I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
Tony introduced himself in his usual distinctive manner, which momentarily caused a vein to pulse visibly. However, he quickly eased into a more relaxed demeanor and proceeded to shake the man's hand.
"My name is Viridian... Nice to meet you!" William said.
Tony eyed William suspiciously and asked, "I didn't know we were using made-up names... I'm Vengeance!" Tony quipped.
The two shook hands awkwardly before a voice rang out.
"I'm Spider-Man. Ummm... Mr. Stark, what exactly is going on here?" Peter Parker asked.
Tony, who remembered being webbed up, shot a glance at the young man and smirked.
"Would you two like a drink? I certainly would..." Tony sighed.
Spider-Man shook his head. "Apologies, Mr. Stark, but I'm still underage. I appreciate the gesture, though!"
Tony then directed the same question to the other young man.
"Not tonight, how about a raincheck?" William replied.
William started to levitate from the rooftop, with Spider-Man following closely from a nearby building. However, just as he was about to drift too far, William stealthily reached into his armor and activated his system space, ready to extract an item.
"Catch!" William called out.
Tony caught the enigmatic metal block thrown his way, his eyes reflecting a mix of bewilderment and fascination. The block's texture and its peculiar absorption of light were unlike anything he had ever encountered, sparking a deep curiosity within him.
Tony Stark's gaze intensified as he beheld the enigmatic metal before him. Puzzlement flickered across his features as he mused, "What could this be?" The air was thick with the promise of discovery, and his mind raced with possibilities.
The AI assistant, JARVIS, reported back, "Sir, the metal composition detected is unfamiliar. It does not match any records in our database."
"Where did you get this... you know what, not important. Thanks," Tony Stark said.
William nodded and started flying off into the night.
Spider-Man was nearby, swinging with all his might to keep pace, when he spotted William alighting atop a taller building. With a swift maneuver, Spider-Man circled back and landed on the roof to have a conversation with him.
"Hello... Ah, Viridian, right? Greetings! I'm the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, it's great to meet another hero," Spider-Man said.
William held in a chuckle with great effort and turned to meet his brother. He began to turn off his opaque aura, and the translucent light finally allowed Spider-Man a clear look at his brother's face.
William smiled, trying to appear nonchalant. "Hey, what brings you here tonight?"
Spider-Man shrugged. "Just patrolling the area. You know, the usual. I've been keeping an eye on you too, Viridian."
William raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what do you think of my work?"
Spider-Man chuckled. "You're a real hero, Will... I mean, Viridian. I've been trying to learn from your example."
William smiled wryly, amused by Spider-Man's attempts to keep up the charade. He decided to play along, curious to see how long Spider-Man would keep up the act.
"I appreciate that, Spider-Man," William said. "Maybe one day we can team up and take on the bad guys together."
Spider-Man's eyes lit up behind his mask. "That would be awesome! I'll have to keep that in mind for the future."
The two continued to chat for a bit while back in Stark Tower.
Tony Stark examined the chunk of Katchin. "This is fascinating. The molecular structure is incredibly dense, almost on par with adamantium and vibranium."
"Indeed, sir. While it may not be as indestructible as those metals, it still possesses remarkable strength and durability," JARVIS replied.
"I can work with this. Even if it's not the absolute strongest, it's still a game-changer. We could use it to enhance the structural integrity of our suits and other tech," Tony said.
"Shall I begin the analysis and integration process?" JARVIS asked.
"Absolutely. Let's see what kind of innovations we can come up with using Katchin. And JARVIS, keep this under wraps. We don't want anyone else getting their hands on this just yet," Tony instructed.
Tony incorporated Katchin into the suit's exoskeleton, replacing the less durable alloys previously used. This upgrade markedly increased the suit's resilience, rendering it virtually indestructible. The exceptional properties of Katchin offered unparalleled resistance to physical damage, enabling the suit to endure even the most powerful impacts and harshest conditions.
The distinctive properties of Katchin enabled it to absorb and dissipate energy with remarkable efficiency. Tony Stark leveraged this trait to enhance the energy systems of his suit, significantly boosting its energy efficiency. As a result, the suit could operate for extended periods and had a lower risk of overheating, even during the most grueling of battles.
Katchin's remarkable strength, paired with its unexpected lightness, enabled Tony to refine the suit's architecture, cutting down on bulk while still preserving its defensive qualities. This innovation led to a suit that was nimbler and more reactive, significantly improving Tony's maneuverability during battle.
