
Reborn as an H-Manhwa Protagonist

Reborn as an H-Manhwa protagonist isn't that bad right? Wait a minute why did Kim Dokja exist?! ah... There goes my life. "Ayo brother wassup? here some cheat for ya!" said some brother that wears all white suit with a big blinking chain on his neck. "Huh?" "Buh-bye! got rid of that yee-yee ass haircut you got." said the brother to the confused man before the confused man vanishing like a fart. --- Bad grammar, cringe moment, slow as frick. You name it, we had it. --- Cover ain't mine. --- Only update when horny.

LeeZanda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Perfect System? (3)

Looking at the skill description in interest daeho got himself breathing heavily. Thinking about the skill possibility. If this skill is true then he could pursue his passion more passionately! What a cheat! He notes to himself to test it after he got discarded from the hospital.

Closing the [Skill] interface he got back to the 'home'. afterward, he instantly clicks the [Abilities] skill.

[Abilities :

- Eidetic memory [!]

- Comprehension (expand) ]

'Hmm I wonder if I could click them at the same time...' thought him before clicking the [!] icon and (expand) button at the same time with his index and middle finger respectively.

The pop-up interface is appearing side by side. The left side is [Eidetic memory] and the right side is [Comprehension].

[Ability : Eidetic Memory (EX)

Description : A godly ability that could make user remember things, even the smallest details at a mere glance.]

[Comprehension :

. Language - English(70), Korean(45), Chinese(20)

. Math(30)

. History - Korean(20), United States(70), World in general(30)

. Arts - Painting(30), literature(10)

. Physics(10)

. Chemistry(20) ]

'Whoa! What a cheat! No wonder I could remember the first time I move to new york like it's a yesterday event!' exclaimed him inwardly while seeing the eidetic memory screen. But when he saw his comprehension he slightly frowns.

'Sigh... I wish I study more when I go to high school and university... this score is pathetically low... Daeho, Daeho... I know that your growth is low. but I don't know that growth is THIS low!' he sighed looking at his own low number on comprehension since he had Daeho memory he obviously knows of what that makes score so low.

The fucking person doesn't even open his books!

No... it's not like he is lazy or something. It's because he's too dumb to understand!

And plays too much with his goddamned friend named Kobong and a whimp named Jeonghan or something.

'Sigh... what could I say. He's a H-Manhwa protagonist that relied on luck and innocent side of his.' thought him before smile wryly. Although he's too a dumbass in his previous life, being dumb in a new life made him frustrated.

Calming himself, he sighed again because remembering the situation he was in. Daeho this year is in his last year on the school. If he couldn't do well on Su-Neung (South Korean CSAT) then he could only say goodbye to his bright future.

'If going to best universities is a no-no. Then I just yolo-ing stocks again like myself before!' thought him.

But then again because he got an incredible skill like [Eidetic Memory] he wasn't gonna waste it. He wants to make a different path from the last life. Wondered how good is South Korean SKY universities are.

With a last glance and sigh, he looks at the two pop-up screens before clicking an [x] button in the top right corner. Goes back to the [Abilities] screen his attention is gathered to the [!] icon on the top right corner of the floating blue screen. Clicking it another screen pop-up.

[Information :

Abilities are user capability and aptitude to do something. Every time user do something that the system deemed needs an ability whether it's the ability to think or adapt. The system will record it in the (Abilities) option.

Abilities has a difference in comprehension, as such— system makes a measurement of proficiency that could be explained as :

1-10 point - Introduction

11-30 point - Amateur

31-50 point - South Korea High school level

51-80 point - South Korea University level

81-90 point - Professor and Professionals level

91-100 point - Master

101-????? point - ???? (Will be revealed when user reached the minimum threshold.)

⚠ : After 100 comprehension the next tier of proficiency could be categorize as a skill and removed. ]

'So that is...' though him. He feels he had a long way ahead of him. Looking at the measurements. He should at least reach the proficiency of that South Korea university standards before he could join one out of three of the SKY universities.

His two beautiful Noona is a student of that universities. So he yearns to get accepted.

Feels that he got the gist of the abilities option he touches the 'Home' icon before moving to the next option that is [Quest]. When he clicks it, another interface with four options appear.

[Quest :

+Main Quest

+Side Quest

+Emergency Quest

+Daily Quest ]

Not going to wait he click another [!] on the top left corner.

[Information :

A quest is where user could gain points and exp doing things that system deemed necessary for user experience and gathering a member for crystal palace. The quest itself divided into four categories which could be described as :

-Main Quest.

. Is a quest based on the 'Storyline' of the story user stands at. It will appear when a situation to collect palace member come.

-Side Quest

. Is a quest that appear after the completion of main quest. (The quest is linked to the Main Quest line.)

- Emergency Quest

. Is a quest that appears abruptly without warning. The quest only appears when system is deemed a dangerous situation appear to the user or 'Palace Members'.

-Daily Quest

. Is a daily quest for user growth and is a permanent quest.]

