
Reborn as a Mikaelson.

This will be an originals fanfiction, I write all my fanfic for fun, I make absolutely no money from any of my fics yet anyway, that's why I sometimes take long to update, I just don't have the time. I am restarting this again sorry this will be the last time I restart, unless I drop this- this story will restart 7 July 2021

Uchiha_Lover21 · TV
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8 Chs

Time flies part 2.

Tonight we were supposed to see our mother, but uncle Elijah couldn't find her, so we returned home. I was worried about my mother but uncle Elijah promised to find her and bring her to us, however uncle Elijah never returned and Hope and I fell asleep.

The next day my mother had returned. Hope and I were in our dads office playing with our toys, well actually Hope was playing with our toys, I was practicing magic. I am really bad at magic actually, that's why I'm reading even though it's not lesson day. While I was reading about a healing spell, I felt someone tug on my head. I turn to my right to see who it is and it's my annoying big sister Hope. "Hope don't do that." I complain. My complaint falls on deaf ears as always, for some reason my sister's really clingy. She just loves being near me, when we aren't together she doesn't stop crying until she sees me again. It's honestly so annoying, It's not like I enjoy it, I definitely don't.

"Fine I'll play." I can't resist her adorableness.

While playing with Hope, I hear my mom shouting angrily. "My parents left me! Yours turned their back on you!!!!"

That's my mothers voice. "Hope, mommy home." I say excitedly. "Let's go!" I drag Hope out of the office so we can see our mother.

"Look at us now Klaus!!!!"

Why does my mother sound angry? and why is she shouting at our father.

we finally reach our

"Niklaus!!!" I hear my uncle yell from downstairs.

I can't help but be horrified at what I'm seeing, my mother is hitting my father.

"They deserve better then what we had!!!" My mother yells still hitting my mother in the face.

"That's all I have ever wanted for them! Something better!"

I don't like what I'm seeing, we're family and family isn't supposed to hurt each other, so why is my mother hurting my father.

"Mommy Stop!!!!" I yell as loud as I can, not wanting to witness them fighting any longer.

All eyes fall on me and Hope.

My mother covers her mouth and looks at me with guilt, she runs over to me and Hope and pulls us into a hug.

"Why hitting daddy?" I ask while in her embrace.

"I'm sorry baby, I was angry but I shouldn't have hit your dad it was wrong."

"At least you see the error of your ways." My dad comments.

"Not now Niklaus!" My mother says fiercely.

My mother picks both Hope and I up and I can't help but notice that my mother is covered in delicious smelling blood. I can't stop myself from licking her cheek since I am kind of hungry right now.

"Hmmmmmm, Tasty."

*!* My mother laughs. "I missed the two of you so much." My mother hugs both me and Hope tight.

"We missed mommy, no go." I demand, hoping my mother doesn't leave again.

"Yes mommy's not going anywhere anymore." My mom smiles down at me.

I wrap my arms around her neck and bury my head on her shoulder and I feel something soft touch the top of my head.

My mother carries us downstairs where my Father, uncle, aunt and... Jackson are waiting.

"Is the curse broken?" Jackson asks my mom.

Huh what curse? I look up at my mom confused.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it later, we're safe for now." My mom says to Jackson.

"Excellent, I'll have your bedroom made up." My father says enthusiastically.

"There is no way we're staying here!" My mother says sternly.

Huh, where are we staying then? Why aren't we staying here, isn't this our home. I have so many questions, but I feel like I shouldn't say anything right now.

"If you think I'll allow Hope and Alex out of my protection..."

"It doesn't matter what you 'allow' Klaus, we're not staying here.

I dunno why but I feel like they'll start fighting again. "No fighting!" I cry out.

"Let's calm down everyone, we're scaring the children." My uncle tells them and gestures to me with his hand.

"Sorry baby." My mother apologizes and gently caresses my head, putting me at ease.

"If I may, the apartments across the street have recently been renovated. I might pay a visit to management. The fact that Alexander and Hope will never be out of earshot should assuage your incessant paranoia." Uncle Elijah suggests.

Huh why is my dad paranoid? Why can't we just stay with him? I don't want to leave him.

"No stay!" I decide to speak up.

My mother looks at me with a complicated expression, while my father just smirks.

"Didn't you miss mommy?" My mother asks seemingly hurt by me wanting to stay.

"I did." I nod reassuring her.

"Then don't you want to live with mommy?"

"I do, here." I want us to stay here as a family.

"Unfortunately we can't do that baby, but we'll live close by and you can see your daddy anytime you want." My mother explains.

I look at my dad for guidance.

He sighs but gives me a slight nod, telling me it's okay.