Tony integrated Katchin into his suit's weaponry to boost their efficiency. The repulsor beams, for example, received an upgrade with components infused with Katchin, enhancing their force and accuracy. Additionally, the suit's missile systems were fortified, guaranteeing their ability to breach the most formidable defenses.
The high melting point of Katchin endowed the suit with remarkable thermal resistance. Tony Stark harnessed this attribute for the suit's cooling mechanisms, enabling its efficient function in extreme thermal conditions. This feature proved invaluable during missions in severe environments like deep space or volcanic areas.
To enhance the suit's capabilities, Tony Stark implemented an upgrade to the arc reactor, incorporating Katchin components. This enhancement not only augmented the reactor's power output but also bolstered its stability and operational efficiency. The refined reactor guaranteed a consistent energy flow to the suit's systems, even in the most strenuous situations.
After weeks of hard work, the Katchin Armor was complete. Tony suited up and tested its capabilities. The results were astounding—the suit's performance exceeded all expectations. It was faster, stronger, and more resilient than any of his previous designs.
Test 1: Strength and Durability Tony traveled to a secluded test site to push the suit to its limits under severe physical stress. He evaluated its resilience against high-impact forces, mimicking conditions where the suit could be struck by heavy ordnance or collide with rigid structures. The Katchin Armor emerged unscathed from all trials, affirming its exceptional durability.
Test 2: Energy Absorption and Efficiency Subsequently, Tony assessed the suit's capacity for energy absorption. He participated in controlled combat exercises, extensively utilizing the suit's repulsor rays and other energy weapons. The Katchin Armor effectively absorbed and neutralized the energy, averting any risk of overheating and sustaining peak performance during the evaluations.
Test 3: Mobility and Agility Tony then turned his attention to the suit's agility. He piloted through a challenging course designed to assess nimbleness and velocity. The Katchin's light composition facilitated swift movements and brisk acceleration. Tony adeptly completed the course, illustrating the suit's improved agility.
Test 4: Thermal Resistance For the thermal resistance evaluation, Tony ventured to a volcanic area. He subjected the suit to intense heat and direct contact with lava. The Katchin Armor's substantial melting point guaranteed its integrity against the severe temperatures, enabling Tony to function with ease in the extreme conditions.
Test 5: Combat Readiness In the final assessment, Tony entered a sequence of combat drills against sophisticated AI adversaries. The Katchin Armor's advanced offensive and defensive features provided Tony with a considerable edge. He triumphed over the challengers effortlessly, confirming the suit's advanced combat capabilities.
Tony was absolutely astonished at the complete upgrade he had accomplished, and he couldn't help but think of the guy who handed him the material and his cracked and misshapen armor.
"Viridian, huh? I should probably make something for him as well. I'd rather not feel I owe somebody!" Tony mused.
In a building situated at a classified location, a man adorned with an eyepatch and a trench coat intently observed a video feed showcasing the events unfolding at Stark Tower. His interest in Tony Stark had been piqued ever since the retrieval of the damaged suit in the Middle East. However, the unexpected appearance of Spider-Man, along with an individual known as Viridian, had not been anticipated.
He looked over to the redhead agent on his left.
"Mrs. Romanoff, could you please investigate Spider-Man? Meanwhile, I'll assign Clint to examine Viridian as I discuss matters with Mr. Stark," Nick Fury said.
The woman nodded and seemed to slink into the shadows.
Nick Fury scrutinized the screen intently as Viridian flung a block of metal to Tony. It seemed unremarkable other than the fact that it caught Tony's interest, prompting Fury to pivot and stride towards the exit. Navigating through the corridor towards the elevator, he retrieved his personal phone and dialed Clint's number.
The phone connected.
"Agent Barton, I have an assignment for you. When you are done in New Mexico, come back to New York. I'll send the details momentarily," Nick Fury said.
"Confirmed, sir. I don't think I'll be here much longer in any case," Clint Barton replied.
Clint observed a tall, blonde individual trying to casually stroll into the research facility and had his compound bow ready to fire at any moment if given the order.
Clint notices the man knock out one of the bigger guards and is about to loose the arrow.
"Let's see what happens, then you can arrest him!" Nick Fury commanded.
Clint relaxed his arm slightly and waited.
The blonde man had just knocked out a large human and was walking toward the object inside the base with a gleeful smile plastered on his face. But when he grabbed the object, he frowned.
"I... I am unworthy," Thor muttered.
