
Reborn as a Mikaelson.

This will be an originals fanfiction, I write all my fanfic for fun, I make absolutely no money from any of my fics yet anyway, that's why I sometimes take long to update, I just don't have the time. I am restarting this again sorry this will be the last time I restart, unless I drop this- this story will restart 7 July 2021

Uchiha_Lover21 · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Time flies Part 1.

(This chapter and maybe the next one will be more of a summary of events until he gets to a certain age.)

A few weeks go by since we moved in with my father and things have been good. I've spent alot of time getting to know my new family.

Today however was not going so well.

My mouth has been in terrible pain the whole day and there's been a searing burning pain in my stomach.

"Please, please stop Crying Alex, I can't take it anymore." My mother begs.

*Wahhhhhhh!!!! Wahhhhhh!!!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" I would if I could mother, but it hurts, it really hurts mom.

The door is suddenly thrown open. "What is going on, why is Alex still crying?" My father barges in and asks angrily.

"I don't know Niklaus, I don't know what to do?" My mom begs.

"Hand him here, let me try." My father demands.

"Fine, you try." My mother relents and hands me to my father.

My father holds me up and examines my face.

"Th... how?" My father says mystified.

"What is it Klaus?" My mother says tiredly.

"He has veins are forming under his eyes, he must be hungry." My father acertains.

Why would I be hungry, I just ate. I think to myself confused.

"He just ate." My mother says confused.

"No he isn't hungry for food, he's hungry for blood." My father explains.

What, why would I want blood?

"Are you sure Klaus?" My mother asks worried.

"Of course I am." My father says confidently.

"Here, hold him, I'll get a blood bag." My father passes me to my mother again and he dissapears in a blur. A second passes and my father reappears blood bag in hand.

"Here." My father passes the bloodbag to my mother.

My mother takes the blood bag and raises it to my mouth. "Here baby, suck on the bag."

If it'll help stop the pain, I'd suck on anything right now.(A/N. I hope no ones mind went into the gutter, but I'm sure some of yours did.)

As soon as the blood wets my mouth, it's like I lost all sense of thought and my mind is filled with only thoughts of this delicious liquid that I'm drowning myself in.

"Wow he's really enjoying it." I hear my mother mutter amused.

"Yes, I think he gets that from you." My father chuckles.

"Please, I'm not the one who's been drenched in blood for a thousand years."

"That wasn't because I love blood, I did that because it was fun." Even distracted, I know my father's smirking.

"Hey not in front of Alex." My mother covers my ears but that didn't help, I could hear everything.

I look up and see my father roll his eyes.

"Yahhhhh!!!!(That was very tasty.)" I squeal with joy.

"I guess that confirms it." My dad smirks.

"Huh, what about Hope, do you think she needs to drink blood aswell?" My mom asks.

My father shakes his head. "No, let's not feed her until we're certain she needs it." My dad tells my mom.

I can feel that my simple minded sister isn't like me.

"Was it good? little man." My father gives me a toothy smile.

I nod my head. "Mo!" I demand more delicious blood.

"He wants more. Alright coming right up little prince." My father brushes what little hair I have with his hand before dissapearing and reappearing with another blood bag.

I slurped down the delicious blood once again and then enjoyed the rest of the day spending time with my mother and father, and I guess Jackson, he's alright I suppose.

Weeks go by again and something crazy happens again. My mother dragged me and my sister into the woods to run away from a scary witch, who's apparently related to Hope and I.

It's was raining quite heavily, but then it stopped

We crossed a river that had cute fish inside it. I tried to grab one but Jackson who was carrying me was too tall, so I wasn't able to catch one.

We were in a hurry and eventually found ourself in a Juck Yard, that's what Jackson called it.

While in the junkyard scary happened.

While Hope and I were waiting inside with Grandma Mary, my mother ran back inside and told Grandma Mary to run away with us, while she went to fight the witch.

*Wahhhhhh!!!!!* "No mama!!!!" I cry hoping to stop her from leaving.

My mom looks at me with sorrow. "Mama has to do this baby." She says softly. "Look after your sister and aunt Mary for me okay." My mother smiles and kisses me on the forehead. "I love you and your sister more then anything in this world." She kisses my sister then me on my forehead once again.

I nod my head as I clear the tears from my eyes.

"Please Mary get them out of here." My mother orders.