After reading the information he nods his head and already got the gist of it. The quest description itself he felt pretty self-explanatory. Based on the description he will get a shop point and exp it seems. Closing the information interface he clicks all four [+] icon beside quest name at the same time using his right hand four fingers.

Swing! the four quest interface pop-up at the same time. The windows appear horizontally.

[Main Quest : {-}

(System still calculating a possibility of event for main quest. Time remaining to finish calculating is : 9d 21h 34m) ]

[Side quest : {-}

(Following main quest. Side quest will appear only after user finish the main quest.) ]

[Emergency Quest : {-}

(There's no immediate danger neither to user nor palace member. The quest only activated if one of the two got in dangerous situation) ]

[Daily Quest : - {Let's be healthy!} ]

'Apart from daily quest other quest option is still locked...' sighed him inwardly before looking at the time main quest will be opened '9 days... well let's just wait. What could happen in 9 days anyway.'

'But this daily quest... {Let's be healthy}. What is it even...' thought him before clicking the daily quest name. Suddenly a pop-up screen appears.

[Daily Quest 'Let's be healthy!'

. Objective :

+Push-up (0/100)

+Pull-up (0/100)

+Sit-up (0/100)

+Plank (0/10 min)

+Jumping Jack (0/50)

+Jog (0/5 km)

+Run (0/3 km)

+Sprint (0/500 m)

Rewards : 1000 G.P, 15 exp, STR(+1), AGI(+1), VIT(+1).

Penalty : Nothing.

Time limit : [16 h 32 min 43 sec]

Note : Healthy body equals healthy semen!]

'Whoa... I got status bonus, exp, and shop point from daily quest? that's rad! and the penalty...' he smiled looking at the penalty that daily quest had. 'I got nothing if I do nothing... that seems realistic. Is this what black Jesus mean by 'Perfect System'? '

He doesn't know. And he couldn't help but felt thankful to him because he knew there's a system where users could die from not completing a quest.

He feel the quest wasn't that hard since in his previous life he had a ripe body himself and decided to do it after looking at the last option system had. And since he understand the function of quest he closes it. Because there wasn't any information anymore, he closes all of the pop-up windows and clicks the 'Home' icon.

With a quick movement, he clicks the [Shop] option and being greeted with another option. With a big title on the center of the screen, there are seven options below it. But what makes him interested is a word right below the big title.

[Crystal Palace Shop]

[Discount 50%! Only for first time purchase! After that? normal price! A great harem king doesn't need a discount right?!]

'Well said, store... well said...' he praises the store and somehow he became motivated to buy all the store had to offer. His gaze moves to bellow the challenging words that are the shop options.





[Skill & Abilities]



Seven option is provided and he got the urge to window shopping but before browsing the store he clicks another [!] option on the top right corner to gain the basic information.

[Shop Information :

The shop is an option provided by the system for the user to use. it provides a variety of products from various producers from {Crossover World} & {Fiction Stories}.

The merchandise that shops offer is differentiated by using a rarity system. The more rare an item is the more price user must pay. The rarity merchandise is divided into four categories that is :

. Normal (N)

. Rare (R)

. Super Rare (SR)

. Extraordinary (EX)

The shop is divided into seven sections that could be described as :


. Contain a weapon for self-defense and offensive. Range from stone club to nuclear missile.


. Contain an armor for defense. Range from bicycle helmet to grand armor.


. Contain a normal accessories for a boy and girl alike. Range from normal hairpin to empress ring.


. Contain miscellaneous merchandise for everyday use. Range from rice cooker to 12-hour newsletter.

-Skill & Abilities

. Contain a abilities and skills that user could use for his daily life. Range from cooking skill to a laser beam.


. Is an option where user could change the ticket he got from the quest or a lucky chance.


. Is an option where user could change the currency of user world for gold points.

⚠ : The shop option from the topmost item will be sort of by the most popular item. ]

Daeho nods after digesting all the information he gets. All of the options are self-explanatory. He closes the information interface to open another option. And since he only had five fingers he thought for a minute to search for the option. Not long, he got an idea and decide to implement it.

He clicks all the seven options at the same time. using his finger, his nose, and his tongue. He expects it to fail only to be greeted by a 7 pop-up window interface. It's works! He felt less dumber now.

Swing! after the interface popped out a holographic keyboard appear between the system interface and himself. He looks at it for a second before looking at the interface trying to find out the keyboard use. There's on the top right corner in each of the pop-up interfaces is a search bar.

He looks at the weapon interface that had a big title named 'Weapon Shop' and below it was a selection of item that looks like a blue rectangle with the two boxes that representing item 3D representation on the left box and item name and price on the right.

[Weapon Shop]

[AK-47(N) , 10.000 G.P]

[Standard ICBM(N) , 100.000 G.P]

[M1 Abrams(N) , 50.000 G.P]

[RPG-7(N) , 14.000 G.P]

[Toyota A.V(N) , 20.000 G.P]


He looks at the bottom left corner of the interface there's he could see how much Gold point he had.

