huh, how do I call an Oracle Fish? Beerus kinda just cat-called him,' I think while looking over the water." Hey, Oracle Fish? Where are you?" I asked in a slightly higher tone of voice.

Quickly, a small orange creature emerged from the water just at the shoreline. His appearance is far from that of most Earth fishes, including a weird tentacle-like protrusion on his head and his large lips perfect for pronunciations.

'That's him alright,' I swallow looking down at the creature as he stares from the water at me.

"L-lord Beerus, what brings you here?" he asked nervously, the presence of being Beerus the Destroyer seemed completely intimidation.

'Time for more BS-ing,' I frown, my memory of Beerus' conversations with the fish were spotty at best and my own knowledge of how the story goes does not aid in that." I had a dream Oracle Fish, one of a prophetic variety, do you know anything about it?" I ask looking at the fish with a raised brow.

"Humph, I can't I say I do Lord Beerus. Though you did mention something about that Super Saiyan God before you went to sleep the last time," the orange critter took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

"That was what me dream was too Oracle Fish," I smile with relief. Why though was something I did not know I knew the answer before asking the question.

"Well, Lord Beerus then what should we do?" Whis raised a brow perplexed." After all Planet Vegeta no longer exists. Your encouragement of Frieza seemed to have paid off he destroyed the planet some time ago."

'Yep, that's true. I knew that much,' I grumble internally. Beerus in the situation though seemed more upset than anything else. Whis' gaze turned to me he was awaiting an answer." I did order that, didn't I?" I act surprised as if it was a sudden realization.

Whis looked at his staff." Although, it appears Frieza genocide was not very thorough. There are a few Saiyans on a planet in the North Galaxy called Earth," Whis remarked scanning it with a raised eye.

Earth, home, or at least it was before I became Beerus." Earth, huh? That little blue planet, right?"

"Yes, Lord Beerus," Whis replied before staring even more intrigued.

The next line he was going to say got me giddy, I knew what it was word for word." Hmm? One of the Saiyans seems to be on a different planet entirely," he squinted." This Saiyan is Son Goku, the one that defeated Frieza."

Son Goku, my hero. He had his shortcomings sure and most people saw him as a dim-witted selfish bumpkin, but I looked up to him for his never say die attitude.

'Act like Beerus,' I was forced to tell myself." Did you say he defeat Frieza?!" I shout with a bit of surprise, something that I remember Beerus doing in his appearances whenever that was brought up.

"Yes, Son Goku defeated Frieza," Whis nodded to me, accepting the outburst as a norm. I felt a bit of relief in my tight chest, he knew Beerus better than anyone and it appeared I had fooled him." And at the moment is on the North Kai's Planet."

"A Saiyan that could Frieza. Yeah, that could be the Super Saiyan God, it is rather peculiar after all," I scratch my chin.

There was a pause as Whis seemed to agree with me." Well Whis, what are we waiting for? You said he was on the North Kai's planet, let's go," I use my own excitement as a front for Beerus', meeting the real Son Goku had me pumped up.

Whis nodded tapping his staff against the ground.

King Kai was already freaking out.

King Kai's Planet...

"We get on Lord Beerus' bad side we'll be in serious trouble Goku!" the pudgy satellite God of the North Galaxy shouted angrily at the palm haired Saiyan just as we arrived.

'Goku wouldn't be able to resist a challenge like this. I can actually feel my own excitement for this,' I smile as the Kai started shaking in his boots, sweat running down his face." Sounds good to me. Shall we fight, Son Goku?" I ask raising a brow while Whis stares over my shoulder like a statue.

"B-B-B-Beerus?!" King Kai freaks out stumbling backward. I crack a smile, trying to hide the need to laugh." Wh-whis?" he adds upon seeing the Angel, his mouth shaking in a wobbly line.

"So, you're Beerus, huh? You'll really have a fight with me?" Goku shouted with a smile on his face, I can almost feel his excitement no more than ever.

King Kai butts in the way, partially blocking my view of the Saiyan." Goku, listen to me Goku! Watch your words and tone with Lord Beerus, he could destroy you and me on the spot!" he shouts.

I almost chuckle as the Kai turns back to me." Lord Beerus, please don't pay him mind. He's a simpleton and he doesn't know what he says," I would have to agree with the first half of what King Kai said, Goku wasn't that bright.