"Okay." I agree.

That night we moved to our new place and I saw my dad watching us from the window of his office. We weren't living in the same place, but I was happy that he was nearby.

Time passes and it's Christmas.

We spent Christmas with the family, where we had to write down our wishes. I wished that our family would be together forever. Sadly my wish was already broken on Christmas, as aunt Rebekah had to leave, I didn't want her to go but there was nothing I could do to stop her from going, even crying didn't work and it usually does.

Time passes again and things have been weird.

My mom hasn't been around much, Hope and I spent alot of time with Jackson. I really like Jackson, he taught me how to shoot a bow and arrow, he also taught me how to wrestle. He's really bad at wrestling and hasn't managed to beat me even once. I feel bad for him being so weak, I'm sure even my mother could beat him at wrestling. I actually have seen them wrestle once and I'm pretty sure he was losing.

Jack as I've come to call him, has dissapeard. He hasn't been here for over a week but I did get to see Grandma Mary, who was looking after us alot. My mother kept leaving for long periods of time and I haven't seen my father for even longer then her.

My mother came back one day, crying.

"Mommy, what wrong?" I ask her worried by her tears.

My mother walks over to me and wraps her arms around me, she pulls me close to her chest and hugs me tight. "Mommy?" I ask confused.

"I'm... I'm sorry baby, mommy just needs a hug." My mother says through her sobs.

"Okay." I just let her do what she wants.

I eventually fell asleep while she was holding me.

The next day we moved back into my father's place and I was very excited that my family was back together again.

2 weeks pass

I kept myself busy by trying to learn magic, but the only spell I managed to learn is how to float small objects and creating a small fireball. The problem is that I have too little magic inside me that I can absorb. No one will let me absorb their magic so I can train because aunt Freya told them not to. I need to find something to store the magic I drain, so I can use more of it at once.

While my parents were occupied, I snuck into Aunt Freya's room to 'borrow' Something that'll allow me to store magic inside it, so I can absorb larger amounts of magic. While I was in her room, I also took the liberty of absorbing the magic out of some objects. I'm sure it shouldn't be a problem if I do that. Eventually I stumble across across a red gem. I tried absorbing some magic then transferring it into the gem, it worked.

Getting what I needed, I snuck out again and went back to my sister, no one seemed to notice I dissapeard. Now I'll be able to practice more powerful spells.

A few weeks later we were on the road traveling. We left our home and I wasn't sure why, but I don't mind because I'm with my mother, father and Hope. It was a family trip, and I was loving every second of it.

We stopped and arrived in some bar, it reminded me of Rousseau's just not as... clean.

The guy that worked there seemed very mean and stared at my father with contempt.

"We're closed." The man grunts at my father.

I look around and the place is quite busy, so how can they be closed?

"You don't seem closed." My father says sarcastically.

The man frowns at my father. "We're closed for you." He says.

"Well, perhaps you failed to notice the hat." My father smirks at the man.

"I'll take a bourbon, unless Hollis is still selling that moonshine of his." My mother orders.

"Bourbon!" I order aswell.

"You're too young Alex." My mother chuckles.

I pout up at my mother. "Thirsty." I want something to drink, preferably blood but I'd take some juice.

"Don't give me that look Alex." My mom doesn't budge.

"Do you have some sort of juice for my son?" My mother asks.

"I'll be damned!" A big dark-skinned man says with a smile on his face as he walks to the bar. "I got this" The man dismisses the bar tender.

"It's been a long time since you danced on my bar, Hayley Marshall.

Huh why would she dance on the table, what if she fell and got hurt? I can't let her do that again. I grab onto my mothers leg and hold on tight.

"Huh, what's wrong Alex?" My mother asks confused.

I shake my head ferociously. "Nothing."

"Oh and who are these two little angels?" The man asks.

"They're the reason I don't dance on bar tables anymore Hollis. Meet Alex and Hope." My mother introduces us.

"Nice to meet you." I give him a shy wave as I cling onto my mothers leg.

"Nice to meet you too little man." The man named Hollis smiles at me.

"And this is Klaus." My mother introduces my father. "The father of my children. It's a long story, we just need a place to lay low." My mother explains.

"You came at a bad time, but your welcome to stay. Babies drinks for free." The man smiles down at me.

Cool free drinks.

About an hour later we leave the bar, it was fun. I played something called pool with my mom and drank some delicious red juice. Before we leave my parents start arguing about saving some girl or something, I didn't here most of the conversation because I fell asleep while they were busy arguing.

A day passed before we returned back home again. It was a short family trip but I've really enjoyed it. I have no idea what's happened, but I was told we're going to stay with grandma Mary for a few days.

