
Reborn as a Skeleton with a System

The story begins with Philip, a young necromancer who inadvertently turns his uncle into a skeleton monster whom Jason Todd a soul from earth comes to possess, sparking a desperate escape from the confines of Border Town. Initially scorned as a weakling, Jason's with the help of a system, against insurmountable odds becomes a true godly figure. Over the first three years, through trials and relentless leveling, Jason emerges from the shadows of the Undead Mountains as the revered Undead Knight under the Moonlight. His legend grows as he conquers the underground maze, earning the title of the lone king of bones, a ruler who sits unchallenged upon his throne. With each challenge surmounted, Jason's strength and abilities grow exponentially, his reputation spreading like wildfire across the realms. Thirty years into his journey, Jason achieves the unimaginable, breaking through the devil abyss. This feat earns him the awe-inspiring moniker of the angel of death, a being whose mere presence evokes fear and admiration. Jason's transformation from a hunted skeleton into a figure of immense power challenges the very foundations of the world, setting the stage for a confrontation with entities beyond mortal comprehension. After a century of relentless pursuit of power and mastery over death itself, Jason stands at the pinnacle of existence. His gaze sweeps across many planes, instilling terror in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. At this moment of triumphant full leveling, an unexpected twist reveals the true nature of Jason's journey.

Rqmk · Fantasy
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141 Chs

The Coming Crisis!

Bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight amidst the mountains and forests, Jason stood perched on a lofty hillside. His eyes shimmered with a captivating azure soul fire, surveying a cluster of tents aglow in the distance. Emblazoned on each tent was the distinctive symbol of the Eagle Group—a pair of pristine white wings—signifying their formidable presence.

He observed several heavily armed mercenaries on vigilant guard and patrol around the tents. "Could these mercenaries truly dare to station themselves within the perilous Undead Mountains under the cloak of night?" Jason pondered, his heart pounding with a mix of dread and intrigue. The sheer number of people venturing into the mountains seemed unusually high, signaling to Jason that the Eagle Group's undertakings were anything but ordinary.

The realization hit him hard. The mercenaries' hunt in these haunted mountains was far from a mere expedition; it was a calculated invasion. Suddenly, an illusory text materialized before him, laying out his dire situation: The Skeleton Knight—now Jason—had stumbled upon the Eagle Group, mercenaries with sinister objectives threatening his very existence.

The message presented him with three critical choices for managing the crisis at hand:

1. Engage and Overwhelm: Command an army of wights to assail the Eagle Group's vanguard, striving for survival against overwhelming odds. The reward for this SSS-rated challenge was the prestigious title of "The Reincarnation of the Overlord."

2. Cautious Observation: Monitor the Eagle Group's movements daily, retreating tactically before their encroachment. This strategy offered a steady accumulation of experience and strength for a D difficulty level.

3. Strategic Withdrawal: Immediately vacate his current location, seeking refuge deeper within the Undead Mountains, a decision that carried an E difficulty rating but promised a slight increase in experience and strength.

Jason mused over his options, stroking his chin thoughtfully. Despite the allure of the first option's grandeur, its death-defying challenge seemed a folly. That left him with the pragmatic choices of either a strategic observation or a deeper retreat into the unknown perils of the mountains.

He knew well that deeper into the mountains, the creatures grew more formidable, yet his knowledge of these beasts and their powers was limited, casting a shadow of unease over him. The unknown depths, with their unseen horrors, seemed far more daunting than the identifiable threat of the mercenaries.

After weighing his options, Jason concluded that the mercenary camp, still hours away from his dwelling, posed no immediate threat. Choosing to venture out under the veil of night for surveillance offered him not only daily rewards but also the strategic advantage of time to evacuate if necessary.

Opting for the path of cautious observation. This choice, though seemingly less dramatic, promised a blend of safety and strategic advantage, allowing him to navigate the treacherous landscape with a keen eye and a ready heart.

Jason swiftly settled on his course of action, a sense of anticipation coursing through him as he opted for diligent observation over reckless engagement.