Whis stepped forward his face turning into a smile." Lord Beerus has come here because he has business with this Saiyan," he explained as I watched on with a partially amused smile on my face.

Goku spread his legs, I knew the stance well having tried it half a billion times in my youth trying to mimic what the stance meant. Golden energy exploded around the Saiyan warrior, bowling the grass over as he grew into a basic Super Saiyan, something that would become complicated in the future of Dragon Ball Super. His eyes turned toward me with a smile, while King Kai gawked.

"Well, Lord Beerus," he added an honorific, it seemed important to him." I'm not going to be holding anything back!" Goku shifted his feet, the golden ki around him sparkling.

"What are you doing Goku? Stop it!" King Kai grumbled standing in his path.

'Say something Beerus-y,' I thought watching as Goku seemed at the moment to be hesitating with the God in the way.' I know Beerus told Goku to come, that detered King Kai,' I say to myself before clearing my throat.

"Very well, come at me with the fullest extent of you strength," I think I nailed it.

King Kai stepped away and Goku ripped forward, ignoring the ten times gravity though I ignored it as well.

"HAAAH!" he shouted while rushing in arms at his side preparing to strike.

I watch patiently as he approaches, though I was nervous my body seemed to be ignoring that completely. Goku charged in headlong, attempting to drive an elbow toward my stalwart frame. Then, he vanished behind me, a 'phwish' echoing in my large ears as he did so. His hand came toward the back of my head and I once again did not respond to it, though I was afraid of taking it.

I dodge it and Goku lands equally surprised.' How'd I do that?' I wonder as the Saiyan comes back in for a series of blows.

My body sways through them as well. Goku's grunts of exertion falling on deaf ears, unable to hit me in the slightest.

'Think, what did Beerus say?' I say to myself while continuing to dodge the Saiyans series.' Got it,' a light bulb goes off in my mind.

"The reminds me I thought all Saiyans had black hair," I say while still nonchalantly dodging the attacks, Beerus' body had a reaction time that was practically just reflex for such a low enemy.

Whis speaks from the sidelines." They do naturally Lord Beerus. It appears this is some transformation technique, the Super Saiyan form, they have been using it quite a lot recently," Whis explains with almost sage-like advice.

I knew that, but Beerus did not." I see," I reply as if Whis had helped me.

"Your friend's got that right! We can even push it further," Goku stops throwing his arms out to the side once more. Lightning ripples through the air around him, much as it did for Gohan at the Cell Games years prior." Let's see how you handle Super Saiyan Two!" he charges in angrily preparing to pressure me with the might of the ascended Super Saiyan form.

He punches away at me but I nonchalantly dodge it, or rather Beerus' body dodged it while I focused on the Saiyan before him. It decide to stop the assault and palm Son Goku's hand away pushing him to the side.

He's panting, which made sense, and sweat poured down his face.' Be Beerus, you aren't supposed to know about Cell,' I furrow my brow as Goku slides away.

"With two forms this powerful it is no wonder you beat Frieza so easily," I compliment like Beerus did in chapter two of the Super manga, Goku looks at me huffing." Though it isn't enough to beat me," I continue, almost shocked in saying it. I was Beerus, that had not quite sat with me yet.

Now came my favorite, most over the top form of the Saiyan race, Goku's grimace proved it was coming." Okay, but I can push Super Saiyan Two even further!" This is my full power!" Goku shouts loudly, his tone changing into a rising growl.

"AHHHHH!" lightning picks up as his hair starts flailing about wildly, I get excited from the sight of it.

King Kai scurries away in my periphery, hiding behind his rapidly crumbling house.

"Don't underestimate me. This is Super Saiyan Three," he grins.

"Ooh," I remark, my grip on Beerus' character slipping as I admired the brilliant Super Saiyan Three before him. I had to shake the stun away though." Not bad, it is almost impressive."

"ORYAH!" he shouts hammering forward with the brilliant power of the form.

His fist misses as I move out of the way. The blow acted as a giant apple corer though as it blasted a hole clean through the North Kai's planet.

As I hover Goku growls pulling his hand from the planet's surface." Darn it, Lord Beerus can you at least do some sort of counter offense?!" I can tell that he was getting angry, though knowing what came next I would be angry too." I'll never get to feel your power if you just dodge all day!"