While I love grandma Mary, it is quite boring being out here, especially since she won't even let me go outside. Time went by slowly, with practicing magic the only thing I can do, besides playing cards with grandma Mary. Unfortunately my attempts to learn magic were useless, The spells I learnt with aunt Freya weren't working, even though I was doing everything exactly as she taught me.

One day however, my mom returned.

"Hayley is it done?" My grandmother asks.

Is what done? I think to myself confused.

"No... not exactly but I need Alex." I hear my mother tell her.

Huh why does she need me?

"Okay." My grandmother says confused.

My mother hurries into the room where Hope and I were in.

"Mommy you're back." I get up and go to hug her.

"Hi baby, mommy came to get you. We need your help."

I look up at my mom confused. "Help?"

"Yes, will you help mommy." I mother smiles gently.

"I will." I volunteer excitedly.

"Okay let's go." My mother picks me up.

"Thanks for watching them Mary, will you please watch Hope for a little longer?" My mother asks politely.

"Of course." My grandmother replies with a smile.

"Thanks." My mother smiles.

"Hold mommy tight alright, we're in a bit of a hurry." My mother warns.

I nod and do as she says.

Suddenly everything's a blur as my mother takes off in a hurry. Next thing I know we're in a car with my uncle Elijah in the driver's seat.

"Let's go Elijah!!!" My mother yells desperately.

"Alright." My uncle immeadiately turns around and rides away from the bayou quickly.

We made it home and quickly rushed into the foyer.

"Blood magic isn't working, so what else is there?" I hear a man ask, I think his name was Vincent. I met him once before about a month ago I think.

"How about a magical miracle baby?" My mother asks as we enter the foyer.

"Alex go with aunt Freya and do everything she says okay." My mother tells me.

"Okay." I say and my mother passes me to aunt Freya.

"Hello Alex, you're grown since I last saw you." Aunt Freya greets me with a smile.

"Don't talk to me like I a baby." I pout.

I hate when they talk down to me, I'm not like my simple-minded sister who doesn't understand what they're saying.

"You are a baby Alex." My aunt says as she rolls her eyes.

"Uh..." She's not wrong, but I still don't like all this baby talk. "Whatever." I look away from her still pouting.

After taking some blood from me aunt Freya left. The taking of my blood hurt but I endured it and didn't cry... okay I did cry and only stopped when my mother calmed me down. Anyway after a few minutes pass aunt Freya walks back into my mothers room. "We have to let him try and siphon the bite." Aunt Freya says.

"If he siphons it, won't he get hurt?" My mother asks holding me close.

"No, the bites comprised of magic, anyway I don't have time to explain, we need to hurry." Aunt Freya says rapidly.

"Alright." My mother agrees.

My mother turns back towards me. "Alex we need your help to save aunt Cami's life, will you help?" My mom asks.

Aunt Cami's in trouble, of course I want to help. "I help mommy."

"That's my good boy." My mother smiles and gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

We exit my mother's room and make our way to my father's, as soon as I enter the room a suffocating, cold aura hits my body, it feels like death and is absolutely terrifying. I look towards my fathers bed and can instantly tell the auras coming from all over aunt Cami's body. Her body is filled with a massive amount of terrifying dark magic.

I step back in fear causing me to bump into my mom who's behind me.

"What's wrong Alex?" My mother asks concerned and I feel her arms wrap around me, relieving some of the suffocating fear I'm currently feeling.

"Scary magic." I point to Aunt Cami.

My father kneels before me not looking like his usual confident smile.

"We know Alexander, we need you to get that...scary magic out of Cami, can you do that?" My father asks. I can see the desperation and in his eyes, he really doesn't want aunt Cami to die.

As much as I am terrified of the magic, if it'll make my father happy, I'll do it.

"Okay." I say my voice slightly shakey.

"Thank you Alexander." My father hugs me and gently kisses me on the forehead.

I smile enjoying the affection of my father.

I walk over to aunt Cami. "Up." I point at the bed.

My father lifts me and puts me on the bed beside aunt Cami.

I take a deep breath before grabbing aunt Cami's hand and quickly starting to drain the poisonous magic from her. After a few minutes go by, I suddenly feel an intense buring sensation spread through my body. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" I cry out in agony.

Even though it hurts, I know I have to keep going because if I stop aunt Cami will surely die.

I can hear everyone telling me to stop, but I ignore them, because if I do stop, aunt Cami would still die. However as the pain becomes even more intense, I feel myself being pulled away from the bed.

My bodies aching from the torture I just experienced and I feel really weak even though my bodies filled with power.

I sob into whoevers arms im currently laying in because I can still remember that burning sensation, I thought I would die.