[G.P : 0]

Sighing he scrolls the weapon shop option only to find out that the topmost section is filled with modern weaponry. He got an idea, if this is a crossover world there's surely a fantasy weapon right? like staff or tome or something. He clicks the weapon shop search bar and inputted [Excalibur].

[Rusted Excalibur(N) , 200 G.P]

[Excalibur {Sir Arthur Weapon}(N) , 800 G.P]

[Excalibur(SR) , 1.000.000 G.P]

'Whoa, Excalibur?! that's crazy. but why there's cheap and expensive Excalibur?' he thought before clicking 800 point Excalibur{Sir Arthur Weapon} and 1 million point Excalibur. A two explanation interface pop-up.

[Excalibur {Sir Arthur Weapon}(N)

Description : The original 'legendary' weapon from the tale of 'King' Arthur. The weapon itself is just a normal iron sword that had a function as a decorative weapon. With the expensive gold as its hilt.

Price :

+50 G.P (7 Days)

+150 G.P (30 Days)

+800 G.P (Permanent) ]

[Excalibur (SR)

Description : Fantasy sword of that great king of Arthur that appears on the 'fate' Franchise. The legendary swords had it's own many nicknames like 'the sword of promise', 'sword that amplified', etc. The sword came with a skill that had a chant 'Sheathed in the breath of the planet, a torrent of shining life. Feel its wrath— Excalibur!' . To activate it, the beautiful golden sword had to consume user mana and stamina.

Price :

+50.000 G.P (7 days)

+150.000 G.P (30 days)

+1.000.000 G.P (Permanent) ]

'Huu wee~... crazy... this is madness.' thought him. if he remembers correctly the Excalibur itself is a weapon for mass destruction. A nuke without a radioactive aftereffect. Then he remembered something. If the sword is present then the sheath too, right? he quickly closes the interface and type [Avalon] on the search bar.

[Avalon(SR) , 500.000 G.P]

[BBAF - 1001 Avalon(R) , 130.000 G.P]


He clicks both of the two topmost Avalon that the shop had to offer.

[Avalon (SR)

Description : A sword sheath of that legendary weapon Excalibur. With a blue enamel that decorated its golden base. The sheath looks like decorations that people can find in nobility house. (The system deemed Avalon as a weapon because it could be used as a club to break an enemy's skull.) To activate it user needs to touch and sends a bit of mana to it, so user could claim it. (Can only be claimed by buying the permanent option.)

Price :

+10.000 G.P (7 days)

+25.000 G.P (30 days)

+500.000 G.P (Permanent) ]

[BBAF - 1001 Avalon (R)

Description : Is an airship owned by Schneizel el Britannia— the prince from the Britannian empire in 'Code Geass' Franchise. It use 'Float System' for the flight that makes the airship hover in place like a helicopter.

+5.000 G.P (7 days)

+14.000 G.P (30 days)

+30.000 G.P (Permanent) ]

'Yes they had it! I could get nearly infinite stamina if I buy [Avalon]... guess that my goal for now.' thought him of buying [Avalon] since he felt using it would become a tremendous support if he wants to have a big harem.

Closing the screen he takes a glance at other options.

It much or less the same as like weapon shop.

[Armor Shop]

[Plain White T-shirt(N), 10 G.P]

[Military Grade Camo(R), 250 G.P]


[Accessories Shop]

[Golden Ring(N), 150 G.P]

[Silver Ring(N), 70 G.P]



[Rice Bag 15 kg(N), 10 G.P]

[A Jar of Kimchi(N), 5 G.P]



[Driving(N), 150 G.P]

[Singing(N), 150 G.P]


'Hmm... it's same as the previous weapon shop.' he thought after seeing until [Skill&Abilities] interface. The shop from 'Armour' to 'Skill&Abilities' had the same content as [Weapon Shop]. It is filled with normal items and mixed with fiction. But now he had no use for the content inside all of them because he already had his goal to buy [Avalon].

But then his eyes shone when he saw the last two that come from shop option.


[ 🎡 ]

[Spin the wheel to get S-SR-EX Item!]

[Insert one gacha ticket to spin the wheel]

'It said that I could only get a ticket either from mission or lucky chance... what the heck is lucky chance?' the system didn't explain what lucky chance to him, he felt irritated. He himself was an avid whale in his previous world. Looking at the gacha system his hand got itchy.

But alas he couldn't do anything about it. He looks at the other option that he deemed interesting.


G.P [0]

Won [0]

[Conversion Rate : 1 - 1000]

'1000 won per 1 gold point? that pretty cheap... I guess I need 500 million won to get [Avalon]... sigh, what a ripoff!' he thought of abandoning the idea to buy [Avalon] after seeing the conversion rate. but he wants it very bad! so he couldn't back off. He hopes that when he got the main quest, the reward is enough to buy one or hopefully got one from gacha spin. The prospect of him being an H-Manhwa protagonist and having nearly unlimited stamina is just too good to miss.

After getting all the information that he could get he close the system interface with a content face.