'Zip!' I appear before him, my heart racing as he stares at me.

'Here it comes, the most heartbreaking moment of this entire arc, at least for me,' I say to myself preparing for what I was about to cause.

"Very well," I lift my right hand and pull back my index finger as a stunned Goku watches it all occur in slow motion.

'Flick!' Super Saiyan Three was sent screaming across the micro-planet, his body being moved with so little effort. It was a power fantasy coming to life but one that saddened me dearly, that took no effort.

"GOKU!" King Kai shouts from behind me while the now maned Saiyan shakes off some of the planet that had been piled atop him.

The next line confused everyone, at least everyone that never saw Battle of Gods, or Resurrection F. I clear my throat to get the best grasp of Beerus I possibly could." Well hurry up and get to it. Transform and show me the Super Saiyan God."

Son Goku looked stunned, much as I had when Beerus asked it back in my world in that crammed movie theater." This is it Lord Beerus. This is my final form, there is nothing after it," he huffed heavily.

"Surprising," Whis remarks calmly while I act heated.

'Beerus was upset here, I need to act like it,' I advise myself." Damn and here I was getting my hopes up," I start to vanish, something that seemed really easy in both the show and now in real life.

'Tack!' from behind the Super Saiyan Three I strike with a light chop.

The planet rumbles as Goku's long hair dims and returns to the natural branching pattern." Guh," he utters before falling face first to the grass, unconscious.

King Kai stares in stunned silence as I look to Whis.

I know exactly what to say to get the story moving along." Whis, at there are other Saiyans on the Earth. Perhaps the Super Saiyan God is among them," I shrug, there was no Super Saiyan God among them, not yet.

"Well, let's head there shall we?" Whis sighs before tapping his staff against the ground, vaulting us toward the Earth. Toward Bulma's Birthday Party.

Several minutes later...

Whis and I appeared over a brilliantly colored and massively expensive yacht, to call it a yacht was inaccurate it was a cruise liner. The Angel and I were unnoticed despite our close proximity.

A thud catches my ear, I know exactly what it was. Vegeta had just punched a wall, King Kai had warned him of our arrival. My heart thuds in my chest the flame haired Saiyan Elite was standing there looking at his hand. I am temporarily frozen.

I realize exactly who Vegeta was. The Saiyan Elite that I had looked up for in a totally different reason from Son Goku. Vegeta had never given up on his dream of strength, he merely adapted morphing from a cold killer to being a defender of Earth. His pride an arrogance, at this point in the story, had not begun to blind him again that was not until Son Goku inevitably obtain Super Saiyan God.

"Come Whis, let's go," I said speaking my best Beerus. My yellow eyes looking over to Whis, who seemed ready to move us there in a brief flash of light.

"Yes, very well," the Angel sighs, an emotion that is practically his default.

While Whis tapped his staff I try to go and remember exactly what Beerus said when he first encountered Vegeta, again.' What was it? I know he's Prince Vegeta, so did Beerus. Maybe just mentioning that, I know he remembers Beerus' arrival on Planet Vegeta.'

'Beerus was really aloof here, Whis would be even more suspicious, if I didn't pull a stunt,' while thinking that I clear my throat as we arrive Vegeta's ki sense failing to detect us, Divine ki was something game changing." Well, if it isn't Prince Vegeta?" I speak smoothly, Beerus' voice was almost soothing when he was calm.

Vegeta stiffened." A-uh?" he turns with a gasping sound, Whis and I starting the process of messing with Vegeta's mind.

Whis really did not seem to care as we continued to move around Vegeta, I must be doing something right.

Then, Vegeta turned from my last phasing spot looking off at the distance." I'm losing my mind," his gruff and somewhat refined voice echoes out as Whis and I silently appear behind him.

Next came something I was sure to enjoy. I raise my left hand, extending my right index finger my claw pointing out where a glimmer of light comes off the tip of the black claw.

"Boo!" I say starting the Prince of Saiyans.

Vegeta springs forward with wide eyes." Wahaha!" he stumbles with a shout while walking forward, his black eyes shake.

He turns looking at Whis and myself with the same stun in his eyes." Geheh, uh, grr," Vegeta stutters in his stun while I merely lean forward with a wicked smile, adding to his discomfort.