"It's alright, you did well Alexander." I hear uncle Elijah's voice and feel a soothing hand on my back.

I didn't do well, I couldn't save aunt Cami. While the dark magic inside her was lessened, it's still there and will most likely kill her.

I feel myself being put in someone else's arms now, I can tell it's my mother.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have let you do that Alex." My mother sobs hugging me tightly in her embrace.

"She's looking better but the toxins still inside of her, Alex bought her maybe an hour or two but...." I hear aunt Freya telling everyone.

I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Put...put.. me..me dd...ddown. " I tell my mother as I attempt to stop my sobbing.

"Why do you want to go down sweetie?" My mother asks confused.

"I wanna... I wanna help aunt Cami." I tell her.

My mother looks stunned by what I said. "Absolutely not, you could've died Alex and there's no way I'll let that happen." My mother forbids.

"Aunt Cami die if I not help." Why does my sentences always sound right in my head, but when I speak out loud I sound like I can't speak English.

"No Alexander, your mother is right. " I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I look up and see my father staring down at me. "We'll find another way to help aunt Camille." My father says but I can hear the hopelessness in his voice.

I all but ignore my father and turn to aunt Freya. "Need this, but big." I show aunt Freya the ruby I stole.

Aunt Freya looks at the gem in my hand. "Is that mine Alex?" Aunt Freya asks while staring at me with squinted eyes.

"Uhmmm... no." I look away guilty.

"Alex why do you want a bigger gem?" My father asks.

"Help save aunt Cami."

I transfer the magic I drained from aunt Cami, and almost instantly the Ruby shatters and I haven't even drained half of what I absorbed.

Aunt Freya seems understand.

"The reason Alex was in pain is because his body couldn't handle that much magic, if we get him objects he can place the magic in then he shouldn't have a problem curing Cami. Am I right Alex?" My aunt asks looking at me.

That's exactly it for the most part. I nod my head confirming.

"No it's too dangerous." My mother shoots down the idea.

I look at my mom with puppy dog eyes. "Please mom, I help." I beg.

My mother closes her eyes and sighs. "Is there any other way we can do this?" My mom asks aunt Freya.

Aunt Freya shakes her head. "No."

My father kneels in front of me again. "Are you sure you can do this son?" My father asks.

I nod. "I'm sure." I assure him.

"Klaus are you really suggesting we let our son do this? You saw how much pain he was in." My mother asks my dad.

"I would rather my child not suffer, but if we do nothing Camille dies, think of all she has done for our family, for Alexander and Hope!!!" My father yells sounding torn between letting me help knowing I'll be in pain or letting aunt Camille die.

"Alright." My mother took a few seconds to contemplate before agreeing.

"Alright Elijah and I will collect the objects." Aunt Freya says and hurries out the door with uncle Elijah.

She returns later with a whole bunch of gems, massive gems and amulets, aswell as a few weird looking boxes.

"Alright here we go Alex." Aunt Freya places all the objects on the bed.

I grab one of the gems and transfer the remaining magic I have into it, but once again the gem shatters before I completely transfer the magic.

Aunt Freya looks at me stunned. "I think we're going to need more objects." Aunt Freya says and runs out of the room.

She was right, we needed the extra objects because after I had drained almost all of the terrifying magic from aunt Cami we only had 3 gems left, which should just about be enough.

However what everyone didn't know is that I've been enduring cinstant agony, but managed to muffle my cries. Seriously what 1 year old toddler is able to do that, I wish I knew how my mind worked or why I am like I am. I don't act as a normal baby should most of the time.

Anyway there's no time to think, I need to do it just one more time.

So for the last time I drain the magic out of aunt Cami, I then transfer the magic to the last 3 remaining gems, well I only needed two before the magic was gone from aunt Cami. I kept the some of the magic for myself as a reward for what I did.

"Done." I say exhausted and with a body filled with pain. I don't think I can even move at the moment.

Aunt Freya checks to make sure that the toxin is gone. "It's gone." Aunt Freya says with amazement in her voice.

Good that means I can go to sleep, I'm really tired. Next thing I know everything went black and I lost consciousness.

The next time awoke, I could hear arguing.

"He nearly died Elijah!!! I nearly lost my baby boy!!" I can hear my mother crying.

"He's still alive Hayley and he saved Camille." I hear uncle Elijah reply.

"I know and I know it's terrible of me to think, but I wish I had stopped him from saving her!!!" My mother says the guilt heavy in her voice.

I wish I could get up and help her, but my body is paralyzed, atleast the pain isn't so bad anymore. Unfortunately I cannot stay awake any longer and I slowly fall asleep again, not sure when I'd wake up again.