Soon, the sound of multiple footsteps caught Thor's attention, and he got into a fighting stance to fight his way out. But before he knew what happened, he was knocked unconscious.
Back in New York, William was attempting to work out in secret, but he noticed a certain tail following him from the shadows and smirked.
William figured he would prank his little brother, so he created a ki blast of minuscule proportions and had it circle behind the ear of the sneaking young man.
"WHAT?! What the—?" Peter exclaimed.
The sound of a balloon popping caused Peter to lose focus and fall into the alley.
William laughed uncontrollably to the point he fell to the ground clutching his ribs.
Peter was indignant for a moment before the comical truth dawned on him: his attempt at stealth had failed spectacularly, and he was as conspicuous as a clown at a funeral.
"I'm heading out for a workout session; it could be enjoyable to have some company," William said.
William proceeded into the building he was aiming for, and moments later, his brother entered, clutching the back of his head in embarrassment. However, the sight that greeted him inside the warehouse stopped him in his tracks. His eyes widened at the sight of craters adorned with intricate spiderweb cracks, enormous claw marks etched into the walls, and mysterious patches of melted slag that hinted at an intense, unknown heat source.
Peter noticed William in a distant corner, intently examining some enormous, makeshift dumbbells. Their sheer size was startling, and as Peter approached to attempt a lift, he found himself wrestling with the weight. Yet, with a burst of effort and maintaining good form, he managed to hoist the dumbbell successfully.
"Holy..." Peter sighed in exasperation.
Peter glanced over and couldn't help but gawk at his brother, William, who was hoisting the dumbbells with such ease it seemed like they were filled with feathers instead of iron. Trying to match his pace, Peter pushed through the burn, but by the end of the dumbbell session, he was panting like he'd run a marathon, while William was barely breaking a sweat. It was a bit unnerving—ever since Peter got those spider powers, his strength had skyrocketed. Just last week, he'd casually taken down a villain in a robot suit by making him trip over his own feet. Talk about sibling rivalry!
William marveled at his brother's resilience in the face of adversity, contemplating the full extent of his potential if he dedicated himself to self-improvement.
The two took a breather before moving on to what appeared to be an obstacle course, causing Peter to gain some confidence as agility was his specialty.
The challenge was on, with Peter and William turning it into a contest to see who could finish first. Peter, with his natural agility, took an early lead, earning an impressed nod from William. However, the tables turned in the following round as they shifted to a straightforward race. This time, William surged ahead, leaving Peter far behind. By the time Peter caught up, he was so out of breath that all he could do was collapse and pant.
William gave Peter a break and began his sit-up routine. As he hit the five-hundred-mark, Peter, now fully recovered, watched in awe. The sheer number of sit-ups his brother had accomplished was staggering, especially considering that not long ago, he was just an average guy!
Peter found himself pondering, "What exactly are you, William?" The question lingered in his mind, a puzzle demanding to be solved.
As William crossed the 1500 mark, a notification chimed from the system, announcing that he had achieved his daily goal.
Engrossed in their cheerful conversation, William and Peter strolled back home, oblivious to the two agents discreetly following them. After exchanging a subtle nod, the agents shifted their paths, each heading towards a separate location to commence their respective missions.
After a brisk thirty-minute walk, William and Peter returned to find Ben Parker unwinding by the television, engrossed in one of his latest hobbies. With a playful nudge to Peter's shoulder, William suggested they both get some rest before they headed off to their respective rooms.
As William's head settled onto the pillow and his eyes closed, he brought up the system menu to check his latest rewards, a smile spreading across his face at the pleasant surprise that awaited him.
The first reward was a scouter, boasting a sleeker and more advanced model than the one he had lost, bringing a sense of satisfaction.
Next, he discovered a small pouch containing ten infertile senzu beans, a valuable asset for any future endeavors. The final item was a potent pill, capable of restoring up to seventy-five percent of his ki reserves, a crucial aid for the challenges ahead. Each of these items promised to be incredibly useful in the adventures that lay before him.
He was in a good mood as his eyes finally closed and he fell into a dream.
Several hours later, William opened his eyes and decided to take a walk. Shortly thereafter, a sleek black motorcycle pulled up beside him, and a stern-looking man with a buzzcut gestured for him to stop for a conversation.
"Mr. William Parker, a conversation is required," Clint said.
William's caution lingered until the moment he recognized the face beneath the helmet—a face from his past life. It seemed that events were about to take a fascinating turn.