"Greetings," I saw looking to the ocean that flowed away, the waves lightly chopping about.

Vegeta steps back, his boots gripping the ring." G-gr, who are you?" Vegeta barks in shock and anger.

'How do I respond? I can't be as rude as Beerus was, Vegeta's an icon for me,' I furrow my brows, the time seemingly freezing around me as Vegeta eyes lock on me.' No, you have to be,' I catch Whis' stalwart gaze.

I snort." Telling that would be a waste of time," I pause ever so briefly." Considering that you won't be alive for much longer," there it was Beerus' first lines to Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super, to be honest I preferred the Battle of Gods interaction between the two. I lift my left hand the nail glistening there much as it had when I startled the Saiyan Prince.

"Why you?!" Vegeta roared charging forward.

'Beerus used a pressure wave here,' I tell myself.

Whis stares on stalwartly, I presume he approved as he did with Beerus in the show.

'Ting!' Vegeta's speedy dash started to falter. His steady footing quickly slurred into a drunken stumble before he completely fell out falling face first to the hardwood flooring bordering on unconsciousness.

Vegeta struggles like a worm that would be wriggling upon the surface. Internally he was questioning his decision but I did not have the memory to know what it was. When he wiggled enough the Saiyan Prince stared up, eyes large while his mouth stuttered.

This was the flashback. The flashback when Beerus, or would that be me?, targeted King Vegeta for something stupid; if I remember right it was a throw pillow. In that flashback, Beerus did the same thing that I did just moments prior.

Vegeta was just remembering who I was, Beerus the God of Destruction.' What did you tell him Beerus?' I rack my brain as he gasps looking at me as I stare over him.

I think I remember enough." You survived that day because I thought you could grow to be someone strong enough to entertain me," I roll my eyes while looking down at him.' What came next? Saiyan disappointment, right?' I complain feeling Whis' gaze boring into my head." Well, what is another Saiyan disappointment?" I sigh walking forward.

"I should have destroyed your planet myself," another cold line that I remembered from Beerus' arsenal.

'I have to get close to him, Beerus got in his face about the Super Saiyan God.'

I squat as the incredibly stunned Vegeta stared up." Now, then. Tell me what you can about this Super Saiyan God business," I know he knows nothing in fact I knew that he would answer with 'Super Saiyan God?'

"S-super Saiyan..God?"

"Uh," I sigh rolling my eyes.' Guess, that is a let down. Wait, I get it that's the next line.'

"Seems letting me down is specialty of your race," I sigh looking off to the side.

Vegeta utters something along the lines of: What?

Then there are footsteps that echo around the corner. An entirely different beast was about to approach, a boisterous empress of the Dragon World's most involved corporation: Capsule Corps and their empire of Dyno-Caps, Capsules, Hoi-Poi Capsules, whatever else they had been coined through dubbing and interpretations. Bulma Briefs.

[Resume at 8:16 of DBS Episode 6]

Bulma turns noticing our presence, with Vegeta laying before me on the ground. The entire situation still feels so unreal that I try not to pinch myself.

"Tell you're not doing push-ups," Bulma complained, ignoring Whis and I almost nonchalantly. She seemed slightly inebriated of course what else could one expect from her birthday?

Vegeta struggled and inevitably falls back to the deck." B-Bulma stay back, get out of here," he grunts struggling under the pressure that I applied to him.

I press up, visibly scorning Vegeta's behavior toward Bulma. Beerus would primarily do such a thing as a refined deity, though Bulma never seemed to mind how Vegeta talked to her.

"That is no way to speak to a woman, Prince Vegeta," I look over my shoulder at the downed Prince. He grunts while I stare at Bulma, who once more seems so relaxed at the entire situation.' Witty Beerus one-liner, that is what this situation needs,' I furrow my brow as Bulma seems confused at the entire ordeal.

I clear my throat thinking it through." No need to worry milady, it appears that he has had too much punch," I reiterate a line that Beerus had said in Super's sixth episode, it got a chuckle which probably was why I remembered it.

Bulma still seems puzzled." Who are you guys?" she asks.

