
Reborn as a Skeleton with a System

The story begins with Philip, a young necromancer who inadvertently turns his uncle into a skeleton monster whom Jason Todd a soul from earth comes to possess, sparking a desperate escape from the confines of Border Town. Initially scorned as a weakling, Jason's with the help of a system, against insurmountable odds becomes a true godly figure. Over the first three years, through trials and relentless leveling, Jason emerges from the shadows of the Undead Mountains as the revered Undead Knight under the Moonlight. His legend grows as he conquers the underground maze, earning the title of the lone king of bones, a ruler who sits unchallenged upon his throne. With each challenge surmounted, Jason's strength and abilities grow exponentially, his reputation spreading like wildfire across the realms. Thirty years into his journey, Jason achieves the unimaginable, breaking through the devil abyss. This feat earns him the awe-inspiring moniker of the angel of death, a being whose mere presence evokes fear and admiration. Jason's transformation from a hunted skeleton into a figure of immense power challenges the very foundations of the world, setting the stage for a confrontation with entities beyond mortal comprehension. After a century of relentless pursuit of power and mastery over death itself, Jason stands at the pinnacle of existence. His gaze sweeps across many planes, instilling terror in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. At this moment of triumphant full leveling, an unexpected twist reveals the true nature of Jason's journey.

Rqmk · Fantasy
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149 Chs

Call of the Bloodline!

Under the cloak of an ink-black night, Phillip's with grim face brimming with determination. With a blade sharp enough to slice through paper, he drew it across his wrist. The blood, thick and teeming with untapped magic, cascaded to the earth, quickly pooling into a dark, shimmering mirror at his feet.

His complexion turned ghostly, a stark contrast to the vibrant life force spilling from him. The cold grip of weakness wrapped around him, making his body quake as if in the throes of a violent chill. Yet, with a determination that seemed to burn brighter as his vitality waned, Phillip knelt beside the burgeoning pool. His fingers, trembling not just from the loss of blood but also from the anticipation of what was to come, moved with purpose. He traced the intricate symbols of a summoning circle, each line a conduit for his will, his magic, and his very soul.

As he wove his spell, Phillip's voice, though weakened, filled the night with a call to the netherworld, "Great Lord of Hell, hear my plea. I seek a mighty ally, a companion in the dark arts. In exchange, I offer my magic, my blood, my very essence..."

The magic imbued in his blood lent power to the summoning, making the circle pulse with a life of its own. A faint glow emanated from the lines, casting an eerie light that danced across Phillip's awestruck face. The air around him thickened, charged with ancient magic and the promise of a pact that could bind beyond the mortal coil.

As Phillip's incantation reached its crescendo, the veil between realms seemed to thin, responding to the call of a mage willing to pay the ultimate price for power.

Meanwhile, leagues away in the desolate Mountains of the Undead, another soul was on the brink of transcending his own limits. Jason, amidst the echoing solitude of a cavern, relentlessly honed his mastery over the spear. Each movement was a testament to his resolve, a step closer to surpassing the bounds of mortal skill. His count soared into the thousands, each thrust a whisper of steel that sought perfection.

Yet, even as his prowess grew, so too did a gnawing realization, That hia body was still weak, the thought of his body failing him in the heat of battle, of bones shattering under the weight of his own power, cast a shadow over his triumphs.

In this moment of vulnerability, the fates of Phillip and Jason began to weave together, bound by a spell cast in desperation and a warrior's unyielding spirit. The crossing of their paths, driven by desires as different as night and day, promised a convergence of magic and might that could either forge an unbreakable alliance or unravel the very fabric of their worlds.

As Jason flexed his arm, a new, powerful sensation coursed through him—his bones felt immeasurably heavier. This wasn't just a feeling; it was his bones incredible increase in his bone density, a result of relentless strengthening exercises and perhaps, a touch of the arcane. His skeletal structure now rivaled that of the animal kingdom's most formidable—matching, perhaps, the density of cow or tiger bones. More intriguingly, the aura of death that clung to him like a second skin had intensified, warping the very air around him, making it thick with power.

