
Reborn As A NPC

One Day Some Of His Partners In Crime betrayed Ethan A Notorious Villain, And He Died But That's Not Where The Story Ends It's Where Is Begins, Ethan Was Reborn In A Fantasy World. In This Fantasy World, He Finds Out That He Is Now An NPC. After A While In This Fantasy World He Finds A Way To Get To Earth And On His First Day On Earth He Finds Out A Game has Just Got Released That Looks Similar To The Fantasy World But He Doesn't Bother Him Because His True Goal Is To Get Revenge On The Ones Who Betrayed Him.

The_Shinn · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Ethan POV



I see suspicion in her eyes

Ethan:"this is going to hurt to say" Hello Adventurer please bring me 1 slime corpse and I'll reward you with 1 gold coin

Christa:Ok I accept

[Your Quest Has Been Accepted]

I see her walk away and I go to the library and buy some books that cost me a gold coin but luckily I got some gold coins for bringing the big wolf. I wait for like 10 minutes and the girl comes back holding a dead slime, I give her a gold coin and I head out to the forest where my skeletons and i see they are all healed up and I put the slime on the floor and I put my hand over it and I was a out to do summon Undead but then I see a dead crow and I get a great idea.

Ethan:"Shinigami would be proud of what I'm going to do"

I put each hand above each dead animal and I say one word.


The light blue slime and crow come together and form a singular being.

[Combination Completed]

[You Had A Moment Of Luck On Par With Lucy The Goddess of Luck]

Ethan:"how lucky was i?"

[It Was 0.001 But With Your Luck Stat It Was 0.0013]

Ethan:"damm... is should have used this luck to win the lottery.... but night as well look what I made"

I look at it and see it's just the a slime I focus on it and a screen appears.

[Skill Level Up]




[Rank:Bottom Bronze]



Ethan:"the name of the skill alone makes it seem strong, would it keep its skills?"

I reach my hand above it but i forgot that I just used all my mana on using combine. I wait for my mana is full then I put my hand over the slime and it turns into a dark purple and springs to action then a screen appears

[-50 Reputation]

[+5 Reputation]

Ethan"System show me my Reputation"


[+5 To The Underworld]

[-150 To Aria Goddess Of Light]

Ethan:"system why do I have a negative reputation with Aria"

[Due To You Raising The Dead And Going Against The Natural Order Which Is Part Of Aria, And With That Reputation, The Followers Of Her Will Get A Slightly Ominous Feeling From You]

Ethan:"I guess I will always Negative Reputation with her"

I check the slime that just standing there and I notice it gained a new transformation called human.

Ethan:Transform into a human

The slime body expands and forms Into a little girl around 4 feet tall with long black hair and black eyes wearing brown leather clothing.


Ethan:HUHHHHH, you two take are of her i need to do something

Two sketona walk up to the girl and walk a bit away.

Ethan:"System why is it calling me papa and how did it get a new transformation"

[You Merged The Two Souls Making A Stronger And New one, When She Looked At You She instinctively Knew You Created Her]

[She Got The Ability Due To You, Her Creator Being A Human]

Ethan:"So because I created she my daughter???? Ugh this is my new responsibility"

I look towards her and see her playing and smiling and a smile appears on my face.

Ethan:"maybe this is not all bad, but I need to focus on getting Shinigami, my skeletons are as stronger as an average person but they will get slaughtered due to modern weaponry, if I go in a sneak by myself I think I have alight slight chance on getting both of us out, but if I increase my stats and skill then I should be able to do it, I need a way to get my skeletons stronger only if they can.... I'm a fucking genius.... well only if it works"

I go towards the remaining skeletons and bring out a book about basic Swordsmanship. I instruct the Skeletons to copy the moves from the book. I lay down on the grass floor and head to bed but I give the girl a apple before I sleep. I woke in in like two hours from seeing how far the sun moved. I see the girl still playing and I call her over.

Etahn:"I should give her a name....." How About the name Chi

As soon as I said the name I saw her eyes sparkle and a smile appeared on my face.

Chi:I love it papa

Ethan:Well go play with those two skeleton

Cho:Ok papa

I head over the skeletons practicing their Swordsmanship and focus on one, and a screen appears before me.




[Rank:Bottom Bronze]

[Skill:Basic Swordsmanship]

Ethan:"looks like I was right, and I only thought out this because of Chi having a skill"

I sit down and focus on my palm as I for and I make a 2 by 2 by 2 cube if mana but after I was really tired it took 400 mana to make it stable and not break its form. I grab the magic book and start reading.

Now that you made the cube of mana then you have the minimal requirements to find out your attributes, there are many attributes but the basic ones are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Lighting, Light, and darkness. A way to see your Attributes is to get a crystal ball and inject your mana into and what color appears shows you what your Attributes and how much you mastered it.

Ethan:Chi stay here with them, I'll be back

I head to the village and enter a magical shop and I spend a gold coin on a Crystal ball. I go back to Chi and the others and I hold the Crystal ball in my hand and I inject mana in it and a dark purple and a light red.

Ethan:"the book says I have fire and darkness attributes"

I give it to Chi and and tell her to do the same as I did and it shows she has the Wind Arreuinute and I do the same with the skeletons and I see that they have the darkness attribute.

Ethan:"now to learn spells and get stronger so I can break out Shinigami"