Whis finally speaks again." I'm sorry, we should have told you . My name is Whis, madam," delicately and with grace the Angel points to himself with the hand that bears his staff. Then he sweeps his hand toward me." And this gentleman here to my right, is Lord Beerus," I struggle not to blush at the superlative gentleman, I never saw myself as the type.

I have to continue strongly though, Whis had set me up so strongly much as he did for Beerus." We were just passing by your planet when we saw Vegeta and we decided to stop and give our regards."

Bulma bought it. Of course, she would those are the lines Beerus used, well partially.

"So, you're from space, huh," Bulma replied. It was a shock to hear on my Earth anyone that said they had seen anything from space were instantly accused of being crazy, though in Dragon Ball crazier things that spacemen existed surely." I guess I should have put that together. To tell you the truth this is a pleasant surprise, I didn't think Vegeta had any other friend."

She started to approached." No stop!" Vegeta shouted from behind me on cue, there was panic in his voice.

With a smile she looked at me, I failed to realize before that she was so short." I'm Bulma, Vegeta's wife," her hand extended.

I freeze or I felt like freezing. How does one greet a character that you watched grow up?

'Think like Beerus,' I shout to myself.' Hold back almost everything, Bulma does not need to die here or at all,' I swallowed realizing exactly what type of power I possessed.

Carefully, though it did not appear that way, I accept her handshake." This is an honor and a pleasure, I assure," I nailed it including the cat-like grin that Beerus took on.

"Today's my birthday and we're having a little party," she paused think for a second." Well I guess it's big party on a ship like this. You're welcome to join us if you'd like."

I freeze, trying to act like Beerus was about to get a bit more rough but certainly more fun if the same events unfold as they did in the show." Why certainly Earth woman thank you. I have smelt some very delicious things since we've arrived."

Bulma wraps her arm around my wrist, unknowing of the sheer power that I, no not me, Beerus possessed." Come on then," we walk away leaving Vegeta to wallow.

He murmurs a "Wait!" but nothing comes of it.

Bulma introduces Whis and myself on a large stage and quickly it devolves into typical party going. Vegeta looks at my stunned from the sidelines before interfering in Krillin's 'Russian Roulette of Takoyaki' and I got to meet Yamcha out of it, so that was pretty cool.

Typical party stuff carries on, Vegeta panics over every little face I make and certainly over every second that I hang around Yamcha and the others. He expects them to do something stupid, but it doesn't come for a while at least.

I know what comes next as Trunks and Goten are now playing a game of squirt gun. Like two spies in spy flicks they run around shooting and spraying water at one another, a sign of their youth and naivete despite their near-ludicrous, by my world's terms, power and speed.

'How did Beerus phrase it?' I think while Vegeta bows before me with a platter of the Takoyaki balls all positioned in a pyramid.

'Splash,' I reach for one of the balls knowing that a burst of water was coming my way. It hits and drips down my face dropping my wet ball of takoyaki to the deck in a puddle of water.

"Sorry," Trunks starts to back away.

"W-we didn't mean to!" Goten replies in a panic as they scurry away.

"Are you angry my lord?" Whis asks almost rhetorically.

Back in my world stuff like this would have gone as a happy accident, but here...Beerus was not very forgiving." Do I look angry?" I ask, trying to be Beerus to the best of my knowledge.

"Why yes," I get a jovial response.

"I would not say I'm angry," I speak softly, voice turning to a grumbling growl. Vegeta stares up at me in absolute panic.

"Furious is more like it!" I bark loudly, deleting the takoyaki at my feet and tipping the back of the boat into the water slightly. A column of purple and white energy surges from my body and into the sky.

I ascend slowly as the others aboard seem to turn their attention toward me. Down below Vegeta starts screaming before bolting off the deck and into the choppy sea, a white splash shooting into the air where he dove in.

"Huh?" I say completely puzzled. I didn't quite remember this from the episode but considering that Vegeta had indeed dove off into the sea I presumed it was how the episode went.

I touch down confused, yellow eyes looking over the surf." What in the world is he doing?" I inquire with a raised brow.

"I don't know," Whis muses equally confused.

The water bubbles and Vegeta rushes into the air carrying a giant octopus. He twisted around in a cycling motion, looping about before releasing the great octopus into the sky, his hands pointing at it.

"Huyah!" he shouts unleashing a flash of ki that ends the poor creature in a fireworks display, something that he had enjoyed doing to Cui back on Planet Namek.

