
Reborn as AFO's Son

For those here for the tags, this is a multiverse fanfics, and the system does nothing but help the MC keep track of all his abilities, i'll leave it there. First world- MHA 2nd world-Naruto These are the world im most used to, ill release 2 votes at the end of MHA and end of Naruto and combine them to see which is the next world! Also Mc is a menace and a bit cringe at times, good luck.

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


( A/N releasing this chapter in case I got your hopes up for a new chapter last chapter Lol )


" You have quite the reputation,

Never failed a job, always perfectly done, no complaints, #1 recommended, and you get paid extra for being you. Isn't that fantastic?" Nezu spoke as he looked at the papers in front of him.

All might and Rumi were with him just in case and they were still waiting for Sir Night eye but Nezu felt like starting already.

' They called me, the smartest mouse in the world for help, why would I waste time? ' Nexu chuckled at himself which sounded evil but everybody knew how he was already.

" Wow I didn't know I was so famous, I was just earning money comfortably, who knew the heroes would use a villain as a bait and let me kill him. What great heroes you are. " Isamu said making All Might shiver while Rumi tched.

" It was a...necessary sacrifice. We didn't see a opportunity to attack, till you caught on. If we knew you were so weak we would've saved him and stopped you already. " Nezu mocked as he chuckled.

" Is that so? " Isamu asked as he slowly lifted himself breaking the chains with ease.

" I allowed you to catch me, you can never catch me. Don't test my patience, even with these two around I can kill you. " Isamu said as Darkness filled around Nezu.

" But I won't do that, hey cutie 🥰" Isamu said while waving at Rumi making her awkwardly laugh.

" Anyways stop wasting my time, if you need me to confess to send me to tarotus then I confess to everything I did, I killed 30 people whether heroes or villain or civilians, I kidnapped double that, tortured quite a few of them and earned about 3 billion from all my hard work. " Isamu confessed as he laid back on the " chair " he was on.

" Actually I have different thoughts. " Nezu said making Rimu annoyed as she looked away while All Might did the same even if this was necessary.

" Oh? Explain." Isamu felt interested as he teleported next to Nezu and created a chair of darkness.

" Tell me, what can I, the #1 assassin do for you? " Isamu smirked.

" Well, I'd like for you to protect the kids in the school I run. " Nezu said making Isamu lose his interest right away.

" I don't do hero things. " Isamu said but then he looked at Rumi,

" Maybe if she gives me a date. " Isamu smiled which Nezu looked at Rumi with a awkward but pleading look.

" Fucckkkk no. " Rumi said annoyed it was even a suggestion.

" She'll love me sooner or later. " Isamu chuckled.

" Anyways we're not asking you to be a hero, you're basically going to be doing the same as always. Sir Nighteye has the ability to see the future to an extent and he's seen crazy things that will happen, there will be multiple instances where UA is infiltrated and attacked. For every person you kill we'll give you 100 million, for every capture we'll give you 500 million, for every spy caught we'll give 200 million, for every spy killed 100 million. Of course you need to have evidence for any of these to get the money. " Nezu explained.

" Sounds like I'm being rewarded for being a hero more than villain, or is it because capturing them alive is more useful? " Isamu asked with a smile.

" I guess we'll never know. " Nezu smiled back.

" Hmmm, fuck it alright. I have 3 conditions though. " Isamu said making Nezu frown.

" It's nothing too big, I'll play your hero game and capture them, but for my First condition I want 1 free kill, I have instincts of my own and I'll know if someone is too dangerous or will be dangerous in the long run. I want that kill to count as a capture. " Isamu explained which Nezu nodded.

' People that work these types of jobs need to have these instincts as their contractor may be trapping them. ' Nezu nodded at himself as it wasn't too much of a problem, it would mainly be a problem if he killed a student but a deals a deal.

" My second condition, I want her as my assistant. " Isamu pointed at Rumi.

" It's doable but whether she'd actually is hard to know. " Nezu explained knowing how Rimu is.

" You can just threaten to take away her hero license. " Isamu plainly said and Nezu gained enlightenment.

" Oh right, I forgot I can do that! " Nezu said excitedly.

" You got to be fucking kidding me. " Rumi sighed.

" I guess I have no choice then. " Rumi said to herself but it also counted as permission for the other 2.

" And 3rd I'd like to be sent to Tartarus prison " Isamu said, Nezu looked confused though.

" Um, but if I do that how will you- " Before Nezu finished Isamu created a clone with ease but it also didn't fully explain.

" These clones are all the main body and also aren't, to explain it in simple terms I can take over the clone and make it my main body as the other clone becomess more like AI acting as me but its still a perfect version of me. It's kinda like a fake immortality aslong as a clone exists, but also I can just be killed if they all died. " Isamu explained but suddenly a murderous aura came out of All Might making him shut up and be wary.

" Why do you have so many quirks? Are you related to AFO? " All Might asked ready to dash at him.

" Who's that? " Isamu asked with a confused innocent head tilt which made All Might stop in place before calming himself.

" Nevermind. " All Might said letting out a Sigh.

" As for why I have multiple quirks it's because I have a copy quirk, though I can copy multiple they're all weaker than the ones I copied. I could train them to be at the same level but I don't always do it. " Isamu lied without no issues.

" Well we can agree to all 3 conditions, but we'd also like to ask you to teach the students if you'd like as you'll be acting like a teacher assistant sometimes to stay at a close distance. " Isamu nodded at this without issues.

" Also we're pretty sure you're using a quirk so if you turn it off it might lessen the evil aura you're releasing. " Isamu chuckled at Nezus plea.

" I have it on for a reason, remember the clone I made? I have another clone of me happy, working on homework trying to be a hero. " Isamu smirked, " You think I didn't let you take my blood or see my facial features just because it was funny? ( It was ).

" Oh, well I've seen more weirdos ( Everybody thought of Endeavor ) " Nezu said as he got up.

" But you'll also need a ankle monitor, since again you are a villain. " Nezu added as he left.

" Wait school homework, ready to be a hero? Are you perhaps a child? " Nezu asked as he stopped walking looking back worriedly.

" Heh, nice to meet you M'lady I'll see you later. " Isamu said teleporting back into his " cell " and laying back on the chair.

" Why would a kid find the need to do these types of jobs? " All Might asked himself as he bit his lip.

" Sigh, well hopefully our contract helps him turn over a new leaf, who knows maybe his crush for Rumi will change him as well. " Nezu teased as they finally left the room.

" Whatever. " Rumi said, ' why do I get the feeling that if someone changes it would be me? ' Rumi peeked into the room as it closed, Isamu noticing this blew her a kiss making her turn around with a plain expression.

' No way it would happen. ' She thought.


( A/N Boring chapter 100% I swear I said " Said, Thought, Chuckled, As " 300 hundred times, I swear I need to learn about English and Writing again wtf is this trash vocabulary.

Lady Nagant, Rumi, Toga and Ochako for the winnnnnn, forgot to Mention Rimu last chapter, that makes 10 girls. )