Eager to test the limits of his newfound strength, Jason brandished his spear with a warrior's grace and plunged it into the cave's rock-hard wall. The impact sent shards of stone flying, yet his fingers and wrist remained unscathed, bereft of any damage or strain. A smirk crossed his face as he realized the days of fearing self-inflicted wounds were behind him. He resumed his practice, the repetition of jabs blending into the falling night, until his proficiency in spearmanship notched up significantly.

Ceasing his rigorous training, Jason emerged from the cave, leaving behind the trappings of his cursed arsenal and donning mere ordinary clothes. He instructed the carrion moose, his unusual companion, to remain hidden, silent as the grave. To any distant observer, he was indistinguishable from the myriad skeletal monsters that roamed the landscape—only upon closer inspection would one sense the chilling aura enveloping him.

This disguise was strategic, meant to deflect any undue attention from the Eagle Group's mercenaries. Night had fallen, and with it, Jason set out to probe the surrounding environs. The mercenaries he had encountered earlier had left him feeling uneasy, compelling him to ascertain the Eagle Group's operational range and prepare for any necessary evacuations.

As he passed a desolate cliff, he once again noticed the ethereal presence of two ghosts, one markedly smaller than the other. This time, he paid them no mind, crossing through their domain with an air of indifference. The ghosts, sensing his approach, vanished into the underbrush like scared, spectral felines. It was clear; Jason's formidable undead aura had rendered him an entity to be avoided at all costs.

Even the feared Bird of Death scattered at his approach, its monstrous denizens fleeing into the night sky, leaving Jason to traverse the outskirts of the Undead Mountains with impunity. He felt an unrivaled confidence, certain in his ability to confront any threat, even considering a swamp crocodile an equal match.

Hours into his nocturnal reconnaissance, Jason stumbled upon traces of the Eagle Group, a discovery that set the stage for his next move.

In the stillness of the night, as Jason weighed his future strategies, a whisper broke through the silence, an ethereal voice entreated, "...Make a contract with me..." The suddenness of it caught him off guard. He paused, wondering, "Am I hearing things?" But before he could dismiss it as a figment of his imagination, ethereal text materialized before his eyes, revealing a plea from the young necromancer Philip, whose weak magic power struggled to pierce the veil between worlds. The message was clear: only the bones of blood relatives could answer his desperate call.

The options laid before Jason were intriguing:

[Mission: The Call of the Bloodline! ]

1. The Bond of Blood: Align with Philip, sharing a fragment of his eternal magic in return for a connection that promised future rewards. This path offered a point of freedom and suggested an ongoing supply of magic.

2. Indifference: Simply ignore Philip's plea, an easy choice that came with a minor boost in experience and strength.

3. The Tease: Acknowledge Philip's call but refuse to establish any contract, a decision that mirrored the second option in its rewards.

To Jason, the third option felt like a playful jest from the universe itself. Yet, the first option hinted at a mutually beneficial pact, free of coercion and rich with potential. Philip's talent was undeniable; at such a young age, he had already tapped into the ancient art of necromancy, hinting at a future brimming with possibilities.

Jason couldn't shake the feeling of indebtedness to the young necromancer. With little hesitation, he chose to forge the contract, a decision that immediately completed his mission and granted him an additional point of freedom.

Success washed over him, and at the other end of this newly formed bond, Philip sensed a formidable connection taking root. Overwhelmed with excitement and weakened by blood loss, Philip fainted, leaving Jason to feel the surge of new power coursing through him.

He allocated the newly acquired attributes to his physique, feeling a profound transformation. His bones began to crack and shift, growing denser, stronger—remodeling under the infusion of cold, otherworldly energy. It was a sensation unlike any other, as if every fiber of his being was being enhanced. And then, as quickly as it had begun, the process ceased, leaving Jason stronger, more resilient, and bound by a newfound pact that promised to alter the course of his destiny.