He comes back and throws the sushi chef out of his vendors stand.

Vegeta was making a fool of himself to give me food." Hard to be angry when the Saiyan Prince is playing the fool."

"And getting mad does stimulate your appetite," Whis looks at my with a smile on his face. his nonchalance is both comforting and stress-inducing, I struggle not to buckle and tell him that I am not Beerus.

"Humph," I look at him.

"Though it appears you have had your fill of appetizers. I feel that there is a certain despite here that you should try it is called pudding."

"Pudding you say?"

Whis smiles, his epicurean nature showing. Yes, it is quite delicious with a velvet texture to die for."

Yep, if Whis was in my world he would most definitely be a 'foodie'. I shake that off to remember that Beerus does not get a lot of pudding and he almost deifies it himself.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Show this pudding at once."

"Of course," Whis smiles.

We come upon Majin Buu sitting at a table, enjoying his second of two platters of pudding. This is where Beerus, and I, would inevitably have to snap to the point of no return.

"Excuse me, sir," Whis speaks ever so politely to Majin Buu, despite the fact he was leagues above the djinn in power and intelligence." The vendor over there has informed us that he ran out of pudding. Would you mind sharing a pudding cup or two from your ample supply?"

"Buu, I told ya this would happen if you hogged all the pudding," Mister Satan chides to the side of the pink creature, scowling.

Beerus was really into pudding because he never had it before, I could truly careless for the dish. But for the part I stand staring at the dessert that was currently dancing on Buu's spoon, I was waiting for my cue to snap more than anything. Beerus did seem to anger over the most simple things.

Mister Satan says something, I toned him out. Something about sharing though I was sure of it.

"No, Buu eat it. all pudding is for Buu," and there it was, the prod that started Beerus toward erupting with anger.

Whis tries to barter." You may not understand. We're travelers from across the Universe and if we do not get to try this pudding now, well we may never taste it for centuries and then you civilization may not exist."

Whis was an expert at bartering, but I know what Buu is going to say and do. This entire exchange between the two is pointless.

"Blehlelele!" Buu smirks while wiggling his tongue over every jar containing the rick yellow pudding that Beerus had so direly needed.

'My cue,' I smirk taking in a breath.

"WHAT!" I shout gagging and huffing, eyes inflating to the size of saucers.

"Buu's the strongest, so Buu eats what Buu wants. Buu don't have to share," the djinn stated rather bluntly.

I, as a Dragon Ball fan, knew that was partially true. Buu was quite powerful but two people on the boat could have at least beaten Buu if not destroyed him given the chance.

In the show, Beerus took immense exception to that line." So, is that how you the little ball of gum wants to play?"

"Let me step in here-" Hercule, Mister Satan, tried to step in.

Buu and Beerus in Su[per decided to point at his chest, I only found it fitting to do so here as well.

"Shut up!" we say in unison before throwing Hercule into the far wall of the ship, both of use restraining our fearsome power.

Everything around us is destroyed as Buu steps up from the table a smile on his face. Bits of glass and other debris swirl into the air as the djinn and I lock eyes.

'If I wasn't Beerus I would be terrified,' I think to myself knowing exactly what Majin Buu could do.

"N-no, no stop!" Vegeta shouts from the sidelines as Buu and I continue our stare down.

'Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Bap! Fwap!' Buu unloads on my face with a series of incredible punches, the air booming with each one except I felt no pain from any of the blows.

The worst part was I was not even using much of my strength, which looming like a pool in my mind. This is what Beerus felt too then, complete lack of interest in Buu's assault.

'Tack!' I catch Buu's glove, which looking at it fully was moving quite slow.

"Huh?" Buu starts struggling, a sign for me to begin a monlouge.

"I find myself to be quite the flexible deity," I lift Buu up despite his prodigious size it feels like nothing. For the Z-Fighters that must have been the case quite often to be sure. I spin Buu overhead in a rapid whirling motion, his body blurring into a pink cyclone that rings overhead.' How to continue?' I can't remember Beerus' lines.

I BS it." Despite that, there is one thing that I cannot tolerate," Buu is released and shot into the sky above, my attention though is on making a point at the moment to stay as in character as possible.