"Alright." Grandma Mary agrees, she quickly turns away from my mother and carries Hope and I away.

While driving away from the junkyard Grandma Mary suddenly stops and climbs out of the car.

*Crckkkkk!!!!!!* *Arghhhhhhh!!!!!* The sounds of broken bones echo through the air, followed by Grandma Mary's screams.

Oh no, what do I do? I'm just a baby, I can't keep myself safe, let alone anyone else.

The door is suddenly opened and to my surprise my father shows up.

A big smile spreads across my face. "Dada." Yes I had given in and learned how to say dada. I dunno why I feel so humiliated whenever I call him that.

"Yes daddy's hear Alex." He smiles tenderly as he looks me and Hope over.

Suddenly a woman with long dark brown hair and brown eyes appears behind my father.

Huh my dad wants to link himself to this women. I have no idea what that even means.

Hope and I are eventually set in the back a truck, beside a pretty blonde women, who is fast asleep at the moment.

My father has linked himself to this woman, who I thought was the bad witch that was chasing us, but it turns out she's not a bad witch and only wants to help Hope. After he links himself to her, my father then does something crazy and stabs himself. Due to shock I instantly start crying *Wahhhhhh!!!!* "dada!!!!" I cry hoping my father would wake up, but he doesn't move an inch.

Suddenly the blonde woman wakes up, turns out she's my aunt like aunt Rebekah, her name is Freya. I really like aunt Freya, she's nice to me, and her singing helped calm me down and quickly put me to sleep.

While in our room within the Ab... my father's home plants suddenly start sprouting everywhere, from the walls, the roof, the floor everywhere.

Suddenly one of the plants stab both myself and Hope on the arm. Hope immeadiately bursts into tears and her crying forces me to cry aswell.

Dammit, why do I always end up crying? No matter how I try to hold it in, I can't stop myself from crying. It's like an instinct, I have no control over it.

Our father and Marcel rushed into the room.

Our father picks us up and comforts us in his arms.

After we were calm, he left us with Camille before heading off somewhere.

It didn't take long for my father to reappear and take us back to the ab...abat... his home.

A few weeks went on by and our mother still didn't come back. My father told me that she'd return soon and was just busy doing something very important in order to protect us.

As time flew by Hope and I were growing, I managed to take my first steps and even managed to learn English for the most part

I still remember the day I took my first steps. It was a day... I don't actually keep track of time or the days, since my life is still very much eat, poop, sleep with the occasional witchy lesson from aunt Freya. Anyway it was a day and Hope and I were playing in the lounge of the Abbattoir, finally learned to pronounce that aswell, while Hope was chewing on one of her dolls, I was determined to walk.

Aunt Freya and my father were on the couch watching us and talking amongst themselves when I decided to give it a try.

While on my knees, I quickly tried standing on my two feet, but my body felt heavy and I couldn't quite keep my balance.

"Look Niklaus, Alex is trying to walk." Aunt Freya points out.

My father quickly appears at my side and spouts words of encouragement. "You can do it Alexander." He says with a hint of excitement.

He's right, I got this. I eventually managed to drag my heavy body upright stand on my two feet.

"Hahah that's my boy!" My father cheers excitedly.

"Good job Alex." Aunt Freya praises me.

I feel proud of by their adoration, however I know my job is far from done. I take my first step forward and almost fall over but I manage to regain my balance in the nick of time, stopping myself from falling over.

"Come to me Alex." Aunt Freya beckons.

I nod my head and slowly, but surely make my way over. Eventually walking gets a little easier and my steps are no longer wobbly.

I eventually make it into aunt Freya's outstretched arms under the encouragement of my father and aunt.

"Well done." Aunt Freya smiles and lifts me up.

"Excellent job Alexander." My father beams with Hope in his arms. "You've earned a reward, what would you like for dinner tonight?" My father asks.

My father makes really delicious foods and I'm going to ask for my favorite food of all. "Pancakes!!!" I yell excitedly.

"Of course." My father and my aunt say simultaneously.

They already knew that would be my answer.

"Alright the little prince wants pancakes, then pancakes he shall have." My father gently kisses my forehead before setting Hope down again and going to make my pancakes.

I miss my mother terribly but I take comfort at the fact that we atleast see her once a month.

She says it won't take long until she returns home, but she never gives a clear answer whenever I ask her.

I wish we could live together as a family again and sadly, I have no idea when that'll happen.