
Reborn as a wayne

'what the f*ck' those were the thoughts of David Wayne known as Andrew Grant in his former life, a 28 year old soldier with the best achievemen was killed along with his fiancée by his best friend now he's reincarnated as a wayne one of three great immortal families that protect the world from vampires, werewolves, witches and strange beasts that live in the world of fantasy and horror follow David on his adventures as he encounters hardship, horrors, pain, laughter and romance

Ricon3 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

CHAPTER 18:Meat soup

days passed as David continuously meditated as he developed his mana heart and strenghtened his aura and his body.

David could be seen pulling a boulder as large as a ship as every step he took created a crack in the ground.

"master I'm done" he wiped of the sweat from his forehead as he sat on the ground resting his back against the boulder.

"okay then go eat and get some rest, as soon as the moon comes up we begin your vein development and then you should be able to master your elemental talent since generating mana for you will be easy" ye said as he opened an eye while laying under a tree.

"mhm" David hummed as he sprinted towards the cottage getting there in a minute showing he had grown faster.

"what the" David's mouth twitched as he saw nothing In the pot "he ate it all and still told me to go eat" he put the lid back on the pot as he breathed in trying to calm his raging heart "ghaaa!" he suddenly burst unable to contain his anger as he punched the wall making it vibrate.

"cool it David" he walks out the door grabbing a spear from the side as he walked out into the forest.

a young deer could be seen as it stood by the river drinking the water the flowed down to the othe side suddenly it's ears perked up as it looked around readying itself to make a run the first sight of danger but it should have relied more on its instinct.

as a sharp whistle blew through the air as the deer fell down with a spear stuck in its neck "poor thing" David said as he almost drooled, he dragged the deer since he couldn't carry it on his small body back to the cottage.

he skinned the deer as he cut them into pieces putting it in a pot as he used a fire stick to lit up the stone stove.

minutes passed as the smell of meat soup permeates the air "too bad the ingredient isn't complete but this should do it" he poured some into a bowl as he sat down on a couch comfortable with the windows open.

"shit I forgot to bath" he drops the bowl as he rushed to a small building pushing the door open revealing a stone built tub with water in it as a sone glowed blue underneath.

David sigh in relief as the warm water sucked his very being "it never gets old".

finally getting out of the bath as he dressed himself up and walked back into the cottage "this is really good David, I never knew you could or even knew a six year old could cook" ye emptied his bowl as he crossed his legs on a table.

'this...' David breathed in as calmed himself down and walked to the kitchen getting another bowl of meat soup, sitting down the chair near ye as he took a spoon 'soooo good' he ate slowly remembering every taste.

"give me some" ye took up a spoon about to dig in as David ate in a rush emptying the bowl as he stared straight at his master "delicious".

ye laughed awkwardly as he looked down at his spoon "you know for a six year old that's really mean" he pouted.

"...." David stared dumbfoundedly at ye as series of thought ran through his head "master ye is that you" David asked as he moved backwards squinting his eyes.

"what do you mean don't adults look silly when playing with kids" ye straightened up resting his back.

"what that's... never do that again, also why didn't you remain some food" yelled out as he sat on a stool.

"oh" ye finally realised what he had done "I forgot I'm sorry" he apologized sincerely looking at David with a smile.

"fine I forgive you" David packed up the empty bowls dropping them into the kitchen.

"how about starting your combat training too" ye spoke out trying to remove a piece of meat from his teeth.

"then let's begin today " David rushed back as he stared at ye with an expression that spelt excitement.

"hmm okay then let's go " ye stood up as he walked outside with David following him from behind with a spear.

"okay then first thing is first... attack me with everything you have" ye stood nonchalantly.

"aye" running on a straight line to ye as David suddenly pushed his leg making him go right in an instant as swinged the spear towards ye abdomen.

"too easy" David muttered before he got blown far away tumbling on the ground "how" he looked up to see ye's hand raised in the air.

"again, try harder" ye almost yelled out as he still looked nonchalant.

"arghhhh" David jumped high as he thrust his spear before getting blown away again "master play fair and stop using your powers" David stood up as he positioned his spear.

"you should be to sense the mana in someone's body at your level by now so now check am I using my powers" ye waved his hand as a huge wind blew passed David pushing him back as he felled down on his butt.

David stood up as he stared at ye unbelievably 'so he only waved his hand, awesome' he swung his spear as it rotated on his hands.

"so you know how to use a spear...that's handy, now come" ye eyes glinted a little as he smiled slightly.

David breathed in as he concentrated the aura in his body into his legs and hands as he dashed forward making him go faster than before as he thrust his spear.

"isn't that the same except your going faster" ye said as a hint of boredom traced out.

David threw the spear with his might as he dashed to the right about covering his entire left arm with aura about to smash his fist into ye's face when he suddenly felt a strong wind as it pushed him back.

making him tumble over and over "uh!" he looked up to see his spear in ye's hand "how" he asked feeling confused.

ye smiled as he walked towards him "I'm just faster" ye patted his head as he gave him back his spear "you have great talent but try using your fist for combat as it holds more damage than a spear".

"yes master" David clenched his fist as he stood up "master the full moon is almost out" David looked up as ye followed.

"you are excited ain't you"

"mhm" David as lightning spark formed in his hands.

"well then let's go" ye signalled David to go in first as he followed him with a smile that seemed to say 'what are you going to surprise me with next'

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