I appear above Buu's trajectory wrapping a hand around his antennae." And that is the arrogance of those who do not pay me the respect I deserve," my BS-ing had to come across strongly, those below were shaking.

I throw Buu off to the side, his frame nothing more than pink slime. My right hand raises and I blast him away.

I don't feel comfortable with what comes next, I didn't mind it while watching the show but by my hands there was trouble. The striking of the energy blast with the ocean causes a tidal wave the quickly overtakes Bulma's cruise liner, those aboard brace for the worst.

Vegeta believed that it was all over, but in a few moments that would not be the case for him at least.

He lifts into the air shaking in both fear and embarrassment." Lord Beerus, please let me handle this. I'll teach that pink buffoon a lesson, you can go back and enjoy the party," He grins for me making a fool of himself.

I unfortunately have to be petty here or else this world would be in trouble at least from a continuity stands point." Step aside," I grin, my voice low and angry.

"But your grace-" Vegeta grovels.

"Right now," I scold.

"I'll have them make you more pudding, it is not that hard to-" Vegeta was trying his best to appease me but alas Beerus was not too fond of that and by extension I couldn't be.

"Didn't I tell you to step aside?!"

He backs down slowly, those on the deck staring at the scene in shock. I knew Piccolo was analyzing the situation and coming to realize exactly how fearsome Beerus could be.

"BUU WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" the squeaky voice shout from behind me while flying forward.

I turn like Beerus did and kicked Buu in the stomach. He gagged and when I kicked him again he was sent crashing to the deck below.

I know that there was no Super Saiyan God yet and I knew they were going to stop me from destroying Earth, but I was forced to by my own desire for some continuity." Hurry it up Whis!" I shout down to my, Beerus', attendant." I am going to destroy this world and get on with the rest of my day."

"A few more minutes Lord Beerus, I am waiting for my order," Whis waves from below, he was enjoying the fine cuisine.

"I'm not waiting so you either get up here or explode with the rest of them!" I shout, though I felt little confidence in either response. The Z-fighters were tensing below and I knew that.

'Gotenks first,' I remember for watching the episode when it aired; seeing Goten and Trunks do it below only reassured me.

"Hey, this party doesn't need a pooper, especially when I'm on the guest list!" Gotenks barks pointing his index finger at me. "So, how about you turn your tail around pussycat before I'm forced to kick you out."

I loved Gotenks, but Beerus was not fond of them." Funny kid, now move," I sigh, a spark of energy appearing above my elevated index finger.

"Well, I warned you. But it looks like school it's time to school you!" Gotenks rushes forward, mumbling something about a Super Ultimate Megaton something for another.

He hits me in the chest and don't move an inch. My body doesn't even ripple with the force of the blow.

"W-what? No way?!" Gotenks complains backing away.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" I say aloud. I had a foggy memory at best of this specific part of the episode due to its brevity, luckily something about my dialogue sounded right enough to be Beerus' own.

Gotenks answered by hammering away with a series of blows, all of which hitting me but doing no damage whatsoever.

"I know the real reason you're here and I won't work! I'll keep the Dragon Balls away from you no matter what!" he shouts until I grab his hand.

"Dragon Balls? No, I'm not here for those," I reply, speaking my mind in earnest.

"Let go of me!" Gotenks whines while trying to pull himself free from my grasp.

I release him and he scurries back." Dude, if its not for the Dragon Balls then you're really throwing a fit over pudding?"

I grin, Beerus' best line in the entire film and anime was coming up." Are you downplaying my food travesty. For you pudding is nothing more than a treat that you have all the time you pudding spoiled boy. But I've never tasted what it's like!" I shout with gusto." Pudding?! Even the name sounds delicious! What does it taste like? Something entirely new perhaps that you've spent thousands of years mastering here on Earth? It is a flavor that now I'll never know!"

Gotenks shivered before shouting back." I don't feel sorry for you one bit! You're throwing a temper tantrum over pudding! If it was my choice you would get nothing but a bowl of cat food!" he shouts.

'Flick!' I decide not to punish Gotenks too bad knowing that in the end the slaps meant nothing whatsoever. He crashes against one of the exhausts at the top of the ship and crashes down to the deck.

"Run on home you brat!" I shout then I rethink it.' I just threatened to blow up the Earth,' I sigh failing to remember what I said moments prior." Though to be fair your home will not be here long," I correct myself.

Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, and Eighteen are next. They give some heroic bit before attack all at once, something that I would have respect for it they were not trying to punch. Dodging at least softens the blow to three of my favorite characters.

I open my eyes and the pressure overcomes all three of them dropping them back to the deck in a stun.

Conversation went on below, but I knew that there was something else yet to come." Whis, let's go," I complain, trying to leave although it was sure to move on the plot as well.

"One moment, Lord Beerus," Whis sighed looking at the piece of food pushed over by the chef.

He starts eating as I float in the air with a scowl.

'He looks like he's having a good time. Why was Beerus so rude here?' I frown playing my hands on my hips.' Whatever.'

"Hurry it up Whis," I bellow much as Beerus had.

He came and chatted about a sample platter before descending back to the ring. It was a drab conversation to say the least, in all honesty sushi was another thing that I was not too fond of.

Then, Buu charged me again from behind. I flicked my wrist out and blasted the djinn in the face.

Buu responded by unloading with a furious series of blow that hammered into my face and body with little damage, if those blows hit at all. We continued this while below the cast was coming to a startling realization.

I was Beerus, the God of Destruction. The Destroyer.

I clutched Buu in my hand, pulverizing the creature into submission with a few blows. His regeneration could not keep up with God ki something that I had not thought of in the real world when the movie or episodes rolled out.

Then, came Gohan soaring in from the side." Enough already!" he shouted, my third favorite Saiyan character was about to be embarrassed by my hand. Beerus was truly a power fantasy.

'THWACK!' much as Beerus did in the source material I smack the father-to-be in the face with Buu knocking the pair of them aside.

Everyone down below began to compensate their decisions while I overlook Whis.

"Hey, let's go Whis," I say.

"I kneel to no one!" Vegeta charged, his right fist drawn back.

I freeze him with the pressure wave that I used upon arriving. Vegeta can't fight back against that, not yet, not until he too became a God as a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.

"What an embarrassment," I play my coyest and most smug Beerus." You have the gall to call yourselves a warrior race, yet here you are unable to land a single blow on me. That's what I dislike about Saiyans," I complain much as Beerus had, albeit not word for word.

I lift my finger and place it on his brow." You have so much bravado but lack the power to back it," something that was both true and in line with what Beerus had said.

"What a let down," I flick my finger down and Vegeta crashes to the deck, like everyone else had.

'Well, that's it. Here it comes,' I furrow my brow upon descending to stamp on the Saiyan Prince's head, cracking the flooring around him.

"You're a weakling who rules from an imaginary throne, just like your father," I speak coldly, something that churns my innards. If I was me this would have never been even close to happening.

I turn away knowing Vegeta was recovering behind me." How disappointing. No pudding, no Super Saiyan God, this world is nothing more than a tease," I stop on my heels, just about ten yards from the Saiyan Prince." Needless to say there is no reason for me to keep it," my index finger raises claw pointing at the Prince of Saiyans, Beerus was cold at the beginning of the series and it took me this long to realize it.

Light began to radiate off my index finger, shining across the ship as Vegeta suddenly became content.

"Huh, at least it took Beerus the Destroyer to finally kill me," he spoke.

I would have felt sympathy if I did not know how the story ended." That's the way to look at it," I reply, knowing that in about half a minute his tune would chance severely.

In fact, I could already hear the footsteps.

'Twack!' a glancing strike to my face.

Vegeta's eyes turned to shock as I played mind in an equal manner.

"I'm trying to be a gracious host and all but I'm getting really tired of this rough housing!" she shouted red lips moving with just how angry she was." And I'm getting tired of you ruining my party when you weren't invited in the first place!"

"Don't grumble, if you've got something to say. Say it," she boasts.

I raise my hand and slap her across the face with an absolutely minuscule fraction of my strength.

Vegeta stood up, power coursing from his in a potent stream of smoke and winds." How...wh-what...how could you do that..." he seethed flickers of golden fire surging around him.

"THAT'S MY BULMA!" the ship rocked the waves around us turning away as Vegeta ascended magnificently to Super Saiyan Two. Everyone aboard was in awe and internally so was I.

This was the scene I was waiting for, Vegeta's Rage.

Then, it hit me. Vegeta hit me.