[Observation completed today! Experience +10, Strength +0.1]

[Skeleton Soldier lv7→lv8]

[Free Points: 0.3]

With the addition of these 10 experience points, Jason found himself ascending another level. Allocating the 0.3 free points to his constitution, his attributes evolved as follows:

[Skeleton Soldier lv8]

- Agility: 3.7

- Strength: 3.2

- Physique: 2.9

- Experience Value: 0/275

- Martial Arts: Spearmanship (Senior 22/300)

- Contract Object: Necromancer Philip

- Danger Index: 8(An emerging low-level monster, known for its exceptional responsiveness, robust defense, significant strength, mastery in marksmanship, posing a lethal threat to senior mercenaries)*

[Note: Reach lv10 for the second job transfer!]

The thought of a second job transfer sparked a whirlwind of possibilities in Jason's mind. Unlike the straightforward progression of his first transformation, no clues were given about the potential paths his evolution could take this time around. Could he become a skeleton mage, warrior, assassin, or archer? The prospect of gaining new abilities filled him with eager anticipation.

As a transformed skeleton soldier, Jason had already gained night vision, enhanced movement, and martial arts prowess. He wondered what new powers the next transformation would bring.

Content with his progress, Jason turned and departed, the night sky above him a vast canvas of twinkling stars.

In the solitude of his cave, under the luminous embrace of the moon, Jason practiced his spearmanship with a focused intensity. Clad in black armor, he executed a lunge thrust, his spear cutting through the air with such force that it emitted a resonant buzz. His spearmanship skills had now reached an impressive level of proficiency: [Spearmanship (Senior 184/300)].

Five days had elapsed since he first discovered the Eagle Group's encampment. The necessity of scouting the enemy each day had indeed slowed his progress, but his mastery over the spear was nonetheless remarkable, far beyond what most could hope to achieve in decades.

With a fluid motion, Jason thrust his spear into the hard stone wall of the cave, the tip vibrating intensely as gravel scattered around him. Each movement was a testament to his growing prowess and the relentless pursuit of perfection in his art.

In the quiet embrace of the night, Jason concluded his practice with a final, satisfying thrust of his spear. What emerged on the cave's stone wall was an unexpected masterpiece—a whimsical carving of Peppa Pig, its contours etched with surprising detail and a touch of humor. Gently tracing the outline of the quirky pig, Jason felt a pang of nostalgia. "Should the day come when I must leave this sanctuary," he mused aloud, "let this peculiar pig stand as a testament to my presence here."

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than Jason stowed away his armor and spear, mounting a moose to venture out into the night. His mission was clear: to reconnoiter the movements of the Eagle Group.

Hours into his journey, navigating through the dense thicket of the forest, Jason proceeded with utmost caution. He understood well that the heart of the Eagle Regiment's camp lay some distance away, and the likelihood of encountering their scouts under the cloak of night was slim. Yet, he opted for subtlety, his moose companion trailing discreetly behind.

Dressed in plain attire, he moved through the wilderness, his skeleton visage blending seamlessly into the nocturnal landscape. To any distant observer, he would appear as nothing more than a harmless creature of the night.

Jason's intent was simple: to pinpoint the enemy's location, secure his experience and attribute rewards, and retreat unnoticed. However, the shadow of uncertainty loomed large, even in missions deemed low risk.

Suddenly, Jason tensed. On a nearby hillside, the silhouettes of five figures materialized, each marked by the emblematic white wings of the Eagle Group. This was no ordinary scouting party but a fully armed combat unit, comprising swordsmen in leather, shield bearers in plate armor, horned bow archers, a white-robed priest, and a purple-robed female mage. Their unexpected presence so far from their camp and at such an hour puzzled and alarmed Jason.

His cover was blown the moment one of the mercenaries, a swordsman with a sharp gaze, spotted him. "A skeleton creature lurks yonder," he declared, though the distance rendered Jason's clever disguise impenetrable.

The group's shield warrior, voice deep and commanding, urged dismissal. "Let it be. Night has fallen; our place is back at camp," he advised, with the silent archer and the unopposed priest in agreement.

"Wait," interjected the mage, her voice laced with intrigue. She extended her arm, revealing a bracelet of shimmering blue crystals. "That quaint skeleton adorned with a hat has caught my fancy. It would make a splendid addition to my collection."

"I shall retrieve it for you," offered the priest, his gaze alight with fervent adoration. "Adorning Miss Haier's string of undead tears with its gleaming soul fragment will not only enhance its beauty but transform it into a true masterpiece that truly matches your beauty."