
Reborn As An Evolving Snake: Birth Of The Apocalypse Dragon!

The Apocalypse finally struck. In a strange way, he had been waiting for it his whole life. For something to change. But he died right away, sacrificed as he tried to save a person he didn't even consider a friend. Fate wasn't done with him though. Live once more! Be Reborn! This time, on the other side. Not as a Human, but as the Calamity that will end Humanity! The World is ending anyways, so why not do it yourself? Fight on the side of the Apocalypse!

EternaLich_47 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Reborn On The Other Side

I'm sinking...

I died?

That fast?

What the hell...? Thought I would do better than that.

The Apocalypse... Monsters... Dungeons... Magic... Everything was... A new beginning was about to... How could I die like that?


Wait. Wait. Wait.

It wasn't that simple.

That's right.

We were running away.

We were trying to hide from those green Monsters. Goblins, huh?

Kain tripped suddenly.

I stopped and helped him stand up.

That's... That's when he noticed a Goblin to our side.

He pulled me to the ground as he stood.

He ran while I fell.

He sacrificed me.

He threw me to the wolves.

He killed me.


I shouldn't have helped him.

I should have left him to die.

Why did I even help him? I didn't even like him that much. Why did I help him? I shouldn't have. Why did my hand reach to him? It shouldn't have. I should have kept running like the others. I should have... I should have...


The Apocalypse.

How long did I wait for it?

How long did I wait for something to happen? How long did I pray for something to happen?

For something different. For something to change. For the world to change.

It came.

It happened.

My wildest dream, materialized.

And I died.

Everything I ever wanted to see and live.

And I died.

I was killed.

How? Why? How could I let that happen?

I sacrificed it all... For a random person that I wouldn't even call a friend. 

Him pulling me down to my death is beside the point.

How could I let go of that world for him? How could I risk it so easily?

Everyday, I thought about it. Everyday.


And once it came, I let it go stupidly.

How could I do that?

I don't even like people that much. Worthless selfish parasites, the whole lot of them. A meaningless and disgusting world where the laws make no sense. 

Dying, I wouldn't have minded. Leaving that world? Ah! Happily. But not now... Not now when it's all getting destroyed. Not now when the Apocalypse is...

I'm alone now.


Thought it would feel worse.

If anything, this feels nice.

At peace. Away from others. Away from the noise. Away from them. It's nice here.

It's nice...

But it's dark. 

It's cold.


Very cold.

Very dark.

Away from them all.

Dark, cold, and quiet.

I don't hate it.

Mm. It's acceptable.

I might not be there to see it, to see them burn and suffer but... I know that it's happening.

That gives me a strange feeling of satis-

[Your Soul has been selected!]


[Ten days have passed since the Beginning of the End.]

'The beginning of the end? Ah. The Apocalypse. Ten days already?'

[The World is Fated to End.]

[The Last Act of Earth and Humanity has started.]


[Would you like to be a part of it?]

'Part of the Last Act? What would be my role in it?'

[The One With Whom It Ends.]

[The One Who Ends It All.]

[The Curtain That Falls.]

'The Curtain That Falls? That sounds intriguing.'

[Would you like to bring an End to the World you once knew?]


[Endless Power would be within your grasp.]

[The World you once knew will, now, bend to your will.]

'Endless Power... To reshape the World, or destroy it, huh?'

[You who always felt like an Outsider, will now truly live as one.]

[Body and Soul will be like those of no other.]

[Throw away your Humanity, and live once more.]

[Your Role, Body, and shape, you can mold and control to become anything.]

[You could even become one of the Destroyers Of Worlds.]

[The Wolf That Swallows the Sun.]

[The Serpent That Wraps Itself Around the World.]

[The Great Red Dragon.]

'You want me... To fight on the side of the Apocalypse? On the side of the Monsters?'

[To the one who was Human but hated Humanity, a Pact is offered.]

[Aid the Destruction of your World, and gain Power.]

[Power, and Life.]

'That's a fucked up Pact, isn't it? Offering Life now is pretty unfair, don't you think?'

[Life, you had once.]

[Power, you have always craved.]

'Ha! Can't argue with that.'

[What is your decision?]

'Let's see... Watching the world burn, watching it come to an end... Those are different from working towards and orchestrating its end.'

[Live and destroy the World, or fall back into an Endless Slumber in the Void.]

'Ah! You don't really leave me a choice, do you?'

After being sacrificed by another, after dying so that another could live, after being killed for that reason, the Soul could only answer one thing.

'That Pact...'

Immediately, the Soul that was nothing more than a faint light in the endless Void took Human form.

'I accept.'

The young man who had once died could finally see once more.

But in the endless darkness, all that could be seen was his body which emanated a faint light.

He stared at his palms for a while.

Suddenly, glowing words appeared in front of him. They floated in the darkness.

[The Offered Pact has been Accepted.]

[You have Acquired the Title: "Bringer Of The End[Mythical]".]

[You have Acquired the Title: "Embodiment Of Chaos[Mythical]".]

[You have Acquired the Magic Skill: "Dark Magic Production[SSS]".]

[You have Acquired the Magic Skill: "Dark Magic Manipulation[SSS]".]

[You have Acquired the Magic Skill: "Cataclysmic Dark Magic Control[SSS]".]

[You have Acquired the Passive Skill: "Sublime Health Point Regeneration[A]".]

[You have Acquired the Passive Skill: "Sumblime Endurance Point Regeneration[A]".]

[You have Acquired the Passive Skill: "Sumblime Mana Point Regeneration[A]".]

'Well, shit... These aren't too bad.'

As the Apocalypse descended upon the Earth, something known as the System appeared, becoming a tool and weapon, allowing the Humans to fight against said Apocalypse.

Having died only a couple of hours after the appearance of the System, the Selected Soul did not know much about it.

[Select the Form you would like to take on...]

'Fuck yeah... The Wolf That Swallows the Sun, The Serpent That Wraps Itself Around the World, The Great Red Dragon... All of these sound cool. All of them would bring destruction and-'

[Venomous Snake.] [Venomous Spider.] [Rot-Stricken Rat.]

'What? You must be-'

[Cataclysmic Evolution will be the key to your Rise in the...]

'You sold me fucking dragons and-'

[You have ten seconds to make your choice.]

'I'll take the fucking snake. Ugh...'

[You have chosen to take on the "Venomous Snake[F]" Form.]

[Forget your Name, and become the embodiment of the Destroyer, Samael.]

[Evolve and Destroy, so that you, one day, gain the Title of "Apocalypse Dragon[Legendary]".]

[The Title of the "Great Red Dragon[Legendary]".]

'Yeah, whatever...'

The next second, the faint Soul started moving.

An unquantifiable distance was crossed instantly.


Then suddenly, there was light.

'Where am I?'

[Throughout the Earth, countless Dungeon Gates have appeared.]

[Those Dungeon Gates Link the Earth with Other Worlds.]

[You are currently in one of those Worlds.]

'Huh... What about...? Oh. I have a body. That's nice.' It felt strange. Foreign. But not unpleasant. It had been a while after all. So anybody would have been fine. 'This thing constricting my movement... An egg?'


Through the shell, light entered the newly born Venomous Snake's eyes.

'So I'm to find the Dungeon Gate with Links this World to Earth?'


[The goal is also to raise your strength and Evolve into higher lifeforms to...]

'Are there others like me? Humans on the side of the Apocalypse?

[That Information is unavailable.]

'Huh...' He smirked internally. 'That does make it interesting.'





The Venomous Snake made its entry into the World.

'Here I fucking come.'